Video: Samidoun international coordinator on Al-Mayadeen TV on the Palestine solidarity movement

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network international coordinator Charlotte Kates appeared on Al-Mayadeen TV on Sunday, 13 December 2020, in an interview with Zainab al-Saffar on the “Min al-Dakhil” (“From the Inside”) program. This program regularly interviews international guests with translation to Arabic. This interview is conducted in English with Arabic subtitles.

In the interview, Kates discusses the International Day of Solidarity with Palestine, the movement in solidarity with Palestine today and the urgent situation of Palestinian political prisoners. She discusses the cases of women prisoners and student prisoners, including Khitam Saafin, the president of the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, the night raids and attacks on Palestinian families, and the attempts to suppress the student movement, including the labeling of the Progressive Democratic Student Pole a “prohibited organization” by the Israeli occupation.

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