Delegation visits Georges Abdallah in Lannemezan with greetings of international solidarity

A delegation from the Collectif Palestine Vaincra visited Georges Ibrahim Abdallah in Lannemezan Prison in December 2021. Georges Abdallah is a Lebanese Arab struggler for the Palestinian resistance who has been imprisoned in French jails for 37 years. His story and life in struggle is the subject of the film “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight,” and over 1,000 people gathered in Lannemezan in October 2021 to demand his immediate release.

The Collectif Palestine Vaincra, based in Toulouse, France, is a member organization of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network. The delegates met with Abdallah for many hours for lively discussions on the situation of the movement for the liberation of Palestine, political developments in Lebanon and social struggles in France, among other topics.

During the visit, Georges Abdallah emphasized the centrality of the Palestinian prisoners’ cause to the struggle for justice and liberation and expressed his support and encouragement for the International Week of Action to Free Ahmad Sa’adat, 15 to 22 January 2022.

They carried greetings and messages of solidarity for Abdallah from organizations and activists, including fellow members of the Samidoun Network. They also delivered a solidarity statement from the Internationalt Forum in Denmark, republished below:

Free Georges Abdallah – Free Palestine

Internationalt Forum sends our warmest greetings to Georges Abdallah, Lebanese internationalist who has for more than 37 years been confined in French prison for his participation in the Palestinian liberation struggle.

We support the international campaign for the immediate release of Georges Abdallah from the jail in Lannemezan in South Western France.

The French state is a colonial and imperialist state which supports the Zionist state Israel and its colonization of Palestine and the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people.At the same time, the French state fights Palestinian and other antiimperialist freedom fighters – and blacklists and persecutes them.

This is the background of the fact that since 1984 the French state has kept Georges Abdallah imprisoned – although according to the French judicial system he had the right to be released in 1999.The release of Georges Abdallah will be a slap in the face of the French state and the Zionist lobby in France, but also of imperialism and Zionism.

Internationalt Forum in Denmark which is an antiimperialist solidarity organization, expresses our deepest respect to comrade Georges Abdallah for his personal and political courage and steadfastness behind bars, expressed through his unbreakable solidarity with  the Palestinian liberation struggle, hereunder the Palestinian  political prisoners in Zionist jails and his continued struggle against Zionism and imperialism.

Free Georges Abdallah now!
Free all revolutionary prisoners!
From the River to the Sea – Palestine shall be Free!
Long live International solidarity!

Løslad Georges Abdallah – Frit Palæstina!

Internationalt Forum sender sine varmeste hilsener til Georges Abdallah – libanesisk internationalist, der på 38. år sidder indespærret i fransk fængsel for sin deltagelse i den palæstinensiske befrielseskamp. Vi støtter den internationale kampagne for øjeblikkelig løsladelse af Georges  Abdallah fra fængslet i Lannemezan i det sydvestlige Frankrig.

Den franske stat er en kolonial og imperialistisk  stat der støtter den zionistiske stat Israel og dens kolonisering af Palæstina og den etniske udrensning af det palæstinensiske folk. Samtidig hermed bekæmper den franske stat palæstinensiske og andre antiimperialistiske frihedskæmpere og terrorstempler og forfølger dem.

Det er baggrunden for at den franske stat siden 1984 har holdt Georges Abdallah indespærret – på trods af at Georges Abdallah ifølge det franske retssystem var berettiget til løsladelse helt tilbage i 1999!

En løsladelse af Georges  Abdallah vil være et slag i ansigtet– ikke kun på den franske stat og den zionistiske lobby i Frankrig, men også på zionismen og imperialismen.Internationalt Forum i Danmark, som er en antiimperialistisk solidaritetsorganisation, udtaler vores dybe respekt for kammerat Georges  Abdallah for hans personlige og politiske mod og udholdenhed  bag tremmerne – der har givet sig udtryk i hans ubrydelige støtte til den palæstinensiske befrielseskamp, herunder de palæstinensiske fanger i zionismens fængsler, og hans vedholdende kritik af og kamp imod zionismen og imperialismen.

Løslad Georges Abdallah NU!
Løslad alle politiske revolutionære fanger!
From the River to the Sea- Palestine shall  be Free!
Styrk den internationale solidaritet!

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