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With action in Belgium for Ahmad Sa’adat, Samidoun welcomes the Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine to the network

Photo: Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine

On Saturday, 22 January, Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine in Charleroi, Belgium, visited the Chatelineau open-air market as part of the campaign to free Ahmad Sa’adat, a leader of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement and the national liberation movement as a whole. A team of activists carried a large sign and distributed materials and information as part of the International Week of Action to free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners.

Photo: Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine

Participants distributed flyers and information, talked with vendors and passers-by and took solidarity photos in support of the campaign. The flyers urge supporters to write letters to Ahmad Sa’adat behind bars to express solidarity. Letter-writing to Palestinian prisoners both boosts the morale of the prisoners while also making it clear to the Israeli occupation that they will not be isolated from their supporters and comrades around the world.

Photo: Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine

Send letters to the following address:

Ahmad Sa’adat
Ramon prison, P.O.Box 699

With this event, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is honoured to announce that the Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine has decided to join the Samidoun Network as a member organization! For years, the Plate-forme, based in Charleroi, Belgium, has supported campaigns launched by Samidoun and disseminated articles and reports.

The Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine has been very active in mobilizing to free Georges Abdallah and all Palestinian prisoners in Belgium.

As part of its assembly on 15 January 2022, the members of Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine decided to join the network in order to make our collective work more effective.

Samidoun members around the world are very excited to work and struggle together with the Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine and increase our level of coordination and collective organizing to free all Palestinian prisoners and liberate Palestine.

To get involved and learn more about the Plate-forme, visit the Charleroi pour la Palestine website, or connect with the Plate-forme on Facebook.

We encourage all to join the Plate-forme for their next event — a meeting with Saïd Bouamama, author of the book, “L’Affaire Georges Ibrahim Abdallah.” Georges Abdallah, a Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine, has been imprisoned for over 37 years in France. Join the event on Saturday, 5 February at 5:00 pm at Livre ou Verre, Passage de la Bourse 6, in Charleroi, Belgium.

Source: Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine

Week of action to free Ahmad Sa’adat: RCG responds to Samidoun call for action

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network received the following report from the Revolutionary Communist Group on their activities across Britain for the Week of Action to free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian Prisoners, including events in London, Manchester, Glasgow, Newcastle and West London. Read the full report below: 

Supporting the call of the Samidoun network for action on the anniversary of the arrest of Palestinian revolutionary Ahmad Sa’adat, along with the Masar Badil callout for solidarity with the Naqab uprising, RCG branches mobilised across Britain to bring the message of resistance to the streets.

On 20 January, Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! (FRFI) held a demonstration in Oxford Street, central London, outside Marks and Spencers, which remains a symbol of British collaboration with the Zionist settler state of Israel. Banners and placards were held high with the clear message ‘Free Palestine’ and ‘Zionism is racism,’ as well as images of the freedom fighters and Palestinian political prisoners. Speakers on the open microphone spoke of Ahmad Sa’adat, the Birzeit University student prisoners and Nasser Abu Hamid, among the 4,650 Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli occupation gaols, including children, and over 500 in administrative detention without charge and trial.

The protest hailed the valiant hunger striker Hisham Abu Hawash and spoke of Georges Abdallah, a fighter for Palestine who himself has served over 37 years in French prisons and wrote a powerful statement demanding Ahmad Sa’adat’s release. Many passers-by stopped and joined in.

RCG supporters in Glasgow, Scotland, held a street stall on 20 January and received a lot of support from the community, with dozens of people signing a petition demanding freedom for Ahmad Sa’dat and all political prisoners as well as opposing British imperialism’s support for the Zionist state of Israel. On 22 January, supporters of FRFI in Newcastle protested outside Barclays because of its huge investments in the arms trade and support for Israel.

Also mobilising on 22 January, West London RCG/FRFI picketed businesses and banks on the British high street that support Britain’s partnership with Israel. Marks & Spencer, Holland and Barrett, Barclays and HSBC were called out for their corporate sponsorship of Israel’s oppression of the Palestinian people. As a supporter of FRFI stated, ‘it’s so important for people in Britain to build an anti imperialist movement in solidarity with the oppressed in Palestine and, by extension, the global working class.’ The businesses that we targeted were forced to close their doors to customers as we protested to demand an end to all British support for the racist state of Israel.

The London-based Focus E15 housing campaign took to the streets to link Britain’s anti-working class housing policies with Israel’s eviction of indigenous Palestinians, with the message:

‘Focus E15 campaign sends solidarity to the Palestinian political prisoners. A photo from east London 22 January against evictions in London as the campaign recognises the struggle in Palestine against house demolition and land theft. Return the keys to the Palestinians. Let the political prisoners go. Long live Palestine! Long live Gaza! One struggle! One fight!’

In Manchester, a 22 January street stall followed a film showing and discussion on the imprisonment of Ahmad Sa’adat on 18 January, which featured analysis on the centrality of the political prisoners in Palestine, Ireland and other anti-imperialist struggles.

British imperialism is centrally involved in the case of Ahmad Sa’adat, with both Tory and Labour parties continuing a record of reactionary interventionism against the forces of Palestinian revolution. Narrating a chain of events beginning with the Zionist assassination of PFLP leader Abu Ali Mustafa in August 2001, sparking the assassination of fascist Israeli minister Rehavam Zeevi in the famous 17 October operation, the meeting heard of the Palestinian Authority role in locking up Sa’adat in the aftermath. A comrade told the meeting:

‘On 14 March 2006 Zionist occupation forces stormed Jericho prison and captured Sa’adat and other political prisoners, 15 minutes after Britain’s Labour government ordered the removal of its prison monitors. 50 jeeps and 3 tanks were part of the Israeli operation and two Palestinian security personnel were killed protecting the prisoners. Labour Foreign Secretary Jack Straw responded to Palestinian complaints by blaming the PA for not providing necessary security needed by British forces. The newly elected Hamas government had promised to release Sa’adat and the other prisoners.

Arafat and the Palestinian Authority were directly involved in the conspiracy, with the handing over of the six prisoners a trade off for Israel allowing Arafat to travel outside Ramallah. British politicians told the Israelis of their plans to leave and allowed the prison invasion to take place. The rest is history. In December 2008, Israel sentenced comrade Sa’adat to 30 years for leading a “terrorist organisation” and pinning responsibility on him for its armed actions. He has now been imprisoned for over 20 years. Prior to the events after Abu Ali’s execution, he had spent a combined further 10 years in prison on 8 different occasions. Sa’adat would spend the first three years in solitary confinement – only ending it with a collective hunger strike – and is frequently punished by the Zionist prison system’s vindictive measures. In 2011 Israel refused a Hamas demand to have Sa’adat released as part of the deal involving captured Zionist soldier Gilad Shalit.

It was an indictment of the Oslo ‘peace’ process that the colonising power could simply invade the supposedly free territory controlled by the PA, and British and US imperialist involvement reveals their true motives.’

Britain has the blood of Palestinian people on its hands as it continues the war by funding and arming the Zionist settler state. The Labour Party is as guilty as the Tories. Time to act!

Free Ahmad Sa’adat! Free all Palestinian political prisoners!

From the river to the sea – Palestine will be free!

Samidoun Netherlands holds Palestine Stand for Ahmad Sa’adat in Amsterdam

On Saturday, 22 January, Samidoun Nederland organized a Palestine stand next to a busy marketplace in Amsterdam-West. The stand was part of the international week of action to free Ahmad Sa’adat, the imprisoned General Secretary of the PFLP.

This initiative was a part of the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the arrest of the Palestinian leader by the Palestinian Authority on 15 January 2002 as part of its “security coordination” with Israel. Supporting the immediate release of Ahmad Sa’adat is part of supporting the release of all Palestinian prisoners, but it is also supporting the legitimacy of the resistance of the Palestinian people against the Zionist state while denouncing the criminal complicity of the Palestinian Authority with the occupation regime.

Besides calling for the liberation of Sa’adat and the 4650 other Palestinian political prisoners, the activists handed out flyers calling for a boycott of Israeli products and companies that support and profit off the colonization of Palestine.

Organizers disseminated stickers, collected donations and created a mailing list with sympathizers to stay up to date with Samidoun activities. Many market visitors and shoppers talked with the Samidoun activists and expressed their support for the Palestinian cause. Some people expressed their disdain for the Palestinian Authority and Mahmoud Abbas for their cooperation with Israel. Others talked with organizers about the role of the Palestinian prisoners movement in the Palestinian national liberation struggle.

Samidoun Nederland will organize more events in support of the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea. Contact Samidoun Nederland to get involved, or reach out to Samidoun Network to get involved in your local area outside of The Netherlands.

23 January, Stockholm: Film Screening: Fedayin, Georges Abdallah’s Fight

Sunday, 23 January
3:30 pm
Kafé 44,  Tjärhovsgatan 46, 116 28 Stockholm, Sweden
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/182672827385341/

Samidoun Stockholm invites you to a screening of the film “Fedayin, le combat de Georges Abdallah” (“Fedayin, Georges Abdallah’s Fight”), which is about Abdallah and his life in struggle. The film is shown with English subtitles.

Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese communist and freedom fighter for Palestine, is currently jailed in France for over 37 years. He is one of Europe’s longest held political prisoners, despite the fact that he has been eligible for release since 1999.

Georges Abdallah is today a symbol of the struggle against imperialism, Zionism, capitalism and reactionary Arab states. He fought against the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and still fights for the freedom of Palestine.

The film depicts his life and struggle from Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon to the French prison where he is held today.

When: 15:30 Sunday 23 January
Location: Kafé 44

More information about the film is available (in French) at https://fedayin-lefilm.com/
And more information about Georges Abdallah is available at: https://liberonsgeorges.samizdat.net/

Samidoun Stockholm bjuder in till en visning av filmen “Fedayin, le combat de Georges Abdallah” (“Fedayin, Georges Abdallahs kamp”), som handlar om Abdallah och hans liv i kamp. Filmen visas med engelska undertexter.

Georges Abdallahs, den libanesiske kommunisten och frihetskämpen för Palestina är med hans 38 år i det franska fängelset Lannemezan en av Europas längst hållna politiska fångar. Detta trots att han har varit berättigad till frigivning sedan 1999.

Georges Abdallah är idag en symbol för kampen mot imperialism, sionism, kapitalism och reaktionära arabiska stater. Han kämpade i kriget mot den israeliska invasionen av Libanon och kämpar än idag för Palestinas frihet.

Filmen skildrar hans liv och kamp från palestinska flyktingläger i Libanon till det franska fängelset.

När: 15:30 Söndag 23 januari
Plats: Kafé 44

Mer information om filmen finns (på franska) på https://fedayin-lefilm.com/
Och mer information om Georges Abdallah finns på: https://liberonsgeorges.samizdat.net/

Another victory for Palestine Action, another defeat for Israeli arms dealer Elbit! #ShutElbitDown

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network congratulates Palestine Action for another court victory over Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit, only days after the company announced it had sold off its Oldham factory and facilities and one month after three more Palestine Action activists were found not guilty for defacing Elbit properties. The case against three activists was dropped due to police failings and an inability to produce evidence, before the three even began their defense.

Once again, this victory in a series of achievements shows that strong, direct action can extract a real cost from those responsible for the colonization of Palestine and profiteering from Israeli war crimes. Palestine Action is only building and escalating the campaign to #ShutElbitDown entirely. Visit Palestine Action to learn more about the campaign to #ShutDownElbit and how you can get involved in your area to take action! 

The original Palestine Action statement follows:

Three Palestine Action activists have had the case against them dropped in a trial at Birmingham Magistrates Court. After taking on a company complicit in Elbit’s business of bloodshed, ‘abuse of process’ by the prosecution has led to these activists being cleared of charges. This was the second ever trial of Palestine Action activists, and they – like the first activists to go on trial – have walked free again in another humiliating showing in the Courts for Elbit.

The CPS offered failed to offer evidence on charges of criminal damage, aggravated trespass, and resisting arrest, after overcharging activists following serious failings by the police. Notably, the CPS failed to produce the silver command police log. The trial was therefore concluded before activists, represented by Lydia Dagostino at Kelly’s Solicitors, were able to present their case on the necessity of taking action to end British complicity in Israeli war crimes.

This victory is hugely significant, coming just a month after another three activists were similarly cleared of ‘criminal damage’ for a blockade of an Elbit factory. In their only two trials to date, Palestine Action have won – with even the courts system appearing to understand the necessity, and proportionality, of taking action to undermine British complicity in Israeli war crimes.

None of the activists who have faced trial thus far have been successfully prosecuted, with the action taken being shown in court to be necessary and proportionate in light of war crimes and human rights abuses committed with Elbit products. If even the courts system is able to recognise this, and the CPS are unable to present a viable case, Palestine Action have called for an end to police harassment, intimidation, and their causing of physical injury when arresting activists – with these arrests consistently failing to reach prosecution.

On the day of the action itself, 5th July 2021, three female Palestine Action activists shut down the Vine Property Management site in Birmingham as part of a wider campaign targeting the suppliers, partners and landlords of Elbit Systems Ltd. Prior to this, other activists chained the gates shut, occupied the roof and sprayed the site with red paint to signify its complicity in the murder of the Palestinian people. The action successfully brought operations to a halt, with activists demanding an end to the firm’s complicity in Elbit’s operations and by extension, in Israeli war crimes.

Vine Property Management trades under the Fisher German banner after a 2019 merger and is responsible for the operations, maintenance and oversight of Elbit subsidiary UAV Engines Factory in Shenstone, Staffordshire. This factory manufactures engines which are used in Elbit’s Hermes and Watchkeeper drones, with the Hermes drone being described as the ‘backbone’ of Israeli surveillance and targeting missions. It also possesses lethal capabilities which are deployed against civilian targets in Gaza.

On the day of the occupation, a Palestine Action spokesperson stated the following:

“The production of arms, drones, and military technology relies on an interconnected and massive network of complicit firms – Palestine Action are dismantling this network, demanding that firms cease their partnership with Elbit unless they want to be shut down along with them. The message to all other firms with Palestinian blood on their hands is simple: until you end your facilitation of Israel’s brutal repression of Palestinians and sever ties with Elbit, Palestine Action will shut you down and cease your contribution to genocide for you.”

20 January, London: Picket for Palestine – Free Palestinian Prisoners!

Thursday, 20 January
6:30 pm
458 Oxford Street, London
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CY6rnsZoSaa/

In response to the @samidounnetwork call for a week of action to free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners we will be picketing outside Marks & Spencers on Oxford Street.

Settler colonial state Israel continues to brutally occupy Palestine and incarcerate all those resisting the apartheid violence. Just yesterday a Palestinian family of 15 has been forcefully evicted and had to witness their house razed to the ground by the racist Israeli police in Sheikh Jarrah, the neighbourhood, which was the centre of resistance last year against Zionist occupation, that triggered solidarity actions internationally.

Join us at the protest tomorrow in central London outside Marks & Spencer Oxford Street in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Bring placards, flags, banners, whistles and pots & pans.

Free Ahmad Sa’adat
Free all Palestinian political prisoners
Zionism is racism!
End the occupation of Palestine!
Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!
Victory to the Intifada!

22 January, London: Free Palestine Rolling Picket – Free Palestinian Prisoners

Saturday, 22 January
1:00 pm
Ealing Broadway, W5
Meet Outside HSBC
Organized by West London FRFI
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CYydBvLou1B/

Free Palestinian Prisoners
Rolling picket in Ealing, 22 January, 1pm
Meet outside HSBC, Ealing Broadway

Join West London RCG to protest against the businesses, banks and institutions in Britain that support Israel’s oppression of the Palestinian people.

This action organised as part of the international week of action to free Ahmed Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners, called by @samidounnetwork 15-22 January 2022

#freeahmedsaadat #freepalestine #freepalestinianprisoners

Éirígí Activists mark Week of Action to Free Ahmed Sa’adat in Ireland

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network received the following report from Éirígí in Ireland about their involvement in the campaign to free Ahmad Sa’adat this week. Solidarity from Ireland to Palestine!

Sunday, 16 January, saw Éirígí activists in Limerick join an international week of solidarity actions in support of Ahmad Sa’adat and thousands of other Palestinian political prisoners being held in Israeli gaols. #FreeSaadat

The static picket, which took place at the ‘Poor Man’s Kilkee’ in the city saw them holding Limerick and Éirígí flags alongside images of the imprisoned Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

2022 marks the 20th anniversary of the imprisonment of Ahmad Sa’adat, initially by the Palestinian Authority, and then later by Israel.

Sa’adat, was elected Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine just months prior to his initial detention by Palestinian Authority forces working at the behest of Israel.

Israel’s storming of a Palestinian jail and subsequent kidnapping of Sa’adat and five other Palestinian political prisoners in 2006 showed the world how little sovereignty had actually been granted to the nascent Palestinian Authority.

Following his illegal kidnapping by Israel, Sa’adat was sentenced to 30 years imprisonment in December 2008, by a special Israeli military court.

Sa’adat’s incarceration has been marked by long periods in isolation which were broken only by successful mass hunger strike campaigns.

Today, there remains over 4,600 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails.  Many of whom are detained indefinitely without a release date and often with little or no credible evidence.

Éirígí For A New Republic calls again for the release of Ahmad Sa’adat and all the other political prisoners imprisoned by Israel.

We also take this opportunity to extend our solidarity to the Palestinian people in their continuing resistance against unending Israeli land-grabs and aggression. #ForANewRepublic #FreePalestine

22 January, Canberra: Free Ahmad Saadat! Join an action in solidarity with the struggles of all Palestinian Prisoners!

Saturday, 22 January
2 pm
Garema Place, Civic
Canberra, Australia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2021889451321806

Palestinian prisoners are consistently engaged in a difficult struggle inside Israeli jails against arbitrary laws and unrestrained brutality. Prisoners are regularly forced to go beyond the accepted limits of human endurance to assert their dignity and the most basic of rights, often with the power of empty stomachs in the face of cruelty designed to degrade and break people’s will. Recently, Hisham Abu Hawash, held without a charge or trial as an administrative detainee, was only able to extract freedom after a long 141 day hunger strike.

The Palestinian prisoners’ struggle inside the occupation’s prison system is a pillar of the Palestinian anti-colonial struggle for national liberation. The Palestinian prisoners’ movement represents the national liberation struggle in the course of its confrontations inside prisons which the prisoners sustain with a steadfastness which transcends the self. Ahmad Sa’adat, a leader in Palestinian national liberation movement, is an embodiment of the prisoners’ struggle. To demand freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat is to support the prisoners’ movement and international solidarity is a valuable dimension of this movement.

“The imprisonment of Palestinian political prisoners – some of the strongest organizers, activists and leaders of Palestinian society – is a deeply felt wound in the Palestinian community. The freedom of these prisoners, imprisoned because of their desire to see their homeland free, is a necessary part of achieving justice for the Palestinian people.” [1]

The colonial objective to imprison Palestinian resistance requires that the struggles of prisoners remain pre-eminent in popular consciousness and that people collectively maintain a global movement which demands freedom of all Palestinian political prisoners and dismantling of the occupation’s prison system.

Ahmad Sa’adat also embodies the revolutionary Palestinian vision which seeks to establish a democratic state in historic Palestine on the basis of equality and enfranchisement for all and which endeavours foremost to serve the interests of the oppressed classes. This revolutionary vision is situated, geographically and politically, at the centre of resistance against the long imperialist war which, in order to maintain uncontested access for capitalist accumulation, imposes death, suffering and destitution on masses across the Arab world while simultaneously denying the opportunity for people-centred development through imposition of debilitating economic sanctions, criminalisation and ousting of progressive political fronts, and installation of regressive political regimes whose interests are aligned with imperialist interests.

The imperialist machinations and war in the region within which the Palestinian anti-colonial struggle exists also make the nature of capitalism unnervingly transparent. Similar to other capitalist industry, the weapons industry exercises considerable political control and seeks an expanding market for its products. That is to say, it seeks continuity and expansion of war during which it directly consumes human life and the world in order to make high profit.

It is pertinent to note that survivors of colonialism and imperialism find it difficult to find refuge. The suffering of asylum seekers who are held under indefinite administrative detention is linked to the suffering of prisoners of Palestinian struggle who are held under administrative detention or imprisoned on fabricated charges and whose resistance is situated at the centre of the same imperialist war which displaces and drives people to seek asylum.

The purpose of prison on the Australian continent today is not different from what it has been in the past. It is one of the institutions which maintains control and perpetrates harm on successive generations of First Nations. Its dismantling in Australia is as crucial for decolonisation as it is in Palestine.

Please join this solidarity action to briefly discuss some of the aspects of the Palestinian anti-colonial struggle, the discernible lines between justice and injustice in this struggle, and the wider political context of imperialist war which situates Palestinian struggle firmly within a significant front against capitalism, colonialism and imperialism. We will use this time to distribute flyers with details of Ahmad Sa’adat’s case to the public.

We will also raise the names of Hidme Markam, Victor Yeimo, Khurram Parvez and Julian Assange who are among the prisoners of people’s struggle against capitalism, colonialism and imperialism.

[1] This provides background to Ahmad Sa’adat’s case: https://freeahmadsaadat.org/background/

22 January, Online Event: What is happening in al-Naqab?

Alkarama Palestinian Women Movement invites you to participate in a meeting with activists from the occupied Palestinian Negev entitled “What’s happening in Al-Naqab?” Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is a co-sponsor of this event.

To listen to the reality of the displacement and ethnic cleansing of our steadfast people in their land. Speakers will include Ruba Taleb and Raafat Abu Aish, Palestinian activists working to defend the land from Zionist colonization. The event will be held on zoom on Saturday 22/1/2022 at 7pm Occupied Palestine Time. (9 am Pacific, 12 pm Eastern, 6 pm central Europe)

This event will take place in Arabic with translation into Spanish, French and English.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 9378 2650