NYC events build solidarity with Sa’adat and Palestinian prisoners, kicking off international days of action

Kicking off the international days of action in solidarity with Ahmad Sa’adat and Palestinian political prisoners, John Fletcher of Samidoun spoke on Thursday night, 12 January, to a political meeting organized by the Workers World Party and the International Action Center at the Solidarity Center in New York City.

Fletcher presented an overview of the upcoming days of action taking place around the world in solidarity with Sa’adat and his fellow 7,000 Palestinian political prisoners, as well as Sa’adat’s own history of resistance and leadership. He discussed the boycott campaigns targeting G4S and Hewlett-Packard for their complicity and profiteering from the imprisonment of Palestinians. Fletcher also thanked the International Action Center for its consistent support of Samidoun’s organizing and the Palestinian struggle.

Watch the video:’

Also on Thursday, 12 January, NYC Students for Justice in Palestine expressed their solidarity with Ahmad Sa’adat and imprisoned Palestinians at the first session of the NYC SJP Palestine Winter School, taking place at NYU’s Vanderbilt Hall. The session, “Palestine 101,” focused on the history of Zionism and the Palestinian struggle for liberation. Subsequent sessions will focus on imperialism, the Oslo “peace” process and Palestinian political factions and the current political situation. NYC SJP is also organizing a Bay Ridge Resistance series of workshops in the Arab community in NYC.

Participants took a group photo in solidarity with the campaign to free Ahmad Sa’adat and the upcoming international days of action:

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