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Free the Holy Land Five: 15 years of imprisonment — freedom cannot wait!

On 24 November 2023, we mourn the martyrs of Gaza as we honour and welcome 39 freed Palestinian prisoners, the first prisoners liberated through a prisoner exchange with the Palestinian resistance since the Wafaa al-Ahrar exchange in 2011. On this date, we also mark the 15th year of imprisonment for Shukri Abu Baker, Ghassan Elashi and Mufid Abdelqader, the remaining prisoners of the Holy Land Five — Palestinian political prisoners in U.S. jails.

Today, it has been 15 years since the Holy Land Foundation 5, five Palestinian community leaders, were convicted and imprisoned for providing charity — food and medicine — to orphans and widows in Palestine. Today, three of the five remain imprisoned, some with exceptionally long sentences. After the first jury hearing their case reached a mistrial, the second trial was an exceptional miscarriage of justice, in which the Holy Land 5 were convicted on the basis of anti-Palestinian propaganda, including the anonymous testimony of Israeli intelligence agents.

These three men remain behind bars, locked away from their communities and loving families, and we demand their freedom, alongside the freedom of all Palestinian prisoners. Like the prisoners of the Black Liberation Movement, Leonard Peltier, Alex Saab and others, the Holy Land 5 are political prisoners of U.S. imperialism. They are also Palestinian political prisoners, part of the prisoners’ movement alongside their brothers and sisters in occupied Palestine and the prisoners in imperialist jails, like Georges Abdallah and Amin Abu Rashed. 

As we highlight the responsibility of U.S. imperialism for funding, arming and directing the ongoing Zionist genocide in Gaza, we further emphasize that the U.S. is jailing Palestinian political prisoners. The Holy Land 5 are imprisoned because they provided the means to support the steadfastness of their people in their occupied homeland, resisting displacement and providing community support that was independent of USAID, the European Union and similar imperialist “donor states” that condition their aid on political concessions and appeasement to Zionist colonialism.

Who Are the Holy Land Foundation 5?

As Within Our Lifetime notes, “The Holy Land 5 are five Palestinian men who were active leaders in the Holy Land Foundation. The Foundation was based in Texas and was once the largest Islamic charity in the U.S. before it was targeted by the Bush administration and zionist forces as part of the racist “War on Terror” and shut down in December 2001, leading to the wrongful conviction and imprisonment of five Palestinian men. Three of them, Mufid Abdulqader, Ghassan Elashi, and Shukri Abu Baker remain imprisoned today. The two others, Abdulrahman Odeh and Mohammed El-Mezain, sentenced to 15 years each, were released in 2020 and 2022 respectively.”

The HLF5 were convicted on false charges of “providing material support to terrorism,” despite the fact that they were never even accused of funding the legitimate armed resistance to Israeli occupation and colonization. Indeed, the same charities funded by the Holy Land Foundation were also funded by the International Red Cross and even USAID, the US Agency for International Development. However, the U.S. government, after failing to convict the HLF5 in their first attempt, was allowed twice to bring in an anonymous Israeli intelligence agent to offer even more dubious, torture-produced “evidence” against the Five, alongside pure sensationalism and anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab racism.

Ghassan Elashi was born in Gaza City, and lived there until age 14. He and his family then moved to Cairo, Egypt, where he eventually got his Bachelor’s degree in accounting from Ain Shams University in 1975. He lived in Saudi Arabia and London for a couple of years before finally migrating to the United States in 1978. He lived in Ohio for several months and then moved to Florida, where he got his Master’s degree in accounting from the University of Miami in 1981. Soon afterwards, Mr. Elashi began working in a company that created the world’s first Arabic computer. In 1985, Mr. Elashi married Majida and moved to Culver City, Calif. near Los Angeles. They lived there for about seven years before moving to Richardson, Texas near Dallas in 1992. There, he worked at a family-owned computer business and served as a chairman and volunteer for the HLF. Mr. Elashi and Majida have six children: Noor, Huda, Asma, Mohammad, Osama and Omar.  “I do not apologize for feeding orphans and needy families. I know what the government’s goal was, it was to make an example of me. But they failed, because I felt a love from my community that I couldn’t imagine,” he said.

Shukri Abu Baker, of Palestinian and Brazilian heritage, was born in Brazil in 1959. At age 6, he and his family moved to Silwad, Palestine, where they lived for a couple of years. In 1967, the family left to Kuwait and lived there for about a decade. Mr. Abu-Baker migrated to the United States in 1980, where he got his Bachelor’s degree in business administration from Orlando College. During that time, he also helped launch the first mosque in central Florida. After marrying Wejdan in 1982, Mr. Abu-Baker moved to Indianapolis, Indiana. There, he worked as an office manager for the Muslim Arab Youth Association. In 1990, they relocated to Culver City, California, near Los Angeles where he and a few friends opened the Holy Land Foundation. Then in 1992, the family moved to Dallas and the HLF moved with them. He and Wejdan have four American-born daughters: Zaira, Sanabel, Nida and Shurook. You can read Shukri’s Notes from Prison on his blog: https://notesfromshukri.wordpress.com/

Mufid Abdelqader was born in Silwad, Palestine in 1959, and lived much of his young adult life in Kuwait. In 1980, he migrated to the United States to receive a college education. He lived in Irving, Texas for a few months before moving to two Oklahoma cities, first Claremore, then Stillwater. To fund his tuition at Oklahoma State University, Mr. Abdelqader briefly worked as a dishwasher at an Italian Restaurant and a cashier at Wendys. He received his Bachelor’s of Science degree in Civil Engineering in 1984. In 1985, he married Diane. He received his Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering from Oklahoma State University in 1994. The family lived in Oklahoma City for several years before finally moving to Richardson, Texas in 1996. He and Diane have three daughters. Since 1996, Mr. Abdelqader worked for the city of Dallas as a Senior Project Manager in the public works and transportation departments. Mufid is a singer, served as a volunteer counselor in his community, and volunteered for the HLF.

Watch a video about the HLF5:

The Holy Land 5 Case

The Holy Land Foundation was repeatedly targeted by Zionist organizations in a series of reports and investigations because of its effective work in providing support to occupied Palestine. The HLF was a large charity that raised millions of dollars for impoverished people in occupied Palestine, providing much-needed support and blunting the effects of the occupation on the Palestinian people. Leaders of the Foundation were placed under surveillance by the FBI since 1993 while notorious Islamophobic, racist and Zionist commentators like Steven Emerson repeatedly attacked the Foundation.

The situation of the Foundation was made more precarious in the post-Oslo era, with the adoption of first financial sanctions and then criminal law creating a list of “Foreign Terrorist Organizations,” a list that was explicitly created in order to criminalize and repress opposition to the “Middle East peace process,” which was in reality a process for the liquidation of the Palestinian cause. While the Elashi brothers’ business, INFOCOM, was raided by the FBI on allegations of selling computer technology to people in Libya, Syria and occupied Palestine, in early September 2001, the post-September 11 climate of intensified racism and “War on Terror” propaganda further propelled the attack on the Holy Land Foundation. Using the extremely broad powers of the Treasury Department, the HLF’s funds were frozen, offices raided, and it was declared a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist” organization.

It was in 2004 that the homes of the Holy Land Foundation Five — Ghassan Elashi, Shukri Abu Baker, Mufid Abdelqader, Mohammed el-Mezain and Abdulrahman Odeh — were raided and the men arrested and not until 2007 that their trial began. Despite the admission of anonymous testimony from Israeli intelligence agents in court — who could not be properly subject to cross-examination by the defense — the first trial ended in a mistrial, with initially all 12 jurors voting for acquittal and then one changing his mind at the last minute.

As Within Our Lifetime notes, “One of the jurors noted that the case seemed ‘strung together with macaroni noodles. There was so little evidence.’ The jury issued not-guilty verdicts on nearly every one of the 197 charges until one of the jurors suddenly changed their mind and claimed they never agreed to those verdicts. Later, evidence came out to suggest that this juror was improperly influenced by those who sought to see the HLF5 imprisoned.”

While the HLF5, their families, and supporters for justice in Palestine celebrated, the government refused to accept defeat and once again brought the HLF5 before the court in Dallas, again exhibiting sensationalist, unproven and unrelated testimony from Israeli occupation intelligence agents. Noor Elashi, the daughter of Ghassan Elashi, said, “It was the only time in the history of the United States that a witness inside a courtroom was allowed to remain anonymous, so the defense couldn’t cross-examine him.” There was one prior similar incident, however — the case of Abdelhaleem Ashqar and Mohammed Saleh in Chicago, Palestinians charged on more dubious “terror” allegations, once again facing occupation agents in court granted a veil of anonymity. The Holy Land Foundation Five’s family members’ political affiliations were cited as a form of even more dubious “evidence” against them.

In the end, the HLF5 were convicted and granted extraordinarily long sentences. “Shukri Abu Baker and Ghassan Elashi were given 65-year sentences each. Abdulrahman Odeh, Mohammed El-Mezain, and Mufid Abdulqader were sentenced to 15 to 20 years each. Two of Ghassan Elashi’s brothers, Bayan and Basman Elashi, were tried and convicted seperately of charges stemming from InfoCom and the Holy Land Foundation. The brothers were arrested in 2002, spent two years in solitary confinement, and went to trial in 2004. They each received 84-month sentences, and were released from prison in 2009 before being deported to Gaza.”

Abdulrahman Odeh and Mohammed el-Mezain were finally released in 2020 and 2022. When El-Mezain was released, he was detained by ICE — US immigration agent — and then deported to Turkey. Shukri Abu Baker, Ghassan Elashi and Mufid Abdelqader remain behind bars — while Abdelqader is scheduled for release in 2025, Elashi and Abu Baker are sentenced to 45 more years in US prisons. They earlier spent many years behind bars, including a number of years in ultra-repressive, maximum security “Communications Management Units.” All of their legal appeals have so far been exhausted, which is why it is so critical to engage in the political and popular struggle for their liberation.

The struggle to free the Holy Land 5 is part and parcel of the struggle for the liberation of all Palestinian prisoners and the liberation of Palestine. As we march and organize to confront U.S. imperialism in occupied Palestine and the Arab region and U.S. responsibility for Zionist genocide in Gaza, we also call for the liberation of these Palestinian political prisoners in U.S. jails. 

Take action to #FreeTheHLF5 with the action items below. This list is not exhaustive and we encourage you to come up with creative ideas to mobilize in defense of the HLF5 and in support of Palestinian prisoners:

  • Bring posters and calls to #FreeTheHLF5 to your next demonstration for Palestine!
  • If you represent an organization, sign onto the call to join the campaign to #FreeTheHLF5
  • Donate or host a fundraiser to support the Coalition for Civil Freedoms, a critical organization who has been supporting the Holy Land 5, their families, and many other political prisoners throughout the United States for decades
  • Organize an event, screening, or rally to defend the Holy Land 5 and all political prisoners. Send us the details and we’ll share it. Outside the United States? Protest at a U.S. consulate or embassy and demand the release of the HLF5.
  • Write to Shukri, Ghassan and Mufid using the instructions and addresses listed below
  • Take pictures with the posters available here and on the WOL site and include the hashtag #FreeTheHLF5


Here are some resources you can use to organize for the Holy Land Five:

Write The Holy Land 5

Writing to prisoners is an important part of showing solidarity and building morale. Whether you are writing to Palestinian prisoners in Zionist jails, Georges Abdallah in France, or the Holy Land 5 and other political prisoners in the U.S., your letters show these imprisoned strugglers that they are not forgotten, abandoned or isolated despite all attempts to do so, and they also show the jailers that these prisoners have external support.

Please remember that any letters sent to the HLF5 are liable to be opened and read by prison staff. Avoid writing anything sensitive that could be read into by guards and prison officials. Make sure to include both their name and their register number on the envelope.

P.O. BOX 26030

P.O. BOX 3000

P.O. BOX 9000

Download and use these posters

Free the Holy Land 5 (Download PDF)

Free Ghassan Elashi (Download PDF)

Free Shukri Abu Baker (Download PDF)

Free Mufid Abdelqader (Download PDF)

39 Palestinian prisoners in first day of exchange achieved by Palestinian Resistance

On Friday, 24 November, with the start of the four-day “humanitarian pause” in the ongoing Zionist genocide on Gaza, the Palestinian Resistance extracted the liberation of women and children prisoners jailed by the Israeli occupation. Today, 39 prisoners were released in exchange for a group of Israelis detained by the Palestinian resistance in Gaza; each day, a new group of prisoners will be released as part of the ongoing prisoner exchange.

The Resistance has retained custody of the Zionist soldiers that it has taken captive, exchanging women and children for women and children, as well as releasing Thai foreign workers captured by the resistance in the 7 October operation.

The list of Palestinian prisoners released today is:

1. Yousef Mohammad Ata -Ramallah
2. Qusai Hani Ahmad- Bethlehem
3. Jibreel Ghassan Jibreel- Qalqilia
4. Mohamad Ahmad Abu Rajab – Hebron
5. Ahmad Noman abu Naim -Ramallah
6. Bara Bilal Rabei – Hebron
7. Aban Eyad Hammad – Qalqilia
8. Motaz Hatem Abu Iram – Hebron
9. Eyad Abdelqader Khatib – Hizma (Jerusalem)
10. Laith Khalil Othman – Ramallah
11. Mohammad Mahmoud Dar Darweesh – Ramallah
12. Jamal Khalil Barahmeh – Jericho
13. Jamal Yousef Abu Hamdan – Nablus
14. Mohammad Anees Turabi- Nablus
15. Abd Alrahman Abd Alrahman Suliman Rizq- Jerusalem
16. Rawan Nafez Abu Matar- Ramallah
17. Marah Bakir – Jerusalem
18. Malak Suleiman – Jerusalem
19. Amani al-Hashem – Jerusalem
20. Nihaya Sawan – Jerusalem
21. Fairouz Al-Baw – Jerusalem
22. Tahrir Adnan Abu Sariyeh – Nablus
23. Falasteen Nijm- Nablus
24. Wala Tanja – Tulkarem
25. Mariam Arafat Sawafta – Nablus
26. Aseel Al-Titi – Nablus
27. Azhar Assaf -Jerusalem
28. Raghad al-Fani – Tulkarem
29. Fatima Bader -Jerusalem
30. Rawda Abu Ajamiah – Bethlehem
31. Sarah al-Swais – Nablus
32. Fatima Shaheen – Bethlehem
33. Samira Hirbawi – Jerusalem
34. Samah Souf – Qalqilia
35. Fatima Abu Shalal – Nablus
36. Hanan Saleh Barghouthi – Ramallah
37. Fatima Amarneh – Jenin
38. Zeina Raed Abdo – Jerusalem
39. Noor Al Taher – Nablus

Occupation forces attempted to terrorize the families of the prisoners in an attempt to strip the joy of the liberated captives, their families and loved ones; yet throughout occupied Palestine, cries of freedom and liberation rang out alongside solemn salutes to the sacrifices and steadfastness of the Palestinian people in Gaza and the strength and power of the Palestinian resistance. Over 14,000 Palestinians have been killed by the Zionist occupation forces in a month and a half of the ongoing genocide on Gaza, yet the freedom of these prisoners was obtained through the strength, power and popular support of the resistance on the ground.

In major speeches today, both Ismail Haniyeh, chair of Hamas’ political bureau, and Ziyad Nakhaleh, General Secretary of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement, addressed the prisoner exchange. Haniyeh said (translation by Resistance News Network):

The enemy bet on recovering detainees and prisoners held by Qassam and the resistance in Gaza through the barrel of guns, killing, and genocide, but ultimately conceded to the resistance’s terms and the will of our proud people.

Salutations to the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, who are confronting along the entire front of the occupied Al-Jalil and have offered dozens of martyrs alongside our people’s martyrs in Lebanon, the latest being the Qassami martyr Khalil Al-Kharraz.

A special salute to our brothers in Yemen, who have powerfully and capably expressed their anger towards the zionist enemy and their solidarity with their brothers in Gaza and Palestine in their own unique way.

We thank the Iraqi resistance, which participates in this battle with manliness and nobility.

We affirm that we will not leave our positions or abandon our responsibilities towards our people before, during, and after the battle, and we remain committed to the unity of the people, the land, and the destiny.”

Nakhaleh said (translation by Resistance News Network):

“With the resilience of our fighters in the field, we will later force the enemy into a major exchange operation that ensures the liberation of all our prisoners under the principle of ’everyone for everyone.’

This agreement —previously rejected by the enemy under the pretext of forcing the resistance to release their prisoners without conditions— was achieved.

Despite its linguistic arrogance and crimes against civilians, we will force the enemy to rebuild and meet other political conditions that will open important prospects for our people and their freedom.

The aggression was not just a response to the resistance’s act on October 7 but revealed the American President’s vision in linking the aggression with geopolitical arrangements in the Middle East…

I affirm that we will not break or surrender. We will fight and continue to fight, and this choice is now more important than ever. After all these sacrifices, our people confirm that they represent the will of all the free people in the world.”

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes the Palestinian prisoners, their families, communities and comrades; and the Palestinian resistance, linked with the Lebanese, Iraqi, Yemeni and broader Arab and regional resistance forces, on this historic occasion. The liberation of the prisoners today, the first step in the exchange, is also a significant blow achieved by the will, sacrifice, bravery and commitment of the resistance and its popular cradle, the Palestinian people as a whole, against Zionism, imperialism and the reactionary forces that serve their interests, on the road to ending the genocide, breaking the siege on Gaza, liberating all Palestinian prisoners and liberating all of Palestine, from the river to the sea.

Follow regular updates at our Telegram channel: https://t.me/samidounnetwork and on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SamidounPP

Resistance News Network also provides general Palestinian resistance news updates at: https://t.me/PalestineResist

Statement by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network on the 23 November 2023 raids in Germany

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network denounces in the strongest terms the raids carried out by German police in four federal states, with a particular focus in Berlin, targeting Palestinians labeled by the German state as members or supporters of Samidoun or of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas. We express our deepest solidarity with all of those subjected to these raids today, and we view these raids as a clear attempt by the German state to terrorize the Palestinian, Arab and Muslim communities in Germany and, more broadly, the popular sentiment in support of Palestinian liberation. These actions today build upon the ban of Samidoun several weeks ago, the bans on demonstrations, police attacks on communities, racist media incitement and fascist political, social and cultural assaults on all members of these targeted communities.

Further, these raids are an attempt by the German state to advance the Zionist genocide being carried out at this moment in occupied Palestine, which has already taken the lives of over 14,000 Palestinians, displaced over half of the Palestinians of Gaza, destroyed dozens of hospitals, schools, mosques and churches, and wounded tens of thousands more. They are also an attempt to silence all voices who speak out for the liberation of Palestinian prisoners, particularly at this moment, when six prisoners have been martyred in occupation jails in the past month, when prisoners are subjected to daily torture and abuse, and when a prisoner exchange is potentially on the horizon and requires the support of all people of conscience.

Instead of acting as a responsible party – sanctioning the Israeli occupation regime, expelling its ambassador and invoking the Genocide Convention to protect Palestinians – the proper activities of any state that claims, as does Germany, to have learned its lessons from Germany’s role as a perpetrator of Nazi genocide – it instead has increased its military support and arms sales to the Israeli occupation tenfold in just the past two months while imposing a level of police repression unprecedented since German reunification on the Palestinian community and supporters of Palestine more broadly.

We assert that these attacks on people who were Samidoun members prior to the 2nd November ban on Samidoun in Germany as well on people who participate in demonstrations and mass actions in defense of Palestine will fail in the attempt to terrorize and silence the community and the rising voice of justice in Palestine. The tens of thousands of people who fill the streets for every call for Palestine will continue to do so, even as they face police assault and arrest for declaring such simple demands as, “End the genocide” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

Our energies and efforts around the world are focused on supporting the heroic Palestinian people in Gaza and throughout occupied Palestine and organizing everywhere in exile and diaspora, on the international, Arab and Palestinian levels, to bring an end to the genocide, to affirm the legitimacy and leadership of the Palestinian resistance, and to liberate Palestine, all of Palestine. The systemic racist abuse directed at the Palestinian people and the Arab and Muslim communities more broadly will not silence us nor will it suppress our work. Whether the repression is taking place in Germany, France, Britain, Canada or the United States, it is clear that these attacks on strugglers for justice in Palestine reflects only the desperation of the imperialist powers to defend their illegitimate Zionist settler colonial project planted in the heart of the Arab region by all means, including tearing apart all of their proclamations and pledges of democracy, human rights, freedom of expression and freedom of association. We express our clear solidarity with all people and organizations who have been targeted for arrest, detention, police raids, searches, harassment, employer retaliation, official silencing and other forms of persecution for their positions on Palestinian liberation.

Despite all the attacks, the reality is clear: the people stand with Palestine. From the tens, indeed hundreds of thousands that defy state repression in Germany to take to the streets for Palestine, to the masses in France that rise up against police bans on mobilization, to the millions in Britain marching despite attempts to ban the Palestinian flag, to the ongoing actions in Britain, Canada and the United States to materially confront and challenge the war machine through direct actions like those of Palestine Action – and this is just in the heart of the imperial core. In Latin America, Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba, Belize, Bolivia have cut ties, recalled their ambassadors or affirmed their rejection of the Israeli occupation regime, demanding an end to the genocide. South Africa’s parliament has voted to expel the Israeli ambassador. And of course, in the Arab region, the heroic and unparalleled role of the Lebanese, Yemeni and Iraqi resistance is unified with the clear sentiment and spirit of the people to shame every reactionary regime that is complicit in the genocide in Palestine and the imperialist plans for the region.

The images of hundreds of masked and heavily armed police invading the apartments of Palestinian students, workers and refugees in Germany today appears as an imitation of the daily invasions of the Israeli occupation forces in Palestinian homes in occupied Palestine, as well as a disturbing echo of Germany’s own Nazi fascist history. And as Palestinians in occupied Palestine have never stopped struggling despite over 75 years of Zionist occupation and 100 years of colonialism, these attacks will not silence the growing movement in Germany and every other imperialist power involved in attacking Palestine, as new generations refuse their involvement and complicity in genocide.

We affirm: No bans, police raids or criminalization will silence the spirit, the will and the organization of the Palestinian, Arab and internationalist voices confronting imperialism, Zionism and reaction. As Samidoun, we are committed to challenging the ban and these attacks by all legal means, and our eyes will not be turned away from our role in working urgently to end the genocide and free all Palestinian prisoners. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. Long live the Palestinian resistance. Victory, return, total liberation and decolonization for all of Palestine.



International Delegation in Cairo Demands Opening of Rafah Border Crossing


We are an international delegation of writers, lawyers, journalists, activists, students, and organizers who arrived in Cairo, Egypt this week with the goal of reaching the Rafah border crossing with Gaza to exert pressure to open the border for the immediate entry and sustained flow of urgent humanitarian aid—food, water, fuel, and medical aid to 2.3 million Palestinians facing starvation and death as genocidal Israeli airstrikes continuously pound defenseless civilians.

In response to the Palestinian and Arab calls for civil society to challenge Israel’s deadly occupation by heading immediately towards the Egyptian-Palestinian crossing to bring urgent humanitarian relief to 2.3 million people, we have just submitted a request to the Egyptian authorities for permission to travel to Rafaah.

Israel’s wanton bombing has killed over 11,000 people, a shocking number of whom are children who were gruesomely buried alive in their bombed homes or had their bodies shredded by these bombs. Thousands more remain unreachable under the rubble, and over 27,000 are injured.

Water, food, fuel, and medical supplies have been cut off, with only a trick of aid trucks making it through the Rafah crossing. The healthcare sector has completely collapsed, either through direct Israeli bombing or from lack of medicine and electricity to treat patients. Israel’s targeting of civilians includes destruction of more than 50 percent of homes in Gaza, nearly all bakeries, water treatment plants, schools, clinics, and other infrastructures for life.

As Palestinians in Gaza teeter on the brink of life, without sustenance or shelter, we call for an immediate end to Israel’s barbaric bombing and invasion of Gaza. We call on the world to intervene in any and every capacity to end the ongoing genocidal attacks against a defenseless civilian society, which has been unrelentingly terrorized for 35 days. We urge all peoples and governments to act urgently to end this horror. There are hundreds of aid trucks currently parked in the desert waiting to enter the Rafah crossing. We demand that they be allowed to reach Palestinians whose needs are dire and desperate.

Stop Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza Now!
Open the Rafah border Now!

For questions, contact: international@nlg.org

بيان صحفي

نحن وفد دولي من الكتاب والمحامين والصحفيين والناشطين والطلاب والمنظمين الذين وصلوا إلى القاهرة بمصر هذا الأسبوع بهدف الوصول إلى معبر رفح الحدودي مع غزة لممارسة الضغط لفتح الحدود للدخول الفوري والمستدام. تدفق المساعدات الإنسانية العاجلة – الغذاء والماء والوقود والمساعدات الطبية إلى 2.3 مليون فلسطيني يواجهون المجاعة والموت بينما تقصف الغارات الجوية الإسرائيلية المستمرة المدنيين العزل.

استجابة للدعوات الفلسطينية والعربية للمجتمع المدني لتحدي الاحتلال الإسرائيلي القاتل من خلال التوجه فوراً نحو المعبر المصري الفلسطيني لإيصال الإغاثة الإنسانية العاجلة إلى 2.3 مليون شخص، فقد تقدمنا للتو بطلب إلى السلطات المصرية  للحصول على إذن بالسفرالي معبر رفح . .

لقد أدى القصف الإسرائيلي الوحشي إلى مقتل أكثر من 11.000 شخص، عدد مروع منهم من الأطفال الذين ماتوا بأبشع حالات الموت بسبب دفنهم أحياء في منازلهم التي قصفت أو مزقتهم هذه القنابل. ولا يزال من الصعب الوصول إلى آلاف آخرين تحت أنقاضمنازلهم، كما أصيب أكثر من 27,000 شخص.

لقد تم قطع المياه والغذاء والوقود والإمدادات الطبية، ولم يتمكن سوى عدد قليل من شاحنات المساعدات من المرور عبر معبر رفح. لقد انهار قطاع الرعاية الصحية بشكل كامل، إما بسبب القصف الإسرائيلي المباشر أو بسبب نقصالأدوية والكهرباء لعلاج المرضى. يشمل استهداف إسرائيل للمدنيين تدمير أكثر من 50 بالمائة من المنازل في غزة، وجميع المخابز ومحطات معالجة المياه والمدارس والعيادات وغيرها من البنى التحتية للحياة تقريبًا.

وبينما يتأرجح الفلسطينيون في غزة على حافة الحياة، دون قوت أو مأوى، فإننا ندعو إلى وضع حد فوري للقصف الهمجي الإسرائيلي وغزو غزة. إننا ندعو العالم إلى التدخل بكل الوسائل الممكنة لإنهاء هجمات الإبادة الجماعية المستمرة ضد مجتمع مدني أعزل، والذي تعرضللترهيب بلا هوادة لمدة 35 يومًا.

ونحث جميع الشعوب والحكومات على التحرك بشكل عاجل لإنهاء هذا الرعب. هناك المئات من شاحنات المساعدات متوقفة حاليًا في الصحراء بانتظار الدخول إلى معبر رفح. ونطالب بالسماح لها بالوصول إلى الفلسطينيين الذين تعتبر احتياجاتهم ملحة ويائسة.

أوقفوا حرب الإبادة الجماعية الإسرائيلية على غزة الآن!
افتحوا معبر رفح الآن!

للأسئلة، الاتصال: international@nlg.org

10 November, Chicago: Film Screening of “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight”

Friday, November 10
9 pm
Sweet Void Cinema
3036 W Chicago Ave
Chicago, IL 60622
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzW7UcQP70-/

This Friday at 9pm, Sweet Void Cinema is once again teaming up with Chicago Films for Palestine to bring you Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight. We will have a guest speaker from Samidoun: Political Prisoner Solidarity Network, an introduction prior and a discussion after. Hope to see you there!

Join us for an educational screening about Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, a Lebanese fighter for Palestinian liberation and one of the longest-held political prisoners in Europe. This documentary traces a life of resistance to imperialism and Zionist occupation. We will discuss the relevance of Georges’ story to the resistance today for the liberation of Palestine, confronting the genocide on Gaza.

A call to action: Confront the Zionist-imperialist assault on the Palestinian people!


The following statement was issued by Samidoun NY/NJ:

The New York/New Jersey Chapter of the Samidoun Palestinian Political Prisoners Network condemns in the harshest language the ongoing crimes committed against our people in Gaza and Lebanon by the Zionist enemy and its devoted Western backers.

The United States empire leads and funds these atrocities in hopes of crushing our people’s resistance. They continuously target civilians, hospitals, and journalists, and have severed Gaza’s access to basic necessities like food, water, electricity, and the internet signals needed to broadcast these atrocities. The world watched as the Zionist enemy bombed the Rafah border crossing to prevent the delivery of humanitarian aid and deployed internationally banned chemical weapons such as white phosphorus. So far, the Zionist enemy has martyred more than 9,000 Palestinians, most of whom were and children.

The New York/New Jersey Chapter of the Samidoun Network stresses that the western colonial powers created the Zionist entity, which remains loyal to the interests of western capital in the Arab world and beyond.  These very powers—principally the United States and its European allies—fund and/or manufacture every bullet, plane and bomb that the Zionist enemy uses against our people.

It is crucial to note the United States’ close coordination with the Israeli occupational government. Its political, tactical and strategic support has empowered each genocidal move made by the Zionists—including the bombing of the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital that killed over 500 civilians and, more recently, the violent ground invasion of Gaza that may involve around 5,000 U.S. military personnel. 

The Biden administration staunchly supports the occupation and has doubled down on its hospital bombing lie, even suggesting it was a legitimate military target. More broadly, the US imperialist regime continually threatens genocide not only to the Palestinians but the whole of the Arab world to enforce their violent world dominance.

We hold the American and European states responsible for every crime committed by the Zionist enemy over the last eight decades. We call on our supporters, the masses of our Palestinian people in exile, and all free people worldwide to challenge manifestations of Zionism and western imperialism by all available means.

Glory to the Martyrs… Freedom for the Prisoners… and Revolution until Victory

The Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network – New York/ New Jersey


ALL OUT FOR PALESTINE in Washington, DC, and everywhere around the world, November 4!

The ongoing genocide in Gaza and the heroic Palestinian and Arab resistance confronting that genocide have spotlighted, perhaps more than ever, the destructive alliance of Zionism and U.S.-led imperialism, with the threat that they pose not only to Palestine but to humanity as a whole. As U.S. President Joe Biden — now dubbed “Genocide Joe” on social media — and Congress ready to send an additional $14 billion in weapons to the Zionist regime as it carries out its genocide, as Germany bans demonstrations for Palestine and even the Samidoun Network, as the British Home Secretary threatens people carrying a Palestinian flag, and as the French state attacks demonstrators and threatens political parties with imprisonment for speaking favourably about the Palestinian resistance, the alignment of the imperialist powers in order to protect their outpost in the region is clear.

At the same time, not only have Arab resistance forces from Lebanon to Iraq to Yemen joined the battle, the tide of normalization imposed upon the Arab masses is being overturned, even as reactionary regimes continue their complicity under imperialist domination. The streets of the region, from Baghdad and Sanaa to Tehran and Istanbul, are full of people standing with Palestine unconditionally. In Latin America, Bolivia, Colombia and Chile have joined the long-standing position of Venezuela and Cuba in rejecting the Zionist regime or, at minimum, withdrawing ambassadors. The outrage, however, spans borders, and defies ruling classes; at the heart of the imperial core, massive demonstrations, from London to New York to Toronto, from Paris to Berlin to Rome, have expressed widespread popular support for Palestinian liberation and rejection of the imperialist genocide being conducted by the Zionist regime in Gaza.

Belgian trade unions have announced their refusal to load weaponry bound for the Israeli military, and direct actions at weapons manufacturers like Elbit Systems — like those of the Palestine Action movement in Britain and the US — are directly confronting the war machine. Today in the San Francisco Bay Area, community members have occupied a military ship attempting to bring more weapons to the Zionist regime. This weekend is a global mobilization — everywhere — to take action, march, organize and make clear that the people of the world stand with Palestine!

In the United States, Saturday Nov. 4 is a major national mobilization to Washington, DC, to confront imperialism in the belly of the beast. It is on track to be the largest demonstration for Palestine in U.S. history. Around the world, from Johannesburg to Caracas to Beirut, from Santiago to Vancouver to Tokyo, people will march for Palestinian liberation. Samidoun is one of hundreds upon hundreds of organizations endorsing and supporting this major mobilization.

We also urge all to participate in the Black People’s March on the White House, beginning at 11 am at Malcolm X Park, an important Black Liberation Movement event with a strong anti-imperialist framework as well as clear solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

If you are in the United States and can come to Washington, DC, we urge you to join the mass mobilization and demonstrate popular power and resistance to imperialism and Zionism! 

Samidoun is collecting demonstrations and actions around the world on the Global Calendar of Resistance for Palestine. TO ADD YOUR EVENT TO THE CALENDAR: Email us at samidoun@samidoun.net or tag us on social media! We know that these events are mainly international and that the Arab people are marching everywhere for Palestine — we will be honored to add Arab events.

Please attend all of these events and actions in your area. The genocide is continuing — and the resistance is still rising. ALL OUT FOR PALESTINE!

Friday, November 3

Saturday, November 4

Sunday, November 5

3 November, NYC: Teach-In — Free all Palestinian Political Prisoners!

Join Samidoun NY/NJ at @MaydaySpace (176 St. Nicholas Ave, Brooklyn, NY) this Friday, November 3rd, at 7pm for a teach-in and discussion on the Palestinian Prisoners Movement, along with a talk from Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network International Coordinator, Charlotte Kates!

As the the Palestinian resistance continues the valiant fight against israel’s brutal attacks on Gaza, the zionist regime is ramping up abuse against prisoners and detainees by transferring them to an unknown location, while occupation forces are also carrying out an arbitrary arrest campaign targeting released prisoners and resistance fighters in the West Bank.

There has never been a better time to come together to learn about the Palestinian Prisoners Movement and discuss ways we can stand in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners from within the belly of the beast.

Gaza is a Strategy, Not Just a Place

The following statement was developed by Samidoun NY/NJ:

Gaza is a Strategy, Not Just A Place

We echo the sentiment that Gaza is ‘the first experiment in considering us all disposable” and “the likely future for the working-class masses worldwide.” ~Colombian president Gustavo Petro and The Hampton Institute

In the 20th century, fascist states used racialized dehumanization, ghettoization and forced transfer to concentration camps, coupled with brutal military suppression of working class and colonized people to expand their system of extermination. These tactics served as a mechanism for accomplishing the ruling class’ “final solution” and to preserve the power of capitalism.

In the 21st century, contradictions between the western imperial core and the racialized global working class continue to heighten. The power of the US-led imperial core is declining but it continues its desperate stranglehold on capitalism. Gaza is a focal point of this stranglehold and the testing ground for a completely new tactic of extermination.

These new fascists have found it more expedient to beseige a people where they already live and coordinate a two-pronged assault: on the one end, a brutal blockade preventing anything from getting in or out, on the other, after decades of global military escalation, a constant bombing campaign, increasing each time in scope and barbarity all the while engaging in global dehumanization campaign of the population to be exterminated.

It is increasingly clear that this tactic will not stay contained to Gaza.

From Kashmir to Korea, fascist states like India and the US are already laying the groundwork to replicate this tactic.

It is clearer every day that we are facing a coordinated effort to normalize not just the genocide of the Palestinians but the genocide of any and all people who resist the US-led imperialist world order.

It is in that vein that we salute the brave Palestinian people and their resistance. Their containment of these fascist policies gives us all precious time to understand the gravity of the situation and, more importantly, to act decisively against it.

Stop the Israeli Genocide of Palestinians!

Support Palestinian Resistance & Revolution!

Unite With the Struggling People of the World to Stop the Fascist Onslaught!

Repression and Surveillance

“Ask yourself why the capitalist ruling class has been responding to economic collapse with overpopulation rhetoric, cop cities, and… unprecedented spending on military.” – The Hampton Institute

As the global capitalist economy deteriorates and leaders initiate unpopular austerity policies, revolutionary movements are once again resurging throughout the world and especially in the global south, as they did throughout the 20th century.

In response:

  • Police forces around the world are becoming increasingly militarized and worldwide military spending has ballooned to its highest level in history
  • The United States is forcing the construction of a multi-billion dollar Cop City in Atlanta, GA to further militarize police and prepare them for urban warfare
  • Countries across the developed world have normalized high-tech spying and sophisticated forms of public opinion shaping
  • Drone technologies, pioneered and tested by the Zionist regime, are increasingly common around the world, shrouding the skies in an air of death
  • Red scare tactics used in the 20th century are making a come-back to scare people from pubicly supporting Palestine or participating in anti-imperialist resistance movements.
  • States around the world are instituting anti-“terrorism” laws to brutally suppress movements and create distrust within the communities they oppress.

Anti-Immigration Measures

As Gustavo Petro remarked, “Anti-immigration policies, concentration camps for immigrants… [and] economic blockades of rebel countries” along with clandestine operations to replace any leaders who threaten US and NATO’s global hegemony are amplifying.

As the West continues to hoard the world’s resources whilst degrading the land and atmopshere, economic and climate refugees are increasingly migrating to where it is safer.

In response:

  • Western countries are tightening up their immigration policies and, more recently, threatening to deport and incarcerate anyone who questions their genocidal policies
  • Border wall construction has gone into overdrive: today, the world has over 80 border walls compared to just 7 at the end of World War II
  • Several US politicians have said they support invading or bombing Mexico in pursuit of “drug dealers”, a broad, weaponized designation not dissimilar to “gang members” or “terrorists” used to justify military occupation and suppression of people resisting US imperial domination.

The German government outlaws and dissolves the Samidoun International Network of Solidarity with Political Prisoners.

Imagen: Pancarta de apoyo a Samidoun Alemaina en una manifestación en Madrid

Today Nancy Faeser, the German interior minister (previously known for multiple anti-Arab propaganda campaigns), announced a ban on Samidoun:

The ban on Samidoun by German officials is active participation in the ongoing genocide on Gaza. The purpose of such a ban is to repress dissent with the full force of the state. It comes hand in hand with bans on demonstrations, police assaulting people on the streets for wearing a kuffiyeh or carrying a Palestinian flag, the ban on saying “Freom the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” the imposition of political bans, the efforts to deport activists or strip them of residency. 

All of this is full-on complicity and particiption in genocide. As we speak to you today, Israeli occupation forces just carried out a new massacre in al-Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza, bombing 30 homes in a heavily populated camp. The German state and the Ministry of the Interior are choosing to support these attacks by waging a campaign of terror and repression against those who dare to speak out against these ongoing crimes, who want to mobilize people to put an end to destruction, war, occupation and colonialism. 

The German state and all imperialist powers, following the lead of U.S. President Biden, are partners not only in the defamation and dehumanization of the Palestinian people but the murderous war crimes and crimes against humanity of the occupation regime. Complicity in genocide is illegal under international law, as is the persecution of organizations because they oppose apartheid, and we are committed to hold Germany accountable for its crimes against not only Samidoun, but the Palestinian people as a whole.

This attack should be of serious concern to all who carry out political work, especially for Palestinian liberation. It is meant to introduce a norm in which organizations may be banned for organizing demonstrations, lectures, publishing posters and engaging in entirely public and political work that challenges the German state and its complicity in Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ongoing genocide in Gaza. It comes at a time when more people than ever are speaking out for justice and liberation in Palestine and is meant as an attack on the movement as a whole. 

If it is possible to ban Samidoun, then it is possible to ban every political organization and group in Germany that challenges the politics of the German state and its imperialist role. This action comes hand in hand with the United States’ ongoing resupply of bombs to target the Palestinian people in Gaza. It is meant to bolster the Israeli war effort by depriving the Palestinian people of popular support on the streets.

This is also a racist assault on the Palestinian and Arab community. Samidoun in Germany is led by Palestinian refugee youth, and the German media has engaged in a blatantly racist smear campaign intended to incite the most racist and fascist forces in the country against the Palestinian community, which is the largest in Europe. The police in Berlin have engaged in an ongoing, targeted and offensive assault against Arab neighbourhoods and communities. Samidoun activists have faced severe repression, such as Zaid Abdulnasser being threatened with stripping his residency and Musaab Abu Atta being subjected to a political ban. Other activists have been threatened with deportation for merely attending protests and events. This ban is meant to keep the communities silenced by terror and fear, to repress the voice of youth, and to empower the most racist and fascist forces against the Palestinian people both in Germany and in Palestine.

The attack on Samidoun is part and parcel of the attack on the Palestinian people as a whole. It reflects the German state’s imperialist interests. Far from expressing a sense of guilt or responsibility for Nazi crimes and genocide, this action evidences the German state’s aggressive dedication to and promotion of racism, repression and war crimes. We must be clear: Germany has no legitimacy or authority to speak on human rights, freedoms or democracy. It is dedicated to stripping all of those things from anyone who speaks out against genocide and colonialism in Palestine

Samidoun has also been particularly targeted because we advocate for the Palestinian prisoners, on the front lines of struggle, confronting repression, and express our solidarity with and the legitimacy of the Palestinian resistance. While Germany suppresses the Palestinian community and bans Samidoun, its official outposts abroad have frequently sought to influence and direct Palestinian politics through conditional funding and similar colonial enterprises. Through this ban, the German state wishes not only to support genocide but to criminalize even verbal resistance to that genocide. The Palestinian people, like all colonized and oppressed peoples, have the right to resist to liberate themselves and their land from colonialism and occupation, from the river to the sea. Those who resist occupation and oppression — the Palestinian resistance — are not only heroes of the Palestinian people, they are defenders of all of humanity. 

At this moment, we urge all activists and supporters of Palestine, and all who care for freedom and justice, to speak out against the genocide in Gaza, to speak out against the ban on Samidoun and to affirm loudly and clearly that Palestine will be free from the river to the sea, and that Palestinians have the right to resist occupation and oppression. Through this action, through repeated demands of police on protest organizers, the German state wants to suppress these truths and this reality. They want to secure our silence and even our complicity, and we will not allow them to do so. 

We reiterate our words upon German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’ announcement of the demand to ban Samidoun: In Arabic, the word “Samidoun,” means those who are steadfast. We use this name to refer to the Palestinian prisoners, who remain behind bars, struggling for freedom. Today we affirm that we shall remain steadfast and committed to the Palestinian people, until victory, return and liberation.