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Urgent Call for Action on behalf of the Palestinian prisoners on Hunger Strike

Issued by: Handala Center for Prisoners and Released Prisoners and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Break the silence – join in the Battle of Breaking the Chains!

The Zionist occupation is currently holding hundreds of Palestinians without charge or trial, through the application of a British colonial law called “administrative detention,” under which the occupation operates sham military courts which convene time and again merely to renew these detention periods, with no stated reasons or justifications, and under the false pretext known as the “secret files.” These administrative detainees face difficult conditions and serious forms of torture and abuse practiced against them, after the confiscation of their most basic and natural human rights.

In rejection of this policy, demanding the end of administrative detention and the release of administrative detainees, five Palestinian strugglers have now been on open hunger strike for over 36 days in Israeli prisons: Nidal Abu Aker, Ghassan Zawahra, Shadi Ma’ali, Munir Abu Sharar and Badr al-Ruzza. According to information received from inside the prisons, their health is deteriorating daily, they are held in isolation and pressured by the occupation continuously. They reject the authority of the prison administration to transfer them to hospitals.

Handala Center for Prisoners and Released Prisoners and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network issue this urgent call for immediate action at all levels to save the lives of Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike and abolish the policy of administrative detention. We call on all to participate and join the striking prisoners in their call to break the chains and march on the road to defeat the law and the system of administrative detention and expose this racist policy practiced by the Zionist entity.

Break the silence through all forms of organizing and protest to support the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, through marches, sit-ins and vigils of solidarity, escalating the boycott of Israel, and confronting Zionist and US embassies in cities around the world.

Handala Center for Prisoners and Released Prisoners
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Occupied Palestine
Friday, 25 September 2015

نداء عاجل بخصوص الأسرى الإدرايين المُضربين عن الطعام

صادر عن مركز حنظلة للأسرى والمحررين و شبكة صامدون لدعم الأسرى

لنكسر حاجز الصمت..ونشارك في كسر القيود

يحتجز الإحتلال الصهيوني مئات المواطنين الفلسطينيين دون محاكمة، من خلال تطبيق قانون الاستعمار البريطاني المُسمى الإعتقال الإداري الذي تعمل بموجبه محاكم الاحتلال ، كما يقوم بين الفترة والأخرى بتجديد فترة الاعتقال دون الإعلان عن ألاسباب والمبررات وتحت حجج وذرائع واهية تُعرف ” بالملفات السرية ” حيث يتم إحتجاز المعتقلين في ظروف صعبة و يمارس أبشع أنواع التنكيل بحقهم بعد مصادرة أبسط حقوقهم الانسانية والطبيعية.

ورفضاً لهذه السياسة، وللضغط من أجل إلغائها وإطلاق سراح الأسرى الإداريين ، يخوض منذ أكثر من ستة وثلاثين يوماً ، خمسة من المناضلين إضراباً مفتوحاً عن الطعام في السجون وهم: “نضال أبو عكر، غسان زواهرة، شادي معالي، منير أبو شرار، بدر الرزة” ، وتفيد المعلومات الواردة من السجون إلى تدهور حالتهم الصحية ، يَوماً بعد يوم ، اذ بالاضافة الى ضغوطات الاحتلال اليومية التي تمارس بحقهم ، ترفض سلطة السجون تحويلهم إلى المستشفيات.

وعليه ، فإن ” مركز حنظلة للأسرى والمحررين ” و ” شبكة صامدون لدعم الأسرى ” توجه هذا النداء العاجل من أجل التحرك الفوري على كافة المستويات لإنقاذ حياة الأسرى المضربين عن الطعام، وإلغاء سياسة الاعتقال الإداري، وندعو لمشاركة الاسرى المضربين في دعوتهم لكسر القيود ، وعلى طريق هزيمة قانون الاعتقال الادراي وفضح هذه السياسة العنصرية التي يُمارسها الكيان الصهيوني.

إكسروا حاجز الصمت من خلال تنظيم كافة اشكال الاحتجاج لدعم الحركة الوطنية الاسيرة ، من خلال المسيرات والاعتصامات والوقفات التضامنية ، ومحاصرة السفارات الصهيونية و الامريكية في مختلف مدن العالم.


شبكة صامدون لدعم الاسرى                                       مركز حنظلة للأسرى والمحررين

فلسطين المحتلة / الجمعة 25/9/2015


Açlık grevindeki idari tutsaklarla ilgili acil eylem çağrısı

Esirler ve Özgürleştirilmiş Esirler Merkezi – Hanzala ve Esirlerle Dayanışma Ağı – Samidoun tarafından yapılan çağrı

Sessizlik duvarını kırın, Zincirleri Kırma Mücadelesi’ne katılın

Siyonist işgal, “İdari Tutukluluk” adlı, İngiliz mandacılığından kalma bir yasaya dayanarak yüzlerce Filistinliyi herhangi bir suçlama ya da yargılama olmaksızın esir almış durumda. İşgal, anı zamanda “gizli dosyalar” olarak bilinen sahte bahanelerle, danışıklı askeri mahkemelerde, herhangi bir neden belirtmeksizin tutukluluk süresini sürekli   uzatmakta ve esirleri zor koşullar altında tutup en basit insani ve doğal haklarından mahrum bırakarak en  ciddi işkence ve taciz yöntemleri uygulamaktadır.

Nidal Ebu Akar, Gassan Zevahre, Şadi Maali, Munir Ebu Şarar ve Bedir El-Ruzza adlarını taşıyan beş Filistinli esir bu politikaları reddetmek, iptal edilmesi için baskı oluşturmak ve idari esirlerin serbest bırakılması için 36 günden fazla bir süredir  ucu açık   açlık grevi sürdürüyor. Hapishanelerden gelen bilgilere göre sağlık durumları gün ve gün kötüleşiyor. Tecritte tutuluyorlar ve işgal sürekli baskısı altındalar.  Hapishane idaresinin kendilerini hastaneye nakletmesini reddediyorlar.

Esirler ve Özgürleştirilmiş Esirler Merkezi – Hanzala ve Esirlerle Dayanışma Ağı – Samidoun, açlık grevine devam eden esirlerin hayatını korumak ve idari tutukluluk politikasını ortadan kaldırmak için acilen her düzeyde hemen eyleme geçilmesi için bu çağrıyı yapıyor. Herkesi, açlık grevindeki esirlerin zincirlerini kırma ve  idari tutukluluk kanununu yenilgiye uğratılmak ve Siyonist oluşumun  bu ırkçı politikasını teşhir etme   çağrısına katılmaya davet ediyoruz.

Filistin Ulusal Esir Hareketini destekleyen yürüyüşler, protestolar ve nöbetler organize ederek dünyanın her yerindeki kentlerde Siyonist ve ABD elçiliklerini kuşatarak sessizlik duvarını kırın. 

Esirler ve Özgürleştirilmiş Esirler Merkezi, Hanzala

Esirlerle Dayanışma Ağı, Samidoun

İşgal altındaki Filistin

 25 Eylül 2015

Take Action!

1. Sign on to this statement in support of the prisoners’ demand to End Administrative Detention. Organizational and individual endorsements are welcome – and organizational endorsements particularly critical – in support of the prisoners’ demands and their actions. Click here to sign or sign below:

2. Send a solidarity statement. The support of people around the world helps to inform people about the struggle of Palestinian prisoners. It is a morale booster and helps to build political solidarity. Please send your solidarity statements to[email protected]. They will be published and sent directly to the prisoners.

3. Hold a solidarity one-day hunger strike in your area. Gather in a tent or central area, bring materials about Palestinian prisoners and hold a one-day solidarity strike to raise awareness and provide support for the struggle of the prisoners and the Palestinian cause. Please email us at [email protected] to inform us of your action – we will publicize and share news with the prisoners.

4. Protest at the Israeli consulate or embassy in your area.  Bring posters and flyers about administrative detention and Palestinian hunger strikers and hold a protest, or join a protest with this important information. Hold a community event or discussion, or include this issue in your next event about Palestine and social justice. Please email us at[email protected] to inform us of your action – we will publicize and share news with the prisoners.

5. Contact political officials in your country – members of Parliament or Congress, or the Ministry/Department of Foreign Affairs or State – and demand that they cut aid and relations with Israel on the basis of its apartheid practices, its practice of colonialism, and its numerous violations of Palestinian rights including the systematic practice of administrative detention. Demand they pressure Israel to free the hunger strikers and end administrative detention.

6. Boycott, Divest and Sanction. Hold Israel accountable for its violations of international law. Don’t buy Israeli goods, and campaign to end investments in corporations that profit from the occupation. G4S, a global security corporation, is heavily involved in providing services to Israeli prisons that jail Palestinian political prisoners – there is a global call to boycott itPalestinian political prisoners have issued a specific call urging action on G4S. Learn more about BDS

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