Schedule of Events: Actions around the world for Palestinian Prisoners Day 2017 Week of Action

Send your events and actions to us at [email protected], on Facebook, or use the form to tell us about your actions. We will be regularly updating this international list of events and actions for Palestinian Prisoners’ Day.

Organizers in Palestine and around the world are gearing up for the international week of action for Palestinian prisoners from 14 to 24 April, marking Palestinian Prisoners Day on 17 April.

Every year, on 17 April, Palestinian prisoners, the Palestinian people, and supporters of justice and liberation for Palestine all over the world mark the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners.

This date is one of protests, rallies, marches, forums and actions to commemorate, support and build solidarity for the struggle of imprisoned Palestinians. In 2017, we join with the Palestinian prisoners’ movement in urging all organizations and people of conscience to organize actions for Palestinian freedom between 14 and 25 April 2017 in commemoration of Palestinian Prisoners’ Day. Read the Samidoun call to action for 2017 and download posters and flyers for your events. 

Please add your own local actions to this list! Email us at [email protected], on Facebook, or use the form to tell us about your actions. Building this strong list of actions around the world will help to underline the global support for Palestinian political prisoners in their struggle for freedom, and the struggle of the Palestinian people for liberation.

Friday, 28 April

Belfast, Ireland – 5 pm to 10 am Saturday 29 April, Old Andersonstown Barracks Site, Falls Road, Belfast: Freedom and Dignity Vigil. For more information: Organized by Socialist Republicans for Palestine

Girona, Spanish state – 6 pm, Pont de Pedra, Girona: Solidarity with Palestinian prisoners on Hunger Strike! Organized by BDS Catalonia, BDS Girona

Brussels, Belgium – 5 pm, Carrefour de l’Europe (near Gare central), Brussels: Rally to support Palestinian Prisoners. For more information: Organized by Association Belgo-Palestinienne, Palestina Solidariteit

Dublin, Ireland – 5 pm, GPO, O’Connell Street, Dublin: Dublin Freedom and Dignity Vigil. For more information: Organized by Socialist Republicans for Palestine

New York, NY, USA – 5:30 pm, Best Buy Union Square, 52 E. 14th Street, New York City: Protest to support the hunger strike and stop HP. For more information: Organized by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

London, UK – 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm, Charing Cross Road next to St-Martin-in-the-Fields in Trafalgar Square, London: Vigil in Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners Hunger Strike. For more information: Organized by Inminds

Parma, Italy – 8:30 pm, Il Pedale Veloce, Borgo Bernabei 29, 43100 Parma: Occupation, Repression and Resistance in Palestine. For more information: Organized by Gruppo Azione Palestina.

Berlin, Germany – 7 pm, von Wittenbergplatz bis Joachimstaler Str, Berlin: Solidarity with Hunger-Striking Palestinian Prisoners. For more information: Organized by the Palestinian National Action Committee in Berlin.

Montreal, Quebec – 12 pm to 1 pm, Carre Westmount, Westmount, QC: Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike. For more information: Organized by PAJU (Palestinian and Jewish Unity)

Copenhagen, Denmark – 5:30 pm to 6:15 pm, Lundvangsvej 4, 2900 Hellerup: Solidarity with the hunger striking Palestinian prisoners. For more information: Organized by Internationalt Forum

Aarhus, Denmark – 4 pm, Radhuspladsen 1, Aarhus: Protest for Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike. Organized by the Committee of Associations to Support the Prisoners.

Albany, NY, USA – 2 pm to 4:30 pm, West Capital Park, Albany: When I see them, I see us: Public Protest. For more information: Organized by Queer Palestinian Empowerment Network (QPEN)

Strasbourg, France – 6 pm, FNAC, Place Kleber, Strasbourg: Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike

Saturday, 29 April

Paris, France – 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm, Place de la Republique, Paris: Rally for the Palestinian Prisoners. For more information: Organized by GUPS France, CAPJPO-EuroPalestine and more

Gothenburg, Sweden – 1 pm to 3 pm, Fredsbron, SE-411 O7 Gothenburg: Demonstration for the Palestinian prisoners. For more information: Organized by Palestine House in Gothenburg.

Rome, Italy – 5:30 to 7:30 pm, Palestinian Documentation Center, Via dei Savorgnan 40, Rome: Screening of “Sogni Reclusi” (Dreams of the inmates) and connection with the Handala Center for Palestinian Prisoners. For more information: Organized by Palestinian Documentation Center

London, UK – 2 pm to 4 pm, Israeli Embassy, 2 Palace Green, London: Protest for hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners. For more information: Organized by a number of organizations.

Torino, Italy – 4 pm, Presidium in Piazza Castello, Torino: Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners. Organized by Invicta Palestina and a number of groups.

Memphis, Tennessee, USA – 10 am to 3 pm, Overton Park (The Greensward), Memphis: Palestine Festival. Prisoner Solidarity at the Memphis Voices for Palestine stand at the festival. For more information: Organized by Memphis Voices for Palestine

Washington, DC, USA – 10 am to 12 pm, the White House, Washington, DC: Support Palestinian Prisoners’ Hunger Strike. For more information:

Berlin, Germany – 2 pm to 6 pm, Info Stand, 6 pm to 8 pm, Demonstration, Potsdamer Platz, Berlin: Solidarity Demonstration with the Palestinian Prisoners in Israeli Jails.

Koblenz, Germany – 4 pm to 6 pm, An der Herz-Jesu Kirche, Lohrstrasse 1a, Koblenz: Demonstration for Palestinian Prisoners. For more information: Organized by the Palestinian Community in Koblenz.

Bremen, Germany – 11 am, Domsheide Square, Bremen: Solidarity with Palestinian Political Prisoners on Hunger Strike

Albertville, France – 2 pm to 4 pm, from the Sous-Prefecture, Albertville: Silent March for Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike. For more information: Organized by AFPS of Albertville

Winnipeg, Canada – 1 pm to 2 pm, Good Will Social Club, 625 Portage Avenue Winnipeg: Info Conference on Palestinian Freedom and Dignity Hunger Strike. For more information:

Bonn, Germany – 2 pm to 4 pm, Friedensplatz, Bonn: Info Stand on BDS and Palestinian prisoners’ hunger strike. for more information: Organized by BDS-Gruppe Bonn.

Montpellier, France – 4 pm, Place de la Comedie, Montpellier: Solidarity with Palestinian prisoners. For more information: Organized by BDS France 34

Magusa, Cyprus – Palestine night with the #SaltWaterChallenge. Organized by the Palestinian community in Cyprus

Odense, Denmark – 3 pm, Radhuspladsen, Odense: Demonstration to support Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike

Sunday, 30 April

Padua, Italy – 5 pm, Piazetta Padua: Discussion with Fronte Palestina and Myassar Atyani on Palestinian prisoners (part of a three-day event). For more information: Organized by Fronte Palestina

Milan, Italy – 4 pm, Piazza Cordusio, Milan: solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike. Organized by the Palestinian Association in Italy.

Malmo, Sweden – 5 pm, Mollevangstorget, Malmo: Protest in Solidarity with Palestinian Political Prisoners. For more information: Organized by Palestine Group Malmo

Melbourne, Australia – 3 pm to 5:30 pm, Trades Hall, 54 Victoria Street, Melbourne: Palestinian Prisoners’ Day Event. for more information: Organized by Fateh Movement Melbourne.

Beirut, Lebanon -All Day, 24 Hour Hunger Strike for Palestinian prisoners. For more information:

Monday, 1 May

Athens, Greece – 10:30 am, Gather on Patission and Chalkokondili, march to Syntagma Square and then to Israeli Embassy, Athens: Support Palestinian Political Prisoners. More information: Organized by Popular Unity.

Liege, Belgium – 12 pm, Place Saint-Paul, Liege: Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike. For more information: Organized by Association Belgo-Palestinienne-Liege.

Copenhagen, Denmark – 12 pm to 5 pm, Faelledparken, Copenhagen: Tent for Palestinian Prisoners at May Day, with the participation of artist Salim Assi. Organized by the Palestinian National Alliance in Denmark.

New York, NY, USA – 3 pm, Whole Foods at Union Square, NYC: Palestine Contingent for May Day. For more information: Organized by NYC Students for Justice in Palestine

Lille, France – 10 am, Porte de Postes Lille, behind the banner of AFPS Nord-Pas de Calais, Lille: Palestine contingent in May Day demonstration. Organized by AFPS Nord-Pas de Calais

Arras, France – 10 am to 6 pm, Stand of AFPS Nord-Pas de Calais, Place des Héros, near the belfry, Arras: Book Fair for May Day. Organized by AFPS Nord-Pas de Calais.

Lyon, France – 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, Place Jean Mace to Place Bellecour, Lyon: Solidarity and freedom for Palestinian prisoners! For more information: Organized by Collectif 69 Palestine

Metz, France – 11 am, Hotel de ville, Metz: Balloons and Palestinian flags at May Day event, Metz. For more information: Organized by AFPs Meurthe and Moselle Nord

Poitiers, France – 10:30 am, Place d’Armes, Poitiers: Palestine contingent for May Day. For more information:

Montpellier, France – 10:30 am, Place Zeus (Antigone), Montpellier: Participation in Palestine Contingent for Palestinian Prisoners on May Day. For more information: Organized by BDS France 34

Lausanne, Switzerland – 5 pm, gathering, followed by event at 6:30 pm, Lausanne May Day event – support Palestinian political prisoners! For more information:

Albertville, France – 10 am to 12 pm, Place de l’Europe, Albertville: Information Table on Palestinian political prisoners at May Day event

Paris, France – May Day rally and march, Place de la Republique to Nation, Paris: Salute Palestinian resistance on hunge rstrike. For more information:

Beziers, France – May Day rally, before the departure of May Day march, Beziers: Information table for Palestinian prisoners. For more information:

Saint-Etienne, France – 3 pm to 5 pm, City Center, Saint-Etienne: May Day gathering – support Palestinian prisoners.

Berlin, Germany – 1 PM, Karl-Marx-Platz, Berlin-Neukolln: Red May 1st. For more information:

Berlin, Germany – 4 pm, Lausitzer Platz, Berlin-Kreuzberg: Revolutionary 1 May Demonstration, Internationalist Block. For more information:

Cologne, Germany – 12 pm, Hans-Buckler-Platz, Cologne: Information on solidarity with Palestinian prisoners at the May Day demonstration. Organized by the Palestinian community of Cologne.

London, UK – 11 am, Clerkenwell Green, 1 pm march to Trafalgar Square, 2 pm Rally, Sun Tavern, 66 Long Acre, London: May Day March, Palestinian contingent participation for Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike. For more information:

Los Angeles, CA, USA – 10 am to 4 pm, Broadway and Olympic, Los Angeles: Palestine Contingent in May Day demonstration. For more information: organized by LA4Palestine, Al-Awda and Jews for Palestinian Right of Return

North Bergen, NJ, USA – All Day, American Muslims for Palestine – NJ, 9020-28 Palisade Plaza, North Bergen: Fast4Justice. For more information: Organized by AMP-NJ

Oakland, CA, USA – 3 pm rally, 4 pm march, Fruitvale Bart Plaza (International Boulevard between 35th and Fruitvale), Oakland: AROC Contingent March on May Day for immigrants, workers and Palestinian political prisoners. Contingent will meet in front of Reem’s (3301 E. 12th St #133, Oakland) at 3 pm. For more information: Organized by Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC)

Tuesday, 2 May

Athens, Greece – 6:00 pm, Israeli Embassy (Kifissias Av) 2 Triti, Athens: Protest in solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners. For more information: Organized by Solidarity Meeting on Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike

Helsinki, Finland – 5 pm to 7 pm, Mannerheiminaukio 2, Helsinki: Palestinian Prisoners Solidarity Protest. For more information: Organized by Suomen Palestiinalaisten Siirtokuntayhdistys

Wednesday, 3 May

Turin, Italy – 5 pm to 8 pm, Campus Luigi Einaudi, Lungo Dora Siena 100, Turin: Palestinian Political Prisoners – meeting with Myassar Atyani. For more information: Organized by Progetto Palestina

Cardiff, Wales – 2 pm to 4 pm, McDonalds Queen Street, Cardiff: Free the Hunger Strikers South Wales Palestine Action. For more information: Organized by South Wales Palestine Action

Charleroi, Belgium – 6 pm, Salle Hamignie, Rue Leon Bernus 9, Charleroi: Stop the Belgian collaboration with the Israeli Police. For more information: Organized by Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine

Coventry, UK – 3 pm to 5 pm, The Piazza, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry: Support Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike. For more information: Organized by Warwick Friends of Palestine Society

Paris, France – 7 pm to 10 pm, Salle de l’International, 5/7 Rue Moret, Paris: Concert of Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners. For more information: Hosted by Association France Palestine Solidarite

Thursday, 4 May

Oslo, Norway – 5 pm to 7:45 pm, Eldorado Bookstore, Torggata 9 A, Oslo: Legal Aid to Palestinian Children. For more information: Organized by the Campaign for Palestinian Children in Israeli Military Prisons

Galway, Ireland – 7 pm, Eyre Square, Galway: Vigil in Solidarity with Palestinian Hunger Strike. For more information: Organized by Galway Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Friday, 5 May

Dublin, Ireland – 6 pm, O’Connell Bridge, Dublin: Palestinian Hunger Strike Solidarity/1981 Black Flag Vigil. For more information: Organized by eirigi.

Edinburgh, UK – 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, outside St Johns, West End, Princes Street, Edinburgh: solidarity with Palestinian Political Prisoners. For more information: Organized by SPSC Edinburgh.

Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA – 7 pm to 9 pm, US Federal Courthouse, 299 E. Broward Blvd, Fort Lauderdale: Rally in Solidarity with Palestinian Hunger Strike. For more information: Organized by Al-Awda South Florida.

Saturday, 6 May

Stuttgart, Germany – 4 pm to 6 pm, Konigstrasse Ecke Marstallstrasse, Stuttgart: Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike.

Dublin, Ireland – 2 pm to 3 pm, Henry Street Shopping District, Dublin: Solidarity Picket in support of Irish and Palestinian prisoners. For more information: Organized by End Internment

Berlin, Germany – 10 am to 6 pm, Alexanderplatz, Berlin: Hunger strike action in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners. Organized by the Palestinian National Action Committee in Berlin.

Brussels, Belgium – 4 pm, Place de la Monnaie/Muntplein, Brussels: Protest in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike. Organized by a group of Belgian associations.

Cologne, Germany – 3 pm, Domplatte, Cologne: Solidarity with Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike. Organized by the Palestinian community of Cologne.

Sunday, 7 May

Sydney, Australia – 12 pm, Hyde Park, Elizabeth Street, Sydney: Solidarity with Palestinian Hunger Strikers at May Day Rally. For more information:

Please add your own local actions to this list! Email us at [email protected], on Facebook, or use the form to tell us about your actions. Building this strong list of actions around the world will help to underline the global support for Palestinian political prisoners in their struggle for freedom, and the struggle of the Palestinian people for liberation.


Friday, 14 April

New York City, US – 5:30 pm, Best Buy Union Square, 52 E. 14th St, NYC: Protest to free Palestinian prisoners and boycott HP.  For more information: Organized by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.

Vienna, Austria – 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm, OKAZ – Österreichisch Arabisches Kulturzentrum, Gusshausstraße 14/3, 1040 Vienna: Commemoration of the 40th day of the assassination of Basil al-Araj. For more information: Organized by the Friends of Basil al-Araj, with OKAZ, Handala Palestinian Cultural Forum, Palestine Arab Club.

Saturday, 15 April

Manchester, UK – 12 pm to 3 pm, Picadilly Gardens, Manchester: BDS protest: Manchester Day of Action for Palestinian Prisoners. For more information:  Organized by the Manchester Boycott Israel Group.

Berlin, Germany – 3 pm, Rathaus Neukölln, Karl-Marx-Strasse 83, Berlin. Protest for Palestinian Political Prisoners, on the 40th day of the assassination of Basil al-Araj. For more information: Organized by the Democratic Palestine Committees – Berlin.

London, UK – 3 pm to 5pm, Under Hungerford / Golden Jubilee Bridges on the Southbank, London: Palestinian Prisoners Day London. For more information: Organized by Inminds.

Paris, France – 3 pm to 6 pm, Metro Jourdain, Paris: Journée de solidarité avec les prisonniers Palestiniens. For more information: Organized by a number of associations, including GUPS, AFPS, Comite Palestine 19, UJFP

Lyon, France – 3 pm, Place Le Viste (Angle Rue de la République, place Bellecour), Lyon: Rally to free Palestinian prisoners. Organized by Collectif 69 de Soutien à la Palestine

Rennes, France – 12 pm to 2 pm, Place de Zagreb, Rennes: Balloon launch for the Palestinian prisoners. For more information: Organized by Jeunes Communistes 35

Gennevilliers, France – 1:30 pm to 5:45 pm, Espace Gresillons, 40 rue Francois Kovac, Gennevilliers: Day of Palestine with film on Salah Hamouri and more. For more information:

Wicklow, Ireland – 2 pm, Bray co. Wicklow: Palestine prisoner Solidarity bloc at 1916 March and Commemoration. More details to come. Organized by Irish socialist republicans.

Glasgow, Scotland – Outside Barclays Bank, Glasgow: Day of Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners. Organized by Glasgow Fight Racism Fight Imperialism.

Sunday, 16 April

Paris, France – 2 pm to 5 pm, Place de la Republique, Paris: Journée Internationale Des Prisonniers Politique Palestiniens. For more information: Organized by Palestine House.

Malmo, Sweden – 3 pm to 4:30 pm, Möllevångstorget, 214 24 Malmö: Protest PA Security Coordination with Israeli Occupation. For more information: Part of the End Security Coordination series of actions for 17 April.

Monday, 17 April

Toulouse, France – 4 pm, Square du Général Charles de Gaulle, Toulouse: Rassemblement pour les Prisonniers Palestiniens! For more information: Organized by Coup Pour Coup 31.

Paris, France – 3 pm to 6 pm, Place de la Republique, Paris: Protest for Palestinian political prisoners. Information via CAPJPO-EuroPalestine

Paris, France – 6:30 pm to 8 pm, Librarie Quilombo, 23 rue Voltaire, Paris 11th: Launch of “In Between” exhibition, artistic homage to Palestinian political prisoners. For more information: Organized as part of the International Week of Solidarity with Political Prisoners

Paris, France  8 pm, CICP, 21 rue Voltaire, Paris 11th: Commemoration of Palestinian Prisoners Day. For more information: Organized as part of the International Week of Solidarity with Political Prisoners

Marseille, France – 11:30 am, Vieux Port, Marseille: Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners. Organized by BDS France Marseille

Nanterre, France – 8:30 pm to 11 pm, Cinéma Les Lumières, 49 rue Maurice Thorez, 92000 Nanterre: Projection du film “3000 nuits”. For more information: Organized by AFPS Nanterre.

Madrid, Spain – 7 pm, Salon de Plenos, Junta Municipal Retiro, Metro Pacifico, Madrid: Día Internacional de las presas y presos palestinos. Organized by Sodepaz, Women’s Boat to Gaza, Unadikum, Paz con Dignidad an others.

London, UK – 1 pm, 52 Galena St, London: Protest PA Security Coordination w/ Israeli Occupation. For more information: Part of the End Security Coordination series of actions for 17 April.

London, UK –  4 pm to 6 pm, Israeli Embassy, 2 Palace Green, London: Solidarity with the Palestinian Prisoners in Israeli prisons on hunger strike.

Berlin, Germany – 3 pm to 5 pm, Hermannplatz, Berlin: Protest PA Security Coordination w/ Israeli Occupation. For more information: Part of the End Security Coordination series of actions for 17 April.

Stockholm, Sweden – 4 pm to 6 pm, Rådmansgatan 48, SE-113 57 Stockholm: Protest PA Security Coordination w/ Israeli Occupation. For more information: Part of the End Security Coordination series of actions for 17 April.

Landskrona, Sweden – 2 pm, Rudhus square: Protest tent to support Palestinian prisoners. For more information: Organized by Group 194

Malmo, Sweden – 5 pm, Möllevångstorget, Protest tent to support Palestinian prisoners. For more information: Organized by Al-Awda Youth Association in Sweden

Amman, Jordan – 6 pm to 8 pm, Riyad al-Mufleh 27, Amman, Jordan: Protest PA Security Coordination w/ Israeli Occupation. For more information: Part of the End Security Coordination series of actions for 17 April.

Tunis, Tunisia – Law Students General Meeting, Tunis: Solidarity with Georges Ibrahim Abdallah. Organized by the Tunisian Campaign to Free Georges Ibrahim Abdallah

New York City, US – 5 pm to 7 pm, 115 E 65th St, New York: Protest PA Security Coordination with Israeli Occupation. For more information: Part of the End Security Coordination series of actions for 17 April.

Washington, DC, US – 4:30 pm to 6 pm, 1732 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC: Protest PA Security Coordination with Israeli Occupation. For more information: Part of the End Security Coordination series of actions for 17 April.

Boston, MA, US – 4 pm, Park Street MBTA Station, Boston: Protest PA Security Coordination with Israeli Occupation. For more information: Part of the End Security Coordination series of actions for 17 April.

Los Angeles, CA, US – 3 pm to 5:30 pm, 11766 Wilshire Blvd #1600, Los Angeles: Protest PA Security Coordination with Israeli Occupation. For more information: Part of the End Security Coordination series of actions for 17 April.

Los Angeles, CA, US – 7 pm to 9 pm, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, 337 Charles E Young Drive E, Los Angeles: Talk on Palestinian Prisoners Day with Dr Rabab Abdulhadi and Hank Jones. For more information: Organized by SJP at UCLA

San Diego, CA, US – 7 pm to 9 pm, UCSD Raza Resource Center, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla: Discussion on Prisoners Day and Security Coordination. For more information: Part of the End Security Coordination series of actions for 17 April.

Tuesday, 18 April

Dakar, Senegal – 10 am to 1 pm, Maison de la Presse, 8th floor, Dakar: Journee de Solidarite Avec Les Prisonniers Palestiniens. For more information: Organized by the International Campaign to Free Marwan Barghouthi and all Palestinian Prisoners, the Embassy of the State of Palestine in Senegal, the Collectif de Solidarité Sénégal Palestine, Amnesty International and Maison de la Presse

New Brunswick, NJ, US – 7:30 pm,  Busch Student Center, 604 Bartholomew Road, Piscataway, New Jersey: Detaining Dreams: Israel’s Torture of Children. For more information: Organized by Rutgers NB Students for Justice in Palestine

Wednesday, 19 April

Nanterre, France – All day, Université Paris Nanterre: Journée de solidarité étudiante pour la Palestine, student letter-writing for Palestinian prisoners. For more information: Organized by the Étudiant.e.s Communistes Nanterre.

Leuven, Belgium – 8 pm to 10:30 pm, Van Den Heuvelinstituut 29.2, Dekenstraat 2, Leuven: Israel tortures, KULeuven ignores. For more information: Organized by the Stop Law Train Coalition.

Brussels, Belgium – 2 pm to 4 pm, Rond-point Schuman, Brussels. Demonstration in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners. For more information:, organized by the Palestinian Community of Belgium and Luxembourg.

Vienna, Austria – 4 pm to 9 pm, Wien, Pestsäule, Graben. Tag der Solidarität mit den palästinensischen Gefangenen. For more information: Organized by BDS Austria

Rome, Italy – 5 pm to 7 pm, Largo di Torre Argentina, Rome: Sit-in in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners. For more information: Organized by Assopace Palestina

New Brunswick, NJ, US – 3 pm to 6 pm, Brower Commons, Rutgers University, New Brunswick: Demonstration in Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners. For more information: Organized by Rutgers NB Students for Justice in Palestine

Cardiff, Wales – Action in Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike. Organized by South Wales Palestine Action

Thursday, 20 April

Udine, Italy – 6:30 pm, Biblioteca dell’Africa, Galleria Astra, Iato via Battisti 7/a, Udine: Giornata di solidarieta’ con i prigionieri politici palestinesi. For more information: Organized by Gruppo Ibriq

Naples, Italy – 5 pm, Piazza San Domenico Maggiore, Naples: Day of Palestinian Prisoners. For more information: Organized by Comunità Palestinese Campania

London, UK – 4:30 pm to 6 pm, St. Martins in the Fields Trafalgar Square, London: Palestinian Prisoner Protest. For more information: Organized by CADFA (Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association)

Rabat, Morocco – 6 pm, Headquarters of al-Nadj al-Democrati, Rabat: Commemoration of the Martyrdom of Basil al-Araj. For more information: Organized by Nadj Democrati Youth and BDS Maroc

Belfast, Ireland – 7 pm, International Peace Wall, Falls Road, Belfast: Solidarity with Palestinian Hunger Strikers. For more information: Organized by Ireland Supporting Palestinian Youth

Friday, 21 April

New York City, US – 5:30 pm, Best Buy Union Square, 52 E. 14th St, NYC: Protest to free Palestinian prisoners and boycott HP.  For more information: Organized by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.

Clifton, NJ, USA – 7 pm, Palestinian American Community Center, 388 Lakeview Ave, Clifton, NJ: Screening of “3000 Nights”. For more information: Organized by the Palestinian American Community Center

Durham, NC, USA – All Day, Solidarity Hunger Strike. For more information: Organized by the Coalition for Peace with Justice

Rome, Italy – 7:30 pm, Comitato Popolare ia Passino 20, Garbatella – Roma: International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners – Film screening, discussion and buffet. For more information: Organized by Fronte Palestina

Derry, Ireland – 7 pm, Hunger Strike Memorial, Derry: Protest to support Hunger-Striking Palestinian Prisoners. For more information:

Athens, Greece – 6 pm, Syntagma Square: Protest to Support Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike.

Thessaloniki, Greece – 6 pm, Protest to support Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike

Oslo, Norway – Norwegian Parliament, Protest to support Palestinian prisoners

Saturday, 22 April

Waterford, Ireland – 2 pm to 3 pm, John Roberts Square, Waterford: Palestinian Political Prisoner Solidarity Protest. For more information: Organized by Anti Internment Munster.

Copenhagen, Denmark – 3:30 pm, Rode Plads, Norrebro, Copenhagen: Demostration in Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike. Organized by the Solidaritetsgruppe med palaestinensernes rettigheder

Toronto, Canada – 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm, OISE, Room 4-414, 252 Bloor St. W., Toronto: Criminalizing Resistance – Joint Struggles of Land Defenders, Human Rights Activists, and all who Struggle for Liberation. For more information: Organized by Actions4Palestine.

Lille, France – 3 pm to 5 pm, Place de la Republique, Lille: Rally of solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners. For more information: Organized by AFPS 59/62

Manchester, UK – 12 pm, Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester: Protest – Victory to the Hunger Strikers! Free all Palestinian Prisoners! For more information: Organized by the Manchester Boycott Israel Group

London, UK – 3 pm to 5 pm, Embassy of Israel, 2 Palace Green, London: Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners Hunger Strike. For more information:

Brighton, UK – 1 pm to 3 pm, The Clocktower, Brighton: Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike.

Berlin, Germany – 4 pm, Potsdamer Platz, Berlin: Rally in Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike. For more information: Organized by the Palestinian National Action Commission in Berlin.

Stuttgart, Germany – 4 pm, Stuttgart Königstrasse Ecke Marstallstraße. Am Brunnen, Stuttgart: Vigil to support the Palestinian Prisoners. Organized by Women for Palestine of Stuttgart.

Amsterdam, Netherlands – 1 pm, Het Spui, Amsterdam: Freedom for Palestinian political prisoners! For more information: Organized by BDS Amsterdam

Uppsala, Sweden – Central Square, Uppsala: Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike. Organized by the Association of Palestinian Refugees.

Sunday, 23 April

Milan, Italy – 9:00 pm, Panetteria Occupata, Milan: Discussion on Palestinian Prisoners with Myassar Atyani from Nablus. For more information: Organized by Fronte Palestina

Beirut, Lebanon – 12 pm to 3 pm, Ghubairi Municipality Park, Ghubairi: Protest to Support the Palestinian Prisoners’ Strike. For more information: Organized by the Lebanese Democratic Youth Union, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Jaffa Association for Return, Youth Movement for Change, Herak al-Shaab, Murabitoun Movement, Popular Democratic Party, Syrian Social Nationalist Party, Lebanese Communist Party, Campaign to Boycott Supporters of Israel in Lebanon and the National Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah

Monday, 24 April

Athens, Greece – 7 pm, Athens University of Economics and Business: Evening of Solidarity with the Struggle of Palestinian Prisoners. For more information: Organized by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.

Portland, Oregon, USA – 5 pm to 6 pm, East end on the Hawthorne Bridge, SE Grand and Hawthorne, Portland: Stand in Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike. For more information: Organized by Jewish Voice for Peace – Portland, OR

Johannesburg, South Africa – 12 pm, Women’s Jail, Constitution Hill, 11 Kotze St, Johannesburg: Press Conference – Free Palestinian Political Prisoners (South African Campaign). For more information: Organized by the National Coalition for Palestine, BDS South Africa and more.

Madrid, Spain – 7 pm, Embassy of Palestine, Avenido de Pio XII 20, Madrid: Act to Support the Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike. For more information:

Tuesday, 25 April

Detroit, MI, US – 1 pm (rally at 1:00 PM, hearing starts at 2:30 PM), U.S. District Court, 231 W. Lafayette Blvd., downtown Detroit, Michigan: All Out to Support Rasmea Odeh. For more information: Organized by the Rasmea Defense Committee.

St. Paul, MN, US – 8 pm, Old Main 001, Macalester University, St. Paul: Palestinian Prisoners’ Hunger Strike: Open MacSUPER Meeting. For more information: Organized by Macalester Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights

Milan, Italy – 2 pm, Piazza San Babila, Milano: For the Resistance and No to Friends of Israel. For more information: Organized by Fronte Palestina

Buenos Aires, Argentina – 6 pm, Obelisco Buenos Aires, Argentina: Open Hunger Strike of Palestinian Political Prisoners. For more information: Organized by the Comite de Apoyo a Palestina

Wednesday, 26 April

Berlin, Germany – 6 pm, Brandenburger Tor, Pariser Platz, Berlin: Solidarity Demonstration with Palestinian Prisoners in Israeli Jails. For more information:

Buenos Aires, Argentina – 6 pm, Obelisco Buenos Aires, Argentina: Open Hunger Strike of Palestinian Political Prisoners. For more information: Organized by the Comite de Apoyo a Palestina

Thursday, 27 April

Vancouver, Canada – 7 pm, Room 2245, SFU Harbour Centre, 515 W. Hastings, Vancouver: BDS Strategy: Summing up G4S, Air Canada and Israeli Wine campaigns and moving forward! For more information: Organized by BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish Territories

County Donegal, Ireland – 6:30 pm, Station Road Roundabout, Letterkenny, Donegal: Support the Palestinian Hunger Strikers Vigil. For more information: Organized by Donegal Awareness for Palestine

County Armagh, Ireland – 7:30 pm, Garvaghy Road, Portadown: Vigil in Solidarity with the Palestinian Hunger Strikers. Organized by the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

Tampa, Florida, USA – All Day, 24 Hour Hunger Strike for #PalHunger. For more information: Organized by Block the Boat Tampa, Florida Peace Action Network, Food Not Bombs

Manchester, UK – Launch of Student Hunger Strike, Manchester, UK: Hunger Strike for Palestine. For more information: Organized by Recognize Refugee Rights and BDS Campaign – University of Manchester

London, UK – 4:30 pm to 7 pm, Kentish Town, London: Palestinian Prisoner Protest. For more information: Organized by Cadfa (Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association)

Siena, Italy – 4 pm to 7 pm, Piazza Antonio Gramsci, Siena: Siena for Gaza with the Palestinian prisoners. For more information: Organized by L’Altra Europa and Si Toscana a Sinistra.

Vaxjo, Sweden – Event of Solidarity with Palestinian Political Prisoners

Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

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