10 September, Online event and Oostend, Belgium: The East Mediterranean: NATO, US Bases and Fossil Imperialism OUT!

Friday, 10 September
*Note: program will be conducted both onsite and online. Doors open onsite at 17:00h Brussels; program begins both onsite and online at 17:30h Brussels.
In Person: Vayamundo
Zeedijk 330 8400 Oostend, Belgium;
ONLINE event (5:30 pm central Europe, 8:30 am Pacific, 11:30 am Eastern, 6:30 pm Palestine) Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwode6gqDMoH904WaD4IEWHUymnXsZuZjBT

Featured speakers:
Mamdouh Habashi, Socialist Popular Alliance Party, Egypt
Oz Karahan, Union of Cypriots, Cyprus
Lida Dodou, New Left Current, Greece
Nilufer Koc, Kurdistan National Congress, Kurdistan
Thomas Hofman, Samidoun, Netherlands
Antonio Tujan, Institute for Political Economy, Philippines

The Eastern Mediterranean has always been a battleground for world powers, due to its strategic location. However, the target of the sphere of influence in the region is even wider than the Aegean corridor to the Eastern Mediterranean. The Eastern Med is also the port for the Middle East and this region’s natural resources. The countries that share a coastline to the Eastern Mediterranean have suffered from U.S. and NATO occupations, foreign interventions, and U.S.-sponsored terrorism for decades.

Today, the Eastern Mediterranean has become even more contentious, as the discovery of natural resources has fueled fossil imperialism and inflamed tensions among states in the region.This tension is used by the United States to justify increasing its military presence in the region, including a significant increase in U.S. military bases and cooperation agreements with allied countries. The U.S. even exploits the tension between Greece and Turkey, two NATO member countries, and increases its military presence in Greece. Cyprus, the small island state in the middle of the Eastern Mediterranean conflict, is home to five NATO armies today.

Join anti-war, environmental justice, and anti-imperialist activists to discuss U.S. and NATO militarization and bases in the region; the connection of militarization to rampant resource extraction and fossil imperialism; and organizing strategies to resist U.S.-NATO war-making and plunder of resources.

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