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Solidarity with Soha Bechara: Lebanese resistance struggler detained and deported from Greece

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network denounces the Greek government and European Union’s denial of entry to Souha Bechara, the Lebanese resistance struggler, former political prisoner and Communist activist. As she traveled from Beirut through Athens to Switzerland, she was stopped in the Athens airport by Greek officials, detained for multiple hours and deported to Lebanon, on the grounds of posing a “threat to national security” of unnamed “European countries.” We express our strongest solidarity with Souha Bechara and view this attack as part and parcel of the European Union’s escalating assault on Palestinian and Arab resistance forces, solidarity movements and communities, inside and outside Europe.

This unlawful detention and deportation is an attack on a torture survivor and a symbol of the Lebanese national resistance and of the political prisoners’ movement. It also comes in flagrant violation of treaties, with the force of the highest law of the land, between Switzerland and the European Union guaranteeing each other’s citizens free passage. Souha Bechara is a Swiss and Lebanese dual citizen who has lived and worked in Switzerland with her family for decades; she previously spent time in France and has spoken at events throughout Europe. She was on a summer vacation in Beirut with her family when she was suddenly faced with a Schengen block on spurious “security” grounds. After being deported to Beirut, she was able to return to Switzerland via a direct flight. 

The deportation and “security” political ban imposed on Soha Bechara in Greece and in Europe also comes as the Lebanese people celebrate the 17th anniversary of their 2006 victory over the Israeli invasion that assaulted the south of Lebanon and was turned back by the Lebanese resistance. The detention and deportation of Souha Bechara by Greece and the European Union comes precisely as Hezbollah and fellow resistance forces commemorate this momentous occasion in Lebanon, a victory that cannot and will not be overturned by the attacks of European imperialism and Zionism. 

The Lebanese Communist Party stated, “This dangerous precedent constitutes a flagrant attack against a Lebanese national heroine who contributed to achieving liberation and freedom for the Lebanese. She spent 10 years in captivity in the Khiam detention camp, which is famous for its inhumane torture practices that were documented by international organizations, including the International Red Cross. Instead of the Greek government resorting to arresting the Zionist officials who established the Khiam detention center and supervised the torture of Suha Bishara and thousands of Lebanese, we see it pursuing and arresting this heroine.”

The LCP in France further stated that this action by Greek officials “goes hand in hand with the interests of the Israeli enemy in pursuing resistance fighters, harassing them, and silencing all voices that expose the practices of the Israeli enemy against the detainees in its prisons.”

Soha Bechara joined the Lebanese national resistance in 1986, fighting back against the Zionist invasion and occupation of south Lebanon and the imposition of its proxy Lebanese force, the South Lebanon Army, directed by the fascist Antoine Lahhad. In 1988, Bechara attempted to assassinate Lahhad, injuring him and paralyzing his left arm. She was kidnapped by Lahhad’s security men to a Zionist dungeon, where she was tortured and beaten under interrogation before being returned to Lebanon and to the Israeli-occupied, SLA-run notorious Khiam prison, held in solitary confinement in a tiny cell and subjected to electroshock torture, where she remained for 10 years. She was released in 1998 following an extensive Lebanese and international campaign, less than two years before the liberation of Khiam prison and all of the south of Lebanon by the victorious Lebanese resistance. She later published a book about her experiences, translated in English as Resistance: My Life for Lebanon.

After her release, she spent time and studied in France and then moved to Switzerland, where she married and has two children. She has remained a tireless advocate for the liberation of the Arab homeland and for the liberation of the over 5,000 Palestinian political prisoners in Zionist jails. 

The sudden denial of entry to Soha Bechara, and her labeling as a “security threat” by an as-yet-undisclosed European Union member state, reflects not only the Greek government’s complicity with European imperialism and Zionist colonialism but also the escalating attacks throughout the EU against Palestinian and Arab resistance and solidarity. Palestinian and Lebanese resistance organizations are listed on the EU’s “terrorist” list, despite the fact that they defend their land and people and fight for liberation from an illegitimate colonial occupier. European and particularly French interference in Lebanese internal politics escalates by the day, while France continues to detain Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, the Lebanese communist and resistance fighter, in French prisons for the past 38 years. Souha Bechara herself participated in multiple activities for Georges Abdallah’s release over the years of the campaign for his liberation.

Souha Bechara in support of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and the campaign to free Georges Abdallah

Germany routinely engages in official state incitement against the Palestinian and Arab communities in the country, as Berlin police ban the commemoration of the Nakba and of Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, deport Palestinian writers and activists like Khaled Barakat and torture survivors like Rasmea Odeh, and city officials tour Arab neighbourhoods with the Israeli ambassador to denounce Samidoun Deutschland’s postering for Palestine. In France, as Georges Abdallah remains jailed for 38 years, activists for justice in Palestine like the Collectif Palestine Vaincra (a member of the Samidoun Network) are targeted for official dissolution by the Macron government, alongside environmentalist and anti-fascist organizations. 

Repression is also escalating in the Netherlands, which denied entry to and deported Barakat and Charlotte Kates, Samidoun’s international coordinator at Germany’s request prior to the March for Return and Liberation, before signing a new $300 million arms deal; and in Spain, where protesters at a university who were threatened by an Israeli security agent’s gun are themselves being criminally charged. European states issue empty critiques of the most blatant fascists in the Zionist regime, like Ben-Gvir and Smotrich, while continuing to empower the Zionist project with free trade, security coordination and arms deals. 

Greece has been a particular focus of this escalating repressive and military alliance between the European Union and the Zionist project. After EU policies economically devastated Greece, the country is now pursuing, with full EU backing, a so-called “EastMed” pipeline based on the importation to Europe of stolen Palestinian natural gas in a joint “Israeli-Greek” pipeline. In 2023, Greece and the Zionist regime signed a new military cooperation agreement, with “58 activities, of which 25 are joint exercises, 15 are joint trainings and 18 others that will take place in both countries.” Is the detention and deportation of Souha Bechara the latest Israeli-Greek military cooperation?

These European states that are repressing Palestinian organizing, labeling Palestinian and Lebanese resistance as “terrorism” and detaining and deporting Souha Bechara are the same imperialists that have unconditionally supported the Zionist colonization of Palestine since its foundation more than a century ago. 

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network condemns the detention and deportation of Soha Bechara. We call upon all supporters of Palestine, of Lebanon, and of Arab and regional resistance to not only campaign for justice for Souha Bechara but also to celebrate the victory of the Lebanese resistance over Zionist colonialism and invasion 17 years ago today by demanding the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah from French prisons and that Lebanese resistance organizations, including Hezbollah, are removed from the EU’s “terrorist” list. From the south of Lebanon to Palestine, deportation and repression will never stop the struggle to free all political prisoners and liberate the land and people from Zionism, imperialism and reaction! 

14 July, Montreal: Free Georges Abdallah! Vigil to free political prisoners

A vigil calling for liberation of all political prisoners
Location: 1501 Av. McGill College, Montreal, Quebec H3A 3M8
Date: July 14th 2023
Time: 12:00-2:00PM

Palestinian and Jewish Unity, invites you to attend a vigil in front of the French consulate in Montreal to honor all Palestinian prisoners and their allies and in particular freedom fighter, Georges Abdallah, jailed in France since 1984.

The Storming of the Bastille happened in Paris, France, on 14 July 1789, when revolutionaries stormed and seized control of the medieval prison and released all political prisoners.

This July 14th,  we will stand in solidarity with Georges Abdallah and all Palestinian prisoners in Zionist jails. We demand Georges Abdallah’s immediate release from Lannemezan prison and recognize that political prisoners — whether they be in Zionist or French jails — are on the frontlines of the Palestinian struggle and we must always amplify their cause.

Embodying the Palestinian ethic of “sumud,” or resilience, Georges Abdallah continues to engage in the very same fight he was targeted for. Indeed, during his detainment, Georges Abdallah has repeatedly participated in hunger strikes and refused meals in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners inside occupation prisons.

Georges Abdallah is held as a political prisoner in Lannemezan prison in France. He is considered the longest serving political prisoner in Europe and has been eligible for release since 1999. However, his release has been obstructed by the French and American governments at every turn.

Georges Abdallah was targeted for his commitment to the fight for Palestinian liberation, for his role as a revolutionary thinker, and his involvement in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the Lebanese Revolutionary Armed Factions (LRAF). Georges Abdallah’s trial which sentenced him to life imprisonment in 1987 was marked by irregularities. One of his lawyers – Jean-Paul Mazurier – was revealed to be an agent for a French spy service and some of the evidence against Abdallah was also revealed to have been fabricated retroactively by French, American and Israeli intelligence services. Despite this, the validity of the trial and its results have never been formally contested despite numerous attempts.

We recognize that his arrest and detainment is an attempt to stifle the Palestinian and Lebanese revolutionary spirit. We also condemn the French regime whose detainment of George Abdallah is only possible because of their collaboration with the Zionist and American regimes.We also condemn the Lebanese regime for its shameful inaction which has allowed Georges to remain hostage to France’s collusion with the Zionist regime. As organisations, movements, and individuals in Quebec we affirm our full and complete solidarity with Georges Abdallah and demand his immediate release. We will continue to honor Georges Abdallah’s persistent fight until full liberation and return. Free Free Palestine!

Location: 1501 Av. McGill College, Montreal, Quebec H3A 3M8
Date: July 14th 2023
Time: 12:00-2:00PM

22 July, Vancouver: Stand for Palestine: Shut Elbit Down!

Join us on Saturday, July 22 at 2 pm at Denman and Davie in Vancouver to Stand for Palestine with information, music and speeches, before we proceed to Scotiabank with a message: Shut Elbit Down!

On July 3, the Israeli occupation forces attacked and invaded Jenin city and refugee camp; on July 11, occupation forces kicked the Sub Laban family out of their home in Jerusalem to make way for illegal colonial settlers.

Meanwhile, Canadian foreign policy continues to favour the Israeli occupation while Palestinians are struggling for justice, return and liberation.

Even more, one of Canada’s largest Banks — Scotiabank — is the top foreign investor in Elbit Systems, the Israeli weapons manufacturer that produces 85% of Israel’s armed drones, used to assassinate Palestinians from Jenin to Gaza, and marketed as “battle-tested.”

In Britain, 6 Palestine Action activists are imprisoned for their actions to challenge Elbit systems and shut down the war machine. Saturday, July 22 is also an international day of action in solidarity with Palestine Action prisoners: 22 July: Join the Day of Action to Free Palestine Action Prisoners!

Take online action to demand Scotiabank divest from Elbit: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/tell-scotiabank-to-divest-now-from-elbit-systems

Come out to stand with Palestine on July 22, 2023 in Vancouver! Free Palestine, from the river to the sea! 

Free Mohammed Abu Sakha! Palestinian circus artist in administrative detention

On Monday, 10 July, an Israeli occupation military court ordered Palestinian circus artist Mohammed Abu Sakha to six months in admininistrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial. In the past year, the use of administrative detention to target Palestinians has spiked dramatically, with approximately 1,083 Palestinians currently jailed without charge or trial, over one-fifth of all Palestinian political prisoners in occupation jails.

This comes a full month after he was seized by occupation forces in the village of Huwwarra, as he was traveling to visit his family in occupied Jenin, on 9 June 2023. Abu Sakha is the coordinator of social programs at the Palestinian Circus School.

As a circus artist since 2011, Abu Sakha has traveled around the world with the school and participated in circus tours throughout Palestine. He was previously jailed under administrative detention without charge or trial between December 2015 and August 2017. During that time, he conducted a hunger strike and received widespread international solidarity and support, with actions around the world from activists, fellow circus artists and performers demanding his immediate release.

Photo: Toulouse protest to free Mohammed Abu Sakha in 2016

Administrative detention orders are based on a so-called “secret file,” to which both the detainees and their lawyers are denied access. These orders are indefinitely renewable, and Palestinians are routinely jailed for years at a time under administrative detention orders, a form of arbitrary and unlawful detention.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network demands the immediate release of Mohammed Abu Sakha, the end of administrative detention, and freedom for all 5,000 Palestinian prisoners in Zionist occupation jails.

We urge all friends and supporters of Palestine — particularly artists, circus performers and cultural workers — to take up the campaign to free Mohammed Abu Sakha and his fellow cultural workers targeted for silencing and colonial imprisonment in occupied Palestine. As the prisoners continue to resist behind occupation bars, the liberation of the prisoners is central to the liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea!

Source: Collectif Palestine Vaincra

Video: Fadia Barghouti speaks from occupied Palestine about Jenin, resistance and the prisoners’ movement

Samidoun Spain joined with Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization and fellow organizations in the Masar Badil, the Palestnian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, in Spain, to organize an online political seminar on Sunday 9 July about the current situation in occupied Palestine, the Palestinian resistance and Zionist attacks, with Fadia Barghouti, a Palestinian political activist based in the West Bank of occupied Palestine.

Dozens participated in the event on Zoom and YouTube, where the event was streamed in Arabic, English and Spanish, discussing the brutal aggression targeting Jenin city and refugee camp, the growing Palestinian resistance in the West Bank, and the campaign of arrests targeting the Palestinian student movement both by the Zionist occupation and the Palestinian Authority security forces, engaging in “security coordination” with the occupier.

Throughout the discussion, Barghouti emphasized that the period following the Oslo Accords and the so-called “peace process” launched in Madrid has been marked by intensified settlement expansion, land confiscation, colonization and attacks on Palestinian villages, under the protection and with the participation of occupation forces. She emphasized that these practices make clear that all slogans about “negotiations” and “peace” are a fig leaf to provide cover for intensified colonization and targeting of the resistance. She denounced the role of the PA in coordinating with the occupation to undermine the resistance that is the major force challenging the settlers and their ongoing assault.

She spoke about the suffering of the Palestinian prisoners in Zionist jails as well as the leading role in resistance that the prisoners continue to play behind bars. Barghouti, the wife of a Palestinian prisoner in occupation jails, also emphasized the role of prisoners’ families in supporting their loved ones as part of the popular cradle of the prisoners’ movement, taking particular note of the role of Randa Musa in supporting her husband, Sheikh Khader Adnan, during his hunger strike and his martyrdom after 86 days of striking behind bars. Barghouti emphasized that supporting the prisoners’ movement outside the prisons and internationally has an important role in supporting the prisoners’ steadfastness and enabling their ongoing confrontation and resistance in the prisons and detention centers.

She also emphasized the lack of interest or action on the part of the official “international community,” particularly in the imperialist West, even as fascist forces openly attack Palestinian villages, as has been seen in Huwarra and elsewhere. She noted that this has exposed the reality of the so-called “peace process” and the role of the Palestinian Authority, particularly after 2005, following the Al-Aqsa Intifada, when the Palestinian security forces were “restructured” by U.S. General Keith Dayton to more effectively serve the interests of the occupation.

On the other hand, she emphasized the importance of the role played by liberation movements, solidarity organizations and peoples supporting the Palestinian cause, particularly the role of Latin America in standing with Palestine and confronting U.S. hegemony. “Every act of solidarity, no matter how small or symbolic, brings us closer to ending the occupation and contributes to strengthening the steadfastness of our people,” she said.

Discussing the growing popular and armed resistance in the West Bank of occupied Palestine, she noted that this is a natural consequence of these policies and a necessary path for a new generation that has grown up amid the ever-escalating aggression of the occupation. She said that the organizations of this rising generation of resistance, such as the Jenin Brigade, the Lion’s Den and other formations, have the support of Palestinians everywhere, especially amid the difficult situation imposed by the occupation on the Palestinian people in the villages, cities and camps of the West Bank.

She thanked all for participating in the meeting, organized to mark the 51st anniversary of the assassination of Palestinian revolutionary leader and writer Ghassan Kanafani, noting that his sayings about the need to “bang on the walls of the tank” ring just as true today, emphasizing that “we are banging, and we are climbing over the tank” toward liberating “our land, from the river to the sea.”

International lawyers call to free Palestine Action prisoners, divest from Elbit Systems

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers adopted a resolution at its Council meeting on 2 July 2023, calling for freedom for Palestine Action prisoners in British jails and divestment from Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit Systems. Founded in 1946, the IADL is accredited to UNESCO and ECOSOC at the United Nations, and it has sections and members in 50 countries and territories.

The resolution draws attention to the cases of 6 people currently jailed in Britain for their direct action campaigns confronting the Israeli arms industry, as well as dozens more who are potentially threatened with jail time. It also draws attention to international corporations, like Canada’s Scotiabank, that invest in Elbit Systems, an arms manufacturer that produces 85% of Israel’s armed drones. These drones are used in assassinations and bombings throughout occupied Palestine, most recently in Gaza and in the Jenin refugee camp.

The text of the resolution follows:

International Association of Democratic Lawyers Resolution to Free Palestine Actionists and Divest from Elbit Systems

Whereas, 6 Palestine Action activists are currently imprisoned in Britain and dozens more are threatened with potential imprisonment for their role in working to disrupt the production of Israeli weapons on British soil, and

Whereas, Palestine Action’s direct actions have targeted Israel’s largest weapons manufacturer, Elbit Systems, which manufactures, drones, surveillance technology, and tank and fighter jet part, along with U.S. weapons firm Teledyne, which exports weapons to Israel, and Rafael, an Israeli state-owned munitions manufacturer, and

Whereas, hundreds of activists have joined Palestine Action in blockading, occupying and dismantling weapons factories, leading to the loss of millions of Pounds due to the severance of contracts with the British Ministry of Defence and the closure of two Elbit sites in Britain, and

Whereas, on 21 June 2023, an Elbit drone was used by Israeli occupation forces to extrajudicially assassinate three Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian city of Jenin, and

Whereas, on June 26, three activists were sentenced to 23 months and another to 27 months after a conviction for “conspiracy to commit criminal damage” against Teledyne Labtech, a U.S.-owned weapons factory in Wales, and

Whereas, the defendants in this case were prohibited by the judge from arguing their primary defence, that their actions were taken in necessity to save lives and prevent a greater crime and were not allowed to enter evidence of Israeli war crimes in court, and

Whereas, Elbit-made weapons have been involved in attacks on Palestinians in Gaza, assassinations in the West Bank, as well as in British use in Afghanistan and Iraq, and

Whereas, banks and investment funds including Norwegian Pension Fund, HSBC, Danske Bank and Australian Sovereign Wealth Fund have divested from Elbit Systems,

Therefore, be it resolved, that the International Association of Democratic Lawyers calls for the release of all Palestine Action prisoners in Britain and for all pending charges to be dropped against Palestine Action activists arrested for their actions confronting weapons manufacturers and their agents, and

Be it further resolved, that the IADL calls on Elbit shareholders, including Canada’s Scotiabank (Bank of Nova Scotia), the largest single foreign investor in Elbit, to divest from Elbit Systems, and

Be it finally resolved, that the IADL shall cooperate with Palestine Action, their legal team and organizers around the world working to free the Palestine Action prisoners, defend those facing charges, obtain justice for Palestine and put an end to the weapons trade with the Israeli occupation.

Adopted by the IADL Council
2 July 2023

A number of prominent celebrities, scholars, lawyers and activists, including Roger Waters, South African MP Nkozi Zwelivelile Mandela, MEPs Clare Daly and Mick Wallace, and many others, have also spoken out to demand that all charges be dropped against the Palestine Actionists. An international day of action is being organized on 22 July in support of Palestine Action prisoners.

Since IADL’s founding in 1946 in Paris, IADL members have participated in the struggles that have made the violation of human rights of groups and individuals and threats to international peace and security, legal issues under international law. From its inception, IADL members throughout the globe have protested racism, colonialism, and economic and political injustice wherever they interfere with legal and human rights, often at the cost of these jurists’ personal safety and economic well being. IADL members in the United States, Canada, France, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Italy, Venezuela, Belgium, Germany, the United Kingdom, Austria, the Philippines, Japan, Spain, Portugal, Togo, South Africa, Bangladesh, Nigeria, and India, among others, participated in the Council meeting.

Vancouver event honours Ghassan Kanafani and the Palestinian resistance in Jenin

On Saturday evening, 8 July, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network Vancouver organized a political and cultural evening for Palestine commemoratiing the 51st anniversary of the assassination of Palestinian revolutionary leader and writer Ghassan Kanafani.

The event also highlighted the complicity of the Canadian government and corporations in Zionist war crimes in occupied Palestine, the rising and heroic Palestinian resistance in Jenin, Gaza and throughout occupied Palestine, and the struggle of Palestinian political prisoners for freedom, particularly Walid Daqqah, the Palestinian intellectual and freedom fighter suffering from cancer and Israeli medical neglect.

The event brought together members of Palestine solidarity organizations as well as various liberation and solidarity organizations, anti-imperialist associations, labour union activists and student and youth organizers. It highlighted the need to develop and expand the international movement to boycott and isolate the Zionist project in support of Palestinian return and liberation, from the river to the sea.

The event was opened by Matthew of Samidoun Vancouver, who highlighted the importance of solidarity with Indigenous sovereignty, self-determination and liberation, from Turtle Island to Palestine, while presenting the overview of the evening’s discussions. This was followed by a presentation by Nadia, a Palestinian activist with Samidoun, who delivered an informative presentation about the Ottawa conference of the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, in April-May 2023.

In her presentation, she highlighted the political goals and direction of the movement and its resolutions and decisions taken at the conference, concluding by inviting people to get involved with Samidoun and the Masar Badil.

Following Nadia’s presentation, Dave Diewert of Samidoun Vancouver delivered a comprehensive speech about the life, struggle and analysis of imprisoned Palestinian revolutionary writer and freedom fighter, Walid Daqqah. He spoke about Daqqah’s life, writings, and political engagement with the Palestinian liberation struggle, as well as his vision of steadfastness and liberation in confronting the Zionist jailer. He presented about Daqqah’s writings translated into English, including the letters he wrote and published for his wife, Sanaa Salameh, and his daughter Milad, born through “liberated sperm.”

Kathy Copps of BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish, a retired teacher and labour activist, spoke about the growing campaign against Scotiabank (the Bank of Nova Scotia), one of Canada’s largest banks and currently the largest foreign investor in Elbit Systems. Elbit Systems is one of the most notorious Israeli arms manufacturers, producing 85% of the drones used by the occupation forces to target Palestinians throughout occupied Palestine for assassination. Elbit drones were just used earlier this month to assassinate three Palestinians in Jenin camp. Scotiabank is investing approximately $500 million in Elbit. She urged all to join in a campaign to confront Scotiabank and the Canadian government for their complicity in crimes against the Palestinian people, and to join the stand for Palestine and against Scotiabank on Saturday, 22 July.

Building on these remarks, Callum of Samidoun Vancouver spoke about the campaign to free the Palestine Action prisoners. There are currently 6 Palestine Action activists jailed in Britain for their direct actions confronting Elbit and other arms dealers, such as Teledyne, after Palestine Action led to the closure of two Elbit facilities in Britain. He highlighted the importance of working-class solidarity in supporting the Actionists, noting the example of fire brigades that refused to remove the actionists, and the support of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement for the Palestine Action campaigners.

Khaled Barakat, Palestinian writer and a member of the Executive Committee of the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, delivered the closing speech of the event, on the literature and revolutionary political legacy of Ghassan Kanafani as well as the development of the Palestinian resistance today. In his speech, Barakat discussed the importance of Kanafani in advancing Palestinian culture and revolutionary awareness, including his involvement at the international level.

He emphasized Kanafani’s distinguished role in serving the revolution and the popular classes of Palestine, as well as his principled stand on revolutionary armed struggle to achieve the return of Palestinian refugees and victory over the Zionist-imperialist project. Barakat also discussed the powerful symbolism and messaging in Kanafani’s literary works and his “revolutionary realism” in both literature and politics of resistance.

He noted that the anniversary of Kanafani’s assassination this year coincided with the battle of the Fury of Jenin, which vividly illustrated the Palestinian people’s willingness and ability to sacrifice and struggle for liberation and cemented a new stage of struggle in Palestine, within the framework of the unity of all fronts of resistance. Barakat emphasized that the will of the Palestinian people and the fighters in Jenin refugee camp triumphed over the Zionist aggression despite the bitter costs extracted by the occupation, noting that this battle once again highlighted the futility and destructiveness of the path of Madrid and Oslo, represented by the Palestinian Authority. He noted that this politics of coordination with the occupier must be rejected and overthrown in order to defeat the attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause.

The event concluded with a musical performance by Callum of a song he wrote alongside an English-language poem in honour of the life and struggle of Ghassan Kanafani. Throughout the room, an exhibition of the posters of Marc Rudin/Jihad Mansour was on display. The Swiss revolutionary artist was dedicated for many years to the Palestinian cause and passed away in April of this year. Samidoun Geneva and Secours Rouge Geneva also hosted a week-long exhibition of his work that closed on 8 July, one month after the City of Geneva, bowing to demands by the Israeli embassy, forced the cancellation of an earlier exhibition of his work.

Charlotte Kates, international coordinator of Samidoun, concluded the event, encouraging people attending to get involved in organizing for Palestine and anti-imperialist struggle, and to join in the upcoming events, actions and demonstrations taking place in Vancouver. She invited attendees who wished to participate to take a group solidarity photo with Marc Rudin’s artwork and signs calling for freedom for Walid Daqqah and demanding Scotiabank divest from Elbit Systems.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, now active in many cities and countries around the world, was originally founded in Vancouver in 2011, alongside the Wafa al-Ahrar prisoner exchange and the open hunger strike of Sheikh Khader Adnan in 2011-2012 that drew worldwide support and solidarity.

To get involved with Samidoun Vancouver, email us at vancouver@samidoun.net or contact us on social media (Twitter, Instagram).


From Ghassan Kanafani to Walid Daqqah: Assassination, Imperialism, Resistance and Revolution

On the 51st anniversary of the assassination of Palestinian revolutionary leader, intellectual, writer and artist, Ghassan Kanafani, and his niece Lamis Najem, in Beirut by a Mossad car bomb in 1972, Kanafani’s revolutionary direction, critical eye and focus on the popular forces and working class of Palestine are perhaps more relevant today than they have ever been.

We mark this anniversary while the resistance in Jenin refugee camp turned back the occupier’s destructive war machine, while the sons and daughters of the Palestinian popular classes organize, fight and resist in the villages camps and prisons of occupied Palestine, in the refugee camps surrounding the occupied land, and everywhere in exile and diaspora. And on this occasion, it is clear just why the Zionist regime targeted him — and the politics he represented — for assassination.

Ghassan Kanafani was targeted for assassination as part of a comprehensive policy of the Zionist regime to eliminate the leaders, spokespeople and revolutionary voices of the Palestinian liberation movement, a policy that continues to the present day. Kanafani’s assassination was followed shortly by that of Mahmoud Hamshari, Basil Kubaisi, Wael Zuaiter, Kamal ‘Udwan, Mohammed Yousef al-Najjar, Kamal Nasser, Mohammed Boudia, and many others, a policy that has continued with the assassination of Wadie Haddad, Khaled Nazzal, Abu Jihad, Fathi Shiqaqi, Abu Ali Mustafa, Abdel-Aziz Rantisi, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, Samir Kuntar, Basil al-Araj and many others. From the Elbit drones used in Gaza and Jenin to assassinate leaders and resistance fighters today, to the continued targeting of Iranian and Arab scientists who serve national priorities and the resistance, the assassination policy is a linchpin of Zionist strategies of control.

The Palestinian prisoners’ movement is not exempt from the policy of assassination. From the killing under torture of Ibrahim al-Rai, to the systematic medical neglect targeting Palestinian prisoners today, the occupation regime does not require a “death penalty” in law to target Palestinian prisoners for assassination. Just two months ago, Palestinian hunger striker and prisoners’ movement leader, Sheikh Khader Adnan, was systematically denied medical treatment on his 86th day of hunger strike: an assassination behind bars. The occupation regime continues to detain his body.

Right now, there is a Palestinian revolutionary, intellectual and writer behind bars who is facing the assassination policy of the Zionist project: Walid Daqqah. Like Kanafani, Daqqah’s role in the Palestinian liberation movement, and the prisoners’ movement in particular, spans the political and intellectual, engaged in a revolutionary project for the liberation of Palestine. Walid Daqqah has been imprisoned for over 37 years for his role in the Palestinian resistance in 1986. Today, as global left publishers wrote in a statement demanding his freedom:

“He is a voice of the people, a voice that the Occupation fears and hopes to silence. But though his body is behind bars, his voice has broken free through his novels, essays, and letters, which have nourished and motivated the Palestinian prisoner movement, the resistance, and the international solidarity movement in all corners of the world.”

He has been diagnosed with myelofibrosis, a rare bone marrow cancer that requires specialized treatment, including a bone marrow transplant. Since December 2022, he has suffered a stroke, developed pneumonia, had a portion of his lung surgically removed, and undergone multiple infections, all while being denied the care he needs — and the freedom that he requires.

Despite the fact that his sentence expired on 24 March 2023 and he is now serving a two-year penalty for smuggling a mobile phone, he has been repeatedly denied early release by multiple Zionist courts and review panels, even as he continues to be transferred back and forth between civilian hospitals and the notorious Ramleh prison clinic, called “the slaughterhouse” by Palestinian prisoners. His family have stated that these decisions are “permission for his execution,” and, indeed, we are watching the Zionist assassination policy carried out in real time inside the prison system, with the weapon of medical neglect.

On the 51st anniversary of the assassination of Ghassan Kanafani, now is the time to take action to free Walid Daqqah and to stop the latest assault of the occupation regime. Kanafani, a committed internationalist, urged all to confront imperialism everywhere — just as the Palestine Actionists are doing in Britain, fighting imprisonment to dismantle the Zionist war machine, a battle supported by the Palestinian prisoners’ movement. The imperialist powers are partners in the crimes against Walid Daqqah, all Palestinian prisoners, and the Palestinian people as a whole — which makes actions everywhere critically important. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all to join in the events being organized by the Palestinian Youth Movement between 7 and 15 July, and to take up the struggle to free Walid Daqqah — to honour Ghassan Kanafani, and to stop the assassination of another Palestinian revolutionary in the gunsights of the occupier.


Ghassan Kanafani, Resistance and Revolution

Ghassan Kanafani, born in Akka, Palestine, on 9 April 1936, was forcibly exiled from Palestine with his family in the 1947-48 Nakba, first to Lebanon and then to Syria. After he was dismissed from Damascus University for political reasons, he taught in Kuwait before returning to Beirut as part of the Arab Nationalist Movement, the pan-Arab revolutionary movement founded by Dr. George Habash. The ANM transformed into the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which Kanafani co-founded, becoming the editor of Al-Hadaf magazine and an international spokesperson of the Front.

While serving the revolution as a political leader and representative, he also designed and drew many of the Front’s early political posters. A revolutionary Marxist-Leninist, Kanafani was greatly inspired by Arab, African and Asian liberation movements, and played a major role in the development of the “Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine.”

Kanafani was a revolutionary intellectual, the first to use the term “resistance literature” to describe Palestinian writing, even as he produced it. His creative writing, alongside his political work, brought the struggles and revolutionary potential of the Palestinian working and popular classes to the forefront, as did his studies and political analysis. Throughout his writing, editing and mentorship, he remained a committed revolutionary and organizer committed to the defeat of Zionism, imperialism and Arab reactionary forces serving the interests of the former, and to the liberation of all of Palestine, from the river to the sea.

However, Kanafani’s revolutionary vision did not limit itself to the borders of Palestine. He was an Arab revolutionary, dedicated to Arab unity and liberation from the ocean to the Gulf, with a keen interest in the development of Arab forces throughout the region to confront imperialism and achieve true self-determination and liberation. Kanafani and his comrades sparked and nurtured Arab resistance from Lebanon to Oman, developing revolutionaries like Georges Abdallah, imprisoned in France for over 38 years. Today’s rising resistance throughout the Arab nation and the region more broadly, particularly the Lebanese resistance that expeled the occupier in May 2000, continues to point a necessary path to victory for Palestine and for the region as a whole.

Ghassan Kanafani was a dedicated internationalist, a Marxist-Leninist who led in shaping the foundational relationships of the Front in the 1960s and 1970s with African, Asian and Latin American movements as well as with the emerging revolutionary forces in Europe, Japan and throughout the imperial core.

Kanafani’s famous quote on internationalism remains an urgent call to action today: “Imperialism has laid its body over the world, the head in Eastern Asia, the heart in the Middle East, its arteries reaching Africa and Latin America. Wherever you strike it, you damage it, and you serve the World Revolution…The Palestinian cause is not a cause for Palestinians only, but a cause for every revolutionary, wherever he is, as a cause of the exploited and oppressed masses in our era.”

Kanafani’s work is not an artifact of history or an intellectual exercise but a call to revolutionary action, to revolutionary engagement with culture, with political organizing and with resistance and revolution, at the Palestinian, Arab and international levels. As we remember Kanafani today, and as we struggle to bring an end to the policy of assassination, it is clear that the road forward is a revolutionary, anti-imperialist approach. It is also clear, more than ever, the bankruptcy of the path of Madrid and Oslo, represented by the Palestinian Authority and its “security coordination” with the occupation regime, that abandoned Jenin to the invaders while arresting and imprisoning resistance fighters, is the same reactionary enemy exposed in Kanafani’s political and creative writing, and exposed constantly by his political and organizational practice.

As Khaled Barakat, Palestinian writer and co-founder of the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement (Masar Badil), writes today:

“The 51st anniversary of the martyrdom of the writer Ghassan Kanafani this year coincides with the victory of the Jenin camp in the seemingly impossible battle led by the youth of the Brigades…The anniversary coincides with the resistance tent raised on a high southern hill in Lebanon, as a sign of victory, spreading awareness, light and challenge, and overlooking occupied Palestine. It is the resistance tent that heralds return and liberation…

The memory of Kanafani’s martyrdom…comes to say: Something great is being born now in the tunnels and tents of the valiant resistance in the south of Lebanon, in Gaza, and in Jenin, and there is a bridge and an embrace that extends between the south of Lebanon and all of Palestine: a small tent, from which the great Arab liberation project will be born, from the ocean to the Gulf.”

On this anniversary, the vision is clear, emerging from the camps, from the resistance, and from the prisoners’ movement, leading and fighting behind bars, and all led by the sons and daughters of the working class and popular forces: All of us have the responsibility to take up the challenge — to strike imperialism, to damage it, and to serve a liberated Palestine and a world revolution.


#WeStandWithFatima: Collective video of support and solidarity for CUNY Law speaker and Palestine

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network supports the #WeStandWithFatima campaign. On 3 July 2023, CUNY for Palestine and Within Our Lifetime released a video titled #WeStandWithFatima in coalition with 34 legal scholars, distinguished professors, organizers and artists, alongside CUNY students and workers in defense of CUNY Law class-elected speaker Fatima.

Charlotte Kates, Samidoun’s international coordinator, participated in the video (above).

Fatima was subjected to a coordinated national smear campaign and accused by CUNY’s own Board of Trustees of committing ‘hate speech’ after she criticized Israeli state violence in her commencement address on May 30, 2023. The video #WeStandWithFatima speaks back to this accusation in a strong, collective voice, including powerful scholars, organizers and public figures such as Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Robin D.G. Kelley, Laura Whitehorn, Noura Erakat, Judith Butler, Corey Robin, Dave Zirin, Ijeoma Oluo and more.

Leading up to the release of the video, the CUNY community has emphasized its solidarity with Fatima and with the movement for Palestinian liberation in a series of two disruptions of meetings of the Board of Trustees on  June 5th and June 20th, along with an online event focused on strategizing in response to right wing attacks. Such attacks have been increasing at CUNY in recent months and have included the closure of the Social Justice and Equity Centers (SJEC) at BMCC after their planned educational event series on Palestine,shut down after zionist backlash outrage, and the firing of artist Shellyne Rodriguez after she confronted a national anti-abortion organization while they tabled on campus.

For additional details and quotes, email:


For more information on the campaign to defend Fatima and Palestine organizing at CUNY, visit the campaign page at wolpalestine.com/defendfatima

8 July, Seattle: Banner Drop and Rally – Emergency Action for the Fury of Jenin

Bring your fury and join us for an emergency rally and banner drop to amplify the resistance happening in Jenin and channel our fury into action. We will uplift Jenin as a continued site of resistance and condemn the ways Seattle directly contributes to the Zionist occupation.

We call for liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea!

Saturday, July 8, 12:30 PM
Ruby Chow Park, 1136 S Albro Pl