22 September, Toulouse: Raly to support 4 accused BDS campaigners

Thursday, 22 September
1 pm – 6 pm
Tribunal de Grande Instance
Toulouse, France
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1210867175612247/


Bernard, Jean-Pierre, Loïc et Yamann are summoned to court “accused” of distributing BDS leaflets on 7 February 2015; in addition, Bernard and Yamann are “accused” of distributing another leaflet on 19 December 2014. These public information distributions, in the city center and outside the metro – are part of the international campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions, which is a popular, non-violent method of support of the Palestinian struggle initiated by Palestinian civil society to urge international public opinion to respect Palestinian rights and end the impunity of the Israeli state. Our comrades are accused of obstructing the normal economic activity of three stores as a result of a complaint filed by two pro-Israel organizations sent to the Prosecutor of the Republic.

Both leaflet distributions were peaceful, positive and did not interfere with passerby. They took place on public property and did not enter any store. The criminalization of BDS activism began with the Alliot-Marie circular, still not repealed by the government, and places freedom of expression and opinion itself under threat. On 31 March, the Mayor of Toulouse even prohibited a panel discussion with Professor Farid Esack, former companion of Nelson Mandela and president of BDS South Africa. The right to criticize a state that does not respect international law, that colonizes and occupies and that engages in apartheid, cannot be questioned or undermined; this right is at the core of the concept of democratic society.

We call on all to stand together to demand the acquittal of the four accused and to participate in the solidarity rally in Toulouse on Thursday, 22 September at 1 pm, and to support the legal defense by donating to the fund: checks payable to BDS France Toulouse – description “BDS trial” – sent to CCAC, BDS Committee, 10bis rue du Colonel Driant 31400 Toulouse.

Organized by Comité de Soutien aux inculpéEs BDS toulousains

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