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Long-term administrative detainee Eyad Shabaneh released

eyad-shahbanehAhrar Centre reported that the Israeli Occupation Authority (IOA) released the dean of the administrative detainees Eyad Hussein Shabaneh, 33, from the city of al-Khalil, who is considered the longest-term administrative detainee in the Israeli prisons.

The center said that the captive Eyad Shabaneh was arrested many times previously; he was arrested on 28/12/2010. Shabaneh is a liberated detainee who was arrested four times and spent five years in Israeli occupation jails. He was deprived from family visits.

Shabaneh has a bachelor’s degree from Polytechnic University and he is the father of a child who was only five months old when his father was arrested.

Reports: Palestinian man kidnapped from Egypt by occupation forces

Ma’an reported that Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad abducted a Palestinian man in Egypt where he was receiving medical treatment, a source close to the family told Ma’an on Sunday, June 23.

The source said Wael Abu Reida, 27, from the Khan Younis refugee camp, was taken to an Israeli detention center following the abduction.

The family received several phone calls saying Abu Reida had been taken by Mossad and was being held in Israel, the source said.

Abu Reida was in Egypt with his wife for medical treatment and was taken from Sinai, the source added.

The family have notified the International Committee for the Red Cross to locate Abu Reida to verify his locations.

Four Palestinian children seized in Qalqilya by occupation soldiers

The Independent Middle East Media Centre reported that local sources in Azzoun village, east of the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia, have reported that dozens of Israeli soldiers invaded the village, on Sunday at dawn [June 23 2013], and kidnapped four children.

The sources said that the army broke into several homes, and violently searched them, before kidnapping four children identified as Monther Salim, 14, Mahdi Ayman Majd, 15, Abdul-Karim Hussein, 16, and Maher Hasan Abu Tneina, 16.

The kidnapped children have been cuffed and blindfolded, before the army took them to an unknown destination.

In related news, soldiers stationed at the Container Roadblock, north of Bethlehem, kidnapped on Sunday evening, one Palestinian identified as Yousef Ahmad Abu Hashem, 19, from Beit Ummar town, north of the southern West Bank city of Hebron.

The recent attacks are part of daily Israeli military violations against the Palestinians and their property in different parts of the occupied territories.

Ahmed Hamdan – brother of Ayman – joins open-ended hunger strike; Abdullah Barghouthi assaulted

al-_brghoooootheee_340_230Ahmed Hamdan, the brother of prisoner Ayman Hamdan, a Palestinian man held in administrative detention by the Israeli occupation who has been on hunger strike for 58 days, has launched an open strike in solidarity with his brother, reported the Palestinian Prisoners Society.

Ahmed, 23, is also held in administrative detention in Ofer prison without charge or trial, announced that he was joining the strike.

Abdullah Barghouthi, one of five prisoners holding Jordanian citizenship on hunger strike since May 2, sentenced to 67 life sentences, reported that he was assaulted in Afula hospital, where he is being held by prison guards. The other four Jordanian hunger strikers are in Soroka hospital.

Palestinian prisoner at risk of losing his eyesight, family appeals for international support

adel-shanyourThe Palestinian Information Centre reported that the family of a Palestinian prisoner appealed to international human rights organizations to shoulder their responsibilities and take serious action to save captive Adel Shanyour, aged 64, who may lose his eyesight at any moment.

Shanyour family, from the town of Dhahiriya in the southern West Bank district of al-Khalil, called on Doctors Without Borders, the WHO and other human rights bodies concerned with Palestinian prisoners affairs to immediately intervene and exert pressure on the occupation to compel it to stop the deliberate policy of medical neglect against prisoners in its jails.

Captive Shanyour has lost sight in his right eye in 2009 in the Israeli jails, and now he started to have problems in his other eye and needs a surgery, while the prison administration continues to refuse to offer him the necessary treatment.

The occupation arrested the elderly man on November 21, last year, and directly moved him to the administrative detention. Shanyour had earlier served 12 years in the Israeli jails.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Center reported that detainee Bahaa Hisham Sorour, from al-Khalil, has started five days ago an open hunger strike, in protest against his administrative detention.

Sorour, held in Ashkelon jail, is a liberated prisoner who spent five years in Israeli administrative detention. He was re-arrested on the 10th of this month.

New book documents the Palestinian prisoners of the Nakba

booasra_340_230The Institute for Palestine Studies in Beirut recently released a new book in Arabic on Palestinian detainees and the first Israeli prisons, 1948-1949, by professor Mustafa Kabha and writer Wadih Awawdeh. The book deals with the documentation and analysis of the detention camps created by Zionist and then Israeli forces who captured Palestinians and Arabs during the Nakba and the occupation of Palestinian towns and villages in 1948.

The book includes original research as well as archival materials from the Israeli archives and the Red Cross archives, books and diaries by some of those who were in prison, and dozens of oral histories and interviews with detainees who were still alive during the research.

The book examines the labour camps created by Israeli authorities for the detainees as a starting point and a landmark in the relationship between Palestinians in ’48 and the institutions of the state since this critical phase.

The book documents the arrests of thousands of Palestinians, including those who participated in military resistance and those who did not, as well as the motivation of the incoming Zionist state to establish a structure of prisons, attempt to suppress Palestinian resistance, and attempt to break the will of the Palestinians that remained on the land after mass displacement and ethnic cleansing, through forced labour. The prisoners’ testimonies carry a heavy burden of pain and psychological wounds from their experiences; the testimonies recall beatings, abuse, hunger and deprivation. Despite the importance of the issue, these testimonies have not been prominent in Palestinian narratives and have been largely ignored by Israeli historians, old and “new.” The book aims to fill a gap in this awareness and document Palestinian oral testimony as the primary source in the writing of Palestinian history.

103 pre-Oslo “Old Prisoners” still held in occupation prisons

VeteranPrisonsers_PPPAAbdel Nasser Ferwana, Palestinian researcher and former prisoner, said that the list of “Old Prisoners,” the term used to describe Palestinian prisoners held since prior to the Oslo Accords and their implementation date of May 4, 1994, includes 103 prisoners from various regions of Palestine still held in Israeli prisons. Ferwana said that 57 of the veteran prisoners are from the West Bank;
23 are from Gaza; 14 are from 1948 Palestine; and 9 from occupied Jerusalem.

He noted that among this group, 79 are serving one or more life sentences and the rest are serving sentences ranging from 20-40 years. 82 have been held for over 20 years and are referred to as “deans of the prisoners,” and 24 have been held for over 25 years and are referred to as “generals of steadfastness.”

Palestinian academic Shabaneh’s administrative detention renewed

shabanaPalestinian academic Zainadeen Shabaneh, lecturer at the Polytechnic University of al-Khalil (Hebron), was sentenced to an additional five months of administrative detention on June 23, reported Ahrar centre for Prisoners Studies. He was arrested on February 3, 2013 and has been held under administrative detention since that time at Negev prison.

Shabaneh is a former prisoner who spent over 11 years in occupation prisons, said Fuad al-Khuffash of Ahrar Centre, who pointed out that the targeting of Palestinian academics for administrative detention without charge or trial is an ongoing policy of the occupation. Four other Palestinian university professors are currently held in administrative detention, Dr. Ahmed Qatamesh, Dr. Mohammed Ghazal, Mr. Mustafa Al-Shunnar, and Dr Mohammad. El-Sayyed.

Jordanian prisoners enter 53rd day of hunger strike

hungerstrikePolitical prisoners with Jordanian citizenship in occupation prisons entered their 53rd day of ongoing hunger strike on June 23, protesting their continued detention, ill-treatment and dire health and living conditions they face in Israeli prisons, and the denial of family visits.

The detainees are demanding Israel either to release them or to transfer them to Jordan to serve their terms there, as stated by the Wadi ‘Araba Agreement signed between Jordan and Israel in 1994.

The striking detainees are also demanding Israel to reveal the fate and location of twenty missing Jordanians, and to transfer the remains of slain Jordanian, buried in the Numbers Graveyard, back to Jordan.

The five striking prisoners are Abdullah Barghouthi, Mohammad Rimawi, Hamza Othman, Munir Mar’ee and Alaa Hamad. Barghouthi is currently in hospital in Afula, and Rimawi, Othman, Mar’ee and Hamad are in Soroka Hospital. Barghouthi has reported sleep deprivation being used against him, as well as prison guards taunting him with food.

Recent protests in support of the Jordanian prisoners have taken place in Jordan, as well as in Nablus and Ramallah.

Palestinian prisoner Iyad Abu Fannoun to be deported to Gaza

abu-fannounPalestinian political prisoner Iyad Abu Fannoun will be deported to Gaza by order of the Ofer military court, said his lawyer Ahlam Haddad on Thursday, June 20, 2013. Abu Fannoun, 35 years old, is from Battir village in Bethlehem, in the West Bank.

Abu Fannoun was released from occupation prisons after serving 9 years of his original 29-year sentence in the prisoner exchange of October 2011. He was re-arrested by the Israeli military on April 20, 2012. He was threatened to be sentenced to his original sentence period to serve another 20 years in Israeli prisons.

When Abu Fannoun, who was accused of membership in Hamas and its military wing, threatened to go on hunger strike, he was presented by the Ofer court with two options: deportation to Gaza for 10 years or imprisonment for 20 years. The forced deportation will be implemented in one month.

Long-term hunger striker Ayman Sharawna was forcibly deported to Gaza in March 2013, following upon forced deportations to Gaza in the prisoner exchange of October 2011 and the deportation of hunger striker Hana Shalabi.

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights has highlighted examples of forced deportation practiced against Palestinians, including “the deportation of 40 Palestinian prisoners to other countries, and 163 others to the Gaza Strip in the context of the prisoners swap deal between Palestinian resistance groups and IOF, under which 1,027 Palestinian prisoners were released, in exchange for the release of an Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, who had been captured by Palestinian resistance groups.” Forcible deportation is a form of collective punishment and reprisals prohibited under the Fourth Geneva Convention,  particularly Article 49 which prohibits “individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or nott,” notes PCHR, which has repeatedly called for deported or displaced Palestinian former prisoners to return to their homes.