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28 September, Online Event: Prison Imperialism from Cop City to Palestine: The New and Old Tactics of Fascism

Thursday, September 28
4 pm Pacific/7 pm Eastern
Register today: https://linktr.ee/resistancecampaign

In this webinar we will explore a deeper dive into the U.S. carceral system and prison imperialism and the connection to the struggles of the Palestinian people. Speakers from the Alliance for Global Justice, Black Alliance for Peace and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.

The Resistance Campaign Webinar Series will explore a deeper dive into the U.S. carceral system and prison imperialism that emphasizes the connections to the struggles of the Palestinian people. Uplifting the effects and impacts of these assaults on human rights, including how mass incarceration is used to repress and control groups of people who challenge the status quo by demanding their freedom.

Watch the first webinar here.

These webinars are part of the Alliance for Global Justice Resistance Campaign.

The Resistance Campaign pushes back against the dangerous attempts to silence movement work through deplatforming attacks. AFGJ refuses to back down on our commitment to promoting liberation and justice worldwide, including centering the rights of the Palestinian people.

Today, we reach out to you during a critical moment in our journey when AFGJ and one of our fiscally-sponsored projects, Samidoun, a Palestinian prisoner solidarity network, are under attack from Zionist media forces.

In their desperate bid to intimidate, silence, and neutralize AFGJ’s effectiveness in supporting global movements for liberation and justice, they have successfully convinced the company handling AFGJ’s credit card donations to block us and our projects from accessing this crucial fundraising tool. This far-right publication has shamelessly made false and dangerous accusations about AFGJ and Samidoun.

We need your support now more than ever. By standing with us, you are contributing to the cause of justice, equality, and the rights of the Palestinian people.

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September 26 at 11 a.m. Pacific/2 p.m. EST.

We’ll be streaming live here!


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September 27 at 11 a.m. Pacific/2 p.m. EST.

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Denmark: Activists #StandWithZaid and Palestine at German embassy in Copenhagen

On Monday, 25 September, activists with Boykot Israel-DK gathered to deliver an open letter to the German embassy in Copenhagen in support of Zaid Abdulnasser, the coordinator of Samidoun Germany and a member of the executive committee of the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, who is being threatened with having his residency stripped because of his activism for Palestinian liberation.

Over 150 organizations have already signed on to the campaign: click here to add your organizational endorsement.

They delivered the following open letter:

Open Letter to The German Embassy of Denmark

From the ”Boykot Israel” Campaign


Palestine Activists suffer systematic repression in Germany. At the moment, authorities threaten Zaid Abdulnasser with not renewing his residence permit. Zaid is a Palestinian refugee from Syria, and a coordinator for the Samidoun network in Germany. Other Palestine activists have already been forced out of Germany, among them activist and author Khaled Barakat. German authorities systematically accuse all who support Palestine of anti-semitism.

At the same time Germany will uncritically support the Zionist state Israel, despite more and more people around whe world defining Israel as an Apartheid state.

Stop Germany’s attacks on Palestine Activists’ political rights!

Free Palestine!




Month of Action Against AFRICOM: From Niger to Haiti to Cop City, Defeat the War Against African People

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is an endorser of Black Alliance for Peace’s call for an international month of action against AFRICOM, the U.S. military command in Africa, along with many organizations. To learn more about the month of action, endorse the call and download social media materials, visit BAP at this link: https://blackallianceforpeace.com/africom2023

The call to action is below: 

We demand:

  • The complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from Africa;

  • The demilitarization of the African continent;

  • The closure of U.S. bases throughout the world; and

  • The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) oppose U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) and conduct hearings on AFRICOM’s impact on the African continent, with the full participation of members of U.S. and African civil society.

October 1, 2023 is the 15th anniversary of the launch of the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM), a command structure with bases that are now in dozens of African nations. Yet, the existence of AFRICOM has escaped the awareness of not only the general public in the United States, but also of the world. When four U.S. soldiers were killed in the small African nation of Niger, even members of the U.S. Congress were unaware of the U.S. military’s presence in the country and the extent of the U.S. military presence throughout Africa.

The International Month of Action Against AFRICOM, launching October 1, 2023, aims to raise the public’s awareness about the U.S. military’s existence in Africa, and how the presence of U.S. forces exacerbates violence and instability throughout the continent.

The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) has taken up the task of educating the public on AFRICOM and the extensive basing networks in Africa and throughout the world. Our campaign on AFRICOM is an integral element of our general opposition to U.S. global militarization, with its offensive command structures, approximately 800 to 1,000 overseas bases, and the United States’ status as the number one arms merchant on the planet.

We are calling on our friends and allies around the world to join us in calling for the United States to respect the wishes of African people to de-militarize the African continent, so Africa can begin to be a “zone of peace.”

We say the brutality, violence and systematic degradation of Black life in the colonized zones of the United States against Black people by the domestic police is replicated in Africa by the U.S. global police represented by the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies.

Over $150 billion of the people’s resources are being spent on U.S. bases in Africa and around the world to police people on behalf of the U.S. corporate and financial elite.

The African peoples who find themselves on the receiving end of the violence—because of corrupted African leadership in alignment with the U.S.—are saying to the people in the United States to demand U.S. troops and U.S. money are withdrawn. It is clear the introduction of AFRICOM has resulted in less security, less democracy and diminished human rights for African peoples who are in conflict with their own neo-colonial governments.

BAP supports that call and adds the people’s resources that are being squandered to support imperialist adventures must be seized by the people and used to address the human rights needs of African/Black people and other oppressed and exploited peoples for housing, healthcare, education, food and clean water, instead of on war on behalf of the capitalist dictatorship.

We call on our friends to endorse this month as an individual or organization. Beyond that, we are calling on you to organize an educational event that day, for which we have provided materials on our webpage.

  • End the War on Africa and African People in the U.S. and Abroad!

  • Stand with the People—Oppose War and Militarism in Every Part of the World!

  • Close All U.S. and NATO Bases!


  • All African People’s Revolutionary Party (AAPRP)
  • Black Star News
  • Bronx Antiwar Coalition
  • Citizens Organized for Environmental Justice Inc.
  • Claudia Jones School for Political Education
  • Committee of Anti-Imperialists in Solidarity with Iran
  • Community Movement Builders
  • CovertAction Magazine
  • DSA International Committee
  • Friends of Latin America
  • Friends of the Congo
  • Groupe de recherche et d’initiative pour la liberation de l’afriqie (GRILA)
  • Hood Communist Blog
  • Millennials Are Killing Capitalism
  • National Lawyers Guild International Committee
  • Pan African Revolutionary Socialist Party
  • Pan-African Community Action (PACA)
  • Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
  • Southern Anti-Racism Network
  • Workers Voice Socialist Movement

Opening webinar: register below-

Vancouver: Political education event on Walid Daqqah and Palestinian prisoners’ cultural and revolutionary writing

On Tuesday, 19 September, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network Vancouver hosted a political education seminar at the Centre for Socialist Education, discussing the writings of the Palestinian prisoner, revolutionary, intellectual and freedom fighter Walid Daqqah, who is currently struggling for freedom while suffering from a rare bone marrow cancer.

Specifically, the seminar focused on discussing “Consciousness Remolded or the Re-Identification of Torture,” originally published in 2010 in English. Dave Diewert of Samidoun Vancouver introduced the session with a review of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement and its role in the national liberation struggle in Palestine over the past decades. He highlighted the changes and transformations in the prisoners’ movement through various eras of the liberation struggle, especially after 1967 and the rise of the modern Palestinian revolution, as well as the great Palestinian intifada of 1987.

Marking the 30th anniversary of the notorious Oslo accords, he discussed how the Oslo process and the creation of the Palestinian Authority affected the prisoners’ movement, alongside what he noted was the “disastrous and destructive impact on the Palestinian struggle” overall.

Diewert discussed the concept of “molding the consciousness” presented by the Palestinian revolutionary intellectual Walid Daqqah, as well as the vision he presented of confrontation of the occupation in his article. Daqqah discusses the goals of the Zionist prison administration and the forms and mechanisms of torture, isolation, oppression and marginalization undertaken in order to achieve their goals more effectively. He also provides critical insight into the current position, development and decline in the role of the prisoners’ movement and its revolutionary values and practice, specifically after the Oslo Accords. He notes in particular the negative effects of the Oslo process on the Palestinian struggle and the prisoners’ movement in particular, as well as the role of the PA.

The participants in the event discussed the article, and one of the participants indicated the profound impact on her of Daqqah’s explanation of the connection between what happens at the broader Palestinian level and specifically to the prisoners, while another participant noted the strength of the class analysis present in the article.

Prisoners’ writings provide a vision for action and organizing

Charlotte Kates, the international coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, said that Samidoun “decided to organize a series of political education meetings and events on the positions and thoughts of Palestinian revolutionary intellectuals and their literary and creative output in Zionist prisons. They provide us with thought and vision for action as leaders, not only as prisoners and detainees, as important as that role is. This writing is historically important as well, and the cultural, intellectual and political production of Palestinian prisoners in occupation jails is also material for education, documentation and confrontation of the occupatipn’s crimes.”

“Of course, the writings of revolutionary prisoners in occupied Palestine, and in the world in general, are a priority for us. These writings help us to inform our organizing and develop a deeper understanding of the prisoners’ movement and its priorities. In particular, Walid Daqqah’s writing is an important revolutionary y contribution. The prisoners’ political and literary articles and studies lay the foundation for overcoming the stagnation created by the Oslo project. The results of these efforts by the prisoners are apparent in the lively dialogue among Palestinians about the role of the prisoners’ movement, what some call prison literature, and the prisoners’ position as political leaders of the Palestinian liberation movement.”

At the conclusion of the event, participants expressed their rejection of the racist, oppressive German state policy against Palestinians in Germany, including the targeting of Zaid Abdulnasser, coordinator of Samidoun in Germany and a member of the executive committee of the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement. Zaid is being threatened with the stripping of his residency and deportation due to his political participation in Palestinian organizing.

Samidoun Brussels highlights struggle of migrants and refugees at event honouring Semira Adamu

On Friday, 22 September, commemorating the murder of Semira Adamu by Belgian police 25 years ago, during their sixth attempted forced deportation of the 20-year-old Nigerian woman, Samidoun Brussels organized an event on the deportation of migrants and refugees and the imprisonment of Palestinians.

The event highlighted the role of Western imperialism in forced migration and forced deportation, as well as the experiences of Palestinian refugees and migrants, particularly those held in detention in Europe and North America.

Speakers Khaled Barakat and Nermin Hwaihi highlighted the ways in which Western imperialism has conducted a war on the Palestinian and Arab peoples, through the Zionist movement, for over 70 years. They discussed racist policies and mechanisms of oppression against Palestinian, both inside Palestine and at the borders of countries where they have taken refuge in the past decade, such as Belgium and other European countries.

When Nermin Hwaihi recounted how she was treated four years ago by the Belgian institutions that were supposed to provide her with protection and welcome after she was forced to leave her homeland, indignation and anger prevailed among the crowd present. The most fundamental rights of a young woman, suffering from the siege on Gaza and the occupation and the ongoing violence it visits upon the Palestinian people, were violated by the same forces of Western imperialism that perpetuate these policies and crimes against the Palestinian people.

In his speech, Khaled Barakat, Palestinian writer and member of the Executive committee of the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, emphasized the role of Palestinians in exile and diaspora organizing themselves and continuing to resist imperialism, Zionism and racism, until return and the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea.

Throughout the questions and dialogue, many participants shared their observations and feelings, noting the passage of decades since 1948 and 25 years since the murder of Semira Adamu without meaningful and material change, where there are still peoples whose lives are considered less important than the lives of others, who daily live with the experience of violation of their physical and psychological integrity and the abrogation of their fundamental rights.

Participants in the event also expressed their solidarity with Zaid Abdulnasser, the coordinator of Samidoun Germany who is resisting attempts to deport him by the German state as part of a campaign of anti-Palestinian repression.

They called for the freedom of all Palestinian prisoners in Zionist jails, as well as Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine who has been jailed in France for 39 years, and urged people to participate in the demonstration in Lannemezan, outside the jail where he is held, on 21 October 2023.

Palestinian-Italian researcher Khaled el-Qaisi’s detention extended for 11 days as movement grows for his release

On Thursday, 21 September, Palestinian-Italian researcher Khaled el-Qaisi’s detention was extended once again by an Israeli occupation court. He was ordered to 11 more days of interrogation — and once again denied visits with his lawyer. In Italy, demands are growing for his immediate liberation alongside official silence and a mainstream media blackout on the case.

El-Qaisi is a translator, researcher and student in the Department of Oriental Languages and Civilizations at Sapienza University of Rome who has been detained by Israeli occupation forces since 31 August. El-Qaisi, a Palestinian and Italian citizen, was visiting Palestine with his wife and four-year-old son. While leaving Palestine at the bridge to Jordan, he was suddenly seized by occupation forces and handcuffed in front of his young child. In Italy, El-Qaisi works with the Giovani Palestinesi d’Italia (Palestinian Youth of Italy) and is the co-founder of the Palestinian Documentation Center, a project that works to archive, translate and make accessible Palestinian historical documents, items and works.

He has been held in Petah Tikva interrogation center under daily interrogation since he was seized at the crossing. Middle East Eye reported that his younger brother and two of his cousins were arrested by the occupation forces days later; while his brother was released, his cousins remain jailed, like El-Qaisi, without charge and under interrogation.

El Qaisi’s lawyer has noted that the hearings he has been brought to so far have served only to extend his detention, and not to proffer any charges. Because he is a Palestinian-Italian citizen, he is being brought before a “civilian” court rather than a military court — but the process is almost identical for a Palestinian being detained for “security” (ie, political) reasons.

Hundreds of people packed Sapienza University on Friday, 15 September for a mass meeting and rally for his liberation, where his wife, Francesca Antinucci, and his mother, Lucia Marchetti, spoke alongside his lawyer, Flavio Rossi Albertini. A petition calling on the Italian government to act immediately to secure El Qaisi’s release has already garnered 30,000 signatures. Even Amnesty International has spoken out about his detention. Palestinian organizations, left parties and politicians in Italy have joined forces to call for his immediate release, with antifascist organizations, Communist youth groups and others postering and protesting for his liberation.

El-Qaisi is also receiving attention internationally. Anti-Imperialist Action Ireland has launched a campaign of action in solidarity with El-Qaisi, who previously traveled to Ireland on an Irish-Palestinian solidarity delegation. AIA has postered in several Irish cities, demanding his liberation. Samidoun Paris carried signs and posters demanding freedom for El-Qaisi at Fete de l’Humanite, the massive annual progressive festival in Paris.

The Centro Culturale Handala Ali in Napoli is holding an event on Friday, 22 September focusing on the struggle for Palestine against repression and imprisonment. Representatives of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and the Collectif Palestine Vaincra will be present to speak at the event, alongside a panel of speakers.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges the immediate liberation of Palestinian-Italian researcher, scholar and citizen Khaled El Qaisi. The Italian government and all concerned parties must take immediate action at all levels to ensure his safety and his immediate freedom. Allowing Khaled El Qaisi to remain arbitrarily detained by a racist setter colonial state is complicity in the Israeli attack on the Palestinian people, including Italian citizens. 

Free Khaled El Qaisi! Free all Palestinian Prisoners! Download and use the poster below for actions in your area:


50 days of hunger strike: Freedom for Kayed Fasfous!

Palestinian prisoner Kayed Fasfous is on hunger strike for the 50th day, struggling against his administrative detention — Israeli occupation imprisonment without charge or trial. Yesterday, 20 September, fellow hunger striker Sultan Khallouf suspended his hunger strike after achieving the limitation of his administrative detention; he will be released on 2 December 2023.

Khallouf’s victory also came after a number of prisoners of the Islamic Jihad movement declared that they would launch a hunger strike in solidarity with him. This came days after fellow prisoner Maher al-Akhras suspended his hunger strike after he was charged in the military courts in order to pursue his legal strategy.

Fasfous, 34, previously won his liberation from administrative detention in a 131-day hunger strike that drew the attention of the world in 2021. He is currently being held in the Naqab desert prison in isolation, as he has been since he began his hunger strike on 3 August. His four brothers, Akram, Khaled, Hafez and Hasan, are all also held without chrge or trial under administrative detention. He is married and the father of a daughter.

The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society reported that Fasfous’ cell is searched daily and his clothing and appliances were confiscated. He was left with only the clothes that he was wearing when launching his strike.

In the past two years, the occupation prison administration has refused to transfer Palestinian hunger strikers to civilian hospitals, even when their health has deteriorated to an extreme level. Transfer to a civilian hospital was, in the past, frequently associated with suspension of administrative detention due to medical condition. While this began as an attempt to compel Palestinians to end their hunger strikes only to be returned to administrative detention, the prisoners began inviting journalists and family members to visit them in the hospital. Their videos, images and words were able to reach people throughout Palestine, the Arab region and around the world, sparking widespread attention.

The occupation is now attempting to keep the case of Fasfous and all Palestinian hunger strikers deliberately silenced, in order to undermine solidarity action with them. Most notoriously, the denial of medical care was a form of assassination of Sheikh Khader Adnan, who died after 86 days of hunger strike on 2 May 2023 after denial of transfer to a civilian hospital.

On 20 September, a Zionist military court rejected Fasfous’ appeal against his administrative detention. The Prisoners’ Society declared that “this rejection is tantamount to a decision to execute him, especially after such a long period of time has passed since he began his open strike, with the escalating risks to his life. The occupation courts are the most prominent mechanism used to consolidate the crime of admnitrative detention, as part of the system that works to target prisoners on a daily basis. These courts, both the military courts and the occupation Supreme Court, have devised strategies and mechanisms to undermine the cause of the hunger strikers. They only impleent the decisions of the occupation intelligence.”

Fasfous is one of 1200 Palestinians jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention, out of approximately 5200 Palestinian prisoners in total. Administrative detention was first introduced to Palestine by the British colonial mandate and was adopted by the Zionist regime. Palestinians are routinely jailed for years at a time under repeatedly renewed detention orders. In the past year, the number of administrative detainees has more than doubled as part of the ongoing “war” on the prisoners’ movement.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all supporters of Palestine to take action to support Kayed Fasfous and all Palestinian prisoners struggling for freedom, for their own lives and for the Palestinian people. These sons of the Palestinian popular masses are confronting the system of Israeli oppression on the front lines behind bars, with their bodies and their lives, to bring the system of administrative detention to an end.

It is particularly important to stand with the strikers and not let their cases be silenced — earlier this year, on 2 May, Sheikh Khader Adnan’s life was taken after 86 days of hunger strike while being actively denied medical care. He had previously won his freedom four times through hunger strikes. These Palestinian prisoners are putting their bodies, health and lives on the line for liberation.

With over 1200 Palestinians jailed without charge or trial — over 20% of all Palestinian prisoners — the struggle to bring down administrative detention is more urgent than ever. Take these actions below to stand with the hunger strikers and the struggle for liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea!

Download these signs for use in your campaigns:



Beirut gathering unveils plaque to free Georges Abdallah, launches month of action for his liberation

On Thursday, 21 September, the Lebanese Campaign to Free Georges Abdallah held a solidarity gathering in front of Al-Madina Theater on Hamra Street in Beirut, Lebanon, to demand freedom for the Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine, Georges Abdallah, jailed in France for the past 39 years. The event came to unveil a plaque drawing public attention to the case of the imprisoned struggler, launching the month of action to free Georges Abdallah, with events between 21 September and 21 October.

The month will culminate on 21 October with the mass march to Lannemezan prison, where Georges Abdallah is being held. Prior to the march, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement (Masar Badil) will hold two days of meetings in Toulouse, France, in conjunction with the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network. 21 October will also see a central demonstration outside the French embassy in Beirut.

Samidoun and the Masar Badil participated in the Beirut event, with a representative delivering a solidarity speech at the unveiling of the plaque.

He emphasized that Georges Abdallah is one of the leaders of the prisoners’ movement in the prisons of the enemy, like his comrades Ahmad Sa’adat and Marwan Barghouthi, and he must be liberated to resume his struggle and leading role in the movement. He noted that the racist French colonialist state that continues to detain Georges Abdallah has shown its complete disregard for appeals to human rights.

The Samidoun speaker noted, “Georges Abdallah always asks us about our people and their conditions in Ein el-Hilweh, Beddawi and Shatila. He asks about Gaza. He is haunted by the concerns and issues of our people in Palestine and Lebanon. The Palestinian resistance in Jenin, Gaza and all of Palestine, and all factions of the prisoners’ movement in the occupation prisons, consider him a Palestinian, Lebanese and international freedom fighter.”

He concluded by calling upon all to assume their responsibilities in the liberation of Georges Abdallah, because his cause as a leader and a symbol is also an issue of the liberation of Palestine and Lebanon, and the cause of liberation and return.

Dr. Joseph Abdallah, Georges’ brother, spoke on behalf of the family, saluting those supporting the Palestinian prisoners and highlighting Georges’ case and calling for intensified action to free the prisoners, including Georges Abdallah.

Maysaloun Tufaili delivered a speech on behalf of the Lebanese National Campaign to Free Georges Abdallah:

Salute to your struggle: This is how Comrade Georges Abdallah would have opened when speaking and meeting with you.

This is his greeting in all of his letters, since nearly forty years ago.

“Salute to your struggle.”

This is how he would have addressed you if the jailer had allowed him. Every time he sent an open letter, he received punishment as a result. The internationalist activist Georges Ibrahim Abdallah has always spoken clearly about the struggle of Palestinian prisoners, and how the balance of power alone liberates them.

This is what you are doing now, and you have done it in every situation in which you confronted the reactionary Arab regimes, and what you have done in every arena in which you confronted the criminal capitalist colonialist Western regimes.

We address the Lebanese government with a question to those in the Lebanese government who still believe that the issue of his release is confined to the hands of the French judiciary: Why did the struggler Georges Abdallah not return to Beirut despite the judge’s decision to release him in 2012? Note that the judicial release decision was confirmed by the Court of Appeal in 2013, which is the highest French judicial authority.

And so he is kidnapped.
And so he is a political prisoner.

Accordingly, the National Campaign to Free Prisoner Georges Abdallah reiterates its call to all resistance factions in Lebanon and Palestine, to include the name of the internationalist struggler and resistance fighter Georges Ibrahim Abdallah on the list of the upcoming prisoner exchange.

As for the new appeal for release submitted by the prisoner Georges Abdallah, it is a necessary measure that may save face for the Lebanese government, to put pressure as it should this time, to consider the freedom fighter Abdallah as a political prisoner, with all the consequences of that for the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

We consider the invitation of Lebanese statesmen to French representative Jean-Yves Le Drian to interfere in our economic and political affairs to be a national betrayal. We expected those who called for national action to demand that the resistor, George Abdullah, be returned, free, to Beirut, and to refuse to receive the French representative until this was achieved.

In the diplomatic logic of the French, there was nothing wrong with it if 30,000 Palestinians, Lebanese, and Arabs died in the summer of 1982. But if someone dared to touch the West’s supply of heavy weapons to the Zionist occupation in order to kill, abuse, and displace, he would be punished with forty years in prison, and perhaps more.

Isn’t it time for French civilization, democracy, and technological development to stop the blood being shed in the Jenin camp, in Gaza, in Jerusalem, and in Africa?

From here, Hamra Street in Beirut pulses with the strength of your presence, the glory of Khaled Alwan and his comrades, and the heroism of Mazen Abboud and his comrades.
From here too, we chant freedom for the captured leaders:
* Freedom by Ahmed Sa’adat
* Freedom for Marwan Barghouti
* Freedom for Walid Daqqah
* Freedom for Georges Abdallah
* Freedom for all Palestinian prisoners.

In conclusion, with the strugglers in France and all over the world, side by side, we will activate all avenues to expose the French regime for its  kidnapping of the prisoner Georges Abdallah.

On the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the arrest
* We invite you all to participate in the central activity on 21 October 2023 in front of the French Embassy in Beirut.
* We also call on the media to accompany the massive demonstration being prepared by solidarity campaigns in France in front of Lannemezan prison in the Pyrénées region.
Freedom for all the oppressed peoples of the world, freedom for Palestine, freedom for Georges Abdallah.

Threatening deportation: Interview with Zaid #StandWithZaid

The following interview, with Samidoun Germany coordinator Zaid Abdulnasser, was first published on the Klasse gegen Klasse website (in German). To get involved with the campaign, endorse the organizational statement or share the main statement here.

Zaid fled Syria to Germany. He is now threatened with having his residence permit revoked because of his activism. We interviewed him about it.

You fled to Germany and the state plans to revoke your residence permit and deportation is on the table, with an explicitly political motivation. Can you tell us more about your situation?

I was born in Syria as a refugee. I am the son, grandson and great-grandchild of Palestinian refugees who are denied the right to return to their homeland, Palestine. This applies to half of the Palestinian people, who live in exile. However, my status as a refugee in Germany was recognized solely on the basis that I am a Palestinian from Syria, a country at war.

We have seen the rapid development of the Palestinian movement in Europe and Germany in recent years, especially after 2015 and the war in Syria. At the same time, state repression against any attempt to organize newly arrived Palestinian refugees intensified. So, the attack on our movement and on me must be classified as part of this wave of repression.

I received a letter from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees:
“Due to a communication from the State of Berlin, according to which you are an activist of Samidoun and Masar Badil… a withdrawal procedure has been initiated regarding the protection you were granted by the Federal Office… the Federal Office has weighed the public interest in the withdrawal against the individual’s private interests.”

In other words, the state is planning to revoke my residence permit and is challenging my refugee status because of my political participation. Our lawyers have pointed out to me that deportation as a Palestinian from Syria is currently not possible under German, European and international law. But the reality is: We don’t know how the process will develop further. We know what the law says, but this case is not about the law or justice. The precarious situation of Palestinian refugees is being exploited to oppress them.

In the last two years, demonstrations in Berlin on Nakba Day have been banned, and in general the level of repression against Palestinian activism appears to be increasing. What is behind this escalation?

What the state is doing here is not directed against me personally, but against all Palestinian refugees in Germany who are organizing for Palestine and against the current social and political conditions in Europe. My case is not the first nor the last. For example, the German state is currently trying to deport two Palestinians because of their participation in a Palestinian conference in Sweden, which also had its primary political goal of organizing the newly arrived Palestinians in Europe. Another example is a case where a Palestinian refugee, who was preparing an application for German citizenship, was asked in a letter about his opinion on several political issues, including his opinions of Arab normalization with the Zionist state, his own assessment of the political relationship between the Zionist state and Germany, and his attitudes toward the Palestinian resistance.

These are just the cases we know of. Obviously, these practices are systematic and not isolated cases. These are the things that constantly happen behind the scenes while the demonstration bans and smear campaigns play out in the public eye. Some refugees, particularly those who are more marginalized or live in precarious circumstances, feel unable to talk about these experiences because doing so would expose them to even more dangerous circumstances. And all this is happening to protect Zionist interests in Germany against the growing mass movement.

The revocation of your residence permit is justified by the “protection of the public interest”? What kind of interest do you think lies behind it?

When the state talks about the “public interest” at a time when people living in Germany are increasingly suffering under the weight of the constant economic crises, then the state means the interests of the state itself.

In the EU, Germany is the Zionist occupation’s largest economic partner, routinely takes part in military maneuvers with the terrorist occupying army, signed billions of dollars in arms deals that also included missile systems and nuclear submarines, and is fully involved in the Nakba of the Palestinian people by supporting the occupation at international and national levels in Germany.

This unconditional support for the occupation of Palestine is clearly based on common imperialist interests and the understanding that this European colony in Palestine is the West’s military base in the Middle East. Of course, this is being promoted as Germany’s attempt to atone for the massacre of Jews in World War II. If anything, using the sins of its Nazi history to justify supporting yet another ethnostate project shows that it has never truly learned from its history.

An organized mass Palestinian, Arab and internationalist movement will not allow these lies to continue to dominate public discourse, and the Palestinian refugees have the inner strength to pose a real challenge to the Zionist movement in Germany and shared German and Israeli interests. Since Germany is the stronghold of the Zionist movement in Europe, any success of the Palestinian struggle here will have a major impact on the entire movement. This is the true meaning of organizing the Palestinian masses in Germany, namely that they can shake the foundations of the state’s imperialist interests to their very foundations.

How can people support you and the fight against this attack?

As part of the campaign, we are calling for actions between September 20 and 30 in support, including organizing events or taking part in our events. We will publish these on our social media (@samidoun_deutschland) over the next few days. Also share the campaign’s statement on your pages, and if you would like to support financially against this lawsuit and other similar lawsuits, you could donate to the following account:

Name: Rote Hilfe e.V.
IBAN: DE55 4306 0967 4007 2383 17
Note: Palaestina gegen Repression

Samidoun Coordinator Under Attack: Launch of the International Campaign Against Anti-Palestinian Repression in Germany

Zaid Abdulnasser, the coordinator of Samidoun Network’s chapter in Germany, and member of the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, is currently being threatened by the German state that his residency as a Palestinian refugee born in Syria will be revoked due to his political engagement in Samidoun and Masar Badil.

In the face of this attack, more than 130 international organisations, unions, and political parties, have expressed their absolute refusal of Germany’s ever increasing repressive measures against Palestinian refugees and their fundamental right to struggle for their liberation and return.

Collectif Palestine Vaincra in Toulouse stands with Zaid!
Collectif Palestine Vaincra in Toulouse stands with Zaid!

We call for organisations to join us by signing the statement under the following link:

To financially support the legal defence of Zaid and other Palestinians in Germany bearing the brunt of the state’s repressive measures against Palestine, you can make a donation to the following account:

Name: Rote Hilfe e.V.
IBAN: DE55 4306 0967 4007 2383 17
Note: Palaestina gegen Repression

We, in Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, declare that all attacks against us by the zionist occupation, its organisations abroad, and by Western imperialist countries and right-wing, racist media, have not and will not change our absolute commitment to defending and supporting the Palestinian prisoners movement, and to struggle for the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea.

Following is the statement signed by more than 130 organisations worldwide (to be updated with new signatories):

International Campaign Against Anti-Palestinian Repression in Germany

We, the undersigned organisations, declare our rejection and outrage at the German state’s consistent repression against Palestinians and Palestine organising in Germany, from the ban of Nakba day demonstrations in 2022 and 2023, the ban of International Palestinian Prisoners Day demonstrations in 2023, the persecution of journalists, youth, and students for their pro-Palestine views and activism, to the recent attempt at revoking the residency of Samidoun Germany coordinator, Zaid Abdulnasser, a Palestinian refugee born in Syria.

This aggression is aimed at all Palestinian refugees in an attempt to strip them of their right to struggle for their liberation by manoeuvring around the legal system and exploiting their precarious situation to pressure them into silence. It’s an attack not only on the Palestinian and Arab community and supporters of Palestine in Germany, but also on our collective right to political organising. This is also an attack on the Palestinian prisoners’ movement by targeting global solidarity with prisoners.

By sponsoring intense state-wide smear campaigns against Palestinians and pro-Palestine organising and using these to justify the repeated bans on events and to demonise Palestinians and Arabs in Germany in general, and in Berlin in particular – home to the largest Palestinian and Arab community in Europe, the German state is desperate in its attempts to hinder Palestinians from organising themselves and preventing them from taking to the streets struggling for their rights. 

The state declared that Zaid’s engagement in Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement is grounds for revoking his residency in “protection of the public interest”. This puts in clear view Germany’s outrageous attempts at repressing the rising support for Palestine in Germany, where increasingly more and more people are aware of and appalled by the crimes of the Israeli occupation as we saw in the popular demonstrations in May 2021, where hundreds of thousands in Germany took to the streets expressing their clear support for Palestine.

We view this as an attack first and foremost on the Palestinian community in Germany and an expression of state-sponsored anti-Palestinian rhetoric and full identification with Israeli colonisation of occupied Palestine. This is particularly important as the vast majority of the Palestinian community in Berlin are refugees denied their right to return to their cities and villages since 1948. Their engagement in the liberation of their land and return to their homes is their natural right and the state’s attempt at repressing them will fail as they have failed for the past 100 years of unyielding Palestinian struggle.

We reject these attacks and declare that our voices will not be silenced. We stand firmly behind the Palestinian refugees in Germany and their right to organise and struggle and declare our support of all Palestinian prisoners behind Israeli bars, and for the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea. And we declare, clearly and firmly, that this form of state repression will not succeed in silencing our support for the Palestinian people, their resistance and their prisoners’ movement struggle to end colonialism. 

Free all Palestinian prisoners!

Down with state repression!

Long live international solidarity!

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!

Signatories (Oct 5 2023)

  • 100 idee per la pace Siena – Italy
  • 718 Coalition
  • Advisory Board National Jericho Movement
  • Al-Awda, Palestine Right to Return Coalition
  • Al-Awda, Bay Area
  • Alkarama Palestinian women’s movement)
  • Alliance for Global Justice
  • Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine
  • Al-Marsad Palestine المرصد فلسطين
  • AlYudur Palestinian Youth Mobilization
  • American Student Union
  • Anti Imperialist Action Ireland
  • Antiimperialistische Koordination
  • Antirracismo Granada
  • ANC (Association Nationale des Communistes)
  • Arab Anarchist Network الشبكة الاناركية العربية
  • Arab Left Forum
  • Architects & Planners for Justice in Palestine
  • Asociación Americana de Juristas
  • Asociación Casa de la Memoria
  • Asociación Unadikum
  • Association France Palestine Solidarité Paris 14-6
  • Association France Palestine Solidarité – Paris-Sud
  • Association France Palestine Solidarité 22 St-Brieuc / France
  • Association France Palestine Solidarité 26/07
  • Association France Palestine Solidarité 63
  • Association France Palestine Solidarité centre et sud Manche
  • Association France Palestine Solidarité Marseille
  • Association France Palestine Solidarité Nantes
  • ATİF Föderation der Arbeiter*innen aus der Türkei in Deutschland
  • Australia Solidarity with Latin America
  • Association France Palestine Solidarité
  • Autonomia di Classe
  • Avrupa Dev-Genc
  • Basler Frauenvereinigung für Frieden und Fortschritt ( BFFF)
  • Bathurst United Church
  • BDS Vancouver/Coast Salish Territories
  • Behind Enemy Lines
  • Bergen County Green Party
  • Berlin Migrant Strikers
  • Biblicism Institute
  • Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) Solidarity Network
  • Boykot Israel Denmark
  • Bronx Antiwar Coalition
  • Bruxelles Panthères
  • Bündnis gegen imperialisitsche Aggression
  • Campagne unitaire pour la libération de Georges Abdallah
  • Campaign to Boycott Supporters of “Israel” in Lebanon
  • Canada Palestine Association
  • Canada-Philippine Solidarity for Human Rights (CPSHR)
  • Canadian BDS Coalition
  • Canadian Lebanese Academic Forum
  • Canadian Peace Congress
  • Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice
  • Casa delle Donne di Milano
  • Casa Pueblos 9
  • Catford Against Social Cleansing
  • CCMW Montreal
  • Centre for Counter Hegemonic Studies
  • Charente Palestine Solidarité
  • Christian-Jewish Allies For a Just Peace
  • Centro Culturale Handala Ali
  • Citizens International
  • Collectif Boycott Apartheid Israël – Paris Banlieue
  • Collectif Palestine Nord Essonne
  • Collectif Palestine Vaincra
  • Collettivo Palestina Rossa
  • Committee of Anti-Imperialists in Solidarity with Iran
  • Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo
  • Couserans Palestine
  • Crida Migratoria
  • CUP-Alternativa per Llagostera
  • Dar al Janub – Union for Antiracism and Peace Policy
  • جمعية درب الوفاء للمعوقين الاجتماعية Darb Al-Wafa Social Association for the Disabled
  • Degrowth Belgium
  • DIE LINKE KV Region Hannover
  • DKP Kreisgruppe Bonn/Rhein-Sieg
  • DSA International Committee
  • East Berkshire PSC
  • Emakumeok gerraren aurka – Mujeres contra la guerra
  • Espacio Libre de Apartheid Israelí -ELAI CANTABRIA-
  • Evry Palestine
  • Ex OPG – JE SO’ PAZZO Napoli
  • FAC Research – feministresearch.org
  • Föderation Klassenkämpferischer Organisationen
  • France Palestine Mental Health Network
  • Freedom Road Socialist Organization
  • Freie Linke Zukunft
  • Frente Antiimperialista Internacionaista
  • Front Uni des Immigrations et des Quartiers Populaires – FUIQP
  • Gesellschaft Schweiz Palästina
  • Gorillas Workers Collective
  • Groupe Non-Violent LOUIS LECOIN
  • Grupo Libélulas
  • Hände weg von Syrien – Bündnis gegen Krieg
  • Human Rights for Palestine
  • IDWC
  • Independent Jewish Voices
  • Independent Jewish Voices Vancouver
  • INSAF UOttawa
  • InterBüro
  • International Action Center
  • International Association of Democratic Lawyers
  • International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
  • ILPS Canada (International League of Peoples’ Struggle Canada)
  • International Women’s Alliance
  • Internationalt Forum
  • Ireland Palestine Mental Health Network
  • IU-PCE Marx Madera
  • IWW Montreal
  • Izquierda Unida
  • Jewish Bund
  • Jewish Network for Palestine
  • Jews against the Occupation
  • Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
  • Jordan Valley Activists
  • Jüdisch-Palästinensische Dialoggruppe München
  • JUMP Up Schallplattenversand
  • Justice for Palestinians – Calgary
  • Kairos Sabeel Nederland
  • Kampagne für Opfer rassistischer Polizeigewalt
  • Kämpfende Jugend Bremen
  • KOE – Communist Organization of Greece
  • Kommunistische Organisation (kommunistische-organisation.de)
  • Kommunistische Organisation [kommunistische.org]
  • KPD
  • La Guillotine, les éditions qui tranchent
  • Le CRI Rouge pour la défense des prisonniers révolutionnaires
  • League of Young Communists USA
  • Lebanese campaign to Free Georges Abdallah
  • Lebanese Communist Party
  • Liberate Palestine
  • Linke Zeitung
  • Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada
  • Masar Badil (Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement)
  • Media Review Network
  • Migrantifa NRW
  • Montreal Elders for Environmental Justice
  • Mouvement Citoyen Palestine
  • Movement for People’s Democracy
  • Movimiento Democrático de Mujeres (MDM)
  • MRT – Movimento Revolucionário de Trabalhadores
  • Münchner Friedensbündnis
  • Nación Andaluza
  • National Lawyers’ Guild- San Francisco Bay Area chapter
  • National Lawyers Guild International Committee
  • National Students for Justice in Palestine
  • National Union of Peoples’ Lawyers (Philippines)
  • Netzwerk Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangen Magdeburg
  • Oakville Palestinian Rights Association
  • Occupy Bergen County
  • OCML Voie Prolétarienne
  • Offenes Treffen gegen Krieg und Militarisierung Stuttgart (OTKM)
  • Olive Press
  • Ontario Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines
  • Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen für den Frieden
  • Palästina Antikolonial
  • Palästina Initiative Tirol
  • Palästina Kampagne
  • Palästina Komitee Basel
  • Palästina Komitee Zürich
  • Palästina Solidarität Duisburg
  • Palästina Solidarität Österreich
  • Palästina Spricht
  • Palestinakomitee Rotterdam
  • Palestina Libre Región de Murcia España
  • Palestina Solidariteit
  • Palestine House
  • Palestine Livre
  • Palestine Publications
  • Palestine Solidarity Alliance (Hunter College)
  • Palestine Solidarity Alliance South Africa
  • Palestine Solidarity Committee Stuttgart
  • Palestine-Global Mental Health Network
  • Palestinian Communist Party
  • Palestinian Youth Washington, D.C.
  • Parallelo Palestina
  • Party of Communists USA
  • Philippines Australia Union Link
  • People Against Apartheid and Fascism
  • People’s School
  • Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine
  • Public Intellectuals for Social and Spare Change
  • Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice
  • Red ComSur (Comunicadores del MercoSur)
  • red. media
  • Redbridge Palestine Solidarity Campaign
  • Resistance Festival – Athens, Greece
  • Resistance News Network
  • Resistance Studies Initiative University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Resumen Latinoamericano
  • Rete Romana di Solidarietà con il Popolo Palestinese
  • Revolte decoloniale
  • Revolución Filipina
  • Revolutionaire Eenheid
  • Revolutionärer Jugendbund
  • RIO – Revolutionär Internationalistische Organisation
  • Rojavakommittéerna Göteborg
  • Roter Aufbruch Dresden
  • Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
  • SE London Friends of Palestine
  • Seattle Boricua Resistance
  • Secours Rouge Genève
  • Secretaría Internacional de Podemos
  • Sheffield Labour Friends of Palestine
  • Sheffield PSC
  • Sinistra Italiana Pesaro Urbino
  • Society for Austro-Arab Relations
  • Solidaridad Antirrepresiva Berlin
  • Solidaridad Obrera
  • Solidaritätsnetzwerk Berlin
  • Steagul Roșu
  • Stop the War Machine
  • Students Allied for Freedom and Equality
  • Students United for Palestinian Equality & Return – University of Washington
  • Svenska Clartéförbundet
  • Sveriges Kommunistiska Ungdomsförbund
  • TADAMON (International Solidarity with Prisoners)
  • The Key (Palestine)
  • The USA-Palestine Mental Health Network
  • The Young Left Gothenburg and Bohuslän
  • Totes Legals Baix Montseny
  • Tsedek!
  • Tunisian Youth Movement
  • Union Juive Française pour la Paix
  • UPOTUDAK – Internationales Komitee für Solidarität mit Politischen Gefangenen
  • U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN)
  • UK-Palestine Mental Health Network
  • Union Syndicale Solidaires Haute Garonne
  • US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
  • USA-Palestine Mental Health Network
  • Venceremos, Partido de Trabajadorxs
  • V-SB
  • Verein Palästina e.V.
  • Waldheim Stuttgart e.V. “Clara Zetkin Haus”
  • Waterloo Region Friends of Palestine
  • Weekly newspaper DROMOS
  • Winnipeg Police Cause Harm
  • Within Our Lifetime – United For Palestine
  • Women in Black Vienna
  • Workers Voice Socialist Movement (Louisiana)
  • Workers World Party – Bay Area
  • WorldBeyondWar
  • Yoga For Peace, Justice, Harmony With the Planet
  • Youth Front for Palestine
  • Zannekinbond
