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Updates: Addameer lawyers barred from visits, prisoners fined and arbitrarily transferred, hundreds more join strike

Addameer, the Palestinian Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association reported today that all of Addameer’s lawyers continue to be barred from visiting prisoners on hunger strike, with the excuse that the prison is in a “state of emergency.” Addameer lawyers have been repeatedly blocked from visits with prisoners on hunger strike, in the current strike and former strikes. Addameer also reported that 3 additional hunger strike leaders have been moved into isolation in Bir Saba prison as part of the ongoing policy of isolation and retaliation against hunger strikers.

Addameer also reported that prisoners are being fined 250-300 NIS (New Israeli Shekels) daily for their participation in the hunger strike. Despite these repressive measures, 150 prisoners in Ofer and 50 prisoners in Mejiddo joined the over 2000 Palestinian prisoners on ongoing strike on April 29. 30 of the prisoners in Ofer were then transferred to unknown locations. Sudki al-Maqd, the longest-held Syrian prisoner from the Golan Heights, who has served 25 years in occupation jails, joined the strike along with 15 Palestinian prisoners from occupied Palestine ’48, including Hafez Kundus and Mahmoud Jabarin, who are held in Gilboa prison, also joined the strike.

Member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, Palestinian prisoner and hunger striker Ahmed Haj Ali was transferred from Mejiddo to Shata on Sunday, April 29. Haj Ali is being held under administrative detention, and has been denied several lawyer visits in recent days while engaging in hunger strike. His son issued a statement through the Change and Reform legislative bloc, noting that his father is elderly and his health fragile, and saluting all of the striking prisoners.

Addameer also reported that a number of hunger strikers from Mejiddo were transferred to Shata prison, while strikers from Shata were transferred to Gilboa prison, and Ahrar Centre also reported that the prisoners in Section 5 of Mejiddo prison were transferred to the rest of the sections, seemingly to transfer prisoners from Gilboa to Mejiddo. Fuad al-Khfash of Ahrar Centre said that all of these mechanisms are designed to repress, confuse and fatigue the prisoners as they are physically weakened through hunger strike.

Daily London protests in solidarity with hunger strikers

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (UK) has announced daily pickets, from Monday through Saturday, at Whitehall opposite Downing Street in London, from 6-7 pm, calling for pressure on the British government to act to end administrative detention. Join the Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/350372708344652/

May 3: Protest at Ramleh Prison Hospital in Israel

Thursday, May 3 at 5:30 pm, there will be a mass protest outside Ramleh Prison Hospital inside Israel. There is a call-out to all in occupied Palestine 48 and Jerusalem to join in this protest, to let the prisoners on hunger strike hear your voices as they are chained to their hospital beds. Let them know that you stand with them in this fight.


Khader Adnan calls for urgent action as Diab and Halahleh’s health declines

Freed prisoner Khader Adnan called out for emergency night marches and rallies in support of Bilal Diab and Thaer Halaleh, following reports that Bilal and Thaer’s health has deteriorated greatly as they enter their 63rd day of hunger strike. Jawad Boulos of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society reported that Bilal Diab fainted suddenly today during a legal visit at the prison hospital.

Diab issued a statement, saying “We call upon all of the progressive forces of the world and all of our people who care for our national cause, and ask all human rights organizations and medical associations to urgently visit Ramle prison hospital to see with their own eyes the untold suffering around the clock. I thank all who have stood with us in the battle of the flesh and the sword…On day 63 of the hunger strike, I am aware that I am in the final phase of this battle of “biting the fingers” and that we are holding our position seriously and responsibly….I will continue the strike until freedom or martyrdom.”

Boulos also reported that Thaer Halahleh, also in Ramle prison hospital, had been kept on the hospital floor for five hours, and was cursed and threatened by the on-call physician, who wished him dead, and then briefly transfered to a hospital off-site before being returned to Ramle. Halahleh is feverish, vomiting bile and bleeding from the mouth. He called upon the United Nations to act, saying “I am in my 63rd day of hunger strike, I call on you for immediate intervention to save life in the face of the danger of imminent death at any moment. According to doctors, I am aching all over my body and have lost my immune system. Before it is too late, end continued administrative detention against me and all prisoners held without charge. This is contrary to international law, and you consider yourselves protectors and observers for their implementation, and ask states to apply the Geneva Conventions. Why do you not ask this of the occupier Israel, is this state a state above international law that is not held accountable for its crimes? Is it not your motto that human rights are most precious?”

The Prisoners Society also reported that hunger striker Muhammad Halas was moved to the prison hospital after 12 days without food, while Ahrar Centre for Prisoners Studies director Fuad al-Khafsh said, as reported by the Palestine Information Centre, that hunger striker Mohammed Suleiman al-Aruri’s health is deteriorating, as he is not only on hunger strike since April 12 but also refusing medications for Thalassaemia, to protest his confinement under administrative detention. He emphasized the seriousness of al-Aruri’s medical state, saying that he must be released immediately in order to receive treatment, and called for international attention to his case. Aruri’s administrative detention was extended a third time with no charge or trial on the 5th of April, prompting his strike. He has been denied family visits and Red Cross doctor’s visits since 2011.

Women’s activist on hunger strike in solidarity with prisoners

Amal Abu Sbeitan, a feminist activist in Gaza who works with the Palestinian Working Women’s Association for Development, has bee on hunger strike for 10 days in solidarity with the open hunger strike of Palestinian prisoners since April 17, as reported by Ma’an. Abu Sbeitan, of Deir al-Balah camp in the Gaza Strip, has three children and is deeply involved in organizing marches and solidarity tents with the prisoners, seeking to organize other women to build solidarity with the prisoners. She said that her strike was to protest the silence and weakness of official and public support of the prisoners’ struggle.

Abu Sbeitan said that she will continue her open hunger strike alongside the prisoners and called for action in all international forums, saying that Israel spent millions of dollars advocating for Gilad Shalit, while we have nameless thousands of prisoners who are unknown. “We must promote them and their cause everywhere in the world,” she said, “particularly Western media where little is known.”

Palestinian leader Ahmad Sa’adat transferred to Ramle prison hospital from isolation in Ramon

Act now to defend the prisoners’ lives: click here to take action!

Ramon prison management transferred hunger striking Palestinian prisoner and leader, Ahmad Sa’adat to Ramle prison hospital on Sunday, April 29. Sa’adat is General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and has been in isolation for over three years in Ramon prison. He has been on hunger strike since April 17 with now over 2000 Palestinian prisoners.

PFLP prisoners were previously offered that Sa’adat’s isolation would be ended in exchange for them ending their hunger strike, which the prisoners refused, saying they are committed to achieving the full demands of the strike in unity with all prisoners, including ending all isolation, ending administrative detention, and supporting rights to family visits, education and media for prisoners.

Sa’adat has lost 6 kilograms so far on this hunger strike, which comes only short months after his last extended hunger strike, from September 27-October 20, calling for an end to isolation and solitary confinement. Hundreds of prisoners joined this strike, which ended with false Israeli promises to end isolation which were then ignored following the prisoner exchange. Sa’adat lost tens of kilograms during the previous strike.

Sa’adat was abducted in 2006 from the Palestinian Authority’s Jericho prison, where he had been held with five other prisoners, including four of his comrades under US and British guard since 2002. His imprisonment had been ruled illegal by the Palestinian High Court and he was elected to the Palestinian Legislative Council while held in Jericho. On March 16, 2006, Israeli occupation forces attacked the prison and abducted Sa’adat and his fellow prisoners. He is now one of 19 Palestinian prisoners in isolation.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a statement in response to the news that Sa’adat has been transferred to the prison hospital, saying that the PFLP “holds the occupation government fully responsible for any consequences to the life of General Secretary Sa’adat and all of the heroic prisoners fighting the battle of open hunger strike in order to meet their just demands, particularly ending solitary confinement. We have great pride in national leader Ahmad Sa’adat, who is locked in the battle of open hunger strike….we confirm our full support of the prisoners’ movement strike…and we call for the widest movement on all levels to support the prisoners in their strike in the prisons of the occupation and force their demands to be accepted.”

A press conference was held on Sunday evening at Wattan Media Centre in Ramallah to draw attention to Sa’adat’s health situation. Khalida Jarrar, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council with the PFLP, said that “the prisoners on hunger strike must not be harmed. The occupation state knows very well that our people are capable of protecting and responding to dangerous threats to our prisoners and leaders.” She called on Palestinian political leaders to act immediately and rapidly to protect the prisoners, and to immediately end all forms of security cooperation with the occupation. She also called for Arab countries that have ties with the occupation state to break them immediately and expel the ambassadors of the occupation.

Jarrar said that Sa’adat was transferred without anyone’s knowledge to the prison hospital, something only discovered when a lawyer sought to visit with him at Ramon prison. She also noted particular concern for the health of the brave strikers Thaer Halahleh and Bilal Diab, who have been on hunger strike for 62 days. She noted that isolation is one of the most urgent reasons for the strike, saying that it is one of the most dangerous actions by the Prison Service against leaders, including Mahmoud Issa who has been isolated since 2002.

Abla Sa’adat, Sa’adat’s wife, said that her husband would not end its strike until its goals were achieved including ending solitary confinement and allowing family visits for prisoners from Gaza that have been prohibited for six years. Sa’adat spoke about her husband’s last message, emphasizing the need for unity to support the prisoners. She expressed serious concern for her husband’s life, noting that this is his second time on hunger strike in six months. She called for the Palestinian people and their supporters everywhere to join in events and actions in support of the prisoners, saying that such action is important to the success of the strike.

Issa Qaraqe, the Minister of Prisoners’ and Detainees’ Affairs, called for the UN General Assembly to convene a special session to take up the case of the prisoners. He noted that the Israeli government is fully responsible for the humanitarian disaster that may come to the prisoners and that the occupation state is committing crimes against prisoners through arbitrary laws and racist, unjust, cruel and inhumane treatment. He said that the strike would continue to grow in the next week, which would bring an explosion to the Palestinian streets.

Act now to defend the prisoners’ lives: click here to take action!

MP Jamal al-Natshe at health risk + Ill prisoners join in food and medicine strike

Over 2000 Palestinian prisoners in occupation jails are now participating in an open-ended hunger strike that started April 17, and has been going on for 13 days. These prisoners join 8 other prisoners engaged in extended hunger strikes, including Bilal Diab and Thaer Halahleh, who have now been on hunger strike for 62 days, and Hassan Safadi, who has been on hunger strike for 55 days.

24 Palestinian prisoners in the prison hospital in Mejiddo prison announced a food and medicine strike will take place on Monday in solidarity with the rest of the prisoners who are fighting the battle of the empty stomachs in the occupation prisons for 13 days. Fuad al-Khafsh, director of the Ahrar centre for prisoners, said that “Although ill prisoners in hospital cannot physically tolerate an open-ended hunger strike, they are acting to support the prisoners’ morale and mobilize public support,” saying the prisoners are sufferin from diabetes and colon disease. Among these prisoners are journalist Nawaf al-Amer, teacher Mohammad Ghazal, and Saber Abu Assad.

The family of detained member of the Palestinian Legislative Council Mohammed Jamal Al-Natshe warned Sunday of his worsening health condition after 13 days of hunger strike in Israeli occupation jails. His wife said in a telephone conversation with the media bureau of the reform and change parliamentary bloc that her husband suffered worsening health condition as a result of the hunger strike.

She appealed to all international institutions to visit her husband in the desert prison of Nafha and to inquire about his health condition, adding that he is in need of constant medical checkup. The reform and change bloc held the Israeli occupation authority fully responsible for the life of the MP, and called for “the greatest campaign of solidarity and action y all means to highlight the issue of MP Natsheh and all deputies kidnapped in the prisons of the occupation.”

May 15-19: Vancouver commemorates Al-Nakba 64

On the 64th anniversary of the occupation of Palestine, and as the Palestinian people enter the 64th year of dispossession and exile, the Vancouver Coalition to Commemorate Al-Nakba is organizing 2 events to commemorate the Nakba, stand against the continuing Nakba, and call for the right of return for Palestinian refugees and freedom for Palestine. 64 years after the Nakba – the war of 1948 in which over 800,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes and land and the state of Israel created on that land – Palestinians continue to struggle for their right to return, for freedom from occupation, for justice, and against the Nakba that continues today.

Save the date now and plan to be part of these 2 important events! 

Tuesday, May 15
6 PM – 10 PM
Free Community Supper: Sharing Stories, Creating Resistance
Unitarian Church, 949 W. 49th St. Vancouver

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/346982315363691/

This community supper will bring together the community to share stories, creative work, and discussions about indigenous resistance, continuing Nakba, and struggles for freedom. The program will include talks by Palestinian and Indigenous activists and community members, Palestinian music, and a short film by Palestinian director Sobhi al-Zobaidi. Childcare is available. We request RSVPs for attendance, and for childcare, to nakbavancouver@gmail.com in order to ensure we have enough food! No one will be turned away.

Saturday, May 19

2 PM 
Gather at Clark Park (14th and Commercial) at 2 PM, March to Grandview Park
Rally at Grandview Park

Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/280652725354822/

March and rally commemorating the Nakba, standing against the continuing Nakba, calling for justice, freedom and return for Palestine! We will also stand against Canada’s complicity and its own genocide of indigenous people. Creative actions welcome! This is a family friendly march.

The Vancouver Coalition to Commemorate Al-Nakba includes the Alliance for People’s Health, Arab Students Association – UBC, Boycott Israeli Apartheid Campaign, Canada Palestine Association, CPSHR – Canada-Philippines Solidarity for Human Rights, Canadian Boat to Gaza, CanPalNet, Canadian Union of Postal Workers, Independent Jewish Voices, No One Is Illegal – Vancouver Unceded Coast Salish Territories, RAGA (Race, Autobiography, Gender & Age Studies) Centre at UBC, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, Seriously Free Speech Committee, Simon Fraser Public Interest Research Group (SFPIRG), Solidarity For Palestinian Human Rights-UBC (SPHR-UBC), SANSAD – South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy, Stopwar.ca. To join the coalition or for more information please contact nakbavancouver@gmail.com.To join the coalition or for more information please contact nakbavancouver@gmail.com.

Videos for these events:

Photos: April 28 protests in Edinburgh and London for Palestinian prisoners

Two major protests took place in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike on April 28, in Edinburgh, Scotland, and London, England. The Scotland protest was organized by the We Are All Hana Shalabi campaign, which earlier organized large marches in Glasgow, while the London protest was called by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (UK).

Photos from Edinburgh protest. Photos by David Mitchell and We are all Hana Shalabi:

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Photos from London protest. Photos by @nasia81, @clubkicker, @sncolborne and @rednruff on Twitter:

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Jordanian prisoner Hamza Aldababsh on hunger strike, calls for Jordanian people’s action

Jordanian prisoner in Israeli jails, Hamza Osman Aldababsh, was transferred from Mejiddo prison to Shata prison on April 27, 2012 after being strip searched and humiliated during the transfer process, in retaliation for his participation in the hunger strike in the occupaion prisons. Former prisoner Fuad al-Khafsh, director of the Ahrar Centre for Prisoners, reported that all of his clothing and belongings were confiscated, yet he continued to express his commitment to the hunger strike until the demands of the Palestinian prisoners are met. Aldababsh also said that “the depth of the conflict of the occupier is not simply a conflict between the Palestinians and Zionists, but between the whole Arab nation and this occupation.”

In his comments, he urged the Jordanian people to stand in solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike, in his message conveyed by Khafsh, saying “There is no difference between Jordanians and Palestinians, they are one people, one nation and one body, and Jordanian political prisoners in the prisons of the occupation is woven into the fabric of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement.” Hamza Aldababsh was captured in mid-July 2011 during a visit with relatives in the West Bank, kidnapped and taken to Petah Tikva where he was tortured under interrogation.