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10 September, Online event and Oostend, Belgium: The East Mediterranean: NATO, US Bases and Fossil Imperialism OUT!

Friday, 10 September
*Note: program will be conducted both onsite and online. Doors open onsite at 17:00h Brussels; program begins both onsite and online at 17:30h Brussels.
In Person: Vayamundo
Zeedijk 330 8400 Oostend, Belgium;
ONLINE event (5:30 pm central Europe, 8:30 am Pacific, 11:30 am Eastern, 6:30 pm Palestine) Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwode6gqDMoH904WaD4IEWHUymnXsZuZjBT

Featured speakers:
Mamdouh Habashi, Socialist Popular Alliance Party, Egypt
Oz Karahan, Union of Cypriots, Cyprus
Lida Dodou, New Left Current, Greece
Nilufer Koc, Kurdistan National Congress, Kurdistan
Thomas Hofman, Samidoun, Netherlands
Antonio Tujan, Institute for Political Economy, Philippines

The Eastern Mediterranean has always been a battleground for world powers, due to its strategic location. However, the target of the sphere of influence in the region is even wider than the Aegean corridor to the Eastern Mediterranean. The Eastern Med is also the port for the Middle East and this region’s natural resources. The countries that share a coastline to the Eastern Mediterranean have suffered from U.S. and NATO occupations, foreign interventions, and U.S.-sponsored terrorism for decades.

Today, the Eastern Mediterranean has become even more contentious, as the discovery of natural resources has fueled fossil imperialism and inflamed tensions among states in the region.This tension is used by the United States to justify increasing its military presence in the region, including a significant increase in U.S. military bases and cooperation agreements with allied countries. The U.S. even exploits the tension between Greece and Turkey, two NATO member countries, and increases its military presence in Greece. Cyprus, the small island state in the middle of the Eastern Mediterranean conflict, is home to five NATO armies today.

Join anti-war, environmental justice, and anti-imperialist activists to discuss U.S. and NATO militarization and bases in the region; the connection of militarization to rampant resource extraction and fossil imperialism; and organizing strategies to resist U.S.-NATO war-making and plunder of resources.

11 September, Gothenburg: End the Occupation – Freedom for All Palestinian Prisoners!

Saturday, 11 September
2 pm
Gothenburg, Sweden
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/896706687895741/

The Palestine coordination group in Gothenburg is calling on all to demonstrate full support for the Palestinian prisoners. They are freedom fighters! End the occupation – Freedom for all Palestinian prisoners!

Palestinska Samordningsgruppen kallar alla till en manifestation för att visa vårt fulla stöd till de palestinska fångarna.
De är frihetskämpar !!
Brunnsparken lördag 11 september kl 14-15

12 September, NYC: Globalize The Intifada From Attica To Gilboa!

Sunday, 12 September
4:30 pm – Orientation for 9/17 #GlobalizeTheIntifada action
5:30 pm – Rally for the 6 escaped prisoners
Washington Square Park
New York, NY 10012
Organized by Within Our Lifetime
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/179710347568611/

50 years ago the Attica prison uprising broke out in New York on September 9th, 1971 when a group of incarcerated freedom fighters and revolutionaries seized control of the prison to fight for their liberation, demand better conditions and protest the murder of Black Panther Party leader and political prisoner George Jackson in San Quentin Prison in California weeks earlier.

Four days later, on September 13th, the uprising came to a violent end when state police and prison guards launched a premeditated genocidal attack on the freedom fighters on the inside. Within 15 minutes, 43 people were killed in cold blood in a hail of indiscriminate gunfire, including 32 of the prisoners.

Today we are witnessing an historic moment of resistance and rebellion from inside the prison walls in Palestine in the wake of six Palestinian freedom fighters successfully escaping from the zionist occupation’s “maximum security” Gilboa prison this past Monday.

More than 72 hours later, they remain free, and the Palestinian people continue to take to the streets across historic Palestine to express their unwavering support for the escaped prisoners and resist the occupation.

Join us this Sunday, September 12th as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of Attica, mobilize in support of the six escaped prisoners in Palestine and demand freedom for ALL Palestinian prisoners.

We will also be coming together for an orientation beforehand to plan ahead for our 9/17 #GlobalizeTheIntifada action with @decolonizethisplace.

Copenhagen demonstration “Gives Israel the Red Card” outside Denmark-Israel football match

Over 250 people rallied in Copenhagen, Denmark, on Tuesday, 7 September, in a large protest against the Denmark-Israel football match, under the slogan “Give Israel the red card!” The protest was organized by Boykot Israel-DK, Internationalt Forum, Demos, and Stop Annekteringen af Palestina. Representatives from Samidoun Stockholm participated in the protest following a series of meetings.

Samidoun Stockholm members traveled to Copenhagen after visits to Gothenburg and Malmo; they met with the Internationalt Forum, a long-established, active anti-imperialist organization based in Copenhagen, and attended the demonstration.

Ahead of the football game, over 1000 small Palestinian flags were prepared and then handed out – with leaflets about the Israeli apartheid state – to football supporters and all passers-by.

During the match, Palestinian flags were visible all throughout the stadium, while a demonstration in support of Palestinian rights and against the occupation was held at a nearby square. The display of Palestinian flags inside the stadium was covered in Danish media as well as Israeli media, and the national Danish TV 2 station published a long article on the “flag action” and the protest, quoting the Boykot Israel leaflets distributed in both Danish and English.

The demonstration aimed at promoting the boycott of Israeli sports teams and federations, as well as  exposing the role of sports events in legitimizing the illegal occupation in Palestine. The large crowd gathered to listen to speeches from anti-imperialist and Palestinian organizations in Denmark, accompanied by music and political conversations.

Johnna and Irene of Boykot Israel spoke at the demonstration, where they affirmed:

“Solidarity with the Palestinian people stands on two legs, partly a Boycott Israel campaign and partly a solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle. The two are connected around the common goal:  A free Palestine. Boykot Israel is in favor of a  total boycott of Israel  – economic, academic, cultural and sports. We do this because Israel is an apartheid state  – just as South Africa was – and because Israel is a  colonial power.  We are pressuring and isolating Israel economically, politically and diplomatically….Solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle is the second leg of solidarity. The many peace initiatives over the past sixty years have not changed anything – only given Israel more influence, such as through the Oslo Accords of 1993….Peace talks with an occupying power will never give the Palestinians their freedom and their state…We must support the Palestinian liberation struggle – through support for the struggle of political prisoners – through support for the demand for the right to return, and not least: through support for a new intifada!”

They concluded by quoting Ahmad Sa’adat’s affirmation that, “In the end, justice will win.”

After the Copenhagen protest, Samidoun had a meeting with representatives of Internationalt Forum, where we discussed the future of the Palestinian and boycott movements, as well as how the movements and organizations in Northern Europe can strengthen their cooperation in the struggle for Palestinian return and liberation.

11 September, Derry, Ireland: Stand with Palestinian Prisoners

Saturday, 11  September
3 pm
Free Derry Corner
Derry, Ireland
Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/353587639819469
Organized by Derry Branch of the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign

RIGHT NOW Palestinian prisoners in the Naqab and Rimon prisons are leading an uprising against collective punishment and the cruelty of the Israeli prison system. They have been met with unprecedented violence, with the Israeli military entering the prison to quell the protests.

Palestinian prisoners are face to face with the worst and most inhumane of the state’s military excess. We are inspired by their fight for freedom in the face of extreme brutality. Freedom for Palestinian prisoners! Freedom for all prisoners!

Join with Derry Branch of Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign to show solidarity with all Palestinian Prisoners at Free Derry Corner on Saturday, 11th September at 3pm.

10 September, Paris: Rally to support the Palestinian Prisoners!

Friday, 10 September
5 pm to 7 pm
Place de la Republique
Paris, France
Organized by CAPJPO – EuroPalestine. Info: https://europalestine.com/2021/09/08/prisonniers-palestiniens-appel-a-rassemblement-ce-vendredi-soir-a-paris/

10The escape of 6 Palestinian political prisoners from the Israeli high security prison of Gilboa arouses emotion and pride throughout Palestine, in Lebanon and Jordan, and beyond. And it’s not just because of the feat they achieved, tunneling for months from their own cell. 

It is also because these six resistance fighters, all from Jenin – a city of martyrs and fighters whose refugee camp was razed by the Israeli army in 2002 – some imprisoned for twenty years for having fought the Israeli occupier, symbolize the fate of all the Palestinian people.

They represent the hundreds of thousands of men, women and children who have been imprisoned by Israel, who are arrested, tortured, and detained daily, with or without charge. 

They represent the entire Palestinian population walled in, ghettoized, at the mercy of the occupier, in the West Bank, as in Gaza.

This is why we must show them our solidarity, and together demand the release of some 5,000 Palestinian prisoners currently held in Israeli jails, illegally, including many children, including women with disabilities and deprived of care, including prisoners who have been on hunger strike for over a month at the risk of their lives.

                        THIS FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 10
                                      FROM 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM

Thank you for coming in large numbers and for circulating this appeal .

All associations wishing to join are welcome.



L’évasion de 6 prisonniers politiques palestiniens de la prison israélienne de haute sécurité de Gilboa suscite émotion et fierté dans toute la Palestine et au-delà, comme au Liban ou en Jordanie. Et ce n’est pas seulement en raison de l’exploit qu’ils ont réalisé, en creusant pendant des mois un tunnel à partir de leur propre cellule. 

C’est aussi parce que ces six résistants, tous originaires de Jénine –ville martyre dont le camp de réfugiés a été rasé par l’armée israélienne en 2002– et pour certains incarcérés depuis une vingtaine d’années pour avoir combattu l’occupant israélien, symbolisent le sort de tout le peuple palestinien.

Ils représentent les centaines de milliers d’hommes, de femmes et d’enfants qui ont été emprisonnés par Israël, qui sont quotidiennement arrêtés, torturés, et détenus, avec ou sans inculpation.
Ils représentent l’ensemble de la population palestinienne emmurée, ghettoïsée, à la merci de l’occupant, en Cisjordanie, comme à Gaza.

C’est pourquoi nous devons leur manifester notre solidarité, et exiger ensemble la libération des quelque 5000 prisonniers palestiniens actuellement détenus dans les geôles israéliennes, en toute illégalité, dont de nombreux enfants, dont des femmes handicapées et privées de soin, dont certains hommes en grève de la faim depuis plus d’un mois au péril de leur vie.
DE 17 H A 19 H 30

Merci de venir nombreux et de faire circuler cet appel

Toutes les associations qui souhaitent s’y joindre sont les bienvenues.

Liberation through the Freedom Tunnel: Stand with Palestinian Prisoners’ Uprising – Take Action!

Six Palestinians jailed by the Israeli occupation liberated themselves through a tunnel dug beneath Gilboa prison in the early morning hours of Monday, 6 September. The six liberated prisoners – Mahmoud Abdullah Ardah, Mohammed Qasim Ardah, Ayham Fouad Kamamji, Yaqoub Mahmoud Qadri, Zakaria al-Zubaidi and Munadil Yaqoub Infaat – have remained free despite the desperate attempts of Israeli occupation jailers to pursue them. However, occupation guards have been forcibly transferring, attacking and invading prisoners’ cells throughout Palestine while dragging the freed men’s family members to interrogation. There is an uprising inside the prisons that requires the support of all people around the world who stand with the Palestinian people and the Palestinian struggle for freedom and liberation – join us in taking action!

In Megiddo prison, Ramon prison, and the Negev desert prison, Palestinian political prisoners burned their rooms in resistance to the prison administration’s attempt to transfer the prisoners affiliated with Islamic Jihad. The Handala Center for Prisoners and Former Prisoners in occupied Palestine reported that 7 rooms in Megiddo prison, 4 rooms in the Negev prison and 4 rooms in sections 4 and 5 of Ramon prison have been burned, and that the prisoners’ movement leadership has affirmed that any section that is invaded to transfer detainees will be met with fire.

Palestinians throughout occupied Palestine are rallying in support of the six self-liberated prisoners, whose “Freedom Tunnel,” dug through lengthy months of perseverance with only kitchen utensils for tools, has become a symbol of hope for freedom as well as an example that the technological and military might of the Israeli colonial power has been unable to suppress Palestinian resistance. The tunnel, stretching for tens of meters below Gilboa prison, represents the unquenchable thirst for liberation of imprisoned Palestinians, and the hope of an undying love of freedom. In Ramallah, Jenin, Nablus, al-Khalil, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Tulkarem, Gaza City, Jabalya camp and elsewhere, organizers are taking to the streets to stand with the liberated prisoners and those resisting behind the walls.

The uprising inside prisons was launched after an attack on the Palestinians detained in the Negev desert prison. Occupation special units stormed Section 6 with weaponry and police dogs, including military forces from a nearby base, prompting the prisoners to burn 7 rooms and resist the invasion. As all of this continues, there are six administrative detainees, jailed without charge or trial, who are continuing their hunger strikes for freedom: Kayed al-Fasfous (for 56 days), Miqdad Qawasmeh (49 days), Alaa al-Araj (31 days), Hisham Abu Hawash (23 days), Raik Sadeq Bisharat (18 days) and Shadi Abu Aker (15 days).

Palestinian political parties and resistance organizations have emphasized the urgent need for action to defend the prisoners and demand their liberation. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine urged Palestinians and their allies everywhere to respond to the call of the prisoners with actions, demonstrations and protests of support.

There are currently 4,650 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, including 520 jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention, 40 women prisoners and 200 child prisoners. Political imprisonment affects all sectors of Palestinian society, and nearly 40% of Palestinian men in the West Bank and Jerusalem have spent time in Israeli detention.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network emphasizes and amplifies the call of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement to stand with the Palestinian prisoners and the Palestinian people today to demand justice and liberation for Palestine, from the river to the sea. The six liberated detainees of Gilboa prison represent the irrepressible hope of and commitment to liberation that no amount of militarized repression and Zionist colonization has suppressed, for over 73 years. The actions of this “Freedom Brigade” are not only a symbol of hope for Palestinians but also for everyone in the world who seeks justice and freedom. Inside the prison walls, Palestinian prisoners continue to defend themselves against ongoing invasions and attacks.

Western imperialist governments are not innocent in the ongoing attacks against Palestinian prisoners and the colonization of Palestine. From the U.S.’ over $3.8 billion annually in weaponry provided to the Israeli regime to the ongoing economic, political and diplomatic support provided by the European Union, Canada, the United Kingdom and others, all of these states are directly involved in the ongoing crimes perpetuated against the Palestinian people. Everywhere in the world, we can and must act now to stand with the Palestinian prisoners and their uprising, and for the liberation of Palestine!

Join us in action:

1. Demonstrations, rallies and street actions – including actions to boycott Israel!

Have a protest or action to free Palestinian prisoners, support the Palestinian struggle for liberation, stand with the Palestinian resistance and boycott Israel and its complicit corporations. Join the many protests taking place around the world — confront, isolate and besiege the Israeli embassy or consulate in your city or country of residence. Make it clear that the people are with Palestine and the liberated prisoners! Send us your events at samidoun@samidoun.net.

2. Creative Actions

Creative actions are a wonderful way to spread the word and highlight the struggle of the Palestinian prisoners. The banner hung by Samidoun España in Madrid at the University metro station highlighted the struggle of Palestinian students, while the campaign to symbolically rename streets after Georges Abdallah internationally commemorated his birthday and amplified the demand for his liberation.

These actions only require one, two or a few people. You can even simply poster and sticker around your neighbourhood. Contact us via email at samidoun@samidoun.net or via WhatsApp at +32466904397 if you are looking for image ideas or resources! 

3. Demand Your Government Sanction Israel!

The racist, settler colonial state of Israel and its war crimes against the Palestinian people are enabled and backed extensively by the over $3.8 billion each year given to Israel by the United States — targeted directly to support the Israeli occupation military killing children, women, men and elders throughout occupied Palestine. From Canada to Australia to the European Union, Western governments and imperialist powers provide ongoing diplomatic, political and economic support to Israel as well as selling billions of dollars of weaponry to the settler-colonial state. Meanwhile, they also purchase billions of dollars in weaponry from the Israeli state. Governments in league with imperialist powers, such as in the Philippines, Brazil, India and elsewhere, also buy weapons and “security” services — all “battle-tested” on the Palestinian population. Call your representatives, MPs, political officials and demand your government sanction Israel now, cut off all aid, expel its ambassadors, and stop buying and selling weapons!

Please note: Samidoun has speakers that can participate in your events (in-person and virtual) in Arabic, English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish and other languages. Contact us via email at samidoun@samidoun.net or via WhatsApp at +32466904397 to inquire about a Samidoun speaker! 

Submit Your Action

Please contact us via email at samidoun@samidoun.net or via WhatsApp at +32466904397 or over social media to send us your events and actions!

Download these signs for your action:

Developing news: Six Palestinian political prisoners liberate themselves from colonial Israeli prison

Six Palestinian political prisoners reportedly escaped the Israeli occupation Gilboa prison overnight on Monday, 6 September, liberating themselves. Israeli occupation forces reported that six Palestinian political prisoners were absent at the 4 am roll call and found a tunnel dug by hand with an exit outside the prison.

According to Palestinian media, the six liberated prisoners are Zakaria Al-Zubaidi, Munadil Yaqoub Naf’at, Muhammad Qasim Ardah, Yaqoub Mahmoud Qadri, Ayham Fouad Kamamji, and Mahmoud Abdullah Ardah. Occupation forces are searching for the six liberated prisoners and they have so far remained free.

This is breaking news and we will provide further updates.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network sends its salutes to these six liberated Palestinian prisoners seeking justice and liberation and their fellow 4,750 Palestinians jailed by the Israeli colonial occupation. Palestinian detainees are routinely subjected to torture, abuse, and lengthy imprisonment for their commitment to a free Palestine. Freedom now for all Palestinian prisoners and for all of Palestine, from the river to the sea!

Palestinian mother Anhar al-Deek to be released today following global outcry

Palestinian mother Anhar al-Deek will be released today, Thursday, 2 September, from Damon prison to house arrest in her family home in Kafr Nima, near Ramallah in occupied Palestine, Palestinian lawyers announced. Anhar, 25, is in her ninth month of pregnancy and due to give birth at any time, for which she requires a Caesarean section. A widespread Palestinian, Arab and international outcry preceded the decision for her release, which still imposes significant conditions and unjust penalties upon her, indicating the power of massive pressure on the Israeli occupation to release Palestinian detainees. The Israeli military and civil courts provide no justice for Palestinians — it is only through action and mobilization that Palestinian prisoners may obtain their liberation.

Palestinian lawyer Akram Samara, who represents al-Deek, said that she was ordered released by the Ofer military court. Her family must pay a financial bail of 40,000 NIS ($12,500 USD) and she will be held under house arrest in her family home. Thousands of Palestinians, Arabs and international supporters of Palestine protested and raised her case on social media and to government officials, especially after her letter was released from Israeli prison. In her letter, al-Deek wrote about the conditions she would face after birth, isolated and imprisoned with her newborn son, without her husband and her mother:

I miss Julia, my beloved daughter, so deeply. My heart cries for her, wishing I can hug her and hold her in my heart. The pain in my heart cannot be expressed.

What can I do if I have to give birth away from you, shackled? You know what it is like to go through a Caesarean delivery outside of prison. How will it be to go through it chained inside the prison?

I am so tired and have severe pain…I do not know how I will take my first steps after the surgery, when the jailer holds my arm with disgust…How can I protect the baby from the terrifying jailers?

I ask all free and honorable people of conscience to act, even by raising a word!…

Al-Deek was seized by Israeli occupation forces on 8 March 2021 — International Women’s Day — when she was four months pregnant. With only a small fruit knife in her possession, she was accused of attempting to stab an Israeli illegal settler.

Throughout her imprisonment and her pregnancy, she has experienced severe physical and mental health symptoms and was diagnosed with bipolar depression. Rather than receiving the support and medical care that she needs and the presence of her loved ones, she was thrown into the Israeli military legal system. During her imprisonment, the Israeli occupation did not permit al-Deek family visits with her husband and baby daughter, Julia. Her husband was able to see her three months ago during the military court, and her brother said that he saw his sister five months ago in another military court hearing.

Anhar is currently among 40 fellow Palestinian women prisoners held in Israeli jails, out of a total of 4,750 Palestinian political prisoners. Eleven of the detained women are mothers separated from their children by the Israeli occupation; just last month, Palestinian political leader and feminist Khalida Jarrar was denied early release or even the opportunity to see her daughter’s body after the untimely death of her daughter, Palestinian activist and human rights defender Suha Jarrar.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins Anhar al-Deek’s family, loved ones, the Palestinian people and people of conscience around the world in welcoming her and her beloved child home. At the same time, we warn of the need to continue to monitor her case closely, especially given that she has not yet arrived home with her loved ones. She has experienced an extremely traumatic pregnancy, while the Israeli occupation continues to impose unjust and onerous conditions upon her. 

Her case also highlights the importance of Palestinian, Arab and international mobilization to highlight the daily injustices of Israeli political imprisonment and the steadfastness and resistance of Palestinian political prisoners. Freedom for all Palestinian prisoners, and all of Palestine, from the river to the sea!

Over 100 organizations issue call for arms embargo on Israel

Photo: Labour Against the Arms Trade

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is an endorser of the following open letter, calling for a comprehensive two-way arms embargo on the Israeli occupation — prohibiting the sale of arms to Israel or the purchase of arms from Israel, often “battle-tested” on Palestinians and Arabs throughout occupied Palestine and in Lebanon and Syria. Read the full letter below: 

Open Letter to the States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty on the Need to Impose a Comprehensive Two-Way Arms Embargo on Israel

We, the undersigned global coalition of leaders –from civil society to academia, art, media, business, politics, indigenous and faith communities, and people of conscience around the world– call upon the States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) to act decisively to put an end to Israel’s notorious use of arms and military equipment for the commission of serious violations of international humanitarian law and human rights against Palestinian civilians by immediately imposing a comprehensive two-way arms embargo on Israel.

In the spring of 2021, the world once again watched in horror as Israeli occupying forces attacked defenceless Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip, in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and inside Israel. Palestinian civilians peacefully protesting against colonisation of their land were assaulted with live fire, rubber-coated steel bullets, sound bombs, tear gas and skunk water. Israel’s deadly military aggression against the Palestinian civilian population in the Gaza Strip was the fourth in a decade. Over 11 days, 248 Palestinians were killed, including 66 children. Thousands were wounded, and the reverberating effects of the use of explosive weapons on hospitals, schools, food security, water, electricity and shelter continue to affect millions.

This systematic brutality, perpetrated throughout the past seven decades of Israel’s colonialism, apartheid, pro-longed illegal belligerent occupation, persecution, and closure, is only possible because of the complicity of some governments and corporations around the world.

Symbolic statements of condemnation alone will not put an end to this suffering. In accordance with the relevant rules of the ATT, States Parties have legal obligations to put an end to irresponsible and often complicit trade of conventional arms that undermines international peace and security, facilitates commission of egregious crimes, and threatens the international legal order.

Under Article 6(3) of the ATT, States Parties undertook not to authorise any transfer of conventional arms if they have knowledge at the time of authorisation that arms or items would be used in the commission of genocide, crimes against humanity, grave breaches of the Geneva conventions of 1949, attacks directed against civilian objects or civilians protected as such, or other war crimes as defined by international agreements to which they are a Party.

Under Articles 7 and 11, they undertook not to authorise any export of conventional arms, munitions, parts and components that would, inter alia, undermine peace and security or be used to commit serious violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law.

It is clear that arms exports to Israel are inconsistent with these obligations. Invariably, Israel has shown that it uses arms to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity, as documented by countless United Nations bodies and civil society organisations worldwide. Military exports to Israel also clearly enabled, facilitated and maintained Israel’s decades-long settler-colonial and apartheid regime imposed over the Palestinian people as a whole.

Similarly, arms imports from Israel are wholly inconsistent with obligations under the ATT. Israeli military and industry sources openly boast that their weapons and technologies are “combat proven” – in other words, field-tested on Palestinian civilians “human test subjects”. When States import Israeli arms, they are encouraging it to keep bombing Palestinian civilians and persist in its unlawful practices. No one –neither Israel, nor arms manufacturers in ATT States parties– should be allowed to profit from the killing or maiming of Palestinian civilians.

It is thus abundantly clear that imposing a two-way arms embargo on Israel is both a legal and a moral obligation. ATT States Parties must immediately terminate any current, and prohibit any future transfers of conventional arms, munitions, parts and components referred to in Article 2(1), Article 3 or Article 4 of the ATT to Israel, until it ends its illegal belligerent occupation of the occupied Palestinian territory and complies fully with its obligations under international law. Pending such an embargo, all States must immediately suspend all transfers of military equipment, assistance and munitions to Israel.

A failure to take these actions entails a heavy responsibility for the grave suffering of civilians – more deaths, more suffering, as thousands of Palestinian men, women and children continue to bear the brutality of a colonial belligerent occupying force– which would result in discrediting the ATT itself. It also renders States parties complicit in internationally wrongful acts through the aiding or abetting of international crimes.  A failure in taking action could also result in invoking the individual criminal responsibility of individuals of these States for aiding and abetting the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity in accordance with Article 25(3)(c) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

Justice will remain elusive so long as Israel’s unlawful occupation, settler-colonialism, apartheid regime, and persecution and institutionalised oppression of the Palestinian people are allowed to continue, and so long as States continue to be complicit in the occupying Power’s crimes by trading weapons with it.

In conclusion, we believe that the ATT can make a difference in the Palestinian civilians’ lives. It has the potential, if implemented in good faith, to spare countless protected persons from suffering. If our call to stop leaving the Palestinian people behind when it comes to implementation of the ATT is ignored, the raison d’être of the ATT will be shattered.

Joining organisations:

  1. Action Sécurité Ethique Républicaines
  2. Adalah Justice Project
  3. Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association
  4. AFPS 63
  5. Al Mezan Center for Human Rights
  6. Aldameer Association for Human Rights
  7. Al-Haq, Law in the Service of Man
  8. Alrowwad Cultural and Arts Society
  9. American Muslims for Palestine
  10. Anglican Pacifist Fellowship
  11. Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem (ARIJ)
  12. Arab Canadian Lawyers Association
  13. Arab Organization for Human Rights
  14. Argenteuil Solidarité Palestine
  15. Asociación Americana de Juristas
  16. Association Belgo-Palestinienne WB
  17. Association femmes plurielles
  18. Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS)
  19. AssoPacePalestina
  20. Australia Palestine Advocacy Network
  21. Australian Centre for International Justice
  22. Australians For Palestine
  23. Badayl
  24. BDS Australia
  25. Begian Campaign for Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
  26. Campagne BDS France
  27. Canadian BDS Coalition
  28. Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME)
  29. Center for Constitutional Rights
  30. Center for International Policy
  31. Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Estratégicos para la Seguridad y el Desarrollo Social CIESED A.C.
  32. CNAPD – Coordination Nationale d’Action pour la Paix et la Démocratie
  33. Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine
  34. Collectif 69 de Soutien au Peuple Palestinien
  35. Collectif BDS 57
  36. Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Palestine
  37. Colombian Campaign to Ban Landmines
  38. Columban missionaries Britain
  39. Columbia Law Students for Palestine
  40. Combatants for Peace
  41. Comitato BDS Campania
  42. Comité de Solidaridad con la Causa Árabe
  43. Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche-Orient asbl
  44. Community Action Center – Al-Quds University
  45. Confederación Intersindical Gallega (CIG)
  46. Cultura è Libertà, una campagna per la Palestina
  47. Dagropass
  48. De Palestijnse gemeenschap in Nederland
  49. Defense for Children -Palestine (DCI-Palestine)
  50. Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN)
  51. docP – BDS Netherlands
  52. Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights
  53. European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine (ECCP)
  54. European Legal Support Center
  55. Femmes Unies pour la Paix dans la région des Grands Lacs
  56. FILEF Sydney Federation of Italian Migrant Workers
  57. Finnish-Arab Friendship Society
  58. Friends of Palestine Tasmania Inc
  59. Gaza Action Ireland
  60. Gesellschaft Schweiz Palästina GSP/ASP
  61. Global Kairos Asia Pacific Solidarity For Palestine (GKAPS)
  62. Good Shepherd Collective
  63. Housing and Land Rights Network
  64. Human Rights and Democratic Participation Center “SHAMS”
  65. Human Rights Network Nigeria
  66. ICAHD Finland
  67. ICAHD UK
  68. Independent Jewish Voices Canada
  69. Indian Writers Forum
  70. Indo Palestine Solidarity Forum
  71. International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD)
  72. International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific
  73. Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign
  74. Jewish Voice For Peace
  75. Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
  76. Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste
  77. Karapatan
  78. Kenya Human Rights Commission
  79. Labor for Palestine
  80. Manushya Foundation
  81. National Association of Democratic Lawyers (South Africa)
  82. National Justice & Peace Network (NJPN)
  83. National Lawyers Guild, Palestine Subcommittee
  84. Nederlands Palestina Komitee
  85. Newweapons research group
  86. Niagara Movement for Justice in Palestine-Israel (NMJPI)
  87. North Notts Unite Community
  88. NOVACT
  89. Oakville Palestinian Rights Association
  90. Palestine Solidarity Committee – Stuttgart, Germany
  91. Palestine Solidarity Network – Edmonton
  92. Palestinian and Jewish Unity
  93. Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR)
  94. Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign (Stop the Wall)
  95. Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network (PNGO)
  96. Pax Christi International
  97. Pax Christi, England and Wales
  98. Paz con Dignidad
  99. Platform of French NGOs for Palestine
  100. Salaam ragazzi dell’Olivo, comitato di Trieste
  101. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
  102. SODePAZ
  103. Solutions Not Punishment Collaborative
  104. The Civic Coalition for Palestinians Right in Jérusalem
  105. The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD)
  106. The Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center (JLAC)
  107. The National Association of Human Rights Defenders
  108. The Oakville Palestinian Rights Association
  109. The Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council (PHROC)
  110. The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy-MIFTAH
  111. UJFP French Jewish union for peace
  112. Union syndicale Solidaires
  113. US Campaign for Palestinian Rights
  114. US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
  115. Visualizing Palestine
  116. Vrede vzw
  117. Vredesactie
  118. War on Want
  119. Women for Palestine
  120. Women in Black Vienna
  121. Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling

Joining individuals:

  1. Ahmed Ben
  2. Ahmed Reda Tolba
  3. Alaa Shalaby
  4. Alaaeddine Tatak
  5. Aline Shaban
  6. Amin Abbas
  7. Andrea Balduzzi
  8. Angie Mindel
  9. Ann McNicholas
  10. Anne Peacey
  11. Ashley Tellis
  12. Atamjit Singh
  13. Attia Rajab
  14. Audrey J Bomse
  15. Badee M.T. Aldwaik
  16. Baruti Likoyi
  17. Bernadette McPhee
  18. Chirag Shah
  19. Claudia Karas
  20. Claudia Schiavelli
  21. Denise Peillon
  22. Denotter JJ
  23. Devaki Khanna
  24. Ibrahim Lada’a
  25. Nerina Cecchin
  26. Egbert Harmsen
  27. Marc Fayard
  28. Firoz Ahmad
  29. Flavia Lepre
  30. Françoise Abadie
  31. Frstot Marie-Paule
  32. Gabriel Mondragón Toledo
  33. Geeta Kapur
  34. Geeta Kapur
  35. Georges Franco
  36. Gillard Francois
  37. Gina Cardosi
  38. Githa Hariharan
  39. Gregory Kotoy
  40. Gyan Prakash
  41. Haidi Ali Muhammad Eltayeb
  42. Hélène Le Cacheux
  43. Herman De Ley
  44. Huwaida Arraf
  45. Ian Ampleford
  46. Ian Mc Cabe
  47. Indu Chandrasekhar
  48. Jake Javanshir
  49. James Dickins
  50. James Lafferty
  51. Jamie Jackson, Co-host, Understanding Israel Palestine Beyond the Walls, KKFI radio
  52. John King
  53. Joop Hoekstra
  54. Julia Auf Dem Brinke
  55. Julie Hart
  56. Kalyani Chaudhuri
  57. Karel Arnaut
  58. Karin Brothers
  59. Karin Verelst
  60. Kathryn Kelly
  61. Kellie Tranter
  62. Lauren Speiser
  63. Laurent De Wangen
  64. Lee Rhiannon
  65. Luisa Morgantini
  66. N. Harakeh
  67. Madeline Lutjeharms
  68. Maha Abdallah
  69. Maha Alami
  70. Malini Bhattacharya
  71. Mani Shankar Aiyar
  72. Marcy Newman
  73. Maria Bartolacci
  74. Marjorie Cohn
  75. Martin Mavenjina
  76. Massimiliano Masini
  77. Maxime Florentin
  78. Maya Devi
  79. Michael Letwin
  80. Michel Gevers
  81. Mohamad Arouki
  82. Mohamed Aboelazm
  83. Mohammad Al Nabulsi
  84. Mohan Rao
  85. Monique Vincent
  86. Muralidharan K
  87. Nalini Nayak
  88. Nandini Sundar
  89. Naresh Dadhich
  90. Nasir Tyabji
  91. Navdeep Mathur
  92. Nick Deane
  93. Nozomi Takahashi
  94. Oishik Sircar
  95. P A Azeez
  96. Pamela Blakelock
  97. Pamela Philipose
  98. Paola Manduca
  99. Patrick Lechopier
  100. Persis Ginwalla
  101. Pierre Bordone
  102. Pushpa Achanta
  103. Pushpamala N
  104. Raffaele Spiga
  105. Rajni Palriwala
  106. Rev Joseph Ryan
  107. Rey Asis
  108. Rudolf Knutti
  109. Raghunandana
  110. Salim Yusufji
  111. Sellin Jean-Christophe
  112. Shafey Kidwai
  113. Sharib Aqleem Ali
  114. Sigour Brigitte
  115. Sonia Fayman
  116. Stephen Flaherty
  117. Sue Ingham
  118. Sumanta Banerjee
  119. Terri Ginsberg
  120. Valter Mutt
  121. Verena Rajab
  122. Vinay Bharadwaj
  123. Vincent Basabé
  124. Winfried Belz
  125. Yousuf Saeed
  126. YVes Goaer
  127. Yves Jardin