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Askelan prisoners to boycott prison clinic

pal-prisMa’an reported that Palestinians held in Israel’s Ashkelon jail will boycott the prison clinic beginning on Sunday, June 23, in protest over medical neglect, the PA detainee affairs ministry said Friday.

A ministry lawyer said in a statement that detainees had made 11 complaints against the doctor in Ashkelon prison clinic.

The prison doctor refused proper treatment to sick detainees, mocked them and mistreated them, detainees informed the lawyer in a letter.

Tension is high in the prison due to frequent, intensive searches and cell raids by prison guards.

The detainees called on human rights organizations to intervene to help prisoners, particularly those who are sick, the lawyer added.

Palestinian youth from Jerusalem imprisoned in occupation jail

The Palestine Information Centrechild-prisoners1 reported on June 20 that an Israeli military court ordered the imprisonment of a Jerusalemite child from Alezariya, to the south east of Jerusalem.

Local sources said on Thursday that the 14-year-old child Mohammed Al-Mikahal was also fined 2000 shekels for throwing firebombs at Israeli targets.

Meanwhile, Jawad Siyam, the director of Wadi Hilwa information center, charged the Israeli occupation authority with trying to recruit Jerusalemite children as informants.

Describing the attempts as a rising phenomenon, Siyam said that even families of the victims try to cover up for their sons fearing social retribution.

Siyam told the PIC that the IOA was exploiting the economic conditions to recruit the children and even the adults.

Ahrar Centre: Nine Female Prisoners in Israeli Jails Without Trials

free-prisonersAhrar center for Prisoners studies and human rights confirmed that sixteen women prisoners are held in Hasharon prison including nine prisoners without trials.

Director of the Ahrar Center, Fuad Al-Khuffash said that being prisoner without trial for long time is a difficult thing, adding that the female prisoner is forced to transfer by the “Bostah” from the prison to the court lasted about to 3 days handcuffed and blindfolded.

Al-Khuffash added that the female prisoners called many times to be transferred by special cars instead of the “Bostah”, but, the Israeli occupation refused that.

The female prisoners who are hold without trials are: prisoner Ayat Yousef Mahfoth from Hebron city, who was arrested on 4/2/2013, prisoner Nawal Sa’ed Asa’di from Jenin city, who was arrested on 5/11/2012, Muna Hussein Qa’dan from Arrabah town near Jenin city who was arrested on 13/11/2012, prisoner Alaa Qasem Abu Zayton from Nablus city who was arrested on 9/2/2013, prisoner Tahrir al-Qanni from Kofor Qallel, who was arrested on 12/5/2013, prisoner Hiba Bdiar, from Bethlehem, who was arrested on 2/4/2013, prisoner Naheel Abu Aisheh from Al-Khalil, who was arrested on 14/3/2013 and prisoner Donia Derar, from Tulkarem, who was arrested on 2/5/2013.

Report: 18 Palestinians kidnapped by occupation forces

The International Middle East Media Centre reported on Wednesday, June 19 that Palestinian sources have reported that Israeli soldiers kidnapped a total of 18 Palestinians in different parts of the occupied West Bank.

soldiersgasssThe army invaded the West Bank districts of Jenin, Nablus, Hebron, and occupied East Jerusalem, broke into and searched dozens of homes, and kidnapped 18 Palestinians.

Three Palestinians were kidnapped from Qabalan village, near the northern West bank city of Nablus, three more were kidnapped in Jenin, six in the Al-Arroub refugee camp north of Hebron, Ath-Thaheriyya and Doura, south of Hebron, and five in occupied Jerusalem.

Israeli soldiers invaded on Wednesday at dawn [June 19 2013] the northern West Bank city of Jenin, and two nearby villages, broke into and searched several homes and kidnapped four Palestinians. One resident was kidnapped in the Al-Arroub refugee camp, in Hebron.

Local sources in Jenin have reported that the army kidnapped two Palestinians identified as Mo’taz Awni Abu Alia, 20, and Mohammad Akram As-Sabe’, 21, after breaking into their homes and violently searching them.

Soldiers also invaded the home of resident Fawzi Ahmad As-Sa’dy, and searched it.

A number of soldiers fired gas bombs and concussion grenades at local protesters leading to several injuries.

The sources added that the soldiers destroyed doors of 10 stores at the Industrial Zone in Jenin, and violently searched them.

The army also invaded ‘Aneen village, west of Jenin, and kidnapped one resident, identified as Ali Yassin, 20, after breaking into his home.

Furthermore, several armored military jeeps invaded the nearby town of Arraba town, and kidnapped one resident identified as Kamal Mazin Ezzeddeen, 33, after violently breaking into and searching his home.

The soldiers also broke into the homes of two residents identified as Kamal Mazin Ezeddeen and Baker Mohammad Abu Obeid, and searched them.

Also on Wednesday at dawn, dozens of soldiers invaded the Al-Arroub refugee camp, north of the southern West Bank city of Hebron, and kidnapped one resident identified as Adam Abu Ghazi before taking him to an unknown destination.

The soldiers also invaded the nearby towns of Sa’ir and Halhoul, stopped and searched several vehicles, and inspected the ID cards of dozens of residents.

On Tuesday at night, soldiers invaded Teqoua’ village, near the West Bank city of Bethlehem, and clashed with local youths who hurled stones at them.

The army also installed a roadblock close to the Al-Khader town, near Bethlehem, and searched dozens of vehicles while interrogating the residents.

Also on Tuesday at night, a number of military vehicles invaded Qabalan town, southeast of the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia, and kidnapped three Palestinians.

Palestinian law student sentenced to 23 months in occupation prison

224577_345x230Palestinian student Ismail Najib Farraj, 21, was sentenced to 23 months imprisonment and a fine of $3,000 shekels on charges of membership in a prohibited organization (the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) and participation in resistance to the occupation.

Ismail Farraj was arrested 20 months ago, a second-year law student at Palestine Ahliya University College in Bethlehem.

Hearing for hunger striker Tabeesh postponed; Batran unable to attend due to health


One of Mohammad Sabaaneh's cartoons in support of Palestinian prisoners, holding the light of freedom

The occupation court in Ofer prison postponed the hearing of Ayman Tabeesh today, Wednesday, June 19, who has been on hunger strike for 28 days in protest of the extension of his administrative detention order. The hearing was re-scheduled for June 24 to consider Tabeesh’s appeal. Emad Batran, who has been on hunger strike since May 7, was also scheduled to have a hearing at Ofer Military Court today; however, Batran could not attend due to the decline in his health. Batran is also being held under administrative detention, without charge or trial.

It was also reported by lawyer Hanan Khatib that the striking prisoners’ health is deteriorating rapidly. Ayman Hamdan, who has been on hunger strike for 53 days, is vomiting blood and has lost 19 kg of his body weight, and has extreme fatigue, difficulty walking and standing. Adel Hareebat, who has been on hunger strike for 28 days, has lung problems and is short of breath and now uses a wheelchair.


4 additional prisoners join hunger strike + new statement from Addameer

addameerlogoAs 4 additional Palestinian prisoners joined a series of individual hunger strikes, a number of long-term hunger strikers were transferred to hospital.

Emad Batran, who has been on hunger strike for 43 days, was transferred to Shaare Zedek hospital in Jerusalem, while Muhammad Rimawi and Hamza Othman, both Jordanian prisoners on strike for 48 days, were transferred to Soroka hospital in Bir Saba.

The four new hunger strikers are: Mohammed Tabeesh, who has been striking for 6 days; Ghassan Aliyan, who has been on strike for 9 days; Husam Matir, who has been striking for 18 days; and Iyad Abu Khadeer, whose sentence has expired but Israel refuses to release him.

They join Ayman Hamdan, Emad Batran, Ayman Tabeesh (brother of Mohammed), Adel Hareebat, Abdallah Barghouthi, Muhammad Rimawi, Hamza Othman, Alaa Hamad, and Muneer Mar’i.

More details and updates on all of their situations are provided in the below report from Addameer:

Highest number of individual hunger strikers since last year, as 4 Palestinian political prisoners begin the battle for their rights

Occupied Ramallah, 18 June 2013 – Individual hunger strikes of Palestinian political prisoners have escalated dramatically since the beginning of 2013, with over 33 prisoners engaging in hunger strikes for various reasons. This week, Addameer has confirmed that four new prisoners have started hunger strikes. Currently, there are 13 prisoners on hunger strike in the Occupation’s prisons, the highest number of individual hunger strikers in over a year.

Our latest update from our lawyers confirms that many hunger strikers have been moved to different hospitals, and their locations are currently unknown. Previously, several of the hunger strikers were held in isolation. Some of the prisoners are refusing lawyers visits due to the Israel Prison Service forcing them to keep their legs shackled during the lawyers visit. These policies serve to further isolate the prisoners on hunger strike and pressure them to end their strikes without gaining their rights.

Ayman Hamdan, Imad Batran, Ayman Tabeesh and Adel Hareebat are on hunger strike in protest of their administrative detention orders. Ayman Hamdan has been on hunger strike for 52 days. He is held in isolation in Ofer Prison. Imad Batran has been on hunger strike for 43 days and was transferred from isolation in Ofer Prison to Ramleh Hosptial and is currently in an unknown location. Ayman Tabeesh has been on hunger strike for 27 days in protest of the 4 month extension of his administrative detention order. He arrived to Ramleh Prison Hospital yesterday. Mohammad Tabeesh, who was sentenced to 18 months after serving a 2.5 month administrative detention order, started a solidarity strike with his brother Ayman 6 days ago. According to the Tabeesh family, Mohammad was subjected to severe beatings by the prison guards upon announcing his strike.

Adel Hareebat, who has been on hunger strike for 27 days, is protesting the extension of his administrative detention for an additional 6 months. Adel has served 10 years in prison, 3 of them under administrative detention. He was moved from isolation in Ofer Prison to Ramleh Prison Hospital due to his deteriorating health condition. He is suffering from lung cysts, continued fainting and dizziness. Initially, he refused treatment in the Ofer Prison Clinic due to the Israeli Prison Service insisting on shackling his hands and legs during the clinic visit. He is currently on a total hunger strike and only drinking water according to his family.

Twenty-two year old Ghassan Aliyan from Aida Refugee Camp in Bethlehem has been on hunger strike for 9 days in protest of his re-arrest. Ghassan was first arrested in 2007 at the age of 16. He served five years of a six year sentence before his sentence was commuted in the prisoners exchange and he was released in the second phase of the 2011 prisoner’s exchange. Because he was released in a prisoner exchange, Ghassan may be subjected to Article 186 of Military Order 1651, which allows for an Israeli military committee to restore the remainder of his previous sentence, regardless of the current reason of his arrest. Ayman Sharawna and Samer Issawi, who both endured long-term hunger strikes in 2012/2013 were both subjected to this law and faced serving over 20 years each. There are currently 13 prisoners who are held under Article 186 that can potentially serve the remainder of their sentences, which range from 1 to 30 years.

Husam Matir has been on hunger strike for 18 days to demand he be treated as a prisoner of war (POW). Husam, 25 years old, from Jerusalem, was arrested on 19 October 2007 and is serving a life sentence. Currently, Israel does not consider any Palestinian prisoners POWs. Classification as a POW for those who engaged in armed battle during the intifada is consistently a request during hunger strikes that has not been granted by the prison administration . According to the 3rd Geneva Convention, prisoners of war are granted special rights in regards to shelter, clothing, food, hygiene and medical care as well as treatment, such as not standing for headcount, or treatment as a criminal prisoner.

Iyad Abu Khadeer from Gaza is currently engaging in a hunger strike according to his family, due to the Occupation refusing to release him despite the expiration of his sentence. Iyad has served eight years in prison, and the prison administration claims that they will not release him due to his lack of identification papers that confirm he is from Gaza. He is currently held in Naqab Prison.

Five Jordanian prisoners, including Abdallah Barghouthi, have been on hunger strike for 48 days in protest of their denial of family visits and the condition of their detention. The Jordanian prisoners are Mohammad Rimawi, Hamza Othman, Munir Mar’ee, Alaa Hamad. All have been transferred to various hospitals. Hamza Othman, who Addameer’s lawyer was able to visit hours before his transfer to Suroka Hospital, has stopped taking vitamins, sugars and salts for five days and has a deteriorating health condition. He suffers from severe headaches, dizziness, dehydration, and decreased heart rate.

The increase in individual hunger strikes that do not yield any sustainable results or agreements with the prison administration speaks to the prison administration’s apathy towards the prisoner’s health and their rights. Addameer calls on the international diplomatic community, who has largely remained silent as the hunger strikes continue to escalate, to put effective pressure on the Occupation’s authorities to reach just agreements with the prisoners on hunger strike, release those who are held under administration without charge or trial, and comply with international law in regards to the prison conditions and the rights of the prisoners.

Halahleh moved to Hadassah hospital after decline in his health

thaer-halahlehPalestinian prisoner Thaer Halahleh was moved to Hadassah hospital following further deterioration in his health, said Amjad Najjar, the director of the Palestinian Prisoners Club in Hebron, quoting the occupation prison administration at Ofer prison.

Halahleh, who was released last June after a 77-day hunger strike conducted with fellow administrative detainee Bilal Diab, was re-arrested in April. Once again he has not been charged; Halahleh has been arrested eight times and served six and one half years in Israeli prisons. He has never been charged with a crime or tried; at all times he has been held without charges or under administrative detention.

Halahleh was told by a doctor in Ofer prison after his re-arrest that he had contracted Hepatitis C. Halahleh was not ill before being imprisoned. During a dental operation at Askelan prison, non-sterile tools were used, and it is believed that this instance of medical malpractice is when Halahleh contracted the blood-borne illness.

Report: Five Palestinians Kidnapped In West Bank

kidnapsafaThe International Middle East Media Centre reported that Israeli soldiers kidnapped late on Monday night, June 17, and early Tuesday June 18, five Palestinians, including one child, in different parts of the occupied West Bank.

Dozens of soldiers invaded Surif and Beit Ummar towns, the Al-Arroub refugee camp, and Beit Ar-Rosh At-Tihta village, in the southern West Bank district of Hebron, broke into and violently searched several homes.

Local sources have reported that the army kidnapped two Palestinians, identified as Saher Amro, 15, and Ahmad Amro, 25, in Beit Ar-Rosh At-Tihta, and took them to an unknown destination.

Furthermore, soldiers installed a number of roadblocks at the Halhoul Bridge north of Hebron, and at the entrance of the Al-Fawwar refugee camp, south of the city, stopped and searched dozens of vehicles and interrogated several residents.

Several armored military jeeps also invaded the Marah Rabah village, south of the West Bank city of Bethlehem, and kidnapped one resident identified as Ali Mahmoud Sheikh, 29, after invading his home.

Two more Palestinians were kidnapped, late on Monday at night, at the Za’tara roadblock south of the northern West bank city of Nablus.

The two, identified as Moayyad Yousef Omar, and his brother Hasan, were kidnapped while heading back home from work. They are from the Al-Jaroushiyya village, near the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem.

Palestinian prisoner Ahmad al-Saadi held in solitary confinement in Shata prison

prison-chainsAhmad Abdullah al-Saadi, 31, a Palestinian prisoner from Jenin, is being held in Shata prison in solitary confinement under a pretext of being a “threat to Israeli security,” reported prisoners inside the prison in a Ma’an News report. According to prisoners, Saadi was held in Ramon prison and was transferred in February 2013 to Jalama interrogation centre, where he was interrogated for over one month and accused of attempting to coordinate the capture of an Israeli soldier from inside the prison. He denied the allegations, was returned to Ramon prison and two months later, on May 21, was transferred to Shata prison and has been held in solitary confinement since that time.

The prisoners said that Saadi’s isolation is an attempt by the Shin Bet security service to retaliate against Saadi for his refusal to confess in interrogation, saying that Saadi had been threatened during interrogation with the arrest of his mother and family; he has been prohibited from family visits for a year.

His family also appealed to human rights organizations to intervene in Saadi’s case; his mother said that Saadi suffered from a spinal injury and severe stomach ulcers and is not receiving necessary medical treatment in accordance with international medical standards.