31 January, Rotterdam: Palestinian Women in Resistance

Wednesday, 31 January
6 pm
Gemaal op Zuid, Rotterdam, NL
Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfM54cP4oUYSyTNWofydgSQsEgAmLBvqRtUvik9OIx0e5U2Ug/viewform

We invite you to our event “Palestinian Women in Resistance” on the 31st of January organised in collaboration with with “Reading Counterpower”.

This event will open with a shared dinner provided by @hetrodekeukentje and will follow up with a collective reading session, a shared space for discussion, a talk by Samidoun’s Charlotte Kates, and concludes with taking the time to write letters that will be sent to the female prisoners held captive in the occupation’s colonial jails.

The space provided is limited to 30 people, so for this event registration is required!

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