13 May, Brussels: ViaVelo Palestina 2018 + Nakba 70 Commemoration

Sunday, 13 May
11:00 am
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1397835270321586/

By bike we travel across Brussels to show our solidarity with the Palestinian people. In 2018, we will cycle

to commemorate:
* 70 years of Nakba (the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to create the state of Israel)

in protest against:
* the launch of the Giro d’Italia from Jerusalem
* the recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel
* the imprisonment of Palestinian children

Start at 10:15 at Carrefour de l’Europe (main entrance of Brussels Central Station)
Departure at 11:00 am
1:30 pm – Packed Lunch
Arrive at 4:00 pm for Nakba commemoration by Association Belgo-Palestine

Nakba 70:
Sunday, 13 May
Carrefour de l’Europe (Brussels Central Station)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1923801577640709/

The Nakba, from 1948 to today.
70 years of Nakba
70 years of disaster for Palestine
70 years of resistance for the Palestinian people

On May 13, 2018, we commemorate 7 decades of dispossession, destruction and dismantling of the Palestinian people, territory and culture.
This May 13, 2018, we will also celebrate 7 decades of resistance and hope since 1948

Come discover the culture and history of a people in resistance!

Stands, concerts, conferences, this day will be a crossroads of solidarity, culture and initiatives for the Palestinian people.

( Draft)

11:00 – 13:00: Conference
“Palestine: from 1948 to today, the Nakba continues”
With Ilan Pappe.
We are pleased to welcome Ilan Pappe, an Israeli historian and author of “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine”
Reservation required: [email protected]
Free Price – French Translation

13h00 – Opening of the stands
All day long :
Informative booths on the Nakba, cultural stands, BDS campaign, Palestine exhibition, “live in Palestine” game, Palestine Caravan …. many spaces of exchange and sharing on Palestine, its history and culture.

14:00 – Taking words
3 pm – Concert – Kermesz in the East!
A Belgian band and not only, notes of the East on a crazy look but especially artists committed to Palestine for a long time.
16h00 – arrival of ViaVelo Palestina
4:15 pm – Dabké
The Brussels traditional dance troupe Watan Dabke Dance Group – Belgium We will be happy to perform on the stage of NAKBA70
17:00 – Action “Palestinian villages, we do not forget”
In order to commemorate this continuing “Nakba” and mark our solidarity with the Palestinians, a large-scale action is planned.
5:30 pm – Concert
A group “Made in Palestine” – infos will follow.

We will announce them soon, but there will be something for everyone. Music from here and Palestine, artists committed to Palestine!

Permanently :
Palestinian food, animation, parade of traditional dresses, solidarity photomaton, Palestine caravan …

Info: www.association-belgo-palestinienne.be
[email protected]

Nakba70, an event organized by Abp Asbl, in partnership with Palestina Solidariteit, the Palestinian community of Belgium and Luxembourg, the Palestinian Women’s Union of Belgium and Luxembourg, the CNCD-11.11.11, the Charleroi Palestine Platform, PJPO Walloon Brabant, Solsoc, Intal

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