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23 September, Vancouver: Shame on Scotiabank, #ShutElbitDown

Saturday, 23 September
1750 Manitoba St
Vancouver, BC

Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1345741782683709/

Join us on September 23 to highlight the complicity of Scotiabank in funding the killing of Palestinians.

Scotiabank is the largest foreign investor in the Israeli arms company Elbit Systems; their asset fund has invested half a billion dollars in an arms company whose weapons are routinely used to rain death and destruction on Palestinians.

We join with the Canadian BDS Coalition groups and other allies to demand that Scotiabank divest immediately from Elbit!

Cosponsored by BDS Vancouver, Canada Palestine Association, Canadian BDS Coalition, ILPS Canada and Samidoun

19 September, Vancouver: Political Education Discussion on Walid Daqqah

Tuesday, 19 September
7 pm
Centre for Socialist Education
706 Clark Drive

Join Samidoun Vancouver for a political education discussion on the writing of Walid Daqqah, Palestinian political prisoner, freedom fighter and revolutionary intellectual, struggling for freedom while suffering from a rare cancer.

We will be reading “Consciousness Molded, or the Re-Identification of Torture,” as originally published in English in Threat: Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israel.

Download and read the document: https://bit.ly/daqqaharticle

You are welcome to attend the discussion if you have read the document, if you have read a portion, or if you have not had a chance to read it! The discussion will address the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, Palestinian prisoners’ knowledge production inside occupation prisons, and the role of prisoners in the revolution.

Walid Daqqah is one of the preeminent intellectuals of the Palestinian resistance movement and has been subjected to solitary confinement in retaliation for his writing and publication, and is the author of multiple books, including: Testimonies of Resistance: The Battle of Jenin Camp 2002 (2004); Consciousness Molded or the Re-identification of Torture (2010); The Story of the Forgotten in Parallel Time (2011); The Oil’s Secret Tale (2018); The Sword’s Secret Tale (2021); The Spirit’s Secret Tale/ The Martyrs Return to Ramallah (2022), as well as unpublished manuscripts, paintings, poetry, lyrics and autobiography

22 September, Brussels: Palestinians in detention, inside and outside of Palestine

In the framework of the week to honor the memory of Semira Adamu, killed 25 years ago while being forcibly deported from Belgium (21-24 Sept.), Samidoun Brussels invites you to its conference organized on Friday 22.09.2023 at 7 pm at DK, rue du Danemark 70B, St-Gilles.

Speakers :
Khaled Barakat, palestinian write and member of the Masar Badil (via Zoom)
Nermin Hwaihi, co-founder of the Movement for Palestinian Refugees in Belgium

The event will be held in English but a « chuchotage » for French speakers can be organized on the spot.

The event will be free and a donation box will be available.

(The bar of the DK will be open – only cash payments)

Palestinian prisoners prepare for mass hunger strike; 3 prisoners continue strikes against administrative detention

On Thursday, 7 September, Palestinian detainee Abdel-Rahman Baraqa suspended his hunger strike against administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial, after 26 days. Baraqa, 24, from Aqabat Jaber refugee camp, has been detained without charge or trial since 30 April 2023. In his hunger strike, he has experienced severe deterioration of his health while fighting back against a massively expanding system of arbitrary detention.

Maher al-Akhras, Kayed Fasfous and Sultan Khallouf are all continuing their hunger strikes, for 35 days for Fasfous and Khallouf and 15 days for al-Akhras. All three have previously won their liberation through hunger strikes: Fasfous’ 131-day strike, Khallouf’s 67-day strike, and al-Akhras’ 103-day strike all won their release from administrative detention.

Khallouf, who is held in the infamous Ramle prison clinic, sent a letter to Muhja al-Quds about his condition, noting that he must use a wheelchair to move and suffers from chest pains, shortness of breath, severe bone and muscle pain, blurred vision and difficulty speaing. He reported that Zionist intelligence officers had come to him and attempted to coerce him to end his strike. He has been on hunger strike since he was first seized from his home on 3 August 2023.

Administrative detention orders are issued for up to six months at a time and are indefinitely renewable, with Palestinians routinely jailed for years at a time under these orders. There are currently over 1,200 administrative detainees out of 5,100 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails, more than double last year’s number and the largest amount in 20 years.

The escalation of administrative detention is only one of a series of attacks on the Palestinian prisoners, many of them targeting rights that were gained only through years of sacrifice and struggle of the prisoners’ movement, including through mass collective hunger strikes.

The most recent attack came from the notorious Zionist far right and openly fascist Minister of Public Security Itamar Ben Gvir, who announced on Friday, 1 September that family visits for Palestinian prisoners would be cut to once every two months, from biweely visits. It is worth noting that Palestinian prisoners are already routinely denied visits, both from restrictions imposed upon the prisoners directly and through the frequent denial of permits to prisoners’ relatives on the basis that they pose a “security risk.” Because most Palestinian prisoners are held inside occupied Palestine ’48 (in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention), their relatives must obtain a special permit in order to visit them, which is often and in fact routinely denied.

Ben Gvir’s announcement sparked widespread condemnation from Palestinian movements as well as international human rights organizations, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, which organizes the buses taking family members to their visits. However, it also exposed once again the severe contradictions within the Zionist regime, as even far-right prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu contradicted Ben-Gvir, stating that no such decision would be made without reviewing the “security effects” — that is, the response of the Palestinian resistance — and various security officials, including the director of the prison administration and intelligence officials, reportedly expressed opposition to the plan. Once again, the crisis of the Zionist project has been highlighted, and the Palestinian prisoners’ movement has made clear its intention to resist these attacks.

The prisoners’ movement, which has already defeated several previous performative announcements from Ben Gvir, announced an open hunger strike beginning on Thursday, 14 September, in rejection of these attacks, in a statement issued by the Higher Emergency Committee of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Movement on 3 September:

In the name of God, the most gracious the most merciful,

To our great people, and to the free people of the world, greetings of challenge and steadfastness.

In continuation of the policy of aggression against everything Palestinian, in all aspects, the desecration of all that is sacred to us, the prisoners and Al-Quds, this ignorant extremist Ben Gvir has issued us a new decision that violates our most precious sanctities as prisoners, by reducing our family visits to once every two months. He thinks that we will surrender or tire of confronting his aggression and arrogance.

After tampering with our bread and water, today our mothers, wives, and children are targeted. In light of all this, we must take a stand, and we must take actions that match the magnitude of the aggression. Based on the above, we affirm the following:

First: Our rights, which we have obtained through our blood, and tons of our flesh, through the hunger strikes we have waged, we have not obtained as a favor to us or through a commitment to international laws and regulations [by the occupation]. Therefore, they are not subject to negotiation or surrender.

Second: The Higher National Emergency Committee of the Palestinians Prisoners’ Movement has decided to start an open hunger strike on Thursday, 14 September 2023, demanding the cancellation of all decisions and policies aimed at tightening the noose around us and our living conditions, as well as the restoration of all our rights that have been confiscated during the past period.

Third: Disagreement has arisen among our enemies regarding this decision, not as an acknowledgment of our rights or acceptance of our achievements on their part, but instead disagreement over the timing and mechanism of its implementation. This requires us, the prisoners, and our people not to be deceived by what their media presents. It requires us to stand against this aggression and to be prepared and ready for a real confrontation with our enemy.

Fourth: We will make the current month of September a unifying theme and a comprehensive month for our two holiest causes: Al-Aqsa, for which our people rose up 23 years ago, and the prisoners, who will rise up with our people this year until the freedom of our prisoners and our Aqsa is achieved.

Fifth: The unity embodied by the Prisoners’ Movement during the past two years has been the guarantee – with the help of God – to repel aggression against us, and we strive to further consolidate this unity each day. We hope that it will extend to all arenas of Palestinian action and that it will be manifested through the support of our people in this battle.

In conclusion: Our battle with this occupier is an ongoing battle. We can hardly close one chapter before opening another. Readiness and alertness are our constant choice as long as the occupation exists on our land and on our bodies.

Glory to the martyrs, healing to the wounded, freedom to the prisoners.

Higher National Emergency Committee of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Movement

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all supporters of Palestine to take action to support the Palestinian prisoners’ movement as the collective hunger striek approaches, as well as the current Palestinian hunger strikers and all Palestinian prisoners struggling for freedom, for their own lives and for the Palestinian people.  With over 1200 Palestinians jailed without charge or trial — over 20% of all Palestinian prisoners — the struggle to bring down administrative detention is more urgent than ever. The Palestinian prisoners are fighting back against new attacks — and also fighting, in the broad view, for their liberation and the liberation of the Palestinian people. Take these actions below to stand with the prisoners’ movement, the hunger strikers and the struggle for liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea!

Download these signs for use in your campaigns:


Protest at the Israeli Embassy or Consulate in Your Country!

Join the many protests taking place around the world — confront, isolate and besiege the Israeli embassy or consulate in your city or country of residence. Make it clear that the people are with Palestine! Send us your events at samidoun@samidoun.net.

Take to the streets: Organize a protest in solidarity with Palestine!

Take to the streets and join actions for justice! Organize your own if there is none in your area, and send us your events at samidoun@samidoun.net.

Boycott Israel!

The international, Arab and Palestinian campaign to boycott Israel can play an important role at this critical time. Local boycott groups can protest and label Israeli produce and groceries, while many complicit corporations – including HP, G4S, Puma, Teva and others, profit from their role in support Zionist colonialism throughout occupied Palestine. By participating in the boycott of Israel, you can directly help to throw a wrench in the economy of settler colonialism.

Demand Your Government Sanction Israel!

The racist, settler colonial state of Israel and its war crimes against the Palestinian people are enabled and backed extensively by the over $3.8 billion each year given to Israel by the United States — targeted directly to support the Israeli occupation military killing children, women, men and elders throughout occupied Palestine. From Canada to Australia to the European Union, Western governments and imperialist powers provide ongoing diplomatic, political and economic support to Israel as well as selling billions of dollars of weaponry to the settler-colonial state. Meanwhile, they also purchase billions of dollars in weaponry from the Israeli state. Governments in league with imperialist powers, such as in the Philippines, Brazil, India and elsewhere, also buy weapons and “security” services — all “battle-tested” on the Palestinian population. Call your representatives, MPs, political officials and demand your government sanction Israel now, cut off all aid, expel its ambassadors, and stop buying and selling weapons!


Palestinian-Italian researcher Khaled al-Qaisi seized by occupation forces; family urges support and attention

Palestinian-Italian researcher Khaled al-Qaisi, a translator, researcher and student in the Department of Oriental Languages and Civilizations at Sapienza University of Rome, has been detained by Israeli occupation forces since 31 August. Al-Qaisi, a Palestinian and Italian citizen, was visiting Palestine with his wife and four-year-old son. While leaving Palestine at the bridge to Jordan, he was suddenly seized by occupation forces and handcuffed in front of his young child.

His family and many supporters in Italy note that he has been denied legal visits despite having retained a lawyer and was expected to be brought before an occupation military court on Thursday, 7 September with no opportunity to meet with his lawyer. Al-Qaisi works with the Giovani Palestinesi d’Italia (Palestinian Youth of Italy) and is the co-founder of the Palestinian Documentation Center, a project that works to archive, translate and make accessible Palestinian historical documents, items and works.

Several Italian parliamentarians have spoken out, urging the Italian government to act swiftly to secure al-Qaisi’s immediate release. Stefania Ascari of the Movimento 5 Stella said, “We have appealed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani, to the ambassador of Israel in Italy, Alon Bar, and to all the competent authorities to ascertain Khaled’s health conditions and to exert all the necessary pressure for his release. Khaled El Qaisi must be released immediately.”

The Left Green Alliance issued a parliamentary question led by Nicola Fratoianni, stating: “On 31 August last, Khaled El Qaisi, an Italian-Palestinian citizen residing in Rome, married to an Italian citizen and father of a child who is also Italian, was arrested by the Israeli authorities while crossing with his wife and son the ‘Allenby’ border crossing, after spending the holidays in Bethlehem, in Palestine. An incomprehensible arrest on which we ask that the Italian government take action to protect our fellow citizens…we ask the Italian government what urgent initiatives it has taken and intends to take to protect its citizen arrested abroad, to find out the reasons for his detention, to verify if the citizen is guaranteed the rights of a fair trial as provided for by ‘article 111 of the Constitution and article 6 of the European Covenant on Human Rights and in particular the right of defense, as well as to ascertain whether the conditions of detention comply with international standards pursuant to article 27 of the Constitution, article 3 of the ECHR and Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.”

Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, expressed concern in a tweet:

A number of Palestinian community organizations and Italian left parties and collectives have raised their voice to demand El Qaisi’s immediate release, emphasizing that the Italian government must be held accountable for ensuring his freedom.

El Qaisi’s wife and mother circulated an open letter calling for Khaled’s release. We are including the letter below, translated to English.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges the immediate liberation of Palestinian-Italian researcher, scholar and citizen Khaled El Qaisi. The Italian government and all concerned parties must take immediate action at all levels to ensure his safety and his immediate freedom.

Open letter for the immediate release of the Palestinian-Italian citizen Khaled El Qaisi, prisoner of the Israeli authorities

On 31 August Khaled El Qaisi, husband and son respectively of the writers, was
detained by the Israeli authorities and is still imprisoned by virtue of a precautionary measure pending verification.

Last Thursday, Khaled, who has dual citizenship, Italian and Palestinian,was crossing the ‘Allenby’ border crossing with his wife and son after spending the holidays with his family in Bethlehem, Palestine.

At the luggage and document check, after a long wait, he was handcuffed under the incredulous gaze of his 4-year-old son, his wife, as well as all those who were waiting to resume their journey.

The wife’s requests for explanations were not answered, rather she was asked questions and then sent off with her son to Jordanian territory, without telephone, cash or contacts, in a foreign country.

In the late afternoon, the wife and child were able to reach the Italian Embassy thanks to the human generosity of some Palestinian women.

Khaled, a translator and student of the department of Oriental Languages and Civilisations at the University of Rome, esteemed for his passionate commitment to the collection, dissemination and translation of Palestinian historical material, is one of the founders of the Palestinian Documentation Centre, an association that aims to promote Palestinian culture in Italy.

His family and friends, but also those who simply had the opportunity to meet him, are anxiously waiting for updates.

At the moment, he has not been able to meet his lawyer and there is still little news about his safety.

All we have heard from the consulate and his lawyer is that he will face a hearing on Thursday, 7 September.

In the meantime, we imagine Khaled in complete isolation, with no contact with the outside world, with no real perception of the passage of time, under the pressure of continuous interrogations, anguished about the fate of his own son and his wife left in the lurch with the only image in their eyes of his deportation in handcuffs.

The situation is therefore very serious.
We await with great anxiety the resolution of this unjust imprisonment.
We call on whoever has the power to do so to ascertain Khaled’s health condition and, above all, to exert all necessary pressure for his speedy release.

Francesca Antinucci, wife
Lucia Marchetti, mother

Collectif Palestine Vaincra on Al Mayadeen: Free all Palestinian prisoners, free Georges Abdallah

Imagen: tom. Martin duranbte la. entrevista. con el canal Almayadin

On Wednesday 6 September 2023, the Lebanese channel Al Mayadeen organized a special program on the occasion of the second anniversary of the Freedom Tunnel operation, when six Palestinian prisoners escaped from the maximum security prison of Gilboa. This program took place with the participation of a member of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, alongside Sahar Francis, director of Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, Violette Dagher, president of the Arab Commission for Human Rights, and the lawyer Amani Ibrahim who defends the prisoner Mahmoud Al-Ardah, the leader of the Freedom Tunnel operation.

Watch the video (in Arabic):

During the interview, the spokesperson of Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member organization of the Samidoun Network, underlined that the Palestinian cause is also an Arab and international cause. Palestinian prisoners are not only held in Israeli jails, but also in the prisons of the accomplices of the Zionist project: the Palestinian Authority , Arab reactionary regimes (like Egypt or Saudi Arabia ) and Western imperialist powers. For example, he mentioned the cases of the three Holy Land 5 Palestinians detained in the United States, the prisoners of Palestine Action in Britain,the case of the Palestinian organizer Amin Abu Rashed in the Netherlands and of course the Lebanese communist Georges Abdallah imprisoned in France since 1984. In particular, he recalled “that work has been developed at the international level in order to support Palestinian prisoners, and solidarity with them must be built on the basis of popular support and by international organizations concerned with Palestinian rights, such as the Samidoun network which works in about 15 countries and mobilizes to support Palestinian detainees and raise their voices at the international level, because it is a global struggle against colonialism and imperialism.”

In addition, the activist recalled that Georges Abdallah has just filed a new request for release, which must be understood as a call to intensify the mobilization for the one who has become the oldest political prisoner in Europe. For over 15 years, this campaign has aimed to break the political isolation of this Arab struggler and to inspire many organizations, unions and political parties today to mobilize in support of his liberation. He called for mobilization and participation in the march on Saturday October 21 in Lannemezan, France, in front of the gate of the prison in which he is detained in order to demand his release and that of all the 5100 men, women and children unjustly detained by the Israeli occupation.

Regarding the commemoration of the Freedom operation , the representative of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra saluted these heroic prisoners by reaffirming our support for all the Palestinian prisoners who are the true leaders of the Palestinian resistance which continues to fight until the return and liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea.

Four Palestinian prisoners continue hunger strikes for liberation

Four Palestinian prisoners are continuing their hunger strikes for freedom against administrative detention and arbitrary imprisonment: Kayed Fasfous, Sultan Khallouf, Abdel-Rahman Baraqa and Maher al-Akhras. Fasfous and Khallouf have now been on hunger strike for 35 days, while Baraqa has been on strike for 28 days and al-Akhras for 15 days.

Fasfous, Khallouf and Baraqa have all been ordered jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention. These orders, initially introduced to Palestine by the British colonial mandate before being adopted by the Zionist regime, are issued for up to six months at a time and are indefinitely renewable. Palestinians routinely are jailed for years at a time with no charge or trial, and they are jailed on the basis of “secret evidence” denied to both the detainee and their lawyer.

Al-Akhras has been on hunger strike since the moment of his arrest and is still being held under interrogation. Fasfous, Khallouf and al-Akhras have all won their freedom in the past through individual hunger strikes, many of which garnered widespread Palestinian, Arab and international attention.

In the past year, administrative detention orders have shot up rapidly, reaching 1200 out of 5100 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, over double the number of administrative detainees one year ago. The escalation in the use of administrative detention comes hand in hand with a series of attacks on the prisoners, most recently far-right Zionist racist minister Itamar Ben Gvir’s announcement that family visits would only be allowed once every two months and the denial of early release for Palestinian prisoners, including Walid Daqqah, fighting against a rare cancer and denied proper medical treatment.

The Palestinian prisoners’ movement has called for a mass hunger strike beginning on Thursday, 14 September to demand an end to Ben Gvir’s attack on the prisoners and a complete retreat from these attacks by the occupation.

These cases are particularly urgent following the martyrdom of Sheikh Khader Adnan, who died after being denied medical treatment on his 86th day of hunger strike in occupation prison on 2 May 2023. Adnan had previously won his freedom from detention on four separate occasions through hunger strikes and was one of the most influential leaders of the prisoners’ movement in developing the wave of individual and small group strikes confronting administrative detention over the past decade.

Taghreed al-Akhras, the wife of Maher al-Akhras, said: “We as a family direct our appeal to solidarity movements, and we always count on our people and our free people all over the world, and on the families of prisoners and martyrs to stand by our prisoners, because their cause is just, and they refuse to submit to this unjust occupier inside prisons.” She noted that her imprisoned husband always said that “the means of resistance that the prisoners have behind bars is their empty stomachs.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all supporters of Palestine to take action to support the Palestinian hunger strikers and all Palestinian prisoners struggling for freedom, for their own lives and for the Palestinian people. These sons of the Palestinian popular masses are confronting the system of Israeli oppression on the front lines behind bars, with their bodies and their lives, to bring the system of administrative detention to an end.

It is particularly important to stand with the strikers and not let their cases be silenced — earlier this year, on 2 May, Sheikh Khader Adnan’s life was taken after 86 days of hunger strike while being actively denied medical care. He had previously won his freedom four times through hunger strikes. These Palestinian prisoners are putting their bodies, health and lives on the line for liberation.

With over 1200 Palestinians jailed without charge or trial — over 20% of all Palestinian prisoners — the struggle to bring down administrative detention is more urgent than ever. Take these actions below to stand with the hunger strikers and the struggle for liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea!

Download these signs for use in your campaigns:

Paris rally supports Palestinian resistance and the Palestinian prisoners

Photo: Europalestine

On Saturday, 2 September, during the afternoon, CAPJPO-EuroPalestine organized a rally at the Fontaine des Innocents in Paris in support of the Palestinian resistance, as it confronts the intensification of colonial violence throughout occupied Palestine, including the Palestinian prisoners’ movement. For several hours, many people took part in this dynamic mass gathering, including activists from CAPJPO-EuroPalestine, IJAN (International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network) and Samidoun Paris Banlieue.

During various speeches, the anti-colonialist activists denounced Zionist crimes as well as the complicity of the Western imperialist powers, as well as that of the Palestinian Authority and the Arab reactionary regimes. In particular, the president of CAPJPO-EuroPalestine, Olivia Zémor, stressed the importance of mobilizing in support of the Palestinian people and their resistance while the crowd chanted, “Long live the resistance of the Palestinian people.”  In addition, the rally was an opportunity to call upon passers-by to join the international campaign to boycott Israel and companies complicit in colonialism, such as the sports equipment manufacturer Puma, which is the sponsor of theIsrael Football Association.

A member of Samidoun Paris Banlieue spoke about the importance of solidarity with all 5,100 Palestinian prisoners and in particular the 4 hunger strikers who are currently putting their bodies and their lives at risk for their freedom and that of their people. The text of the speech was as follows:

Hello everyone, thank you EuroPalestine for the invitation to speak at this gathering. I will speak on behalf of Samidoun which is an international network of solidarity with Palestinian prisoners. 

Today, 5,100 men, women and children are imprisoned by the Israeli occupation, including 1,200 in administrative detention, that is, imprisonment without charge or trial. Among them, four detainees are on hunger strike against their imprisonment but also against the punitive measures of the prison administration: Khaled Fasfous, Sultan Khallouf, Abdel Rahman Baraqa and the Palestinian leader Maher Al Akhras. The Zionist state is doing everything to make the struggle of these prisoners invisible as it continues its policy of medical negligence which cost the life of the martyr Khader Adnan on 2 May, when he was on his 86th day of hunger strike. 

Walid Daqqah is also threatened by this medical negligence. In detention since 1987, this freedom fighter and writer is seriously ill and in critical condition. The struggle for his liberation is urgently needed!

These detainees confront the colonial state by putting their health, their bodies and their lives at stake for justice. It is essential to support them for what they are: resistance fighters! We must stand by their side in their anti-colonial struggle!

We would like to conclude by expressing our most sincere solidarity with all the prisoners of the Palestinian cause who are imprisoned in Europe. In England, several Palestine Action activists, in the Netherlands the Palestinian organizer Amin Abu Rashed, and finally in France, the Lebanese communist Georges Abdallah. Let’s continue to support them as they support Palestine and its resistance!

Join us on 21 October in Lannemezan to demand the immediate release of Georges Abdallah and all Palestinian prisoners!
Glory to the Palestinian resistance!
Glory to the martyrs!
Freedom for Georges Abdallah and all Palestinian prisoners!
Algeria has won, Vietnam has won
And Palestine will defeat colonialism and imperialism insha’Allah

The rally ended with the distribution of numerous leaflets, as passers-by browsed the exhibitions and stands set up by the organizers. Samidoun extends its thanks to CAPJPO-Europalestine for organizing this gathering.

Samidoun Paris Banlieue extended this day of solidarity by holding a press table during a new screening of the film “ALAM” which was organized at the Cinéma Le Luxy in Ivry in the presence of the director Firas Khoury and in partnership with the Ciné-Palestine Festival. It was an opportunity to discuss the situation in the Zionist jails and to highlight the struggle waged by prisoners such as Georges Abdallah, Maher Al-Akhras and Walid Daqqah.

Events like this show once again that solidarity with the Palestinian cause is more alive than ever! Do not forget to follow Samidoun Paris Banlieue on our social networks to participate in our activities and find all of our actions and mobilizations (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) or contact us by email at  parisbanlieue@samidoun.net.

Solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in Charleroi, Belgium

On Saturday, 2 September, the  Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine in Charleroi, Belgium, a member of the Samidoun network, organized a Palestine awareness stand on the Place Verte in Charleroi, where activists had the opportunity to discuss the situation of Palestinian prisoners with a diverse group of city residents.

Participants in the stand highlighted that over 5,000 men, women and children are currently held in Israeli occupation prisons. More than 1,200 of them are imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention. Administrative detention orders are issued by the army and approved by military courts on the basis of “secret evidence” denied to both Palestinian prisoners and their lawyers. Issued for a maximum of six months, they are indefinitely renewable and Palestinians – including women and minor children – can spend years imprisoned without charge or trial.

Four Palestinian prisoners are currently on hunger strike against their administrative detention: Kayed Fasfous, Sultan Khallouf, Abdel-Rahman Baraqa and Maher Al Akhras, a Palestinian leader who began a hunger strike upon his arrest on August 23. A father of four, a former prisoner and long-term hunger striker, his previous 103-day hunger strike in 2020 saw him regain his freedom with widespread Palestinian, Arab and international support.

Several people posed for photos to express their solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners and especially with the hunger strikers and Maher Al Akhras, in order to show their opposition to the administrative detention of Palestinians.

The stand also highlighted the case of Georges Abdallah, who will begin his 40th year of detention in France on 24 October. A Lebanese communist and struggler for the Palestinian cause, he has been imprisoned in France since 1984 due to his commitment against the Israeli occupation of his country, Lebanon, and for the liberation of Palestine. Despite being eligible for release since 1999, he has become a political target of the French authorities and their American allies. Georges Abdallah has never stopped his engagement in the struggle. From inside the prison in Lannemezan, he supports Palestinian prisoners and the struggles against racism, colonialism and imperialism. A major demonstration for the freedom of Georges Abdallah will take place on Saturday 21 October in front of the Lannemezan prison in the Hautes-Pyrénées, France.

The stand also highlighted the case in the Netherlands of Amin Abu Rashed,  a prominent and respected Palestinian community leader and organizer. The Samidoun Palestinian Political Prisoner Solidarity Network  demands the immediate release of Amin Abu Rashed and the dropping of all charges against him.

To support Palestinian prisoners, organize the boycott of Israel!

>We can act for the release of Palestinian prisoners by publicizing their struggle, but also and above all by organizing actions for the boycott of Israel.

The Plate-Forme Charleroi-Palestine stand offered flyers with specific Israeli products to be boycotted. It is important to boycott the Israeli colonial state at all levels, including cultural and sports boycott. Our banner displayed near the stand recalled  our actions against the presence of Israel Premier Tech in cycling races.


The Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine is also leading a campaign against Belgian trade in Israeli arms, in particular against the presence of Elbit companies located in Oudenaarde and Tournai and the support of different levels of government for these companies. Would you like to learn more or get involved with the Plate-Forme? Receive flyers to distribute? Write to us at charleroi.palestine@gmail.com.

Source: Charleroi-Palestine Platform

Audio interview: Palestinian prisoners’ movement declares plans for hunger strike to resist repression

On Tuesday, 5 September, Charlotte Kates, international coordinator of Samidoun, spoke with Salaamedia, based in South Africa, about the current situation of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli occupation jails. Specifically, the Palestinian prisoners’ movement has called for a collective open hunger strike launching on Thursday, 14 September against the latest attacks on prisoners’ living conditions by openly far-right Zionist racist minister Itamar Ben Gvir: limiting family visits to once every two months.

In the interview, Kates discusses the current situation of Palestinian prisoners, the long-term restrictions and repression targeting them inside the prisons, and prisoners currently on hunger strike against administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial.

Listen on Soundcloud:

YouTube video: