15 June, Austin, TX: Demand freedom for Georges Abdallah – Art party and solidarity video

First event:
Sunday, 13 June
3 pm
Chestnut Pocket Park, Austin TX

Second event:
Tuesday, 15 June
6:30 pm
Mueller Park
Austin, TX

More info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQBwOZLFNfS/

Join PSC (the Palestine Solidarity Committee of Austin, TX) and Red Aid as we gather to create a solidarity video for the international week of action (called by Pour la Libération de Georges Abdallah) to demand that France release Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese freedom fighter for Palestine and Europe’s oldest political prisoner. George has been eligible for release since 1999 and between 2004 and 2020, nine of his parole requests have been refused. Throughout his 37 years of imprisonment, Georges has maintained his political identity and continues to advocate for the liberation of Palestine. He does not regret engaging in the struggle and pursuing justice for the oppressed.
In his own words “I am a fighter, not a criminal. The path I have followed has been imposed on me by the human rights abuses perpetrated against Palestinians.”

We will be hosting an art party to create propaganda for the main event on Tuesday, where we’ll tape a solidarity video for Georges Abdallah. The art party will be held at Chestnut Park on Sunday, 6/13 at 3 PM. We will provide art supplies, but feel free to bring your own paint, posters, markers, etc! We will then tape the solidarity video at Mueller Park on Tuesday, 6/15 at 6:30 PM.

Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

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