Corporate Watch has issued a new booklet resource, Imprisoned Voices, on the role of G4S and Hewlett Packard in the institutional and systematic mistreatment and abuse of Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails.

The authors of the report. Tom Anderson and Therezia Cooper, interview former Palestinian prisoners and their family members from the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem, including Salah Hamouri, Shireen Khudairi, and nine more Palestinian prisoners.

The experiences of sick Palestinian prisoners – including denial of access to medication and treatment, being provided only painkillers for serious medical issues, and the role of Israeli prison doctors in enforcing repression against prisoners – are highlighted in the report, as are the experiences of torture and abuse suffered by Palestinians in G4S and Hewlett Packard-serviced Israeli prisons.

Fatima al-Zak, a former Palestinian prisoner from Gaza, discussed her experience of pregnancy and childbirth while imprisoned – including being denied the right to breastfeed her son, being shackled at prenatal appointments, and her newborn son being denied access to either formula brought in or her breastmilk.

One former prisoner, Akram, discussed the lack of access to medical care in Ramle prison hospital and its highly automated system that surveils prisoners without providing medical attention. In particular, he highlighted the case of Moatassem Raddad whose treatment for intestinal cancer has been delayed for years.

Corporate Watch also discussed the experiences of Palestinians imprisoned for Facebook advocacy for Palestinian prisoners, and imprisoned, interrogated, fined and abused for membership in, support for or contact with Palestinian political parties.

The report details the involvement, responsibility and complicity of multinational corporations G4S and Hewlett Packard in these abuses, providing information on ongoing boycott campaigns and serving as an invaluable resource for campaigners.

Click here to read the report, or see below. Corporate Watch will be making print copies of the report available for order soon on its website.


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