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Samidoun in occupied Palestine urges all to join Ramallah demonstration for Palestinian prisoners

Samidoun in occupied Palestine is calling for a mass demonstration on Wednesday, 7 August to stand with the Palestinian prisoners inside Israeli prisons, especially those on hunger strike against imprisonment without charge or trial. The protest will begin at 4:30 pm at the center of Manara Square, highlighting the fight to end administrative detention and liberate all Palestinian prisoners.

In addition, the protest, being organized with a large participation of youth and students, is also meant to elevate the level of popular support for Palestinian refugees in the camps in Lebanon fighting for civil, social and economic rights and against unjust and discriminatory laws. Palestinians in the West Bank and in diaspora, including those in Lebanon, together filmed a video calling for the march and urging the widest participation in the event.

The protest will include human rights organizations, advocates for Palestinian prisoners, former prisoners and the families of the prisoners on hunger strike. Samidoun activists noted that the Palestinian prisoners inside Israeli jails are engaged in a daily battle of steadfastness to bring an end to administrative detention, while there is a rising movement in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. They called people to participte in the demonstration, particularly as it aims to confront U.S. and Zionist attempts to liquidate Palestinian rights and the Palestinian cause altogether.

There are currently 29 Palestinian political prisoners on hunger strike and 40 more have expressed their intention to join the strike on Monday, 5 August. This demonstration comes to mobilize full support for the prisoners whose bodies and lives are on the line to win their freedom and that of the Palestinian people.

7 August, Ramallah: Freedom for the prisoners and return for the refugees – Protest!

Wednesday, 7 August
4:30 pm
Manara Square
Ramallah, Palestine
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/662027547540890/

For the prisoners of the struggle and the uprising of return and revolution…

We call on the masses of the Palestinian people, the workers, students and youth, our comrades and friends, to support the Palestinian prisoners’ movement in the occupation jails engaged in a daily battle of steadfastness and confrontation. And to stand with the struggles of the masses of the Palestinian people in exile and diaspora. We send our salutes from the heart of occupied Palestine to our steadfast people who stand up in the refugee camps in Lebanon for their legitimate civil and political rights.

In continuation of the activities of the Voice of Palestinian Students and the Samidoun Network in occupied Palestine, we call on all to attend a mass demonstration, expressing the unity of the Palestinian people in the homeland and exile and our firm commitment to the dignity and liberation of the prisoners and calling for revolution and uprising to achieve the return of the refugees to their homes and homeland.

للأسرى عَهد الحُرية و للاجئين عَهد الثورة و العودة.
جَماهير شعبنا .. عُمالنا البواسل .. طُلابنا وطالباتنا و شَبابنا .. رِفاقنا ورَفيقاتنا وأصدقائنا
إسناداً للحركة الوطنية الأسيرة في سجون الإحتلال وهي تخوض معارك الصمود والتحدي اليومية. وتواصلاً مع نضالات جماهير شعبنا الفلسطيني في الشتات والمنافي. وتحية وفاء من قلب الوطن الى شعبنا الصامد المنتفض في مخيمات لبنان من أجل حقوقه المدنية والسياسية المشروعة.
واستمرارًا لفعاليات صوت طلبة فلسطين
شَبكة صامدون للدّفاع عن الأسرى ــ فلسطين المحتلة
تدعوكم إلى
مُظاهرة جماهيرية غاضبة نُؤكد فيها على وحدة شعبنا الفلسطيني في الوطن والشتات
وقفة كرامة من أجل حرية أسرانا وأسيراتنا وصرخة للثورة والعصيان من أجل عودة اللاجئين إلى الوطن والديار.
يوم الأربعاء الموافق 7 ــ 8 ــ 2019
الساعة 4.30 عصرا
دوار المنارة ــ رام الله المحتلة.

8-9 August, Chicago: Janna Jihad – Palestine’s youngest reporter from the front lines

Thursday, 8 August (Arabic-language event)
7:00 pm
Al-Nahda Community Center
1055 Southwest Highway
Worth, IL
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/events/2432755566996721/

Friday, 9 August (English-language event)
Grace Episcopal Church
637 South Dearborn
Chicago, IL
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/events/2432755566996721/

USPCN-Chicago is proud to present:

Janna Jihad – Palestine’s Youngest Journalist – Reporting from the Front Lines

جنى جهاد – أصغر صحفية فلسطينية – تنقل لنا الأحداث من الخطوط الأمامية في فلسطين

August 8th: ARABIC LANGUAGE EVENT 7pm at Al-Nahda Center 10555 SW Hwy, Worth, IL 60482 (باللغة العربية)

August 9th: 7pm at Grace Place 637 South Dearborn Chicago IL

Janna Jihad began reporting to present the perspective of Palestinian youth growing up amid violence, originally using her mother’s iPhone to capture videos of protests near her home and uploading them to Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube. Eventually she began covering events and marches in Jerusalem and Jordan. She reports in Arabic and in English. She has over 270,000 followers on Facebook. In 2017 Tamimi, hosted by the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation, went to South Africa to spread awareness about the violence in Palestinian territories as part of the Pals4Peace tour with the Shamsaan Children of Palestine. In March 2017 Tamimi was awarded an International Benevolence Award in Istanbul, Turkey

2 August, Berlin: Protest to stand with Palestinian refugees in Lebanon

Friday, 2 August
6:00 pm
Rathaus Neukolln
Karl-Marx-Str. 83
Berlin, Germany

Join the Palestinian community in Berlin to stand with refugees in Lebanon struggling for justice and dignity against the attacks on Palestinians’ rights to work in Lebanon.

Samidoun meets South African ambassador in Berlin to advocate for Palestinian prisoners

Samidoun participated in a meeting with the South African Ambassador to Germany along with Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat, youth activist and journalist Ahmed Khalil and community activist Ghazi Hamad. Charlotte Kates, international coordinator of Samidoun, joined the delegation to discuss the urgent situation of Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails, particularly administrative detainees on hunger strike against their imprisonment without charge or trial.

The delegation presented a range of topics affecting the Palestinian people and their struggle for their rights and liberation inside Palestine and in exile during the meeting with Ambassador Phumelele Stone Sizani in the South African embassy in the German capital. During the meeting, Sizani emphasized South Africa’s commitment to Palestinian rights and the importance of Palestinian unity to achieve their national goals. In particular, he recalled the words of South African ANC leader Nelson Mandela, who said that “we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”

Sizani noted that Mandela’s words continue to pose an important direction for South Africa as a whole and the African National Congres (ANC) in particular. He noted the historical support from the Palestinian movement for the South African liberation struggle. During the discussion, Hamad, now an activist with the Democratic Palestine Committees, noted that he and other Palestinians in Berlin were involved with anti-apartheid campaigns in the 1970s and 1980s.

Kates discussed the situation of Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails. In particular, she talked about the eight Palestinian administrative detainees on hunger strike for up to a full month against their imprisonment without charge or trial. Administrative detainees can spend years at a time in Israeli prison under repeatedly renewed administrative detention orders, and people who are targeted for administrative detention are often student organizers and community activists. Ambassador Sizani noted that he had himself been detained without charge and imprisoned under apartheid in South Africa.

She discussed the case of Huzaifa Halabiya, on hunger strike for a month, who has been jailed without charge or trial and has never met his infant daughter. He was seized by occupation forces while his wife was pregnant and his detention has been renewed. He is carrying out his hunger strike despite the fact that he is a leukemia survivor who suffered burns as a child over the majority of his body, requiring specialized medical care. She also noted that 20 more Palestinian prisoners had joined the hunger strike that day to demand an end to administrative detention.

She also discussed ongoing repression in Europe faced by advocates for Palestinian rights, including the political ban imposed on Barakat by German authorities, preventing him from speaking in public in Berlin about Palestine. She presented statements by lawyers’ organizations in support of Barakat, including the statement of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers. NADEL, the South African National Association of Democratic Lawyers, is a member of the IADL.

Barakat himself discussed the political ban as part of a campaign by the Israeli state and its imperialist allies to impose a form of siege on Palestinians wherever they are, including in places where it is not possible to put them in jail as the Israeli occupation does with Palestinians inside occupied Palestine. He discussed the escalating policy of home demolitions and land confiscation in occupied Jerusalem, including the home demolitions in Wadi al-Hummus, Sur Baher. Barakat expressed appreciation for South Africa’s co-sponsorship of a Security Council resolution in the United Nations along with Kuwait and Indonesia condemning the demolitions, a resolution vetoed by the lone vote of the United States.

Barakat also emphasized the broad Palestinian support for the boycott of Israel, especially given that the Israeli state is attempting to expand its networks in Africa and become a member of African economic and political bodies. He also focused on the need to build the campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) and confront attempts to criminalize or repress the movement.

He noted that Palestinians want South Africa to cut all ties with the occupation state, recalling the strong historical relationship between the South African and Palestinian liberation movement and the escalating attack by Israel and the U.S. against the Palestinian people. Addressing the future of Palestine in response to the so-called “deal of the century,” Barakat said that “the so-called two-state solution is dead. There is no choice for the Palestinian people other than to continue our struggle until the liberation of all of Palestine and the construction of a democratic society in Palestine.”

Barakat noted the centrality of Palestinian refugees’ right to return, noting that Palestinian refugees are under attack in Gaza – where they are shot down while marching for their rights – and even in Lebanon from right-wing political forces. He linked all of these attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause with the offensive being conducted by Israel and the United States under the banner of the “deal of the century.”

Hamad then presented further details about the situation of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, noting that they have been displaced since 1948 due to the creation of Israel as a settler-colonial state and the forced expulsion of the Palestinian people. He discussed the current conditions facing Palestinian refugees, in particular the protests taking place in the refugee camps across the country after the Lebanese Minister of Labor (Kamil Abu Sleiman of the Lebanese Forces) enforced a labor law against “foreign workers” on Palestinian refugees. He noted that the forces attacking Palestinian rights are affiliated with the right wing in Lebanon and have a long history of alignment with the U.S. and Israel. He also noted that the Lebanese popular movements are standing clearly with Palestinian refugees in Lebanon in their struggle for civil, human, social and economic rights.

He also noted that “Palestinians consider South Africa to be a supporter of the Palestinian cause,” expressing strong support for South Africa’s decision to downgrade its diplomatic presence in Tel Aviv. “We know that the people of South Africa know the horrors of war and racism and support the Palestinian people in confronting colonization and occupation in order to achieve return and liberation.”

Khalil discussed the situation of Palestinian students and youth in Lebanon, where they are denied access to 70 regulated professions, and the pressure on Palestinian refugees to migrate outside the country to find a future. He also discussed the racism and repression that Palestinian refugees face in Germany and throughout Europe, including the discrimination faced in applying for asylum and even, once again, the ability to work.

He noted that the fight against racism in Europe is also part of the fight for Palestinian rights and a just society, as well as the fact that Israel and the US are aligned with the most racist, far-right European forces.

All present emphasized the importance of continuing connections and discussions between Palestinians and South Africans, including the involvement of Palestinian communities in exile and diaspora around the world, especially in an era of escalated international attempts to marginalize the Palestinian cause.

Take action: 20 more Palestinian prisoners join administrative detainees in hunger strike for freedom

On Tuesday, 30 July, 20 more Palestinian prisoners joined the eight administrative detainees already on hunger strike as Mohammed Abu Aker, Mustafa Hassanat and Huzaifa Halabiya entered their second month without food. The prison branch of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine announced  that 20 prisoners in the Negev desert prison were joining the strike to demand freedom for administrative detainees and an end of imprisonment without charge or trial.

The 20 prisoners who joined the strike were led by Wael Jaghoub, the leader of the PFLP’s prison branch. The full list of the new strikers is as follows:

  • Wael Jaghoub
  • Thaer Hanani
  • Yahya Zahran, sentenced to 22 years, from Askar refugee camp
  • Fadi Khaizaran, serving a 26 year sentence, from Balata camp
  • Iyad Abu Khait, serving a 24 year sentence, from Askar refugee camp
  • Hassan Ahmad Abu Kamel,serving a 22 year sentence, from Askar refugee camp
  • Ra’afat Assous, serving a 20 year sentence, from Burin
  • Musaab Mahmoud, serving a 24 year sentence, from Beit Umrin
  • Muath Kaabi, serving a 3-year sentence, from Balata refugee camp
  • Tareq Darwish, serving a 7-year sentence, from Issawiya
  • Ahmad Abu Amsha, serving a 6 year sentence, from Zawat, Nablus
  • Ismail Alayan, held in administrative detention, from Dheisheh camp
  • Mahmoud Hamash, held in administative detention, from Dheisheh camp
  • Shehab Mezher, held in administrative detention, from Dheisheh camp
  • Shafiq Saabneh, serving an 11-year sentence, from Jenin
  • Mohammed al-Rashdi, serving an 11 year sentence, from Shu’afat refugee camp
  • Mohammed al-Zaanoun, serving an 18-yea sentence, from Hallal
  • Mohammed Firawi, serving an 8 year sentence, from Jerusalem
  • Mohammed Abu Hamad, serving a 7 year sentence, from Shu’afat refugee camp
  • Sultan Abu al-Hummus, serving a 7 year sentence, from Issawiya, Jerusalem

In joining the strike, the prisoners issued a statement that “the procrastination and evasion of the prison administration and its failure to implement an agreement for the three sriking prisoners: Huzaifa Halabiya, Mohammed Abu Aker and Mustafa al-Hassanat, will receive further escalation and response.” They emphasized that the Israeli prison administration holds full responsibility for the lives and health of the strikers as they enter their second month on hunger strike.

In retaliation for the announcement, Israeli repressive units stormed two sections of the prison, specifically those where PFLP prisoners are held. Their rooms in sections 10 and 13 were raided and searched, while many prisoners were transferred from section to section. In particular, prisoners were threatened with transfer to other prisons if they continue their strike.

Abu Aker turned 25 on 30 July as he ended his first month of hunger strike. A student leader and activist in Dheisheh refugee camp, he is the son of fellow former prisoner, journalist and activist Nidal Abu Aker, who spent approximately 14 years in Israeli prison and launched his own hunger strike against administrative detention in 2015. He was previously imprisoned for 27 months and has been jailed without charge or trial since November 2018. His father reported that Abu Aker rejected an Israeli offer to release him four months after the end of his current detention order to end his strike. Abu Aker has lost 20 kilos of weight (approximately 44 pounds) since launching his strike on 1 July.

A student at the University of Bethlehem, his education has been repeatedly interrupted by Israeli arrests and imprisonment, this time without charge or trial. He is known for his speeches and clear leftist politics, representing the Palestinian student movement at events and activities at the university. He is currently held under isolation in the Ramle prison clinic.

He is joined by Huzaifa Halabiya, 28, from Abu Dis, Jerusalem. Halabiya is a leukemia survivor who suffered burns over the majority of his body as a child and requires intensive medical care and treatment. Still, he has launched a hunger strike to demand his freedom after being jailed without charge or trial for over a year, since 10 June 2018. Halabiya is held in isolation at Nitzan Ramle; he has lost 14 kg (approximately 30 pounds) since launching his hunger strike on 1 July. He is boycotting the prison clinic and refusing to receive medication. When he was arrested by Israeli occupation forces, his wife was pregnant; he is now the father of a 6-month-old girl, Majdal, but has been denied the opportunity to even meet his daughter.

Mustafa Hassanat, 21, also from Dheisheh camp, has been on hunger strike with Abu Aker and Halabiya since 1 July. He has been detained since 5 June 2018 and has been issued two additional administrative detention orders sine the first, jailing him without charge or trial for over a year and sparking his strike.

Also on hunger strike are five more Palestinians jailed without charge or trial:

  • Ahmad Ghannam, 42, from Dura near al-Khalil, has been on hunger strike for 17 days against his administrative detention.
  • Sultan Khallouf, 38, of Burqin, who has been on hunger strike for 13 days. The Ofer military court postponed a hearing in his case until 8 August on 31 July.
  • Ismail Ali, 30, of Abu Dis, Jerusalem, also the hometown of Huzaifa Halabiya, has been on hunger strike for one week against his imprisonment without charge.
  • Wajdi Awawda, 20, launched his hunger strike against his imprisonment without charge or trial three days ago. In addition to being held under administrative detention without charge or trial, he needs surgery for a pelvic injury that has been repeatedly denied.
  • Tariq Qa’adan, 46, from Jenin, has been on hunger strike for one day against his imprisonment without charge or trial. A former prisoner who has spent 11 years in prison, he has been jailed since 23 February 2019. After his two-month sentence expired, he was transferred to administrative detention rather than being released as scheduled. He launched his hunger strike on 31 July.

Two more hunger strikers, Musab al-Abed and Hamza Awad, suspended their strikes on 30 July after an agreement to end their administrative detention.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all supporters and friends of Palestine everywhere around the world to stand with these courageous prisoners who have put their lives on the line to seek freedom and an end to the unjust system of administrative detention. International solidarity can help them win their struggles, so all of our participation, protests and petitions can play a role in helping them to seize victory for justice and freedom.

Take Action:

1) Organize or join an event or protest for the Palestinian prisoners. You can organize an info table, rally, solidarity hunger strike, protest or action to support the prisoners. If you are already holding an event about Palestine or social justice, include solidarity with the prisoners as part of your action. Send your events and reports to samidoun@samidoun.net.

2) Write letters and make phone calls to protest the violation of Palestinian prisoners’ rights. Demand your government take action to stop supporting Israeli occupation or to pressure the Israeli state to end the policies of repression of Palestinian political prisoners. In particular, demand that your political officials put pressure on Israel to end the policy of administrative detention, the imprisonment of Palestinians without charge or trial.

Call during your country’s regular office hours:

• Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs Marise Payne: + 61 2 6277 7500
• Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland: +1-613-992-5234
• European Union Commissioner Federica Mogherini: +32 (0) 2 29 53516
• New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs Winston Peters: +64 4 439 8000
• United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt: +44 20 7008 1500
• United States President Donald Trump: 1-202-456-1111

3) Boycott, Divest and Sanction. Join the BDS campaign to highlight the complicity of corporations like Hewlett-Packard and the continuing involvement of G4S in Israeli policing and prisons. Build a campaign to boycott Israeli goods, impose a military embargo on Israel, or organize around the academic and cultural boycott of Israel. Learn more about the BDS campaign at bdsmovement.net.

31 July, Brussels: Protest in solidarity with Palestinian refugees in Lebanon

Wednesday, 31 July
4:00 pm
European Commission
Rond-point Schuman
Brussels, Belgium

The Palestinian community in Belgium and Luxembourg is calling on all to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people in Lebanon protesting against the unfair and unjust policies of the Lebanese Minister of Labor and to support their struggle for human, civil, social and economic rights.

Het Palestijns gemeenschap in België en Luxemburg nodigt u uit om samen te komen voor solidariteit met ons Palestijnse volk in Libanon en het besluit van de Libanese minister van Arbeid af te keuren.

Wanneer: woensdag 31 juli van 16u tot 18u.

Waat: Europese Unie
Rondpunt Schuman
Brussel 1000

تدعوكم الجالية الفلسطينية في بلجيكا و لوكسمبوغ الى الوقفة الاحتجاجية للتضامن مع شعبنا الفلسطيني في لبنان و رفضاً لقرار وزير العمل اللبناني.و الاقرار بالحقوق المدنية و الانسانية للاجئين الفلسطينيين في لبنان. الزمان: يوم الأربعاء 31/7 على الرابعة وحتى السادسة بعد الظهر. ألمكان: الاتحاد الاوروبي Rond point Schuman Bruxelles 1000 #تجويعي_يخدم_الصفقة

30 July, Berlin: Protest against Israeli home demolitions in Jerusalem

Tuesday, 30 July
6:00 pm
Brandenburger Tor
Berlin, Germany

Today in Berlin! Protest against Israeli home demolitions in Wadi al-Hummus.

👈 *تذكير … تذكير … تذكير*
📣🔸 *دعوة عامّة*🔸📣

*وقفة جماهيرية في برلين.. اليوم الثلاثاء الموافق 30.07.2019*

🔸 *تدعوكم اللجنة الوطنية #الفلسطينية في برلين اليوم الثلاثاء الموافق 30.07.2019 لوقفة إحتجاجيّة … أمام بوّابة برلين التّاريخيّة … نصرة لشعبنا الصامد في مدينة القدس وفي فلسطين المحتلّة*

*ما زال الإحتلال يمعن في قتل أبناء شعبنا المدنيين بدم بارد ..وما زال يهدّد بهدم أحياء القدس، في بلدة صور باهر .. وفي حي الحمّص ..، في الضفة المحتلة … وما زال أسرانا البواسل يقبعون في سجون الإحتلال …*

*👈كونوا معنا اليوم الثلاثاء الموافق 30.07.2019 الساعة السادسة مساءً…!!*

*💧المكان: بوابة برلين التاريخية Brandenburger Tor*

*وسيبقى شعبنا متمسكاً بثوابته حتى ينال كافة حقوقه.*

1 August, Oakland: World without walls – an evening with Janna Jihad

Thursday, 1 August
6:30 pm
Greenlining Institute
360 14th St
Oakland, CA
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/events/423438974920443/

Join us to hear from Janna Jihad Tamimi, 13 year-old Palestinian activist, one of the youngest accredited journalists in the world – and Ambassador of Shamsaan, a South African children’s rights organization. Janna will be joining us as part of her month-long speaking tour of the United States.

The event is sponsored by: World Without Walls coalition which is made up of: Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity, California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance, Faith Alliance for a Moral Economy, East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy, Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church, Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA) NorCal Friends of Sabeel, American Friends Service Committee, Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM), AROC: Arab Resource & Organizing Center, Jewish Voice for Peace – Bay Area, Middle East Children’s Alliance, Buena Vista United Methodist Church.

Additional endorsers include: International Solidarity Movement, Northern California, Oakland Green Party, QUIT! Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism, Peace and Freedom Party and US Palestinian Community Network.

Join us for refreshments @6:30-7, then to watch a clip of Janna’s work followed by a community discussion.

If your community group or organization is committed to destroying walls and building bridges, please email: noura@workingeastbay.org to endorse.

1 August, Los Angeles: Stand with striking refugees and migrants in Lebanon!

Thursday, August 1
12:30 pm
Lebanese Consulate
811 Wilshire Blvd #1800
Los Angeles, CA
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/events/399747730886846/

Under the banner “We stand with striking Palestinians and Syrians and migrant workers in Lebanon,” we will be mobilizing at the Lebanese Consulate General at 811 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA on August 1st at 12:30 pm. The labor law restricts legal work to those who hold a work visa and was accompanied by a scapegoating campaign against Palestinians and Syrians in the country and raids on their places of work and several shutdowns. This has led to an ongoing uprising and strike in the Palestinian camps demanding a repeal of the law and the resolving of their legal status. Syrian refugees have largely avoided rising due to the continuous threat of deportation to Syria. The Lebanese political class continues to scapegoat and threaten both groups. The protest in Los Angeles comes in response and affirmation of calls by rising Palestinians in the country towards protests and shows of solidarity across Europe and North America.

The demands from Palestinian civil society are as follows:

+ The Lebanese state must release a law granting clear legal status to Palestinian refugees, guaranteeing them their civil and economic and social rights to live in dignity.
+ Amending Labor Law 129/2010 to cancel the work permit and grant Palestinian refugees the right to practice free professions and releasing the necessary implementary decrees.
+ Amending the laws regulating free professions in accordance with the Labor Law to complete the exemption from the condition of reciprocity and the condition to stop practicing in country of origin.
+ Stopping the composite discrimination against Palestinian refugees and releasing a legal amendment allowing them to own property.
+ We reaffirm that our protests will continue until our rightful demands are met.

Co-sponsors: Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM), Al Awda PRRC, Alliance of Middle Eastern and North African Socialists, SWANA LA, Students Organize for Syria – UCLA

PYM’s statement: https://www.pymusa.com/strikesinlebanon
Al Awda’s statement: https://al-awda.org/al-awda-statement-palestinian-refugees-in-lebanon-struggling-for-justice/#signon