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Palestinian Legislative Council member Abu Teir seized again by Israeli forces

abuteirarrestIsraeli occupation forces detained Palestinian Legislative Council member Muhammad Abu Teir on July 2 after a raid on his home in the Ramallah neighbourhood of Kafr Aqab, reported Ahrar centre for prisoners’ rights.

Abu Teir, a member of the PLC representing the Change and Reform Bloc elected in 2006, has been repeatedly detained by occupation forces, often without charge or trial. He was arrested in 2006 after his election and imprisoned for four years. Upon his release in 2010, Abu Teir, a Jerusalemite Palestinian, was stripped of his Jerusalem ID and exiled from Jerusalem to the West Bank.

He was again seized and held under administrative detention for six months as he and three other Palestinian legislators refused to accept their forcible deportation from their land.  Israel’s illegal actions against the elected Palestinian officials in occupied Jerusalem led to the expulsion of Abu Teir along with Jerusalem legislators Ahmad Attoun, Mohammad Totah, and former Jerusalem Minister, Khaled Abu Arafa. They were kidnapped at their protest tend in front of the Red Cross in Jerusalem.

In September 2011, he was once again seized by occupation forces and held without charge or trial for one year, and released in September 2012. He has served a total of over 30 years in Israeli prisons.

Brussels protest demands an end to European contracts with G4S

g4sbusselsOn June 27, 2013, European activists took to the streets of Brussels, Belgium, protesting the continued awarding of EU institution contracts to G4S for security services despite the company’s extensively documented involvement with the detention of Palestinian political prisoners, including numerous Palestinian children, often subject to torture and abuse, by providing security services for Israeli prisons holding Palestinian political prisoners.

The European Coordination Committee for Palestine issued the following report:

Dozens of activists took to the streets on June 26 to inform people in the area around the European institutions about G4S’ complicity in the detention of Palestinian children.

The activists denounced the fact that G4S is still being awarded contracts even when its complicity in the detention and torture of children by Israel has been documented extensively.

MEP’s came out in support of the demonstration at which Addameer, a renowned Palestinian human rights organisation was represented by Sahar Francis – to stress the urgency of the matter.

Paul Murphy – Irish MEP said: “I’m here to support the protest against an ongoing contracting services to group for security G4S in European Parliament and in Luxembourg in particular. G4S is involved in management and running of many prisons in Israel where Palestinian prisoners are held”

“G4S is involved actively in the oppression of Palestinians. We need to build a big movement within Europe opposing those who profits from the occupation” – he added

G4S is the world’s largest private military and security company. One of the issues receiving worldwide media attention is G4S’ provision of services to the Israeli police, Ministry of Defence, Prison Service, army, as well as to businesses in settlements.

G4S also provides security services to the detention and interrogation facilities of the “Russian Compound” in Jerusalem and the “al-Jalameh” detention centre next to Haifa where Palestinian teens are interrogated.

In their latest report UN Committee on the Rights of the Child confirms that “ Palestinian children arrested by (Israeli) military and police are systematically subject to degrading treatment, and often to acts of torture, are interrogated in Hebrew, a language they did not understand, and sign confessions in Hebrew in order to be released,”

In March 2013 the European Parliament issued a resolution condemning Israel for using torture and calling for a fact-finding mission to investigate Israeli prisons. But at the same time the EU is in fact condoning G4S’ policy to profit from human rights abuses against Palestinians by continuing to award contracts to G4S. G4S renewed its contract with the European Parliament for its Luxembourg properties, in a deal worth 48 million euros- 15.9 million euros more than the 2008-2012 tender.In January last year – just before the third armed hold-up in the parliament – the European Commission awarded its security work to G4S for 237.8 million euros, ending its previous arrangement with Securitas.

They therefore called the EU institutions to end their cooperation with G4S and actually start an independent investigation towards this corporation.

Rana Nazzal and Nariman Tamimi released from Ofer after 4-day detention

Palestinian activists Nariman Tamimi and Rana Nazzal were released today, July 1, from Ofer Military Court, after 4 days in detention. They were seized at Nabi Saleh’s weekly march against settlements on Friday, June 28, and held, accused of entering a “closed military zone,” Palestinian land occupied by illegal settlers.

Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat launches new website to support imprisoned Palestinian leader

saadat-wsfThe Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat announced the launch of its updated website on June 26. The new Campaign website has more interactive features, integration with Facebook and Twitter, and extensive news and resources on Ahmad Sa’adat and the movement of Palestinian prisoners for freedom, justice and liberation.

Ahmad Sa’adat is the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council. One of nearly 5,000 Palestinian political prisoners, he has been sentenced to thirty years in Israeli prisons for a range of “security-related” political offenses. These charges include membership in a prohibited organization (the PFLP, of which Sa’adat is General Secretary), holding a post in a prohibited organization, and incitement, for a speech Sa’adat made following the Israeli assassination of his predecessor, Abu Ali Mustafa, in August 2001.

The Campaign says, “Sa’adat is a prisoner of conscience, targeted for imprisonment because of his political activity and in his capacity as a Palestinian leader. The systematic assassination, imprisonment and detention of Palestinian political leaders has long been a policy of the Israeli state, as reflected in the imprisonment of Sa’adat and over a dozen other members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, including Marwan Barghouthi, as well as the nearly 5,000 Palestinian political prisoners, targeted for their involvement in and commitment to the struggle for the liberation of their land and people.”

The Campaign is an effort of concerned people from around the world, coming together to address the travesty of justice taking place, and calling for justice and freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian political prisoners. Ahmad Sa’adat is a prisoner of conscience, subject to the illegitimate military courts of an illegal military occupation.

Hundreds of organizations and activists around the world have signed on to the campaign’s calls for freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat and his fellow Palestinian prisoners here. Learn more about the campaign and its supporters at its website.

Palestinian prisoner Eyad Abu Khudair on hunger strike for release home to Gaza

eyad-abukhudeirPalestinian prisoner Eyad Abu Khudair, 38, from Rafah in Gaza, is engaged in an open hunger strike for the past 14 days, demanding his release to Gaza after the completion of his sentence, reported prisoners inside Negev prison, where he is held.

Abu Khudair’s 8-year sentence expired on April 12, 2013; he was arrested on April 12, 2005. He is a Palestinian who carried Jordanian nationality, who came to the Gaza Strip in 1999, where he married and he and his wife had three children. At the time he entered Gaza, he applied for his status to be recognized there – but it was never recognized before his capture in 2005.

However, at the time of his arrest, Jordan stripped Jordanian nationality from him, alleging that he is a member of Islamic Jihad in Palestine, thus rendering him stateless. Jordan refuses to accept Abu Khudair’s return. He is on hunger strike demanding his release to Gaza and his family. The occupation has extended his detention by 30 days several times, saying that the issue of his release is unresolved. Abu Khudair launched his hunger strike in order to force action on the issue.

The Mohja Foundation reported that Abu Khudair has faced harsh retaliation from prison authorities for his hunger strike, saying that he was forced to stay outside in the sun in the heat of the day from 7 am to 1 pm in order to pressure him to stop the strike. He lost consciousness at the time as a result of excessive sun exposure; the prison is located in the desert.

Mohja Foundation appealed to human rights organizations and international bodies to take action to support prisoners on hunger strike to end racist abuses against them and pressure the occupation for their release.




Palestinian prisoners’ families rally in Gaza at ICRC headquarters

GAZA, PALESTINE, July 1 – Families and supporters of Palestinian political prisoners detained by Israel held a sit-in in the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)’s Gaza Strip headquarters on Monday, July 1, calling for the ICRC to fulfill its responsibilities to protect Palestinian prisoners.

All photos by Joe Catron:

Martyr Arafat Jaradat’s wife Dalal gives birth to baby Arafat

arafat-jaradat-babyDalal Jaradat, the widow of Arafat Jaradat, 30, the Palestinian political prisoner held in occupation jails who died under torture on February 23, 2013, 6 days after his arrest, gave birth to their child on June 30, 2013.

Dalal and Arafat had two children, Yara, 4 years old, and Mohammad, 2 years old, and Dalal was pregnant when Arafat was arrested. She named the new baby boy Arafat, after his martyred father. Ma’an reported that mother and child are well.

Jaradat was from the town of Sair north of al-Khalil, and was killed in Megiddo prison as a result of torture, according to his autopsy report. Dalal Jaradat was interviewed at the time about her experience of his arrest and murder:

Report: Imprisoned PLC member Al-Tal denied medicine by occupation prisons

al-talThe Palestinian Information Centre reported that the Ofer prison administration deprived detained MP Mohammed Al-Tal of his medicine as punishment for refusing to go to the prison clinic.

The detainee’s wife said that her husband refused to go to the clinic for medical tests to protest the renewal of his administrative detention for the second time.

She said that Mohammed suffers from diabetes and hypertension and should take medication for both diseases on daily basis.

The wife said that Mohammed was deprived of his medication for eight days which puts his life at great risk.

The Israeli occupation authorities arrested the MP, from Al-Khalil, on 4/2/2013 and held him in administrative detention for four months then renewed his custody recently for the second time.

Palestinian hunger strikers suffering medical crises, pledge to continue strike

hungerdignity (1)The four long-term hunger strikers protesting their administrative detention – Ayman al-Tabeesh, Adel Hareebat, Ayman Hamdan and Imad Batran, said on July 1 that they will not stop their hunger strike until their administrative detention orders are cancelled.

Palestinian lawyer Hanan al-Khatib reported that Adel Hareebat, who has been on hunger strike for 40 days, suffers from lung problems, high blood pressure and now uses a wheelchair to move. Hareebat began his strike on May 23, 2013; he is a former prisoner who was arrested 4 times and served a total of 9 years in prison. He is currently held without charge under administrative detention.

Ayman al-Tabeesh, who has also been on hunger strike for 40 days, is suffering from heart problems.

Both al-Tabeesh and Hareebat are currently held in the Ramle prison clinic.

Ayman Hamdan, who has been striking for 65 days, and Imad Batran, who has been striking for 56 days, are currently held at Assaf Soroka Hospital. They are denied any access to news or media. They have 6 guards with them inside their room and are handcuffed to their hospital beds by their right hands and left feet.

Palestinian cartoonist Mohammed Saba’aneh released after 5 month sentence

sabaanehreleasePalestinian cartoonist Mohammed Saba’aneh was released from occupation prisons today, July 1, after a five-month sentence for “contact with a hostile organization,” taken to refer to his advocacy to support Palestinian political prisoners and his communication with a Jordanian book publisher to publish a book of his cartoons.

Saba’aneh was detained on February 16 while crossing the Allenby Bridge checkpoint from Jordan after returning from a conference for his work at the Arab American University.

Saba’aneh’s work has been widely published and shared on facebook, twitter, blogs and websites. (See his work at Mondoweiss: http://mondoweiss.net/2013/04/palestinian-cartoonist-sentenced.html)

