June 27, Austin: Emergency Protest Against Israeli Crimes in Palestine

Friday, June 27,  5:30pm – 6:30 pm 
6th and N. Lamar Street, Austin, TX

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/452652768204769/

austinUnder the pretext of an alleged kidnapping of settlers, the Israeli Occupation Forces have escalated their aggression and collective punishment against the Palestinian people in recent weeks, including killing 5 Palestinians, nightly raids on homes and institutions in cities throughout the West Bank, more than 500 arrests for indefinite periods without charges (“administrative detentions”), including children, students, journalists, parliamentarians, academics, etc., the bombardment of Gaza, and further acts of aggression.

The Interfaith Community for Palestinian Rights, Austin, TX and other local peace and justice organizations are gathering to express solidarity with the Palestinian people and demand an end to the Israeli siege and occupation, and the release of all Palestinians kidnapped by Israeli forces, with special emphasis on the estimated 200 Palestinian children who languish in Israeli military prisons.

#BringBackOurBoys, #HandsOffOurChildren

6th and Lamar Street, Austin, TX

Friday, June 27th, 5:30-6:30pm

Please only bring signs that are focused on the message themes of this protest, specifically:

Palestine Under Attack

200 Palestinian Children
In Israeli Prisons

Israel arrests Palestinian
9-yr olds in nighttime raids

End Israeli Arrest of
Palestinian Civilians

Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

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