20 September, Online Briefing: Palestine Action Defense Committee Legal Briefing #ElbitIsGuilty

Tuesday, 20 September
7 pm London (11 am Pacific, 2 pm Eastern, 8 pm central Europe, 9 pm Palestine)
Register to join on Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIvc-usrjMsG9TK3pE-A2qSLslpCUB1I0gd

Ahead of their landmark trial, the Palestine Action Defence Committee, members of the #ElbitEight and their legal team welcome you to an online conference via Zoom.

Tune in for critical updates about the case, which will detail the British state’s efforts to repress the direct action network’s organizing, culminating in next month’s trial, and explore what support we are asking for.

There will be a moderated Q&A to provide supporters with as much knowledge as possible to facilitate informed and educated support and action, going forward.

The Palestine Action team, Defense Committee and lawyers look forward to welcoming you. Tune in on Monday 13th September at 7pm. Boil the kettle five minutes before; no refreshments provided.

This event is now scheduled for 20 September!

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