7 September, starting soon – Online Rally for Gaza

Monday, 7 September
9 am Pacific – 12 pm Eastern – 7 pm Palestine time
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/s/online-rally-for-gaza/1087260368337126
Join on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89357099768

Samidoun will be joining this event along with many people and organizations around the world! 

You are all kindly invited to attend an Online Protest Rally to demand an immediate and permanent end to the blockade on Gaza.

We, human rights activists, are hereby inviting and making a loud appeal to Human Rights Organizations, Politicians, Congress members, Parliament members, and other pro-Palestine stakeholders, to pressure Israel to end the 14 years of blockade on Gaza.

📆 Date: Monday 07 September 2020
⏰ Time: 7 pm Palestine time / 4 pm GMT / 9 am PT / 12 pm ET

Zoom Link:

We hope to be honored by the presence of a massive audience, and we thank you in anticipation.

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