Sunday, 16 August
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Pariser Platz, Berlin, Germany
Facebook Event:

See also, Berlin protest Tuesday, 18 August for Muhammad Allan

DEMO für den palästinensischen politischen Gefangenen Rechtsanwalt Muhammad Allan, der seit dem 6. November 2014 ohne Anklage und ohne Prozess in israelischer Haft ist und sich seit dem 14. Juni 2015 im Hungerstreik befindet. Der Zustand des 31-jährigen Juristen ist kritisch. Allan macht seinen Hungerstreik für alle politischen Gefangenen in israelischer Haft.
Er opfert sich auf für alle politischen Gefangenen.
Wir sollen ihn in diesen schweren Stunden nicht allein lassen und für ihn und für alle politischen Gefangenen demonstrieren.
Ahmad Saadat, der Generalsekretär der Volksfront für die Befreiung Palästinas (PFLP), hat am Dienstag, den 11. August 2015 einen unbegrenzten Hungerstreik begonnen, nachdem es bei den Verhandlungen mit der Gefängnisverwaltung keinen Fortschritt gab auf
Grund ihrer Unnachgiebigkeit gegenüber den Forderungen der Gefangenen. Hinzu kam, daß gemäß einer Anordnung des Militärs das Besuchsverbot für Familienangehörige des Vorsitzenden Saadat für weitere drei Monate verlängert wurde.
Die PFLP-Gefängnissektion bestätigte, daß die von Saadat angeführten Gefangenen der Front beschlossen haben, eine lange und schwierige
Schlacht mit der Besatzungsmacht zu schlagen, bei der es keine Regeln oder Vereinbarungen gibt nachdem alle Optionen erschöpft sind die
Besatzer zu einem Eingehen auf die Forderungen der Gefangenen zu bewegen.
Die Gefangenen der PFLP riefen die Massen unseres Volkes, die arabischen und muslimischen Gemeinschaften und Länder und die Kräfte von Gerechtigkeit und Freiheit in der Welt auf sich mit dem Kampf der Gefangenen zu solidarisieren und sie weitestgehend zu unterstützen bei Konfrontation und Standhaftigkeit rund um die Uhr gegenüber den Verantwortlichen von Gefängnis und Besatzungsmacht. Der Geist und die Tiefe der Solidarität gibt den Gefangenen Kraft den Kampf bis zur Erreichung ihrer Rechte fortzusetzen.
Die gefangenen Genossen hungerstreiken für die Forderung eines Endes des Verbots von Familienbesuchen palästinensischer Gefangener einschließlich ihres Vorsitzenden Genossen Sa´adat; weiter fordern sie medizinische Versorgung für kranke Gefangene, ein Ende der Politik willkürlicher Verhaftungen, Verbesserung der Haftbedingungen und ein Verbots von Razzien durch zionistische Spezialeinheiten.

Mohammed Allan, 31, was arrested from his home in Einabus village, in the occupied West Bank, by Israeli security forces on 6 November 2014. He was handcuffed and taken to his office in the city of Nablus, in the West Bank, and ordered to show files of clients he had represented. He was handed a six-month administrative detention order on 11 November. The Israeli authorities have not given any reasons to Mohammed Allan or his lawyer for his arrest and detention. His administrative detention was renewed for another six months on 5 May. He began a hunger strike on 16 June to demand an end to his detention. According to Palestinian human rights NGO Addameer, since the beginning of his hunger strike he has only consumed water.

The Israeli Prison Service informed Mohammed Allan’s lawyer on 7 August of their intention to submit a request to the Israeli District Court to authorize his force-feeding under new legislation allowing force-feeding of hunger-striking detainees. However, statements made by Israeli politicians, including the one responsible for promoting the bill, indicate it is particularly aimed at Palestinian detainees.

On 10 August, he was transferred to the intensive care unit of Soroka Medical Center in Be’er Sheva, Israel. Later that day, as medical staff refused to force-feed him, he was moved to Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon, Israel. Mohammed Allan continued to refuse medical examination and was chained to his hospital bed by a hand and a foot, despite being too weak to stand. It was reported on 14 August that he had lost consciousness.

Mohammed Allan told his lawyer on 12 August that he does not want to die, but to live a life of dignity.

The prison branch of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine announced their plan to launch a hunger strike on Tuesday, August 11, following the ongoing Zionist raids and attacks on Palestinian political prisoners, including imprisoned PFLP General Secretary, Comrade Ahmad Sa’adat, and the renewed order denying family visits to Comrade Sa’adat.

PFLP prisoners in all Zionist prisons will launch their strike on Tuesday morning. They will launch their strike amid an atmosphere of confrontation and struggle in the prisons, where prisoners from fellow Palestinian factions and political forces are also waging hunger strikes to resist the Zionist attacks on the achievements and rights of the prisoners won through struggle and resistance over decades.

The PFLP Prison Branch statement:

The prison branch of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, headed by national leader Ahmad Sa’adat, will launch an open hunger strike on Tuesday [11 August], following a stalemate in the negotiations with the Prison administration, brought about by the Prison Service’s intransigence in response to the just demands of the prisoners. In addition, today a military order was issued extending the security prohibition against leader Sa’adat, denying him family visits for an additional three months.

The prison branch confirmed that the Front’s prisoners, led by Sa’adat, have decided to fight a long and difficult battle with the occupation which is not conditioned by any covenants or undertakings, after exhausting all options in order to impel the occupier to respond to the demands of the prisoners.

The PFLP prisoners called on the masses of our people, the Arab and Muslim communities and countries, and the forces of justice and freedom in the world to provide the widest support and solidarity to the struggle of the prisoners’ national movement in the battles of confrontation and steadfastness they are waging around the clock against the prison and intelligence officials of the occupation. The breadth and depth of solidarity gives prisoners inspiration to continue the struggle until their rights are achieved in full.

The imprisoned comrades will strike to demand an end to the prohibitions on family visits for Palestinian prisoners including the orders against Comrade Ahmad Sa’adat; and to demand medical care for sick prisoners, an end to the policy of administrative detention, improvements in conditions inside the prisons and a ban on invasions and raids by Zionist special units against the prisoners.

At the beginning of July, Israel was holding 5,442 Palestinian political prisoners and detainees, as well as nearly 1,000 Palestinians held for entering Israel “illegally,” according to statistics compiled by the Israeli rights group B’Tselem.

Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

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