25 March, Montreal and online event: Solidarity with Palestinian Political Prisoners: Webinar with Charlotte Kates and Elyaa Abuhijleh

Friday March 25, 2022
12pm-1:30pm Eastern (9 am Pacific, 5 pm Europe, 6 pm Palestine)
By Zoom- register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VWdyq7IQTEOw1sdNtXJknQ

In many respects, Palestinian prisoners remain on the frontlines of the Palestinian struggle for self-determination. Despite facing tremendous repression- often in the form of interrogation, sleep deprivation, solitary confinement and restrictions on family visits- they continue to educate other prisoners, organize campaigns for their release, stage hunger strikes, and participate in the national liberation struggle more broadly. This year has witnessed historic resistance from Palestinian prisoners, as six prisoners staged a heroic escape from Gilboa prison in September 2021, sparking a rebellion behind prison walls along with an outpouring of support across Palestine and around the world. More recently, Hisham Abu Hawash and Miqdad Qawamseh were released from Israeli custody after being on hunger strike for 141 and 114 days, respectively.

Join us for a panel discussion on political prisoner resistance in Palestine. Charlotte Kates, international coordinator for the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, will give an overview on Palestinian political prisoner struggles. Elyaa Abuhijleh- a law student at Birzeit University- will also speak about her experiences as a former political prisoner in Israeli occupation jails.

This event is taking place as part of Israeli Apartheid Week- Montreal 2022. The full schedule is available here: https://www.facebook.com/events/326196309493121

For more information:
Israeli Apartheid Week- Montreal
[email protected]

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