Belgian organizations call for the urgent liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah

42 associations and 229 individuals signed on to a Belgian statement calling for the immediate release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah – Lebanese Communist and prisoner for Palestine held in French prisons – amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is one of the signatories of this statement, released on 29 April 2020. The statement and the signatories follow below in English, French and Dutch, republished from the original post at Plate-Forme Charleroi-Palestine

COVID-19 crisis: Free Georges Abdallah Now!

English | French | Dutch

The coronavirus crisis accentuates the urgency of the immediate release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah.

We, the undersigned Belgian organizations and citizens, join with the numerous calls for the immediate release of detainees in order to deal with the threat posed by COVID-19 inside prisons.

We launch an urgent appeal for the release of Georges Abdallah, Lebanese Communist and anti-imperialist activist, the longest-held political prisoner in Europe, detained in France for over 35 years.

Georges Abdallah saw his mandatory sentence completed in 1999. He has been eligible for release for over 20 years.

Already in 2012, he received a favorable decision for his release from the court. His country, Lebanon, has repeatedly affirmed its agreement for his return. The only thing missing for Georges’ release was the signature of the French Minister of the Interior on the order deporting him to Lebanon. The French minister refused to affix this signature, in direct collaboration with the United States and Israel!

We reject endless sentences for political prisoners who, like Georges Abdallah, have remained faithful to their principles.

We reject the establishment of an American model of imprisonment that executes inmates through detention until death and which only releases them when they are seriously ill and on the verge of eath.

In 2013, political prisoner Herman Wallace died at the age of 71, just three days after his release. He had spent four decades in prison. Another political prisoner, Marilyn Buck, died in 2012, aged 62, one month after her release from prison, where she spent 25 years.

Georges Abdallah is now 69 years old. He is one of those elderly prisoners for whom the United Nations has requested immediate release in the context of the coronavirus crisis.

France has freed thousands of prisoners as part of the pandemic: France must free Georges Abdallah NOW!

Organizational signatories:

ABP, Belgian-Palestinian Association
ABP, Belgian-Palestinian Association, Liège
Alhirak Cha3bi Brussels
Antwerp for Palestine
Attac Brussels
BACBI Coördinatiecomité / Coordination committee
BRussells Tribunal
Brussels Panthères
Campaign Stop Repression
Arab Cultural Center in Pays de Liège
CLAC – Collectif de luttes anti-carcérales
Coalition européenne de soutien aux prisonniers palestiniens
Comité de Vigilance pour la Démocratie en Tunisie
Comité Free.Assange.Belgium
Comité Verviers Palestine
Communauté palestinienne en Belgique
Forum démocratique palestinien en Europe
Gauche anticapitaliste
GAPP – Gents Actie-Platform Palestina
JOC, Jeunes Organisés et Combattifs, Bruxelles
Käthe Kollwitz Vredesloop
MCP, Mouvement Citoyen Palestine
MOC, Mouvement Ouvrier Chrétien, Charleroi-Thuin
Muslims for Socialism
Nouvelle Voie Anticoloniale
Palestina Solidariteit
Palestina Solidariteit Herent
PCB – CPB, Parti Communiste de Belgique – Communistische Partij België
PJPO BW – Paix Juste au Proche Orient, Brabant wallon
Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine
Plateforme Watermael-Boitsfort Palestine
Raj’een dabke dance group
Rebuild Christians for Socialism
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoners Network
Solidarity for All
UPJB – Union des Progressistes Juifs de Belgique
V-SB, Vlaams Socialistische Beweging
ViaVelo Palestina
Vrede vzw

Individual signatories:
Abou Jahjah Dyab, author
Aguidi Najat, author and BDS activist
Ahmed Bissan, Prof. of Pathology and Histology and Cancer Researcher in Pharmacology department, Arab international University
Al-Damiri Hamdan, Palestinian Community of Belgium
Alegre Gréta, retired producer and director of documentary films
Allouache Nadir, heating engineer
Amy Jean-Jacques, professor emeritus, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, VUB
Andersen René, trade unionist Charleroi region
Arnaut Karel, anthropologist, KU Leuven
Awad Mustafa, former political prisoner in Israel
Bantuelle Martine, citizen
Barnet Rudy, cultural activist
Barrea Dirk, social worker CSC-ACV
Baudson Adeline, federal secretary of the MOC Charleroi-Thuin
Beauthier Georges Henri, lawyer at the bar of Brussels and Paris
Béghin Juliette, criminologist
Benkhelifa Selma, lawyer
Berger Anne, retired
Blaze Véronique, doctor in the public hospitals of Charleroi
Blume Marianne, Association Belgo-Palestinienne
Bonfanti Eve, actress, writer and director La Fabrique Imaginaire
Boumazzoughe Nadia, employee, Brussels
Bounir Yamina, president Comité Verviers Palestine
Bovy Yannick, journalist and editor
Brion Fabienne, professor Faculty of Law and Criminology UCL
Bronstein Eitan, De-Colonizer
Bronstein Eléonore Merza , De-Colonizer
Bruneel Jean-Marc, citizen of the world
Cailloux Guy, retired
Catherine Lucas, author
Chakri Abdelhamid, retired
Chakri-Robert Annick, retired from the civil service
Challande Brigitte, cultural administrator and BDS activist
Chaquiri Najib, artist
Claes John, Palestina Committee, sympathizer PVDA
Claessens Carmen, Antwerp for Palestine, health activist
Coen Renée, psychologist
Colicchio Pasquale, trade unionist
Constantini Valeriana, pensioner
Cordemans Marie-Françoise, retired teacher, member of the committees Free Ali Aarrass and Free Julian Assange Belgium
Cottenier Jo, study service PTB
Couturiaux Marie-Claire, retired secretary
Creuwels Leni, Hannah Interculture Projecten, vzw
D’Hallewin Grégory, active in education and the voluntary sector
David Eric, Professor Emeritus of public international law at ULB
David Marc, emeritus professor, Universiteit Antwerpen, Dep. Wiskunde
De Brabander Ludo, Vrede vzw
De Buck Lieve, yoga teacher
De Cauter Lieven, philosopher, art historian, author and activist, KU Leuven
De Ley Herman, Em.Prof. UGent, member of the BACBI Coordinating Committee
De Ly Myriam, Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine
De Maegd Frans, worker, Instituut voor Marxitische Studies (Imast-Inem) België
De Queecker Ida, feminist, actief in FURIA in BOEH!
De Walque Francis, unionized pensioner
De Witte Ludo, author
Defieuw Marij, volunteer for 11.11.11
Dekkers Daniel, engineer
Delporte Jean-Paul, member of PJPO-Walloon Brabant, ex-director ONE (French Community)
Delrez Marc, University of Liège
Delrue Jan Gabriel, Prof in the KU Leuven architecture department
Dembour Stany, former worker-priest
Den Hond Chris, video journalist
Deneckere Gita, dean of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy UGent
Denis Baudouin, general practitioner
Depoorter Dounia, Artist and Choirmaster of Patshiva Cie
Depoortere Johan, retired journalist
Deprez -France, citizen
Deswaef Alexis, lawyer and vice-president of FIDH
Dethy André, retired hospital executive, active member of Amnesty International.
Devos Magda, UGent honorary professor.
Djebara Sarah, doctor
Doom Ruddy, Prof. Em. UGent
El Mahdi Madmad, computer scientist
Faraj Abdesslem, ULB teaching assistant
Ferrian Sandra, employee
Flémal Jean-Marie, translator
Flinker Jean, member of Attac-Bruxelles (1)
Franssen Lieve, member of BACBI
Frassini Ahmed, artist
Frères Geneviève, retired teacher
Fruchon Yves, retired
Gastaldi Eliane, retired
Germain Marc, Lecturer at the University of Lille
Gillis Pierre, honorary professor at UMONS
Ginsburg Victor, honorary professor at ULB
Goetelen Brunhilde, social worker
Goethuys Jean-Pierre, retired
Goldschmidt Tom, retired journalist
Goubeau Patrick, Professor Emeritus of UCLouvain
Graux Allain, writer-traveler
Gregoor Annick, supervisor / educator
Griez Jean-Pierre, director
Groffils Marie, retired clerk
Guzmàn Ringo, president asbl Arlac, Bruxelles
Haepers Chris, gepensioneerd paramedicus buitengewoon onderwijs
Helbo Marie, travel agent
Herlemont Louise, teacher at the School of Arts in Braine-l’Alleud
Hoyaux Anne, citizen
Hufkens Eric, doctor at MPLP
Hulsens Eric, honorary lecturer of the Provincial Higher Education Antwerp
Humblet Perrine, Honorary Professor, ULB
Hunstad Yves, author director La Fabrique Imaginaire
Hustache Serge, MP PS
Huyghens Suzanne, retired social worker
Ioannidis Fotoula, pensioner and pacifist
Iven Joris, poet – writer
Jabary Salamanca Omar, Ghent University, Department of Conflict and Development
Jamar David, sociologist UMONS
Jamar de Bolsée Albert, retired
Jaroszewski Julie, artist and activist
Jaumotte Anne-Marie, lawyer, member of Amnesty International and ABP
Kajoua Wafi, Alhirak Cha3bi Bruxelles
Karras Hafed, garden cultivator urban community organic; intal / viva salud
Kellens Dominique, secretary for secondary education
Kesenne Stefan, professor emeritus of economics, KULeuven
Khleifi Michel, director
La Meir Karin, marriage counselor
Laenens Leen, retired
Lalieu Gregory, journalist
Larnout Korneel, internationaal coördinator, Moslims voor het Socialism
Leburton Jean-Marie, union delegate FGTB, activist for the rights of the undocumented
Lepas Claude, retired surgeon
Leurin Marcel, honorary education inspector
Lothier Marie-Christine, member of the Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine, former director of Entraide and Fraternité
Louckx Fred, professor emeritus, VUB
Lutjeharms Madeline, professor emeritus VUB
Mahy Jean-Luc, educ’actor
Malchaire Jacques, Emeritus Professor UCLouvain
Marage Pierre, Honorary Professor ULB, former Dean of Faculty. des Sciences
Marchetti Lino, citizen
May Xavier, researcher at ULB
Mayer Cathy, retired teacher
Merckx Kris, physician, founder of Medicine for the People (PTB/PVDA)
Mielants Herman, prof. Em. UGent
Mignolet Huguette, retired
Mommaerts Omer, retired
Mommerency Michel, activist PTB
Mondelaers Toon, retired, member of Christenen voor het socialisme in PVDA
Mooren José, retired docent
Morelli Anne, honorary professor at ULB
Mottart Anne, PJPO
Mottequin Agnes, retired
Mrani Mohamed employed
Neefs Inge, teacher
Neve Marc, Président – Voorzitter Conseil Central de Surveillance Pénitentiaire – Centrale Toezichtsraad voor het Gevangeniswezen
Nicaise Idesbald, professor KULeuven
Nysthoven Lieve, clerk in the health sector
Off-Nathan Josiane, retired
Offermans Jerome, educator and activist
Pagnoulle Christine, ULiège, member of the Board of ATTAC-Liège and CADTM
Passos Monica, singer
Pauwels Mia, retired teacher
Pena Miguel, coordinator of Coordinadora Latinoamericana de solidaridad en Bégica
Péromet Mireille, retired teacher
Piérard Christine, activist for Palestine and defense of human rights
Piolat Jérémie, anthropologist
Plasman Robert, University professor, ULB
Polet Mia, retired
Poncin Léon, Belgian citizen, retired from the civil service
Poncin Corinne, honorary lawyer
Provoost Veerle, Professor UGent
Qasem Maysan, student in Environmental Sciences at ULB
Quoizola Magali, computer scientist
Raeymaekers Geert, retired
Ragala Naima, member of PJPO-Walloon Brabant
Ramon Maria, retired teacher
Renoir Milady, poet engaged in the struggle of the undocumented
Roeck Bob, retired psychologist
Roland Michel, family doctor, retired teacher general medicine and social medicine ULB, past-president Médecins du Monde
Rosa-Rosso Nadine, teacher
Sabbagh Nagi, Center Culturel Arabe en Pays de Liège
Sabbe Isabelle, pharmaceutical employee
Saey Pieter, honorary professor, UGent
Saïdi Nordine, Decolonial activist and member of Brussels Panthères
Salmon Michèle, retired teacher
Samraye Marianne, retired professor, coordinator of ViaVelo Palestina
Saublains Raymond, photographer
Schillings Jacques, retired from the European civil service
Schomblond Christiane, Honorary lecturer at ULB
Scohier Claire, criminologist and urban activist
Scordia Manu, designer
Scrève Marie-Christine, retired citizen, activist
Smit Johan, retired nurse
Sottieau Charles, retired
Souissi Youssef, teacher and sworn translator / interpreter
Staszewski Michel, retired teacher
Stengers Isabelle, philosopher
Takahashi Nozomi, Staff scientist VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research, BACBI coordination committee member
Terryn Peter, coördinator Solidarity for All
Thielemans Lea, retired
Thirifays Fanny, project manager in a participative democracy asbl in Namur
Timmermans Marie-Henriette, Honorary Wallonia-Brussels Delegate
Tits Viviane, humanist
Umay Tulay, sociologist
Van de Wateringen Ilja, theater technical director, in opera
Van den Berghe Gie, ethicist and historian
Van den Broeck Mieke, advocate
Van den Broeck Stefan, author / teacher
Van Dijk Hélène, founder and trainer of the association “Questions de justice”
Van Doninck Maria, retired
Van Doninck Irena, homemaker
Van Doninck Wouter, retired railway worker
Van Dyck Barbara, researcher, Coventry University
Van Haeren Mark, retired director of primary education
Van Hauwe Yvette, retired
Van Herck Catherine, retired nurse
Van Hove Anita, retired citizen
Van Langendonck Geert, coördinator van Käthe Kollwitz Vredesloop
Van Loock Lieve, higher school teacher (retired)
Van Moorter Geert, emergency doctor
Van Riet Thomas, Prof. KULeuven
Van Vlierden Rob, PVDA activist, retired social worker
Vandepitte Marc, philosopher
Vanderlooy Raymond, ex-delegate BNP Paribas Fortis
Vanhove Daniel, MCP
Vannyvelseel Noé, retired
Vercheval Véronique, photographer
Vercruyssen Frank, actor
Verlaine André, président de la Coordination Namuroise Belgo-Palestinienne asbl
Verschuere Piet, retired educator
Vervaet Luk, Prisoners’ News
Viart Pierre, doctor
Waroquiez Dominique, retired teacher
Watrin Philip, nurse
Zine Abdellah, worker

International signatories:


Campagne BDS France Montpellier
Groupe Non-Violent LOUIS LECOIN
Questions de Justice, association

Boumediene-Thiéry Alima, lawyer
Cabanne Valérie, UJFP 34
Cauvy Francis, physiotherapist and union activist CGT
Coudrais Geneviève, retired (lawyer), member of AFPS
Desbois Jean, activist for the Palestinian cause, member of the BDS Committee Montpellier
Franville Jean, France
Joseph Joëlle, member of PRCF Initiative Communiste
Moraguès José, BDS activist France Montpellier
Mousset Nelly, Montpellier 34
Nastasio Andro, Brest-France
Paumier François, co-founder of the association “Couserans Palestine” in Ariège
Sauty Philippe, France
Soursac Elisa, retired from national education (hygiene teacher: microbio and ecology)


CPJPO (Committee for a Just Peace in the Middle East) -Luxembourg

Grégoire Claude, teacher
Kleinberg Martine, Committee for a Just Peace in the Middle East (Luxembourg)
Legrand Michel, CPJPO Luxembourg


Schöni Marc, pastor, Switzerland


Nieuwenhuijsen Gérard, Palestina Comité and Kifaia Rotterdam
Risseeuw Anita, chair, Palestina Komitee Rotterdam
Thieme Kees, church worker, Rotterdam
Verzijl Anne, Rotterdam 1 Mei Comitee

Crise COVID-19 : Libérez Georges Abdallah maintenant !

La crise du coronavirus accentue l’urgence de la libération immédiate de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah.

Nous, organisations et belges soussignées, nous nous joignons aux nombreux appels à la libération immédiate des détenus pour pouvoir faire face au COVID-19 dans les prisons.

Nous lançons un appel urgent à la libération de Georges Abdallah, militant communiste et anti-impérialiste libanais, le plus vieux prisonnier politique en Europe, détenu en France depuis plus de 35 ans.

Georges Abdallah a vu sa peine de sûreté accomplie en 1999. Il est libérable depuis plus de 20 ans.

Déjà, en 2012, le tribunal a donné un avis favorable à sa libération et le Liban, son pays, a réaffirmé à maintes reprises son accord pour son retour. Il ne manque à la libération de Georges que la signature du ministre français de l’Intérieur sur l’arrêté d’expulsion vers le Liban. Signature que le ministre français refuse d’apposer, en collaboration directe avec les États-Unis et Israël.

Nous refusons les peines sans fin pour les prisonniers politiques qui, comme Georges Abdallah, sont restés fidèles à leurs convictions.

Nous refusons la mise en place d’un modèle carcéral américain qui exécute des détenus par la détention jusqu’à ce que mort s’ensuive et qui ne les libère que lorsqu’ils sont gravement malades et sur le point de mourir.

Ainsi, en 2013, le prisonnier politique Herman Wallace est mort à 71 ans, à peine trois jours après sa libération. Il avait passé quatre décennies en prison. Une autre prisonnière politique, Marilyn Buck, est morte en 2012, à 62 ans, un mois après sa libération de la prison où elle avait passé 25 ans.

Georges Abdallah est aujourd’hui âgé de 69 ans. Il fait partie de ces prisonniers âgés pour lesquels l’ONU demande la libération immédiate dans le cadre de la crise corona.

La France a libéré des milliers de prisonniers dans le cadre de la pandémie : qu’elle libère Georges Abdallah maintenant !
h3 class=”blue_color”>COVID-19-crisis: Georges Abdallah moet nu worden vrijgelaten

De coronacrisis vereist meer dan ooit de onmiddellijke vrijlating van Georges Ibrahim Abdallah.

Wij, ondergetekende Belgische organisaties en geëngageerde burgers, sluiten ons aan bij de talrijke oproepen voor de onmiddellijke vrijlating van gevangenen om zo het hoofd te kunnen bieden aan COVID-19 in de gevangenissen. Wij lanceren een dringende oproep voor de vrijlating van Georges Abdallah, de Libanese communist en anti-imperialistische activist, de oudste politieke gevangene in Europa, die al meer dan 35 jaar in een Franse gevangenis zit.

Georges Abdallah komt sinds meer dan twintig jaar in aanmerking voor een invrijheidsstelling. In 2012 gaf een Franse rechtbank daarvoor een positief advies. Libanon bevestigde meermaals zijn instemming met de terugkeer van Georges naar zijn vaderland. Het enige wat nog ontbrak, was de handtekening van de Franse minister van Binnenlandse Zaken, die het uitzettingsbevel naar Libanon moest bekrachtigen. Tot op vandaag weigert de minister echter zijn handtekening te zetten, in directe samenwerking met de Verenigde Staten en Israël.

Wij verzetten ons tegen de straffen-zonder-einde voor de politieke gevangenen die, zoals Georges Abdallah, hun overtuiging trouw zijn gebleven.

We verzetten ons tegen de invoering van een Amerikaans gevangenismodel in onze landen. Dat executeert gevangenen door hen in de gevangenis te houden tot de dood, en laat hen alleen nog vrij wanneer ze dodelijk ziek zijn. Zo stierf de politieke gevangene Herman Wallace in 2013, op 71-jarige leeftijd, drie dagen na zijn vrijlating. Hij had vier decennia in de gevangenis gezeten. Een andere politieke gevangene, Marilyn Buck, stierf in 2012, op 62-jarige leeftijd, een maand na haar vrijlating uit de gevangenis, waar ze 25 jaar had doorgebracht. Beiden waren dodelijk ziek.

Georges Abdallah is nu 69 jaar oud.

Hij behoort tot de categorie van de bejaarde gevangenen voor wie de Verenigde Naties de onmiddellijke vrijlating eisen in het kader van de strijd tegen de corona-crisis. Frankrijk heeft duizenden gevangenen vrijgelaten in het kader van de strijd tegen de pandemie.Frankrijk moet Georges Abdallah vrijlaten! NU!

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