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Free Khalida Jarrar! Palestinian feminist, leftist and scholar seized by occupation forces

Khalida Jarrar, the Palestinian feminist, leftist, and scholar was seized from her home in El-Bireh, occupied Palestine, in the morning hours of 26 December 2023 as part of mass arrests by Zionist forces in the West Bank of occupied Palestine during the genocide in Gaza.

Jarrar is currently a scholar and researcher at the Muwatin Institute at Birzeit University. In fact, she was scheduled to appear on 27 December at a panel convened by Jadaliyya on imprisonment in the time of genocide; she was seized from her home only one day before.

Jarrar, a historical leftist political leader with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, has been imprisoned on multiple occasions by the occupation regime, including in 2015, when her administrative detention without charge or trial drew global protests before she was then transferred to the occupation military courts. She is a lifelong advocate for the liberation of political prisoners and was targeted specifically for her statements and advocacy for the liberation of Palestinian prisoners.

In 2019, she was once again seized by the occupation regime. While she was imprisoned, her daughter Suha tragically passed away. She was denied the right to see Suha’s body and attend her funeral before she was released again in 2021. During both of her times of imprisonment, she established independent educational programs to teach the imprisoned minor girls the high school education they were denied as well as the adult women prisoners their rights under international law.

She discusses her imprisonment in the book, Our Vision for Liberation, by Ramzy Baroud and Ilan Pappe; her piece is published at the Palestine Chronicle.

In the months since 7 October, while the Zionist regime has been waging a full-fledged genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza, they have seized thousands of prisoners and subjected them to horrific conditions. Palestinians from Gaza in particular have been brutally and routinely tortured and abused by occupation forces. This is both a continuation of the attack on the Palestinian people as well as a mechanism to inflate the number of prisoners in order to manipulate the results of a prisoner exchange with the Palestinian resistance.

Freedom for Khalida Jarrar and all Palestinians in zionist, imperialist and reactionary jails!

La cause des prisonniers palestiniens et de Georges Abdallah (vidéos)

Nous reproduisons ci-dessous plusieurs vidéos d’émissions où Samidoun Paris Banlieue était invitée à intervenir sur le sort des prisonniers palestiniens, dont Georges Abdallah, et sur l’importance de se mobiliser pour leur libération :

Sans oublier l’émission sur Radio Primitive le 11 décembre dernier à écouter ici.



“Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” now available free on YouTube

“Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” was released in 2021; this documentary explores the life in struggle of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine jailed in France for 39 years. Since its release, it has been screened at hundreds of events, film festivals and public activities in over 20 countries.

Now, Collectif Vacarme(s) Films, the film’s producer, is making the documentary available online on YouTube, free and accessible, for private viewing or public screening, in French, English, Arabic, Spanish, Catalan, German and Italian.








The film features historical footage and interviews with Abdallah’s brothers Robert and Maurice, fellow political prisoners like Jean-Marc Rouillan and Bertrand Sassoye, as well as with Samidoun’s international coordinator Charlotte Kates, Europe coordinator Mohammed Khatib, Palestinian writer and Masar Badil executive committee member Khaled Barakat, and many more advocates for his liberation.

Who is Georges Abdallah? 

A Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine, Georges Abdallah has been imprisoned in French prisons since 1984, convicted on charges of participation in armed actions by the Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Faction, working to fight off colonialist and Zionist invasions in Lebanon.

From his youth, Georges Abdallah was an activist and engaged in the struggles of the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. With the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), he resisted and was injured by Israeli forces invading Lebanon in 1978. A committed Communist and internationalist, he views the Arab struggle for liberation from Zionism and imperialism as part and parcel of the international workers’ struggle for liberation from capitalism.

He has been eligible for release since 1999 yet continues to be denied parole, despite having parole requests approved several times by French judges. The Lebanese government has officially asked for his release, and he is asking to be deported to Lebanon. Yet the French state has intervened at the highest levels, alongside the U.S and Israeli regimes, to deny Georges Abdallah’s parole requests. He has filed a new appeal for his immediate release, accompanied by a call to build the movement for his liberation.

The Palestinian prisoners’ movement considers Georges Abdallah to be part of the movement from inside French prisons, where he has participated in collective hunger strikes by returning meals.

15-16 December 2023: #LaborShutItDown4Palestine: End All Complicity With Genocide—Stop Arming Israel!

#LaborShutItDown4Palestine on D15-16, 2023

End All Complicity With Genocide—Stop Arming Israel!

We welcome growing union calls for a permanent ceasefire to end the U.S.-backed Israeli genocide in Gaza. Now, we call on our labor bodies to take the next step of fully embracing the Urgent Call from Palestinian Trade Unions: End all Complicity, Stop Arming Israel, and of standing in solidarity with the struggle for Palestinian liberation and return, by:

From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free!

Issued on December 11 by

Labor for Palestine (U.S.)

Palestinian Youth Movement

Contact: info@laborforpalestine.net

Click here for your organization to endorse

Labor Endorsers (endorse here)

Bay Area Labor for Palestine


UAW Labor for Palestine RFA Working Group

ALU Democratic Reform Caucus

Oakland Education Association

Vermont Labor for Palestine

Mississippi Workers Center for Human Rights

El Hormiguero NYC

NYC City Workers for Palestine

Food Chain Workers Alliance 

Coalition of Labor Union Women TX

Student Workers Collective at Dartmouth

NYC Educators for Palestine

Purple Up 4 Palestine


Community Endorsers (endorse here)

Jews for Palestinian Right of Return

Al-Awda NY: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Honor the Earth

US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI)

Do No Harm Coalition

Sunrise Movement at Dartmouth

Palestine Solidarity Coalition at Dartmouth

Upper Valley for Palestine

Socialist Party NYC



Friday, December 15: At the workplace and beyond

  • Hold a teach-in or moment of silence
  • Take and post a group photo, with flags, signs, keffiyehs, buttons, and other symbols of Palestine
  • Protest at AFL-CIO and other labor bodies complicit in Israeli genocide
  • Leaflet and protest at a nearby weapons plant or military facility
  • Devise other creative actions
  • Join our social media storm by posting: @AFLCIO @TheSOC #LaborShutItDown4Palestine #EndUnionComplicityWithGenocide #StopArmingIsrael #BDS #DumpIsraeliBonds #DroptheHistadrut #FromtherivertotheseaPalestinewillbefree

Saturday, December 16: Rally Labor for Palestine

Hold a rally like Bay Area Labor for Palestine, or organize a labor contingent at a Palestine rally near you.

Register your action here

Contact info@laborforpalestine.net for educational materials, speakers, and other support.


Why is Palestine a Worker Issue? 

  • An injury to one is an injury to all. The Israeli settler-colonial regime is part of the same U.S.-backed system of racist state violence that brutalizes BIPOC and working class people around the world. With Israel’s knee on their neck, Palestinians can’t breathe, and we unconditionally stand with them, just as they have stood with our struggles for Black and Brown Lives, Standing Rock, migrant rights, and beyond. 
  • Our tax dollars arm Israel. Israel’s crimes are committed with more than $3.8 billion a year (or $10+ million per day) in bipartisan US military aid, tax dollars that should be spent instead on badly-needed jobs, food, housing, healthcare, education, and transportation for poor and working people at home.
  • Our unions fund Israel. Our unions are already involved—on the wrong side. In the 1920s-1930s, top labor officials donated millions to the Histadrut, the Zionist labor federation that spearheaded anti-Palestinian dispossession, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing, including the Nakba (Catastrophe) that established the Israeli state in 1948. For more than 70 years, they have used our union dues and pension funds to buy billions in Israel Bonds. Today, despite horrendous Palestinian casualties, most labor officials remain silent—or worse. 
  • Workers can stop Israeli genocide. Fifty years ago, Arab and Black auto workers led a wildcat strike and other actions to protest UAW complicity with Israel. Today, we can follow their example in respecting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) picket line by protesting, bringing union resolutions, and—above all—by mobilizing our collective power at the workplace, as shown by dockers in South Africa, India, Sweden, Norway, Turkey, Italy, Belgium, and the ILWU on the West Coast of the United States, which has respected Block the Boat’s community-labor picket line by refusing to handle Israeli cargo. 

Background Resources

Video: How to resist EU state led crackdown on Pro Palestinian Solidarity with Zaid Abdulnasser

On 12 December, CAGE organized an online conference on resisting European state repression of the Palestinian and Palestine solidarity movement.

Speakers included Zaid Abdulnasser, who was the coordinator of Samidoun Germany until our chapter in Germany was forcibly dissolved and banned by the German government as part of its widespread attack on Palestinian identity, organizing and existence; Fahad Ansari, human rights lawyer; Amanj Aziz of Insan in Sweden; Maria de Cartena, a legal and political adviser at Perspectives Musulmanes in France; Amani Hassani, a researcher at CEDA in Denmark, and Zoe Darling, a caseworker at CAGE.

Germany has become one of the major backers of the Zionist genocide against the Palestinian people, increasing its weapons exports to the Israeli regime tenfold in 2023 at the same time that it engages in widespread demonstration bans, smear campaigns and attempts to deport Palestinian refugees in Germany. The ban on Samidoun is part and parcel of Germany’s participation in the assault on Gaza.

Watch the full video, above and at the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSIve7wfalE

12 December, Albuquerque: Free All Palestinian Prisoners – Movement Education

Tuesday, Dec. 12
6 pm (Albuquerque)
International District Library
Albuquerque, NM
Register to join online: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScgvdGTXQ-SfMRvjXD-zb7I-plpy9Z3DEF4rMG4Lr_24y_CqQ/viewform

Samidoun Albuquerque is launching a political education project for the growing movement for Palestinian liberation in Albuquerque. Join the session on December 12, “Free all Palestinian Prisoners!”

17 December, Vancouver: Public Forum on The Palestinian Liberation Struggle: Confronting Zionism and Imperialism – Next Steps

Please join Samidoun Vancouver for an evening forum on Sunday, December 17:

The Palestinian Liberation Struggle:
Confronting Zionism and Imperialism – Next Steps

Sunday, December 17
5 pm to 8:30 pm (Light dinner will be served!)
Grandview Church
1803 E 1st Ave
Vancouver, BC

Thousands of people are taking to the streets of Vancouver every week to march for Palestine over the past nine weeks. Sit-ins, die-ins, office occupations, boycotts and student walkouts are proliferating as people organize in their communities, workplaces, schools and social groups. At the same time, over 18,000 Palestinian lives have been taken in Gaza by the Zionist genocidal bombardment, backed, supported and funded by Canada alongside the United States, Britain, Germany, France and their imperialist partners.

Join us for a forum on the Palestinian liberation struggle, the local, national and international context, and our next steps. The evening will begin with a panel and roundtable on youth and student organizing at the forefront of mobilization in North America, as well as the resistance to repression and silencing tactics in workplaces and campuses, followed by a light dinner and discussion. Following our dinner, our second panel and roundtable will focus on labour and Palestine and the international movement, including a reportback from the recent Global Campaign to Return to Palestine conference on Nelson Mandela and Palestine in Johannesburg, South Africa, and concluding with an open facilitated discussion with presenters and attendees.

Participants will include student organizers and members of Labour for Palestine, Palestinian Youth Movement, United in Struggle and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.

Organized by Samidoun Vancouver — vancouver@samidoun.net

13 December, NYC: All out for Palestine at the German Consulate NYC

Wednesday, 13 December
5 pm
German Consulate NYC
871 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/C0sZc5ptZdQ/

‘On November 23rd of this year, Palestinians in Germany were subject to brutal raids on their homes by the German state. The police carried out raids in 4 federal states targeting Palestinians labeled by the German state as “members” or “supporters” of Samidoun or of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas. These raids these are a clear attempt by the German state to terrorize the Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim communities in Germany and a futile attempt to crush popular support for Palestinian resistance.

Join us on Wednesday as we stand in solidarity with Palestinians in Germany who have been subjected to brutal repression by the German state. We’re here to say, loud and clear, that an attack on one is an attack on all. Whether the attack is on our brothers and sisters in Palestine, Europe, or New York City, we will be here to stand with them.

Dec. 12, Online: How to Resist European state-led crackdown on Palestinian solidarity

Tuesday, December 12
8 pm Europe (7 pm British time, 10 am Pacific, 1 pm Eastern) 
Online Event
Register here: https://event.cage.ngo

Are you concerned about the state led crackdown on Pro Palestinian solidarity in Europe?

Do you want to learn how to resist this repression and continue to support the Palestinian cause?

Survivors and Experts from all over Europe have come together to speak on this critical issue. The conference will expose state led repression on pro Palestinian support as well as hearing testimonies, and proving you with an opportunity to raise any questions you may have.

Speakers: Zaid Abdulnasser (former coordinator of Samidoun Germany prior to the ban); Fahad Ansari, human rights solicitor (UK); Amanj Aziz, Insan (Sweden); Maria De Cartena, legal and political advisor at Perspectives Musulmanes (France); Amani Hassani, researcher at CEDA (Denmark); Zoe Darling, caseworker at CAGE

Don’t miss out on this vital event.

Register now on the link below to join us in the fight for the liberation of Palestine: https://event.cage.ngo

Globalize the Intifada: Regional resistance, international struggle and Palestinian liberation on the 36th anniversary of the great Intifada

Amid the ongoing genocide in Gaza carried out by the Zionist regime and the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people, December 7-9 2023 marks the 36th anniversary of the launch of the great popular Palestinian Intifada of 1987, one of the longest sustained grassroots uprisings in history and an example, like today’s battle, of the leadership of the Palestinian working class and popular masses in the struggle for the liberation of Palestine against Zionism, imperialism and their reactionary partners in the region. As Palestinians fight, mourn, love and struggle in the face of an all-out U.S./Israeli assault on their lives, existence and future, they not only defend their land and people but stand with their allies in the regional resistance and around the world on the frontlines of a truly globalized Intifada.

The Great Intifada launched from Gaza’s Jabaliya refugee camp, often called Mukhayyam al-Thawra, the camp of revolution. Today, the people of Jabaliya camp, themselves refugees of the 1947-48 Nakba, once again resist displacement and the Israeli attempts to push them to the south of Gaza and then to Sinai in Egypt. They remain firmly rooted in the North of Gaza, living through starvation, torture, massive aerial bombing, siege and invasion in order to resist the genocide of their entire people.

On 8 December 1987, the murder of four Palestinian workers, mowed down by an Israeli occupation army truck in Jabaliya camp, led Palestinians to take the streets in massive numbers, building their movement, collectives and institutions, uniting around the messages of the Unified National Leadership of the Uprising, boycotting Israel and practicing all elements of popular struggle and collective resistance. Today, as we take to the streets once again, 36 years of Intifada stretch forward to the current Palestinian revolution against a barbaric Israeli genocide.

The prisoners’ movement and the Intifada

As we commemorate this 36th anniversary of years of struggle, of the imprisonment of over 600,000 Palestinians, of Yitzhak Rabin’s “breaking bones” strategy reenacted in mass slaughter in Gaza, we are also facing attempts to render the Palestinian struggle unspeakable, even as it is clear that the Palestinian people and their resistance, along with their allies, are not defeated but are instead exacting a significant cost on the occupier, defending their land toward victory, return and liberation despite the genocide. 

Today, there are nearly 8,000 Palestinian prisoners locked behind Israeli bars. The prisoners liberated during the one-week “humanitarian pause” by the Palestinian resistance through an exchange agreement relayed the severe situation of the captives today, subject to torture, abuse, malnutrition and mistreatment. Six Palestinian prisoners have been assassinated so far behind bars. Every day, the Zionist regime publishes new propaganda photos of Palestinian civilians being stripped and abused, in an attempt to break the will of the people and their resistance.

In 1987, the Intifada was preceded by the self-liberation of Palestinian prisoners; and in 2023, the prisoners’ movement, its strikes, uprisings and ongoing liberation struggles, has clearly pointed the compass toward return and liberation. In fact, the great Intifada was in many places led by Palestinian prisoners who had been liberated by the Resistance in the great 1985 prisoner exchange; today’s resistance is also led by freed Palestinian prisoners who honed their commitment to the struggle in the “revolutionary schools” established by the prisoners themselves, particularly during the Intifada. There is a direct throughline from 1987 to today, through the prisoners’ movement and its leading role in the collective liberation struggle.

The liberation of the prisoners is so precious to the Palestinian people everywhere that the resistance is unwilling to exchange its prisoners of war for anything other than the liberation of the imprisoned heroes of the Palestinian people in Zionist jails, on the terms of the resistance, despite the genocidal bombardment.

The liberation of the prisoners – including those held in international imperialist jails, like Georges Abdallah in France; the Holy Land Foundation prisoners Shukri Abu Baker, Ghassan Elashi and Mufid Abdulqader in the United States; and Amin Abu Rashed in the Netherlands – is once again central to today’s global intifada.

The globalized Intifada

“From New York to Gaza…From Vancouver to Gaza….From Berlin to Gaza…From London to Gaza…From Cape Town to Gaza…From Sao Paulo to Gaza….From Paris to Gaza, Globalize the Intifada!”

The call rings out around the world, as hundreds of thousands – indeed, millions – march against the ongoing Zionist genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. This phrase is not only an expression of sympathy with the Palestinian people and their heroic resistance fighting by all means for the liberation of Palestine, but also a reflection of the international, Arab and Palestinian nature of the Palestinian cause.

Today, the regional resistance is on the front lines of this globalized Intifada that presents a meaningful potential for sweeping the Arab region free of U.S.-led imperialism, including its European and British partners. It is worth recalling that, prior to the 1987 launch of the Intifada, the Palestinian cause seemed at a desperate point, at risk of liquidation, after the Palestinian resistance had been forced from Lebanon under Zionist invasion, while the camps were under siege. The Intifada came to reorient the compass and set the liberation struggle once again on a clear path forward.

Once again, today, prior to 7 October, the drive toward normalization with the Zionist regime seemed inevitable to many, while others bemoaned the disunity of the Palestinian movement; the struggle today has, once more, clarified the role of all forces in the region and the world, uniting the Palestinian people and their Arab and international allies toward liberation and return.

Palestine to Yemen to Lebanon and Beyond: Regional Resistance, Regional Revolution

In Yemen, the mobilized Yemeni people and their armed forces have shut down the Red Sea to Zionist naval traffic after seizing the “Galaxy Leader” ship owned by an Israeli businessman. They have consistently taken action to directly intervene in support of Palestine, imposing a truly material economic cost on the Zionist regime. The Yemeni people and their armed forces have brilliantly illustrated their own triumph over years of siege imposed by reactionary Arab regimes at the behest of Zionism and imperialism through this substantive form of boycott, divestment and sanctions: isolating the Zionist regime and advancing real Arab sovereignty over land, water and resources.

The people of Yemen are, of course, joined in this Intifada by the Lebanese Resistance, who through their participation in the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, in the resistance to the genocide, have imposed significant military, economic and social costs on the Israeli regime. Over 20 years after the liberation of the South of Lebanon in May 2000 – one of the major factors in sparking the Al-Aqsa Intifada that began in 2000, often called the “Second Intifada”, the Lebanese Resistance is a full partner of the Palestinian Resistance on the field of battle and on the strategic level, enacting the unity of all fronts in order to confront the alliance between “Israel” and the imperialist forces, led by the United States alongside Germany, France, Britain, Canada and their partners. This regional alliance of resistance stretches from Palestine, Yemen and Lebanon, to Iraq, where the U.S. bases remain under ongoing fire and resistance to finally bring that occupation to an end, to Syria, Iran and beyond.

The international popular cradle of the Resistance

Everywhere around the world, the broad masses of the people, from the heart of the Global South to the center of the imperial core, are expressing a clear and thorough rejection of the ongoing genocide that has quickly accelerated to a firm revulsion to the Zionist ideology and Zionist project as a whole and to solidarity with and inspiration by the Palestinian people and their heroic resistance in all forms, particularly the armed resistance. The “red triangle” over targets featured in the resistance videos of Al-Qassam Brigades, Saraya al-Quds and other resistance forces has become an online shorthand for the triumph of the people, their determination, their love for their land and their community over the automated, technologized forces of death and destruction represented by the Merkava tanks and military bases of the US/Israeli war machine.

The “Dahiyeh doctrine” of mass destruction of civilian lives and infrastructure failed in Lebanon in 2006 because the people were a popular cradle, a source of nourishment, growth and sustenance, of the resistance, because the resistance was of, by and for the masses; today, it is failing once again in its full genocidal furor in Gaza for the same reason. This Resistance emerges from the very camps of refugees, denied their right to return home for the past 75 years, that the Zionists seek to destroy and drive into a new displacement today. Globalizing the intifada today means developing the international popular cradle of the resistance – the growing recognition that the Resistance of the Palestinian people, joined by their comrades, brothers and sisters in Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq and beyond, today represent the hope of humanity on our collective front lines.

Like the great popular Intifada of 1987, today’s Palestinian, Arab and international globalized intifada is an anti-imperialist cause. It is a movement against colonialism, imperialism, racism and oppression everywhere. The Palestinian flag is not only a symbol of Palestinian national liberation, but of a commitment to anti-colonial principles, to Indigenous sovereignty, to the fight against exploitation, to the fight to end the extraction of wealth, labour and resources by the United States and its imperialist cohort in Europe.

The anti-imperialist nature of the Palestinian cause has perhaps never been more clear than in the present day, where every imperialist power has clearly aligned itself with the Zionist regime with unparalleled fervor, sending billions of dollars in weaponry for genocidal aerial bombing of the Palestinian people in Gaza; banning demonstrations and Palestinian and Palestine solidarity organizations, including Samidoun in Germany; arresting and prosecuting demonstrators and organizers in France, the United States, Canada and elsewhere; setting up new parliamentary and congressional bodies meant to silence and suppress the growing movement and releasing a torrent of deceptive propaganda; and unleashing a wave of social terror in the academy. It is clear that the imperialist powers are doing this because they see the events of October 7 and the rising regional and global resistance as a threat to their continued domination and extraction of wealth from the region and view the Zionist regime as their mechanism to hold on to such power through genocidal violence.

The imperialist powers, led by the United States, have always viewed Zionism as a mechanism to extract wealth from the people of the region while denying the Arab nation sovereignty over its land, wealth and resources. From the Zionist colonization of Palestine, directed by Britain, through the Nakba, the 1967 occupation, the Intifada to the Zionist genocide today, the imperialist powers have always been the central enemy of the Palestinian people, and every rock, every bullet and every strike that confronts “Israel” also confronts imperialism.

Today’s international popular cradle of the resistance, this globalized intifada, stretches from Gaza, Sanaa, Beirut, Baghdad and Damascus to the streets of Havana, Caracas, Sao Paulo and Johannesburg to the heart of the imperial core, raising a collective voice and developing an international struggle against imperialism and its murderous wars, sanctions and siege, with Palestine at the center.

The working class and the masses lead the struggle

Also like the great Intifada of 1987, we are in a clear era of unity of the Palestinian cause despite the lingering near-afterlife of the collaborationist Palestinian Authority in Ramallah. The Palestinian people throughout occupied Palestine and everywhere in exile and diaspora are united to bring an end to the genocide, unified behind the Resistance, forming a global resistance front that also embraces popular mobilization, arts, culture, political engagement and grassroots organizing as central to the liberation struggle. On this 36th anniversary, we recall that the siege of the camps in Lebanon was finally broken by the eruption of the Intifada inside occupied Palestine in 1987. Today, we look forward to breaking the siege on Gaza, not only through the strength and resilience of the Palestinian people in Gaza, but through the uprising elsewhere and everywhere.

The popular leadership of the working class, based in the unions and organizations of Palestinian workers, farmers, peasants, women, students, fishers, teachers and other social sectors, was central to the development of the Intifada of 1987, a highly organized movement that governed its activities through committees, strong political representation, and central statements that nonetheless provided for widespread popular participation and meaningful engagement in the revolutionary cause.

The Palestinian masses have risen up time and again in revolutionary struggle; even between 1987 and today, we see the second Intifada and upsurge after upsurge, confronting the ongoing home demolitions, land confiscations, mass imprisonment, colonial settlement, killings, denial of the right to return, uniting Palestinians inside and outside occupied Palestine.

Today’s Resistance is a highly organized movement, today led by the Islamic resistance movements in direct alliance with the revolutionary left and Palestinian national forces. It involves the participation of not only the Palestinian people in Gaza and throughout occupied Palestine, but everywhere in exile and diaspora, fighting, organizing, speaking and revolting for liberation and return. Its base is once again deeply rooted in the working class and popular masses of Palestine, as it always has been, from the 1936 revolution to the post-October 7 Palestinian revolutionary struggle. It has always been the workers, peasants and refugees of Palestine who have led the movement, who have given thousands upon thousands of martyrs, who have spent years upon years in prison, and who have raised young strugglers to fight generation after generation until total liberation.

The war on the Intifada

From members of U.S. Congress, to university officials, to German security services, to British police, to the French interior ministry, imperialist forces are attempting to criminalize, suppress and silence clear speech for Palestine. They seek to turn reality inside out, whereby “intifada” – the term reflecting resistance to genocide and oppression – is redefined as itself “genocidal.” These propaganda campaigns aim to empty the term “genocide” of meaning and legal weight and to attempt to reclaim control over the discussion of the Palestinian cause, a control that has been swept away by decades of struggle, and has been rendered unrecoverable after October 7. They also seek to target the growing role and organization of Palestinians in exile and diaspora, reclaiming their role in their national liberation movement stripped from them through the years of the Oslo liquidation process.

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. Long live the Intifada. Victory to the Palestinian Resistance. Stand with the Palestinian armed struggle. Zionism is racism. Imperialism will be defeated. These slogans are ringing out everywhere around the world, and now is the time to declare them, more loudly and clearly than ever. There are no slogans or statements that will satisfy Zionism and imperialism – on the contrary, they wish to strip our movement of our most effective advocacy and our most unifying vision, the vision and promise that enables people to continue to fight, to resist, and to move toward victory in the most extreme conditions of genocide and deprivation.

The great popular Intifada that began in 1987, the great sacrifices and accomplishments of the Palestinian people, were confiscated by U.S. imperialism and Arab reactionary regimes in alliance with a sector of the Palestinian ruling class. This came first through the Madrid conference of 1991 and then by the notorious Oslo accords signed in Washington, D.C., in 1993, a liquidationist attempt to transform the revolutionary aspirations of the Palestinian people into a mere self-rule project adjacent to Zionist colonialism. It developed amid dangerous international conditions – from the fall of the Soviet Union and the Eastern bloc states, the threat of US imperialism dominating a unipolar world, and the first Iraq War and the attack on Arab self-determination.

Today, as the U.S. casts its veto in the United Nations against a ceasefire in Gaza, voting for ongoing genocide, it declared that the bombing must continue because Hamas, and thus the Palestinian Resistance, “does not accept a two-state solution.” Indeed, the strugglers of today have learned the bitter lessons of the past diversion of their cause and reliance on the primacy of imperialism, with the U.S. as a “broker.”

Today’s Intifada, on all levels, the Arab, regional, and international Intifada, against a genocidal enemy fully revealed in its atrocities before the world, has only one path forward: no cooptation, no normalization and no concessions, but the defeat of Zionism and the liberation of all of Palestine, the central key for the liberation of the entire Arab nation and the broader region from U.S.-led imperialism and its agents.

On the 36th anniversary of the continuing Intifada, amid today’s global Intifada against genocide, Zionism and imperialism, in honour of all those who sacrificed and fought for freedom, in salute to the over 17,000 martyrs of Gaza, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network pledges to continue the struggle – until return, until liberation, from the river to the sea.

This is a statement of Samidoun internationally, and not necessarily of any particular country or chapter. 

Posters of the intifada below: 

Posters of the Great Palestinian Intifada

The posters below convey only a portion of the creativity, vision and collective power of the continuing intifada, inside Palestine, among Palestinians in the camps, in exile and diaspora and among Arabs and internationalists. Most below are republished from the Palestine Poster Project: