Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network reiterates our solidarity and call for the immediate release of Harun Turgan, co-founder of BDS Turkey and a longtime struggler for Palestinian freedom. Shortly before his arrest, he participated in demonstrations in solidarity with 1,500 Palestinian political prisoners on hunger strike organized by Samidoun and BDS Turkey. Today, he has been imprisoned for over one month and his lawyers have been told not to expect a trial before October. We reiterate our call to release Harun Turgan and all of the political prisoners detained and jailed in Turkish prisons!
Below, we circulate the new statement from BDS Turkey and join the call for people to send letters and messages of solidarity to Harun Turgan directly and to demand his immediate release:
Harun Turgan, who is an active participant in the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, one of the founding members and volunteers of BDS Turkey, and the editor of Intifada Publications, was arrested by Turkish police during a commemoration of the life of Ibrahim Kaypakkaya on 21st May 2017. He was detained 3 days later; now, his lawyers have been told that his trial will not take place before October.
Harun Turgan is a member of the Palestine solidarity movement and a friend of the Arab peoples. His unlawful and violent detention for participation in a peaceful political gathering reminds us of the Israeli crimes which Palestinians know all too well.
On behalf of BDS Turkey, we call upon all friends of Palestine around the world to show their solidarity to Harun, who has now been imprisoned for one months. We urge you to write to Harun and send letters and postcards, as well as to advocate for the immediate end of his unjust detention.
Harun Turgan prison mailing address:
Harun Turgan, Silivri, 5 nolu L tipi kapalı ceza infaz kurumu, C 19. Turkey
BDS Turkey
24 June 2017
لقد تم احتجاز الناشط المؤسس في حركة المقاطعة في تركيا والمحرر العام ل”دار الانتفاضة للنشر” هارون تورغان يوم 21 من أيار لمدة ثلاثة أيام أثناء مشاركته في وقفة استذكارية للمفكر التركي “إبراهيم كايبك كايا”، ومن بعدها تم اعتقاله. وقد أعلن محاموا هارون تورغان أنه تأكد لهم بأن هارون سيبقى معتقلا حتى شهر تشرين الأول من العام الجاري، حيث ستبدأ أولى جلسات المحكمة له
إن هارون تورغان ناشط ومناضل من أجل حق الشعوب بالحرية وهو جزء من حركة التضامن مع فلسطين وهو صديق عزيز للشعوب العربية. إن احتجاز هارون بدون حق، وتعرضه للاعتداء الجسدي واعتقاله لمجرد مشاركته في وقفة سلمية يشبه كثيرا ما يعيشه الشعب الفلسطيني من ممارسات دولة الاحتلال الإسرائيلي
إننا ندعوا كل المحبين للقضية الفلسطينية لمساندة هارون اللذي أمضى شهره الأول في الاعتقال بإرسالهم رسائل وبطاقات التضامن له في السجن، وإننا ندعوا لإطلاق سراحه الفوري وإنهاء اعتقاله غير العادل
عنوان هارون في السجن
Silivri, 5 nolu L tipi kapalı ceza infaz kurumu, C 19. Turkey
حركة المقاطعة – تركيا (بي دي أس).
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