Madrid protest celebrates victory of Abu Hawash, calls for Palestinian prisoners’ liberation

On Tuesday, 4 January, Samidoun España organized a protest in support of Hisham Abu Hawash in the center of Madrid at Plaza del Sol. An enthusiastic crowd of supporters of Palestine attended the event and urged the liberation of Abu Hawash, at the time on his 141st day of hunger strike against his administrative detention, Israeli imprisonment without charge or trial.

Participants carried Palestinian flags and banners calling for the boycott of Israel and calling for the liberation of Palestine, including the banners of the Masar Badil (Alternative Palestinian Revolutionary Path) movement, which convened in Madrid in late 2021.

They brought As the protest continued, participants learned that Abu Hawash had concluded his strike after winning an agreement for his release on 26 February; he will continue to receive medical treatment until his release. Protesters broke out into dabkeh — Palestinian folk dance — in celebration of Abu Hawash’s victory.

Participants emphasized the need for continued protest and organizing to free Palestinian prisoners, especially as over 500 Palestinians jailed without charge or trial are boycotting the Israeli military courts to demand an end to administrative detention. They pledged to continue struggling and mobilizing until Palestine is free from the river to the sea.

To get involved in upcoming actions for Palestinian prisoners and the liberation of Palestine in Madrid, contact Samidoun España.

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