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Vancouver demonstration demands boycott of “Israeli” wines, freedom for Palestinian prisoners

Marking Palestinian Land Day, the Canada Palestine Association and BDS Vancouver organized a demonstration in Vancouver urging the boycott of “Israeli” wines and demanding that the BC Liquor Stores (owned by the government of British Columbia) stop selling these wines. The demonstration is part of an ongoing 15-year campaign led by CPA demanding a boycott of the wines, several of which are produced in the West Bank of occupied Palestine, or on the Golan Heights of occupied Syria, highlighting that the British Columbia government is taking part in war crimes for putting these wines on the market.

The demonstration, outside a BC Liquor Store on Pacific Boulevard, was joined by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network Vancouver as well as organizers with the International League of Peoples’ Struggle, the Masar Badil, Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, and other left and internationalist groups.

Demonstrators carried Palestinian flags, banners calling for the boycott of occupation products, and an array of signs. They chanted in support of the Palestinian people and their resistance, called for total boycott of Zionism, and urged, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” Participants distributed information and literature to passers-by, calling on them to contact the BC Finance Minister to demand the boycott of apartheid wines, and to contact International Cellars, the importer of these wines, to urge them to comply with the boycott call.

Photo: Michael YC Tseng

The demonstration also highlighted the unity of the Palestinian land and people, from the river to the sea and inside Palestine and in exile and diaspora, including the struggle of Palestinian prisoners for liberation. Participants highlighted three cases in particular: that of Walid Daqqah, Palestinian author, thinker and imprisoned freedom fighter, who is currently in critical condition with a rare cancer after years of Israeli medical neglect; Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine jailed in France since 1984, who marks his 72nd birthday on 2 April; and Khader Adnan, the Palestinian prisoner on hunger strike for 57 days for freedom, who previously undertook and won his freedom in four prior strikes.

Aiyanas Ormond of BDS Vancouver highlighted the campaign to boycott Israeli wines, emphasizing that the BC government’s continued support for these Zionist products implicate it in war crimes, as well as expressing solidarity with Indigenous struggles for liberation, sovereignty and self-determination locally and throughout North America. Charlotte Kates, international coordinator of Samidoun, spoke about the cases of Daqqah, Abdallah and Adnan, urging action and solidarity to demand their release and the international isolation of the Zionist regime. She noted further that Canada’s actions continue to make it complicit with war crimes and crimes against humanity in Palestine.

Photo: Michael YC Tseng

After distributing hundreds of leaflets outside the BC Liquor Store, protesters marched from the store to the offices of International Cellars, the company responsible for importing the wines in question. Marion Kawas of BDS Vancouver and the Canada Palestine Association spoke about the role of the company in introducing these wines to the local market, noting that it was the only company that distributed Israeli wines in BC. She held up a letter being delivered to International Cellars by the demonstrators, demanding the company end its ongoing complicity with war crimes in occupied Palestine.

Photo: Michael YC Tseng

Khaled Barakat of the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, delivered a political speech for Land Day, highlighting the history of the day and the mass protests of Palestinians in occupied Palestine ’48 in 1976, the martyrdom of six Palestinians, and the way the day has since come to symbolize the unity of the land and people of Palestine. He also saluted the martyr Mohammed al-Osaibi, shot dead just that morning by occupation forces at the entrance to Al-Aqsa Mosque, a newly graduated medical doctor who was defending a Palestinian woman being assaulted by occupation guards. He noted that al-Osaibi is from al-Naqab, carrying Israeli citizenship, but treated as expendable like all other Palestinians.

Photo: Michael YC Tseng

He emphasized the importance of joint struggle and solidarity with Indigenous struggles on Turtle Island, noting that the Israeli occupation’s strongest allies are imperialist powers and settler-colonial states like Canada and the United States. Finally, he affirmed that the Palestinian struggle for liberation and return would continue by all means necessary until colonialism is uprooted from Palestine from the river to the sea.

Photo: Michael YC Tseng

Finally, Hanna Kawas, chair of the Canada Palestine Association — which has commemorated Land Day in Vancouver from the first day in 1976 — spoke about the need to continue the campaign to boycott “Israeli” wine and all such products stolen from Palestinian and Syrian land. He noted that the BC authorities had removed Russian vodka from its shelves within a day of the Ukraine war beginning, but has ignored the calls from the Palestinian community for over 15 years, connecting this to Canadian federal policy which continues to protect Zionist racism against the Palestinian people.

He noted that the occupation can no longer rely on an unchanging international balance of power, noting the rise of a multipolar world and growing strength in the East and South of the globe, while the U.S. empire and its fellow Western imperialist powers supporting the colonization of Palestine are in retreat.

Samidoun Vancouver is continuing to organize events and activities in Vancouver for the liberation of Palestinian prisoners and all of Palestine. Contact us at vancouver@samidoun.net or on Twitter or Instagram to get involved.

Photo: Michael YC Tseng
Photo: Michael YC Tseng
Photo: Michael YC Tseng
Photo: Michael YC Tseng
Photo: Michael YC Tseng

Charleroi action demands release of Georges Abdallah and Walid Daqqah

On 17 February, 1942, Huey P. Newton, co-founder of the Black Panther Party (BPP), historical figure of the Black Panthers, was born. For the preface to his autobiography,  Revolutionary Suicide , published by Premiers Matins Novembre in rench, Ahmad Sa’adat, general secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), evoked three of the longest-held political prisoners in the world.

“Whether they are called Mumia Abu-Jamal, Walid Daqqah or Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, political prisoners behind bars can and must be a priority for our movements

Mumia Abu-Jamal
 has been imprisoned since December 9, 1981 in the United States
Walid Daqqah has been imprisoned since March 25, 1986 in Israeli occupation prisons
Georges Ibrahim Abdallah has been imprisoned since October 24, 1984 in France

On Saturday, 1 April, the Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine, in Charleroi, Belgium, organized a stand for Palestine in Place Verte in Charleroi calling for the release of Georges Abdallah and Walid Daqqah. The Plate-forme is an affiliate of the Samidoun Network.

They distributed flyers and information, and many people, especially youth, took photos to show their solidarity.

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah

Sunday, 2 April marks the 72nd birthday of Georges Abdallah, the Arab communist and Palestinian resistance fighter imprisoned in France since 1984. On this occasion, the Unitary Campaign for the Release of Georges Abdallah initiated an international week of action from March 25 to April 2.

Many passers-by responded to our invitation to write to Georges and to send cards to Macron, calling upon him to sign the order for Georges’ expulsion to Lebanon. As he has been eligible for release since 1999, this is in fact the primary obstacle preventing Georges from returning to his family in Lebanon.


Walid Daqqah

Because the life of the political prisoner Walid Daqqah is in danger, we also informed the people who visited our stand about him. Many of them underlined the cruelty of the occupation and colonization of Palestine and expressed their wishes to join our future actions.

Find below two texts by Walid Daqqah , posted on the FB page , launched by his family

Parallel Time

“We are part of a history, and history obviously is a state of past events that have ended, except for us; for us it is a continuous past that never ends. We communicate with you from it as a present that shouldn’t be your future. Our time is different from yours, for time here does not pace itself on the axis of past, present, and future. Our time, which flows in the lingering place, dropped the concepts of conventional time and space from our language, or it confused them, if you wish. Here, we don’t ask when and where we shall meet, for example, for we have met and keep meeting at the same place. Here, we travel at ease, back and forth, on the axis of the past and present, and every moment, post presentness, is an unknown future that we are not capable to deal with. We have no control over our future, and our case is quite similar to that of all Arab peoples. Yet, there is a substantial difference: our occupation is foreign and theirs is Arab. Here we are in captivity because we search for a future, while their future has been buried alive.”

Letter to a Comrade (excerpt)

“To depict life in prison, I always use the trope of a train car. Closed and with no windows. In order to know where this wagon took you, and what distance it traveled, or perhaps in order to know the speed, you must drill a hole in the wall. Writing or painting are drilling a hole. Responses I receive as a feedback on what I produce […] are the scenes of nature I see through this opening, the mountains and the trees— what indicate my time, place and speed. There have been always, inside the wagon, well-versed “travelers” who read your text, and tell you where we are at, and what the train’s speed is. However, those veterans remain travelers like myself, and all the time I need not appreciation, but rather a certain view from the outside of the parallel time.”

Freedom for Georges Abdallah and Walid Daqqah!

Brussels marks Land Day with film screening and event on Palestinian resistance

Marking Palestinian Land Day, Samidoun Brussels organized a screening of “Arna’s Children” and discussion on Friday, 31 March, which brought together around 70 people in the DK community and cultural center in Brussels, Belgium.

Following the screening, Samidoun Brussels activists led a discussion about the Palestinian resistance today and the importance of amplifying the call for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea and the right of return of Palestinian refugees. The event, following a Zionist attack forum at the European Parliament on Wednesday targeting Samidoun and other organizations working for justice in Palestine, also underlined the need to not give in to attempted intimidation by supporters of Zionist colonialism. Instead, these attacks must prompt the entire movement to intensify its resistance to the attempted criminalization of Palestinian diaspora and community organizing and the Palestine solidarity movement in Europe.

The evening was followed by an iftar of Palestinian cuisine which delighted the participants. The event also included a photo exhibition on “Daily Life Under Occupation,” which drew great interest from attendees.

Samidoun Brussels thanks DK and all who participated in this evening of international solidarity. The mobilization continues in support of the Palestinian resistance!

Samidoun Brussels also shared a new appearance of graffiti for Palestine on its Instagram account. To get in touch with or join Samidoun Brussels, please email brussels@samidoun.net or reach out on Instagram.

Land Day in Toulouse: Rally demands end to Tel Aviv-Toulouse “twinning”

On Thursday, 30 March — Palestinian Land Day — over 30 organizations joined the call for a rally in Toulouse, France, in support of the Palestinian people and to demand the end of the twinning of Toulouse with Tel Aviv. In particular, Palestinian activists and members of Collectif Palestine VaincraToulouse Anti-CRATruth and Justice Committee 31UJFPAFPSAttacCGT Educ’actionSolidaire , LJR, Parti de GaucheRévolution Permanente, Amnesty and the Collectif Populaire contre l’extrême droite were present to reaffirm their anti-colonialist and anti-racist commitment.

Demonstrators carried a large banner, declaring that “The twinning of Toulouse with Tel Aviv must end.” They raised Palestinian flags, banners and posters in support of the Palestinian resistance, for the international campaign to boycott Israel and for the release of Palestinian prisoners including Georges Abdallah and Ahmad Manasra.

Posters also reaffirmed the participants’ solidarity with Walid Daqqah, a Palestinian intellectual and revolutionary imprisoned by the Israeli occupation since March 25, 1986. On December 18, 2022, he was diagnosed with myelofibrosis, a rare form of bone marrow cancer which requires a bone marrow transplant. He is currently in critical condition in the intensive care unit at Barzilai Hospital after developing pneumonia following a stroke last month, for which he received delayed treatment.

At the start of the rally, members of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra — a member organization of the Samidoun Network — spoke in French and Arabic to explain the meaning of this initiative:

Today,  we have come together to demand an end to the twinning of Toulouse and Tel Aviv. For over 60 years, this cooperation has continued on our behalf and in our name. The municipality of Toulouse cooperates, and de facto supports, the showcase city of settler colonialism and apartheid that has oppressed the Palestinian people for more than 75 years. As Israel’s far-right ruling government continues and escalates its violence against the Palestinian people, escalates its colonization of the West Bank, tightens the siege against Gaza, denies the right of return to millions of refugees and expands its policy of ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem and in Masafer Yatta, we must more than ever denounce all forms of cooperation between French institutions and the Israeli occupation. In Toulouse, this demand is growing with a recent open letter co-signed by 30 organizations addressed to the municipality to demand that this scandalous practice cease. But we are certain that the municipality led by Jean-Luc Moudenc will not take such a decision on their own. The mayor of the city is deeply pro-Israel and has intensified the attacks against the solidarity movement with Palestine, from the anti-BDS pledges adopted at the city council to welcoming our (suspended) dissolution by Darmanin. To end this twinning, we must mobilize ourselves to impose our demand!

Representatives of various organizations spoke, reaffirming their support for the call to end the twinning of Toulouse with Tel Aviv. In addition, we stressed the importance of participating in the rally in front of the prefecture organized just after to denounce the police brutality and repressive assaults of the Macron government against the mobilization challenging the anti-worker “pension reforms,” in order to provide clear support to the victims of police violence.

This event was also part of the commemorations of Palestinian Land Day, an occasion that commemorates the mobilization of Palestinians in occupied Palestine 1948 against the Zionist confiscation of land in 1976 in the Galilee. Faced with this attack on their land, the Palestinian people launched large-scale protests and a general strike. On March 30, 1976, six Palestinians were murdered by occupation forces while resisting the expropriation of their land. During the commemorations of this day,  “the Palestinian people throughout Palestine, from the river to the sea and everywhere in exile and diaspora, express their unity and their constant devotion to the liberation of all the land of Palestine” as the international Samidoun network points out.

The rally ended with calls for further mobilizations in support of the Palestinian resistance, in particular gathering on Sunday, April 2 in front of the gates of Lannemezan prison. This initiative is organized as part of the international week of actions for the release of Georges Abdallah on the occasion of the 72nd birthday of the Arab communist and Palestinian resistance fighter imprisoned in France since 1984.

Collectif Palestine Vaincra presents on Palestinian youth resistance and international solidarity in Toulouse

On Wednesday, 29 March, the Mirail Struggle Committee invited the Collectif Palestine Vaincra to lead a discussion and presentation at the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès in Toulouse, France about the resistance of Palestinian youth, historically and at present. This marks the third time that Palestine solidarity events have been organized as part of the student mobilization against the Macron government’s anti-worker “pension reforms.” This speaks to a growing interest in international solidarity and anti-imperialism among the social movement. Last week, the Collectif organized a screening of “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight,” reviewing the history and struggle of the Lebanese Arab communist activist imprisoned in France since 1984.

The Collectif — a member organization of the Samidoun Network — began its intervention by recalling that Palestine is facing settler colonialism supported by Western imperialist powers. Resisting the Israeli occupation is a legitimate right and must be defended as an anti-colonial principle. As scholar Bikrum Gill points out, delegitimizing the Palestinian people’s methods of resistance is “premised upon re-inscribing Palestinians as inherently non-sovereign beings who can only be recognized as disempowered dependent objects to be acted upon, either by Israeli colonial violence, or white imperial protectors.” The presentation also highlighted that resistance, including armed resistance, is a right upheld by Resolution A / RES / 37/43 of the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1982. At the same time, in the United States, Canada and the European Union, the Palestinian resistance and its supporters continue to confront repression and criminalization.  In particular, the lists of “terrorist” organizations scandalously equate most of the Palestinian political parties with groups such as Al Qaeda or Daesh and aim to isolate them from international solidarity.

The presentation next underlined the central role of the Palestinian youth within the resistance since the beginning of Zionist colonization. Historically, students have played an important role, for example through the development of the GUPS (General Union of Palestinian Students) in the 1970s. In the article The Palestinian student movement and the dialectic of Palestinian liberation and class struggle, academics Lena Meari and Rula Abu Duhou recall that GUPS’ primary role was “preparing Arab youth for national liberation, and mobilising Palestinian students to engage in it. GUPS became the incubator and producer of political and military leaders and cadres for the Palestinian revolution. This was reflected in the vital role GUPS members played in confronting the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, when GUPS called on its student members to take part in the battle, and thousands of its members moved to Lebanon and resisted the invasion.”

GUPS France poster from 1972.

Today’s Palestinian youth were born after the Oslo Accords of 1993, the accords that aimed to endorse the theft of the majority of Palestine and created the Palestinian Authority, a corrupt puppet entity based on its maintenance of “security coordination” with the Israeli occupation. Thirty years later, the situation has never been so catastrophic for the Palestinian people, with an increasing level of dispossession and colonial violence. 30 years after Oslo, the new generation massively rejects the illusions embodied by this so-called “peace process” – in reality a process that aims to enforce the surrender of the Palestinian people in the face of the occupation. This mass rejection is exemplified in the emergence of today’s resistance trends among Palestinian youth.

In the spaces of mobilization and organization of Palestinian youth inside occupied Palestine, Birzeit University plays a special role. Located in the West Bank of occupied Palestine, it is a major Palestinian campus and an important place of politicization with the presence of student organizations representing the entire Palestinian political spectrum. Faced with this reality, the Israeli occupation routinely and violently suppresses the students. In particular, the Israeli occupation criminalizes student organizations by designating them as terrorist or illegal. For example, the leftist student organization, the Progressive Democratic Student Pole, was listed as an “illegal organization” in 2020. This means that even participating in a meeting, rally or a dabkeh dance can be used as a pretext for arrest or imprisonment. Every year, hundreds of students are arrested by the occupation forces, sometimes within the campus itself. Today, more than 80 students from Birzeit University are imprisoned, often in administrative detention; that is, without charge or trial for up to six months at a time, indefinitely renewable — at times for years on end. The Collectif highlighted the #FreePalestinianStudents campaign  which brings together more than 300 organizations around the world to build international solidarity with the Palestinian student movement and demands the release of all unjustly imprisoned Palestinian students.

Student rally at Birzeit University

The Collectif further highlighted the evolution of the political situation in occupied Palestine with a significant numerical increase in resistance actions over the past year. They are the fruit of organizations of young Palestinians not linked to traditional political parties or bridging factional lines, who are fed up with the situation and want to resist colonial violence, for example the Lions’ Den in Nablus. As Palestinian researcher Abu-Jildeh points out, “the newly formed group represents a new generation of young Palestinians who are fed up with colonialism and its Palestinian collaborators. It is a non-hierarchical and non-partisan group. The rise of these groups does not only demonstrate the dissatisfaction with the Palestinian Authority and the leadership of the various political parties but also a move toward reigniting the sense of Palestinian unity and state of resistance experienced during the events of May 2021.”

Faced with the emergence of these new resistance forces, the occupation forces have murdered more than 90 Palestinians this year in an effort to suppress this growing phenomenon. Despite the massacres and the exacerbation of colonial violence, this reflects a flagrant security failure. On the contrary, there is massive support from the population for these different groups. 68% of Palestinians support the formation of such groups, such as the Lions’ Den, and 87% believe the PA has no right to arrest their members, according to the Palestinian Center for Survey and Policy Research in March 2023. On many occasions, we could observe this phenomenon of mass support which is called Al Hadena al Sha’bya – the popular incubator or cradle, that is to say the deep cohesion and unity between the Palestinian people and their resistance. “When the Palestinian Authority calls for people to come out into the streets, no one goes…When 18-year-old young men called for people to come out into the streets at 1:30 a.m., the whole country came out in the streets, ” said Samidoun‘s coordinator in Palestine .

The Collectf also emphasized that Palestinian youth are not only mobilizing inside occupied Palestine. Because of Zionist colonization and its consequences, millions of Palestinians today live in refugee camps in neighboring countries and also in exile, including a growing number in Europe. The youth in the diaspora plays an important role in building this popular support for the resistance, and acting in defense of their right of return. For example, the March for the Return and Liberation of Palestine organized last October in Brussels by the Masar Badil movement is one of the most important street expressions of this international popular incubator of the resistance.

The conference concluded with emphasizing the responsibility of internationals, particularly in the imperial core, to build a movement of solidarity with the youth and all the Palestinian people who are fighting for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. In particular, we must mobilize against all forms of cooperation between France and Israel, like the twinning of Toulouse with Tel Aviv. We must not only refuse and reject the Zionist crimes carried out in our name, but we must also affirm that international solidarity is mutual aid in a common struggle, fundamentally anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist.

1 April, Twitter Storm: #Macron #FreeGeorgesAbdallah – Mark Georges Abdallah’s Birthday with a Call for Freedom

 #Macron #FreeGeorgesAbdallah
Twitter Storm
Saturday, 1 April 2023

10 am Pacific – 1 pm Eastern –  7 pm central Europe – 8 pm Palestine and Lebanon
Use the hashtags  #Macron #FreeGeorgesAbdallah
Sample Tweets: https://bit.ly/freegeorgestweets
Event FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/3316479711938622/

Tag: @EmmanuelMacron @GDarmanin to direct your demand to French officials! Tag @Najib_Mikati to ensure Lebanon’s prime Minister hears the message.

As part of the International Week of Actions for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah, and on the eve of his 72nd birthday, Samidoun will be joining the National Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah for a Twitter storm!

Demand France release the Arab struggler for Palestine, the longest-held political prisoner in Europe, jailed for nearly 39 years.

تدعوكم “الحملة الوطنية لتحرير الأسير جورج عبدالله” إلى تذكير العالم “الحر” بأن جورج عبدالله هو أقدم أسير سياسي في أوروبا، وذلك على موقع تويتر، عشية عيد ميلاده الثاني والسبعين (تجدون التاريخ والساعة والهاشتاغ على الصورة أعلاه)

بيان الحملة :


Dans le cadre de la “Semaine internationale d’actions pour la libération de Georges Abdallah”, nous vous appelons à rejoindre la “Campagne nationale pour la libération de Georges Abdallah” pour célébrer son 72e anniversaire, sur la plateforme “Twitter”, afin de rappeler le monde que la France détient le plus ancien prisonnier politique d’Europe.

Pour plus d’informations : https://liberonsgeorges.samizdat.net

Sample Tweets: https://bit.ly/freegeorgestweets

Palestine and Georges Abdallah at the heart of demonstrations against Macron’s anti-worker 'reforms' in Toulouse #Macron #FreeGeorgesAbdallah @EmmanuelMacron @GDarmanin Share on X The world is speaking out! Free Georges Abdallah! The call echoes throughout France and around the world #Macron #FreeGeorgesAbdallah Share on X From France to Palestine, one struggle! Georges Abdallah launches one-day solidarity strike for Palestinian prisoners #Macron #FreeGeorgesAbdallah @EmmanuelMacron @GDarmanin Share on X Who is Georges Ibrahim Abdallah? Learn about his case and demand his liberation. #Macron #FreeGeorgesAbdallah @EmmanuelMacron Share on X From France to Beirut to Palestine, we raise our voices together: Free Georges Abdallah! #Macron #FreeGeorgesAbdallah @EmmanuelMacron Share on X Libérez Georges Abdallah, communiste libanais emprisonné en France depuis 1984 et libérable depuis 1999 ! #Macron #FreeGeorgesAbdallah @EmmanuelMacron Share on X

Barcelona demonstration marks Palestinian Land Day

At the call of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, approximately 60 people gathered on Thursday, 30 March  in Barcelona, Catalonia, on the occasion of Palestinian Land Day. This demonstration was an opportunity to affirm the commitment of social movements in the city to the liberation of Palestine, its land and people, especially following the official suspension of “twinning” and cooperation between Barcelona and Tel Aviv.

The slogans of the day were support for the Palestinian resistance, freedom for Palestinian prisoners, the right to return and the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. Participating organizations included Al Yudur Palestinian Youth Mobilization and Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Movement, and many members of the Palestinian diaspora and supporters of Palestine joined the demonstration.

Speakers highlighted many ongoing campaigns, including the call to free Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine jailed in France for nearly 39 years, and the International Campaign to Liberate the Remains of Palestinian Martyrs.

Masar Badil: We demand the cancellation and boycott of the “Israel Universities Festival” in Brazil!

The Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, condemns the “Israel Universities Festival,” a normalization fair being organized at Unicamp – Campinas State University in Brazil on April 3, 2023. This is a Zionist event hostile to the Palestinian people and their rights, and we urge those responsible at the university to cancel this event and boycott the colonial Zionist academy, rather than involving the university in justifying and whitewashing the daily crimes of Zionist colonization throughout occupied Palestine.

Such activities aim to normalize Zionist colonialism and legitimize its presence in our universities and academic institutions and threaten the Palestinian people, their rights and freedoms. We note that this event comes as Palestinians commemorate the massacre that took place on Land Day on March 30, 1976, a date which lives on as Palestinians confirm their commitment to their homeland, the right to return, the liberation of their land and the reclaiming of their national rights over all of Palestine, from the river to the sea.

Zionist colonialism must be opposed and confronted everywhere, in Palestine and wherever its representatives and apologists are found. And our moral, human and legal duty necessitates refusing to participate in the crime of polishing the image of the Israeli occupation by marketing its programs and projects. This is especially important at a time when the Zionist occupation force are carrying out heinous crimes against the Palestinian people, while the dignity and rights of over 4,700 prisoners are being violated inside the occupation prisons and the occupation army is practicing a policy of assassinations, massacres, siege, home demolitions and more crimes in full view of the so-called  “international community” and “international institutions.”

We call upon activists, trade unionists, and students defending the rights of the peoples in Brazil, from all liberation movements and progressive forces, to stand with us in confronting the forces of imperialism, racism, and fascism, and we expect them to take the correct political and moral stance by working to boycott this activity offensive to the Palestinian struggle, and to declare their clear position on the side of justice, freedom and the Palestinian resistance. No more silence on the crimes of colonialism and racism!

We in the Masar Badil will call on all the masses of our Palestinian people and our comrades and friends everywhere to oppose such activities that aim to mislead public opinion in Brazil and justify the crimes of “Israel” against our people and our land.

Boycott Israeli colonialism!

Support the struggle of the Palestinian people for return and liberation!

Support the Palestinian resistance!

Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Movement
Al Janiah Palestinian Political-Cultural Center, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Land Day 2023: From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!

We mark the 47th Palestinian Land Day on 30 March 2023. On this occasion, the Palestinian people throughout Palestine, from the river to the sea and everywhere in exile and diaspora, express their unity and consistent dedication to the liberation of all of the land of Palestine. This day underlines the reality: that the land and its liberation is the necessary condition for the liberation of Palestine. As it marks the great uprising of Palestinians in occupied Palestine ’48 of 1967, this day also points toward the unity of the land and the struggle for return and liberation, as a day of living struggle to uproot colonialism from Palestine.

This day is an occasion to celebrate, intensify and uphold Palestinian resistance to Zionism, colonialism, apartheid and occupation, recalling those whose lives have been stolen in defense of the land and people of Palestine, and to organize and struggle for return and liberation, from the river to the sea.

As we mark the Palestinian Day of the Land, we salute the Palestinian prisoners, locked behind bars for their defense of their land and people. The prisoners’ movement just won a decisive victory one week ago before launching their mass hunger strike, defeating the attempts of Itamar Ben Gvir and the fascist regime he represents to roll back the rights they have obtained through decades of struggle. At the same time, there are still 4,800 Palestinian prisoners locked away from their land, including 900 jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention.

On Land Day, we particularly urge all to highlight the case of Walid Daqqah, the Palestinian writer, intellectual and struggler for liberation, diagnosed in December 2022 with a rare form of bone cancer. From occupied Palestine ’48, he represents the spirit and the continuity of Land Day, even as he continues to resist for his life from his hospital bed, where he is in critical condition. On Land Day 2023, we affirm: Free the Land! Free Walid Daqqah and all Palestinian prisoners! 

Below we are publishing an updated version of our Land Day annual statement:

The Day of the Land: Land Defense Confronts Imperialism, Zionism and Colonialism

The Day of the Land began as an annual commemoration of the massive uprising of Palestinians in occupied Palestine ’48 against Zionist land confiscation in 1976, targeting tens of thousands of dunums of Palestinian land in the Galilee. The Palestinians of ’48 — Palestinian citizens of the Israeli settler colonial apartheid regime, survivors of the Nakba who remained on their land even as 80% of their fellow Palestinians were expelled — rose up to confront ongoing land confiscation and settlement, and the Palestinian people inside and outside Palestine with them. They launched large-scale protests and a general strike, and on 30 March 1976, six Palestinians were shot dead by the occupation forces as they resisted the expropriation of their land. Since that date, the Day of the Land has always reflected the unity of the Palestinian people and the unity of the land of Palestine.

On the 47th Land Day, we remember Kheir Mohammad Salim Yasin, Khadija Qasem Shawahneh, Raja Hussein Abu Rayya, Khader Eid Mahmoud Khalayleh, Muhsin Hasan Said Taha and Raafat Ali Al-Zheir and all the martyrs of Palestine who have given their lives and their freedom for the defense of Palestine, its land and its people. This day has become a national anniversary for the Palestinian people as a whole, inside Palestine and in exile, and an Arab and international day of Indigenous solidarity, land defense and collective struggle against imperialism and colonialism and the extraction of wealth and resources from the land of the people.

Land Day is a day of Palestinian popular and resistance unity. From occupied Palestine ’48, to Jerusalem and the West Bank, to the Gaza Strip, to the refugee camps and everywhere in exile and diaspora, Palestinians commemorate Land Day not only as a historical occasion but as a symbol of the ongoing, living and vibrant resistance that has remained unbroken despite years of military occupation, land confiscation, mass imprisonment, killings and dispossession. Land Day is a day of struggle for the return of Palestinian refugees and for the liberation of every inch of Palestinian land from colonialism.

We urge all supporters of Palestine to join us in Ottawa on 28-30 April 2023 for the Liberation Conference and the March of Liberation, which underline this relationship between the liberation of land and the liberation of peoples from imperialism, Zionism and colonialism of all forms.

In 2018, the Day of the Land once again marked the occasion of a mass outpouring of Palestinians in the streets, as thousands upon thousands gathered in Gaza for the Great March of Return, and occupation forces again shot down Palestinians defending their land and seeking their liberation. 42 years after the first Land Day massacre, Israeli occupation forces killed 16 martyrs of the land and return, with over 200 more shot down in the marches over the months and days to come. Now, Palestinian farmers and fishers in Gaza continue to defend their land under siege, faced with daily attacks and the attempt to starve their resistance economy that nourishes the Palestinian people despite the imperialist, Zionist and reactionary collaboration against the.

As the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, affirmed in its statement for Land Day, “On this day 47 years ago, the masses of our Palestinian people re-aligned the compass of struggle once again, and etched with blood and sacrifice the meaning of the land and its position in the struggle, and in the memory of the entire Arab people from the ocean to the Gulf….Its vanguards remain struggling in Nazareth, Haifa, the Naqab, Yafa and Akka, confronting the war machine of colonialism, racism, exploitation and oppression….There is no place for coexistence with Zionism and racism, and there is no place for the Zionist entity, its institutions and its colonial regime on an inch of our occupied land from the river to the sea.”

Palestinian Resistance Protects the Land and People

Today, it is clear that the Palestinian resistance continues to live and thrive, rooted in the land itself. The May 2021 unity Intifada, the Battle of Seif al-Quds, in which Palestinians outside Palestine took to the streets of every global city with fellow movements fighting injustice and imperialism, in which Palestinians in ’48 rose up and claimed their land and cities, in which the resistance in Gaza led the battle, in which the Palestinians of Jerusalem and the West Bank confronted soldiers and settlers everywhere to defend Sheikh Jarrah, Silwan, Beita, al-Aqsa and all of Palestine — continues to reflect the bright future of resistance and revolution for Palestine and its people, even as the resistance blossoms daily in the West Bank and throughout occupied Palestine.

Today, organizations throughout occupied Palestine and funded in the imperialist powers, including the Jewish National Fund and an array of settler organizations, are using military might, their control of the Zionist regime and their access to funds to displace and dispossess Palestinians. In the Naqab, their actions target Palestinian Bedouins in particular, aiming to seize ever more land for colonization. In countries around the world, the JNF holds “Negev Dinners” to boast of their colonial efforts; many of these dinners and events are attended and celebrated by Western imperialist political leaders, while donations made to further colonialism in the Naqab are tax-deductible. Meanwhile, the United Arab Emirates, at the pinnacle of Arab reactionary regimes’ normalization with Zionism, welcomes to Arab land the same JNF responsible for its colonization.

Nevertheless, the Palestinian people and their resistance have made clear that the JNF’s plans and the “normalization” mandate will never be allowed to succeed. Palestinians continue to resist, defend and seek the liberation of their land by all means necessary, a natural right and a right protected even within the framework of international law, with the backing and participation of the people of the Arab nation and their resistance organizations from Yemen to Lebanon, and the support of all friends of justice and liberation movements in the world. Indeed, the  Palestinian resistance gives hope to all people around the world who resist imperialism and colonialism as a symbol of unbroken will in the face of massive military might as well as a material blow against the forces of occupation.

From the River to the Sea, Confronting Imperialism and Zionism

This day also highlights why it is critical to boycott and isolate the Israeli occupation, including agricultural products grown on stolen and colonized Palestinian land, often through the exploitation of Palestinian labour. This Ramadan, the campaign to boycott “Israeli” dates and support Palestinian farmers instead is particularly urgent. Campaigns like those of Palestine Action in the UK targeting Israeli arms dealers like Elbit Systems for direct action, and despite state repression, arrests and persecution, make clear that people’s resistance can defeat the warmongers of the occupation.

The colonization of Palestine is not carried out by the Israeli regime alone; it is funded and backed by Western imperialist powers, first and foremost, the United States, which provides $3.8 billion in annual military aid to the occupation, aiming to shield colonialism from the resistance of the indigenous Palestinian people. Canada, the European Union, the United Kingdom and Australia continue to provide ongoing military, diplomatic and economic aid to the colonial project, ranging from “free trade” agreements that privilege profiteering from stolen Palestinian land and resources to arms sales and joint training to the use of state repression to target Palestinian and Palestine solidarity organizing. Despite the openly fascist forces in power, representing clearly the nature of the Zionist regime, these states have only escalated their security, economic and political cooperation with that regime, even if they issue mild critiques from time to time.

In fact, in almost all Western states, Palestinian resistance organizations are designated as “terrorist” and criminalized while those who fund settler-colonial terror against the Palestinian people are celebrated, protected and granted preferential charitable status. The Holy Land Foundation Five are imprisoned with sentences of up to 65 years in high-security U.S. prisons for doing nothing more than raising charitable funds for Palestine, while the “Friends of the IDF” are permitted to raise funds for an occupation army. In France, while the government attempts to dissolve Palestine solidarity organizations like the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, it has imprisoned Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese struggler for Palestine, for nearly 39 years. In Germany, Palestinian activists — and sometimes, simply Palestinian students — face criminalization, deportation threats and even arrest for commemorating the Nakba and demonstrating for Palestine. Nevertheless, Palestinians in exile and diaspora continue to hold fast to their return to their land, and all movements for justice and liberation globally continue to build support for its liberation.

Imperialism and Zionism also rely on Arab reactionary regimes and the program of normalization not only to grant false legitimacy to the colonization of Palestine but to attack and target Arab peoples and states that resist the dictates of imperial rule. In Yemen, thousands come to the street regularly to march for Palestine even as they face the bombs and siege imposed by reactionary Arab regimes, at the behest of and with weaponry provided by the Western powers, including the U.S. and Canada.

The Oslo Accords and their annexes and the entire so-called “peace process” were meant to wipe out the legacy and ongoing reality expressed on the Day of the Land, to replace Palestinian unity and resistance from the river to the sea with a limited claim to only a portion of Palestine, overseen by the “security coordination” subcontractors to the occupation, the Palestinian Authority. The Palestinian Authority continues to detain and arrest Palestinians in a “revolving door” with the Israeli occupation, criminalize and condemn Palestinian resistance, while the Palestinian people inside and outside Palestine work to develop their true unity in struggle, for return and liberation. The purpose of the Palestinian Authority is to undermine, rather than represent, the defense of the land and people of Palestine.

While the Palestinian struggle to defend land and seek full liberation is met with harsh repression, criminalization, assassination and imprisonment at the hands of the occupation and its backers and allies, it is also met with unified struggle, solidarity and collective support by the regional and global camp of resistance, nations, peoples and popular movements confronting imperialism, capitalism and exploitation, from Yemen to Iraq, from Brazil to the Philippines, from Zimbabwe to Wet’suwet’en.

On Land Day, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network honours and celebrates the struggle of the Palestinian people to liberate their land from the river to the sea and to resist all forms of colonization. Land Day marks the unity of the Palestinian land, people, and cause, everywhere inside and outside Palestine, for defending and liberating the land and people of Palestine.

April 17 is Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, a national and international day of action for the freedom of all Palestinian political prisoners, the prisoners of freedom, the prisoners of return and liberation. We urge all to organize and mobilize for 17 April and the week that follows, to liberate Palestinian prisoners. free the land and people of Palestine from the river to the sea, and confront imperialism and Zionism.

Read more: 

Join these Land Day Actions:

Historical References:

Free the Land, Free Walid Daqqah! Take action to liberate imprisoned Palestinian writer with rare cancer

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all organizations and communities advocating for justice in Palestine to join the campaign to free Walid Daqqah, Palestinian writer, thinker and political prisoner. One of the longest-held Palestinian prisoners, he was diagnosed on 18 December 2022 with myelofibrosis, a rare form of bone marrow cancer that requires a bone marrow transplant. He is currently in critical condition in the intensive care unit of Barzilai Hospital after developing pneumonia after a stroke last month, for which he received delayed treatment.

Walid Daqqah’s family have launched an official campaign page for him on Facebook and urge all to follow this page for official updates on his medical treatment and the struggle for his freedom: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091256805982

The Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council noted, about his medical condition:

The only curative treatment for Walid is a bone marrow transplant—one of the most difficult and dangerous medical procedures currently known. Gatt also recommended that Walid be put in a clean place where exposure to infections can be minimized, neither of which is possible inside the miserable conditions offered by Israeli prisons.

In mid-February 2023, Walid suffered from a severe cardiovascular stroke that led to a physical injury on his chest. Not only did the IPS in Askalan prison refuse to transfer him to a hospital for emergency treatment, the in-house prison clinic, despite diagnosing a blood clot as the cause of the stroke, refused to provide him with a necessary blood transfusion. Consequently, Walid lost a lot of blood through a minor tongue wound in the days that followed. Further, his medical records indicated that he lost over 10 kilos (22 pounds) in one and a half months. Only after his hematologist visited Askalan for a routine appointment, nearly two weeks after the stroke, was Walid finally transferred to Barzilai Medical Center. Similarly, as Walid developed symptoms of severe pneumonia over the past couple of weeks, the IPS once again ignored his health and evaded hospital admission until his lawyers and doctors intervened. Walid is currently being held in a private room at Barzilai, suffering from pneumonia, kidney failure, and a life-threatening drop in blood cell count.

Daqqah is one of the most prominent and long-time Palestinian prisoners, known widely for his writing and cultural work from behind bars. Born in 1961 in Baqa’ al-Gharbiyya in occupied Palestine ’48, he has been imprisoned since 25 March 1986. He was recently highlighted as part of the Pre-Oslo Prisoners campaign as one of the longest-held Palestinians behind occupation bars.

As his family notes:

“In March 1987, the military court of Lod sentenced him to life in prison. In 2012, his sentence was fixed at 37 years instead of life in prison, and, as such, he was due to be released on 24 March 2023. However, on 28 May 2018, the military court of Bi’r al-Sabi‘ wrongfully added two years to his sentence on the basis of his alleged role in the case of smuggling cell phones to his fellow prisoners for them to keep in contact with their families. Therefore, his ‘new’ date of release cruelly became 24 March 2025…Political prisoner Daqqah has been subjugated to the endless injustices of the israeli court system. From the first moment of his imprisonment to this day, nearly four decades later, the courts have refused all of his appeals including tens of appeals for his most basic and humanitarian rights including: family visits, even for his father before his death (Nimer Daqqah, his father, passed away in 1998) or for his ailing mother (his mother, Faridah Daqqah, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2013); conjugal visits; early release [shliesh]; and, most recently, early release for treatment for Leukemia of which he was diagnosed in 2015. Daqqah, was also actively excluded from release through prisoners’ exchange four times, in 1994, 2008, 2011 and 2014.”

Walid Daqqah should be free in a liberated Palestine; even according to his original sentence, he should have been released a week ago. Instead, he continues, imprisoned, in critical condition, in desperate need of advanced medical care.

Once behind bars, he obtained a master’s degree in political science and wrote several books in the realm of political theory as well as fiction, including children’s fiction. On multiple occasions, he has faced harsh repression, including solitary confinement, especially targeted toward his expressive work. For example, Daqqah was thrown into solitary confinement when he published a new children’s book, “The Secret of Oil”; a launch event for the book in the town of Majd al-Kurum was shut down by far-right Israeli minister Aryeh Deri. In the preface to the book, Daqqa wrote, “I write until I am freed from prison, with the hope of freeing the prison from me.” This followed the defunding of a Haifa Palestinian theater that exhibited a play based on his work “Parallel Time.” His family’s official campaign page asserts:

“In spite of all the injustices and discriminations inflicted upon Daqqah throughout the 37 years of his incarceration, he has managed remarkable achievements that have made him in to the political, intellectual and cultural icon that he is. He has been a leader among the Palestinian Prisoners’ Movement and is a prominent figure in the Palestinian, Arab and international cultural scene, in particular in the field of prison studies. Even his intellectual life has been deemed dangerous as prisoner authorities subjected Daqqah to extra punishment due to his political, social and intellectual activism, in particular solitary confinement.

Daqqah is a prolific author. Among his works: Testimonies of Resistance: The Battle of Jenin Camp 2002 (2004); Consciousness Molded or the Re-identification of Torture (2010); The Story of the Forgotten in Parallel Time (2011); The Oil’s Secret Tale (2018); The Sword’s Secret Tale (2021); The Spirit’s Secret Tale/ The Martyrs Return to Ramallah (2022). In addition, Daqqah published several translations, and tens of articles both in Arabic and Hebrew, most prominently: “Parallel Tine” (2005); “Milad: I Write to a Childe Yet to Be Born” (2011); “Liberate Yourself by Yourself” (2020), and “Control through Time” (2021). Daqqah also has several unpublished manuscripts, paintings, poetry, lyrics, and autobiographical and theatrical writings.

Under these harsh circumstances, Daqqah married the activist, journalist and translator Sana’ Salamah on 10 August, 1999 in Askalan Prison. The occupation state denied them conjugal visits and their right to be parents, in spite of all the appeals. Undeterred, on 3 March 2020 their daughter Milad was born in Nazareth from liberated semen for artificial insemination.”

Walid Daqqah is a Palestinian political prisoner among over 4,800 of his brothers and sisters. He is an internationally renowned intellectual and writer whose contributions are part of the global literature of liberation and social justice, and he continues to resist for his very life and for the life of Palestine behind bars. He is resisting the policy of medical neglect and “slow killing” that has taken the lives of hundreds of imprisoned Palestinians as a systematic practice of the occupation.

As we commemorate Land Day 2023, we say: Free the Land! Free Walid Daqqah! We urge Palestinian communities around the world and supporters of Palestine to include the campaign to free Walid Daqqah in your events and activities for Land Day, representing the unity of all Palestinians and of Palestine from the river to the sea, and initiated by Palestinians of occupied Palestine ’48 in 1976. Use these signs below in your actions and campaigns, and send us your photos on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter or via email at samidoun@samidoun.net.

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