Over 150 organizations sign collective statement supporting Collectif Palestine Vaincra against pro-apartheid attacks

The following report is republished from the French, originally published at Collectif Palestine Vaincra. Based in Toulouse, France, Collectif Palestine Vaincra is a member organization of the Samidoun network.

In the short statement published below, 159 organizations denounce the statements of Franck Touboul, president of the CRIF Midi-Pyrénées, and express their support for the Collectif Palestine Vaincra. [The CRIF, which claims to represent Jewish organizations in France, notes that its “mission is the affirmation of solidarity with Israel.”] The broad condemnation gathers organizations from 21 countries, including South Africa, Germany, England, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Spain, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lebanon, Palestine, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey and the United States.

Many organizations supporting the Palestinian people in France and internationally joined the collective statement (including AFPS, BDS France, CAPJPO-EuroPalestine, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, Palestinian Youth Movement and BDS Bahrain), as did various trade union, anti-fascist, anti-racist and progressive organizations. The statement was also supported widely by associations of migrant and oppressed nationality communities in Europe, including Moroccan, Tunisian, Algerian, Filipino, Turkish and Kurdish associations.

The broad support for the call bears witness to the dual failure of the strategy of the CRIF Midi-Pyrénées. First, it failed in the attempt to isolate the Collectif Palestine Vaincra with false accusations, yet it also actually strengthened the movement with Palestine, which refuses to be intimidated.

To join the appeal, send an email to [email protected].

The statement and signatories follow [Unless otherwise noted, the organization is based in France]:

“On Wednesday, 1 July, 24 associations, collectives and political parties organised a rally in Toulouse against the Israeli plan to annex the West Bank, which brought together several hundred people. Franck Touboul, president of the CRIF Midi-Pyrénées, reacted strongly by threatening and defaming the organizers, in particular the Collectif Palestine Vaincra.

We denounce these unacceptable practices, which are serious attacks on freedom of expression and the freedom to demonstrate.”

    1. Act Up Sud-Ouest
    2. ACTA
    3. Action Antifasciste Paris-Banlieue
    4. Action Antifasciste Pau
    5. Action contre le Chômage Gironde – AC!
    6. AFD International (Belgium)
    7. AFPS – Association France-Palestine Solidarité
    8. AFPS 59/62
    9. AFPS Paris 14-6
    10. AFPS Paris-Sud
    11. AFPS-BDSF 63
    12. Africa for Palestine (South Africa)
    13. Agir pour le Changement et la Démocratie en Algérie – ACDA
    14. Al-Awda – The Palestine Right to Return Coalition (USA)
    15. Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization (Spain)
    16. Friends of Palestine Against Imperialism and Zionism (Turkey)
    17. Anakbayan Europe
    18. ANC – Association Nationale des Communistes
    19. ANC 13
    20. Anti Imperialist Action Ireland (Ireland)
    21. Argenteuil Solidarité Palestine
    22. Associazione Amicizia Sardegna Palestina (Italy)
    23. Association Culturelle des Travailleurs Immigrés de Turquie
    24. Association Démocratique des Tunisiens en France – ADTF
    25. Association des Marocains en France – AMF
    26. Association des Palestiniens en France
    27. Association des Travailleurs Maghrébins de France – ATMF
    28. ATIK – Confédération des Travailleurs de Turquie en Europe
    29. Attac Toulouse
    30. BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights (Palestine)
    31. BDS Bahraïn
    32. BDS Los Angeles (USA)
    33. BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish Territories (Canada)
    34. BDS Zurich (Switzerland)
    35. Campagne BDS France
    36. Campagne BDS France Marseille
    37. Campagne BDS France Montpellier
    38. Campagne BDS France Toulouse
    39. Campaign to Boycott Supporters of Israel (Lebanon)
    40. Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat (International)
    41. International Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah (Lebanon)
    42. Campagne unitaire pour la libération de Georges Abdallah
    43. Canada Palestine Association (Canada)
    44. CAPJPO-Europalestine
    45. Centre de la Communauté Démocratique Kurde de Toulouse – CDK
    46. CGT Educ’action 31
    47. CGT Mecahers
    48. Collectif 65 pour la libération de Georges Ibrahim Adallah
    49. Collectif Algérie Démocratique Toulouse
    50. Collectif de soutien à la résistance palestinienne 59
    51. Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Palestine
    52. Collectif Justice pour la Palestine Annecy
    53. Collectif La Fronde (Belgique)
    54. Collectif Ni Guerres ni État de Guerre
    55. Collectif Palestine Vaincra
    56. Collectif pour la Libération de Georges Abdallah 33
    57. Collectif pour la Libération de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah
    58. Collectif Solidarité Palestine Ouest Étang de Berre
    59. Collettivo Autonomo Lavoratori Portuali (Italie)
    60. Collettivo Studenti Federico II (Italie)
    61. Comité 31 du Mouvement de la Paix
    62. Comité d’action et de soutien aux luttes du peuple marocain
    63. Comité de Liberté Pour Musa Aşoğlu
    64. Comité de solidarité pour la libération de Georges Abdallah (Tunisia)
    65. Comité pour le Respect des Libertés et des Droits de l’Homme en Tunisie – CRLDHT
    66. Confédération Européenne des Immigrés Opprimés – Aveg-KON (Europe)
    67. Confédération Nationale du Travail 31 – CNT
    68. Coordinamento Napoli Palestina (Italy)
    69. Couserans-Palestine 09
    70. Cri rouge pour la défense des prisonniers révolutionnaires
    71. Decolonizer (Belgium)
    72. Eunomia
    73. Fédération des Tunisiens pour une Citoyenneté des deux Rives – FTCR
    74. Fondation Frantz Fanon
    75. Forum Palestine Citoyenneté
    76. France Insoumise Pau
    77. Free Palestine Movement (USA)
    78. Front Anti-impérialiste
    79. “Ghassan Kanafani” Front of Resistance and Solidarity for Palestine (Greece)
    80. Popular Front of Turkey
    81. FUIQP – Front Uni des Immigrations et des Quartiers Populaires
    82. FUIQP 38
    83. GABRIELA Alliance of Filipino Women (Philippines and International)
    84. Gauche Independantiste Bretonne – Breizhistance
    85. Groupe Libertad de la Fédération Anarchiste
    86. Halk Evi – Mala Gel (Belgium)
    87. Hirak, Palestinian Youth Mobilization in Berlin (Germany)
    88. Independent Jewish Voices University of British Columbia (Canada)
    89. International Action Center (USA)
    90. International Jewish AntiZionist Network (International)
    91. International League of Peoples’ Struggle – ILPS (International)
    92. International Solidarity Movement – Northern California (USA)
    93. International Solidarity Movement France
    94. Internationalt Forum/the Middle East Group (Denmark)
    95. Jeune Garde Lyon
    96. Jeunes Communistes 42
    97. Jeunes Communistes 94
    98. Jeunes Révolutionnaires
    99. Jeunes Révolutionnaires Genève (Switzerland)
    100. Jeunesse Solidaire Genève (Switzerland)
    101. Jews for Palestinian Right of Return (USA)
    102. Just Peace Advocates (Canada)
    103. Just Peace Committee – Vancouver (Canada)
    104. Labor for Palestine (USA)
    105. Les Amis du Monde Diplomatique
    106. Maoist Communist Party – Organizing Committee (USA)
    107. Mensa Occupata (Italie)
    108. Montreuil Palestine
    109. National Democratic Front of the Philippines (Philippines)
    110. National Lawyers Guild Palestine Subcommittee (USA)
    111. New-York City Jericho Amnesty Movement (USA)
    112. NPA – Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste
    113. NPA 31
    114. Palestine 13
    115. Palestine Solidarity Collective at York University (Canada)
    116. Palestinian Youth Movement (USA)
    117. Parti Communiste des Ouvriers de France
    118. Parti des Indigènes de la Republique
    119. Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine (Belgium)
    120. Pôle de Renaissance Communiste en France – PRCF
    121. Pour une Ecologie Politique et Sociale – PEPS
    122. Project South (USA)
    123. Réseau Euro-Maghrébin Citoyenneté et Culture – REMCC
    124. Rete dei Comunisti (Italy)
    125. Revolutionäre Jugend Zürich – RJZ (Switzerland)
    126. Revolutionary Communist Group (Britain)
    127. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network  (International)
    128. Samidoun Göteborg (Sweden)
    129. Samidoun Stockolm (Sweden)
    130. Secours Rouge Arabe
    131. Secours Rouge Belgique
    132. Secours Rouge Genève (Switzerland)
    133. Secours Rouge Montreal (Canada)
    134. Secours Rouge Toulouse
    135. SKB – Sosyalist Kadınlar Birliği – Union des Femmes Socialistes (Europe)
    136. SKB (Belgium)
    137. SKB France
    138. Solidarité Georges Abdallah Lille
    139. Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights – University of British Columbia (Canada)
    140. Stichting Smood (Netherlands)
    141. Studentato Autorganizzato Orso (Italy)
    142. Sulong – University of British Columbia (Canada)
    143. TSP (Belgium)
    144. Tutsakların Sesi Platformu – Plateforme Voix des Prisonniers – TSP France
    145. Unadikum (Spain)
    146. Union Antifasciste Toulousaine
    147. Union Communiste Libertaire Toulouse et alentours
    148. Union des EtudiantEs de Toulouse
    149. Union des Tunisiens pour l’Action Citoyenne – UTAC
    150. Union Juive Française pour la Paix – UJFP
    151. Union Syndicale Solidaires
    152. Union Syndicale Solidaires 09
    153. Union Syndicale Solidaires 31
    154. Unione Democratica Arabe Palestinese (UDAP) )(Italy)
    155. Unité Communiste
    156. US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USA)
    157. Victory to the Intifada (Britain)
    158. Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine (USA)
    159. Workers World Party (USA)

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