19 October, Marseille: Solidarity evening for Georges Abdallah/17 October 1961

Thursday, 19 October
Soirée Georges Abdallah/17 octobre 1961
6:30 pm
Dar Lamifa
127 rue d’Aubagne
13006 Marseille
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/372108329899692/

A memory of the struggles of migrants in the service of anti-colonial struggles

“You have judged me as you judged the bandits of the Aures,” said Georges Ibrahim Abdallah during his 1987 trial in France. Today, the anti-imperialist movements must take the legacy of the migrants’ struggles as an engine to maintain strength to demand freedom for all imprisoned comrades. This event will include light food, films, discussion and literature. Fundraising to finance the bus to Lannemezan for the national protest for Georges Abdallah on 21 October.

These events are part of the international days of resistance from 14-24 October to free Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, imprisoned Lebanese Communist struggler for Palestine, as he enters his 34th year in French prisons.

Organized by FUIQP

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