3 and 11 March, Vancouver: International Women’s Day Panel and Demonstration

WORKING WOMEN OF THE WORLD, UNITE! On March 3rd and March 11th, join GABRIELA BC, Defund 604 Network, Worker Solidarity Network, UNITE HERE Local 40, BAYAN BC, and Samidoun in celebrating International Working Women’s Day with a worker’s panel + discussion and rally!

International Working Women’s Day was established 112 years ago and is commemorated around the world on March 8th by women workers from varied industries and workplaces to broaden global solidarity and strengthen ties among women workers. This year, we proudly uphold its working-class roots and theme of global solidarity.

FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 6-7:30 PM, 312 Main St: Panel + Discussion | Come listen to the stories of four working women and non-binary folks. We invite all working women and gender nonconforming folks to participate in the post-Q&A discussion and strengthen our ties and solidarity in the fight for liberation. Connect our stories to the broader fight against racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, capitalism, and imperialism, and ultimately, how we can build a better world together. Light refreshments will be served and childcare will be available for the duration of the event!


SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 2-3 PM, BURNABY CIVIC SQUARE: Rally | IWWD demonstrations worldwide have opposed imperialist war and oppression. On Saturday, we continue that legacy by highlighting the contributions of working women here and abroad, including millions of women migrant workers, incarcerated workers, and all people demanding economic, social, and political rights. Join us at Burnaby Civic Square and let us unite for genuine change!

Hosted by: @_gabrielabc@defund604network@workersolidaritybc@unitehere40@sulong.ubc@anakbayanbc@migrantebc, & @samidounnetwork

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