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5 January, Paris: Free Hisham Abu Hawash!

Wednesday, 5 January
5 pm to 7 pm
Fontaine des Innocents
Paris, France
Info: https://europalestine.com/2022/01/02/appel-a-rassemblement-ce-mercredi-pour-la-liberation-dhisham-abu-hawwash-entre-dans-le-coma/

Rally organized by CAPJPO-EuroPalestine. Rally for his release and that of all Palestinian prisoners, men, women and children, detained in the jails of the Israeli occupier!

Gather at the corner of Rue Lescot and Rue Berger at 5 pm. Exit Porte Lescot from Forum des Halles or Métro Chatelet.

140 days of hunger strike: Abu Hawash in “intermittent coma” as mobilization for his freedom intensifies

As of 3 January 2022, Palestinian hunger striking prisoner Hisham Abu Hawash is now on his 140th day without nutrition. According to doctors who have viewed him, he is at risk of sudden death and serious organ damage at any moment. He is on hunger strike to demand his release from administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial, by the Israeli occupation.

Protests have broken out across Palestine as well as internationally to demand Abu Hawash’s release from arbitrary and unjust imprisonment. From Haifa to Ramallah, Gaza to Umm al-Fahm, Jerusalem to Jenin, Palestinians inside Palestine have taken to the streets to support Abu Hawash, a symbol of the Palestinian prisoners’ resistance and refusal to acquiesce to the daily violence of administrative detention. 

Abu Hawash’s hometown of Dura, near al-Khalil, announced a general strike to demand his freedom.

Palestinian resistance forces have expressed their commitment to see Abu Hawash win his freedom. Ziad Nakhleh, general secretary of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, said that the movement would consider the death of Abu Hawash to be an assassination and determine its response appropriately. Hamas and Islamic Jihad political and military leadership met on 3 January in the evening to discuss the situation of Abu Hawash and the Palestinian prisoners. All Palestinian political movements have demanded Abu Hawash’s immediate release.

Around the world, people are mobilizing to demand Abu Hawash’s release, save his life and support his strike for justice. On New Year’s Eve in Berlin, Germany, and New Year’s Day in Toronto, Canada, activists mobilized to support his freedom. On Tuesday, protests will take place in Madrid and in New York City, and on Wednesday in Paris and Växjö, Sweden– with more expected to come in the near future.

Mohammed El-Kurd urged protest actions to continue, noting that Abu Hawash’s family has called for protest to support his struggle:

Abu Hawash’s Life in Danger

Abu Hawash, 40 and the married father of five children (Hadi, Mohammed, Ezz-al-Din, Waqas and Saba), has been jailed without charge or trial since 27 October 2020. As administrative detention orders are indefinitely renewable, his detention has been extended again and again. He launched his hunger strike on 17 August 2021 to demand his freedom. Now, his fellow 500 Palestinians jailed without charge or trial have launched a collective boycott of the Israeli military courts to demand an end to administrative detention. 

He suffers from blurry vision, inability to speak, severe muscle atrophy and cannot move; he has repeatedly slipped into a coma and may suffer from permanent kidney and other organ damage. He has lost up to 30% of the water in his body. He weighs less than 39 kg (85lbs), down from 86 kg (190lbs). He is visibly emaciated and suffering from extreme pain, continuing to refuse food for freedom. The Israeli occupation is entirely responsible for the life and health of Hisham Abu Hawash, now in great danger after 140 days on hunger strike.

The International Committee of the Red Cross finally spoke out about Abu Hawash’s detention without charge or trial on 1 January: Even the European Union and US Member of Congress Rashida Tlaib have expressed their concerns about administrative detention, as has congressional candidate and longtime activist Huwaida Arraf. Tlaib’s tweet highlighted that “The gov’t of Israel alone is responsible for this situation and his health and safety.

Throughout his strike, he was repeatedly transferred back and forth between the Ramle prison clinic — notorious among Palestinian prisoners for medical neglect and negligence — and brief visits to civilian hospitals. The Israeli occupation avoided “suspending” his administrative detention until the last possible moment; now, in a very severe health condition, he is continuing his hunger strike while he is held in the Israeli Assaf Harofeh civilian hospital.

Because his detention was “suspended” on 26 December 2021, Abu Hawash can receive visitors, including his children and supporters from occupied Palestine ’48. However, he cannot leave the hospital or be transferred to a Palestinian hospital. Therefore, he remains in fact a prisoner and refuses to stop his hunger strike — because, as soon as his health improves, the Israeli occupation authorities will reimpose his administrative detention.

On 3 January, however, Israeli occupation forces violently invaded Abu Hawash’s room in Assaf Harofeh hospital and forced his wife and family from the room, provoking even greater concern about the threat to his life. In Umm el-Fahm, in occupied Palestine ‘48, Israeli occupation police attacked a demonstration on 2 January, arresting and beating demonstrators demanding Abu Hawash’s release. 

The Administrative Detainees’ Boycott

Abu Hawash’s case exemplifies exactly why over 500 Palestinians jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention have announced that they will launch a collective boycott of the Israeli military courts and appeals courts beginning on 1 January 2022, as the court system only gives a veneer of legitimacy to an illegitimate regime.

What Is Administrative Detention?

Administrative detention was first used in Palestine by the British colonial mandate and then adopted by the Zionist regime; it is now used routinely to target Palestinians, especially community leaders, activists, and influential people in their towns, camps and villages. While, under international law, this kind of detention without charge can only happen for “urgent security reasons,” Israel uses it as a routine method of suppressing Palestinian society and activity. 

There are currently approximately 500 Palestinians jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention, out of 4,650 Palestinian political prisoners. These orders are issued by the military and approved by military courts on the basis of “secret evidence” compiled by the Shin Bet, the Israeli intelligence agency. These “secret files” are rubber-stamped by military judges, while any access to these files is denied to both Palestinian detainees and their attorneys. Issued for up to six months at a time, administrative detention orders are indefinitely renewable, and Palestinians — including minor children — can and have spent years jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention.

Administrative detention — like the entire Israeli prison system — is a colonial weapon intended to target Palestinian resistance and isolate the leaders of the Palestinian people’s struggle. End administrative detention; free all Palestinian prisoners!

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all supporters of Palestine to take action to save the life of Hisham Abu Hawash and support all Palestinian prisoners struggling for freedom, for their own lives and for the Palestinian people. He is confronting the system of Israeli oppression on the front lines, his life and health at risk at every moment, to bring the system of administrative detention to an end.

Organize actions to support Abu Hawash and his fellow political prisoners on an emergency basis this week and moving forward, including during the Week of Action to Free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian Prisoners from 15-22 January 2022. 

Take Action

Download these signs for use in your campaigns:


Join the Social Media Campaign!

There is a growing social media campaign to #FreeHisham #SaveHisham. Use these hashtags and to post on Twitter and Instagram. Post in all languages!  Take action and join the social media outrage and break the isolation imposed upon Hisham by the Israeli occupation!

Protest in your city or country!

Join the many protests taking place around the world — confront, isolate and besiege the Israeli embassy or consulate in your city or country of residence. Or take to the streets in your neighborhood, on your campus or at a government building in your area. Make it clear that the people are with Palestine! Send us your events at samidoun@samidoun.net.

Boycott Israel!

The international, Arab and Palestinian campaign to boycott Israel can play an important role at this critical time. Local boycott groups can protest and label Israeli produce and groceries, while many complicit corporations – including HP, G4S, Puma, Teva and others, profit from their role in support Zionist colonialism throughout occupied Palestine. By participating in the boycott of Israel, you can directly help to throw a wrench in the economy of settler colonialism.

4 January, NYC: Emergency demo – Freedom for Hisham Abu Hawash!

Tuesday, 4 January
4:30 pm
Zionist consulate
800 2nd Ave, NYC
Info: https://twitter.com/SamidounPP/status/1478124013402525696

Join Samidoun NY/NJ, Palestinian Youth Movement and Within Our Lifetime in New York City for an emergency mobilization to defend Hisham Abu Hawash and all our prisoners!

141 days of hunger strike for freedom from administrative detention without charge or trial. Join us in action to demand freedom for Hisham Abu Hawash!

January 2022 screenings: “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight”

After over 100 screenings of “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” in 2021, Collectif Vacarme(s) Films is launching 2022 with a busy January. There are over 21 screenings already scheduled for January 2022.

The film traces the life story and struggle of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, a tireless struggler for Palestine and an Arab Communist revolutionary, imprisoned in France for over 37 years. “Fedayin” travels with Georges from the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, where his political consciousness was formed and developed, to the international mobilization for his release. Today, he is one of the longest-held political prisoners in Europe.

The film is available with appropriate subtitles in French, Arabic, English, German, Italian, Catalan and Castilian Spanish. If you want to show Fedayin in your area, email us at samidoun@samidoun.net and contact the directors at vacarmesfilms@gmail.com. We will help you to get your screening organized, and the directors are available to attend your events in person or to join your in-person events via video link.

Visit the Fedayin film website for the most up-to-date list and detailed information about upcoming screenings! Some of the screenings below have full location info, while others will be updated throughout the month at the official site.

· Crest (France) · Friday January 7 at 7 p.m.
Screening followed by a meeting with a member of the Collectif Vacarme (s) Films
MJC, Rue Gustave Gresse, 26400 Aouste-sur-Sye

· Creon (France) · Saturday January 8 at 6:00 p.m.
Screening organized by the Libérations Georges 33 Committee and the Gironde and Proximity Cinemas Association followed by a discussion
Cinémax Linder, 13 Rue du Dr Fauché, 33670 Créon

· Barcelona (Catalonia) · Thursday 13 January at 7:30 p.m.
Screening organized by Endavant OSAN Horta Guinardó followed by a discussion with the Intifada Collective
Ateneu del Guinardó, Av. Mare de Déu de Montserrat, 190, Barcelona

· Grenoble (France) · Friday January 14 at 7 p.m.
Screening organized by Antigone followed by a discussion with a member of the Collectif Vacarme (s) Films and the Collectif Palestine Vaincra Café Bibliothèque Antigone, 22 rue des Violettes, 38000 Grenoble

· Berlin (Germany) · Sunday January 16
More info to come

· Tarascon-sur-Ariège (France) · Sunday January 16 at 6 p.m.
Screening organized as part of the Festival of Cinema and Human Rights followed by a discussion with the Couserans-Palestine
Cinema association of Tarascon sur Ariège, Avenue Paul Joucla , 09400 Tarascon-sur-Ariège
Facebook event

· Turin (Italy) · Monday 17 January
More info to come

· Milan (Italy) · Tuesday, January 18
More info to come

· Lavelanet (France) · Tuesday January 18 at 8:30 p.m.
Screening organized as part of the Festival of Cinema and Human Rights followed by a discussion with the Couserans-Palestine association
Cinéma le Casino, 2 Rue René Cassin, 09300 Lavelanet

· Bologna (Italy) · Wednesday January 19
More info to come

· Toulouse (France) Wednesday January 19  at 8 p.m.
Screening organized as part of the Cinema and Human Rights Festival followed by a discussion with Jean-Pierre Bouché, the Collectif Vacarme (s) Films and Jean-Marc Rouillan, former political prisoner
Utopia Borderouge, 59 Av. Maurice Bourgès-Maunoury, 31200 Toulouse

· Pisa (Italy) · Thursday, January 20
More info to come

· Montauban (France) · Thursday 20 January
More info to come

· Rome (Italy) · Friday 21 January
More info to come

· Le Réole (France) · Friday, January 21 at 8:30 p.m.
Screening organized by the Libérer Georges 33 Committee and the Association des Cinémas de Proximity de la Gironde followed by a discussion
Cinéma Rex, Pl. De la Liberation, 33190 La Réole

· Naples (Italy) · Saturday 22 January
More info to come

· Hamburg (Germany) · Saturday 22 January
More info to come

· Besançon (France) · Saturday 22 January at 6 and 8:30 p.m.
Screening organized by the Palestine Collective of Besançon, with the support of numerous organizations, followed by a discussion with a member of the Collective Vacarme (s) Films
Habitat Jeunes “Les Oiseaux” , 48 rue des Cras, 25000 Besançon

· Stockholm (Sweden) · Sunday 23 January
More info to come

· Copenhagen (Denmark) · Tuesday 25 January
More info to come

Angers (France) Saturday January 29 at 7 p.m.
Screening organized by the feminist bookshop Voltairine, Union Syndicale Solidaires, RAAR and Les Nuits Bleues bookstore followed by a discussionwith a member of the Collectif Vacarme (s) Films
Bourse du travail , 14 place Imbach, 49100 Angers

This list is regularly updated.

If you wish to organize a screening of the film, do not hesitate to contact Collectif Vacarme(s) Films at  vacarmesfilms@gmail.com

4 January, Madrid: Emergency demonstration to free Hisham Abu Hawash

Tuesday, 4 January
7:00 pm
Puerta del Sol, Madrid
Info: Samidoun España, https://www.instagram.com/p/CYRtDt4qHi2/

Emergency demonstration to demand freedom for Hisham Abu Hawash, Palestinian prisoner on 141st day of hunger strike against his administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial.

Collectif Palestine Vaincra 2021 retrospective: a year of solidarity with the Palestinian resistance

The following inspirational overview of events and actions in 2021 by the Collectif Palestine Vaincra is available in the original French at the Collectif’s website. The Collectif is a member organization of the Samidoun Network engaging in daily work for Palestine — and especially, the liberation of Georges Abdallah — in Toulouse and beyond.

The year 2021 was marked by a significant development of our activities and our audience despite the challenging public health situation and multiple attacks by supporters of the Israeli extreme right. Throughout the year, we have intensified our solidarity with the Palestinian resistance alongside the Samidoun international network and many partner organizations inside Palestine and around the world. In this article, we offer a retrospective of our main activities during the past year. We hope this will inspire you to join us if you are in Toulouse, and also support us through a donation or by buying activist material to distribute and use in your area.

  • January 2021

We began the year with our participation in the International Week of Action for the Liberation of Ahmad Sa’adat from January 15 to 23, 2021 initiated by Samidoun . On this occasion, we put up posters, made large poster collages and distributed flyers at various locations in the city of Toulouse and set up a Palestine Stand at the exit of the Capitole metro station on Saturday January 16 which publicized Sa’adat’s case.

In addition, we co-organized and provided simultaneous translation into French of the webinar “Determination and Resistance: The Palestinian Prisoner Movement and the Case of Ahmad Sa’adat” with the participation of various coordinators from Samidoun and Lena Meari, Palestinian academic with whom we also conducted a video interview .

  • February 2021

On Saturday February 13, we co-organized and provided simultaneous translation into French of the webinar “A Palestinian Feminist Vision” with Nahla Abdo, anti-colonial activist and Palestinian feminist.

The next day, we took action at the HP Store in Toulouse which called for a boycott of Hewlett Packard because of its complicity with the Israeli army.

On Friday February 19 and Saturday February 20, we organized Palestine Stands in the popular Bagatelle district and at the Capitole metro exit in downtown Toulouse. These two initiatives aimed to promote the boycott of Israel and in particular the campaign to boycott Puma, a company complicit in Israeli apartheid through its sponsorship of the Israeli Football Federation.

On Sunday February 28, the Israeli Minister of Defense and war criminal Benny Gantz designated Samidoun, including the Collectif Palestine Vaincra and its website, as “terrorist” organizations. This new attack provoked an important wave of solidarity and a significant development of the international network on a global level.

  • March 2021

On the occasion of a “Solidarity Day at Mirail against student precarity” , we launched the #FreePalestinianStudents campaign locally in support of imprisoned Palestinian students. The campaign brings together more than 350 organizations around the world, including most of the student unions in Toulouse. This initiative was followed by a twitterstorm on March 11 and a Palestine Stand on March 13.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8, we participated in the Toulouse demonstration to support the release of Palestinian women prisoners.

On Tuesday March 16 in front of the Court of Lyon, a delegation of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra took part in the rally in support of Olivia Zémor as she faced a lawsuit against the Israeli pharmaceutical company Teva following calls for a boycott of this firm on the website of the EuroPalestine association. A few days earlier, we stepped up our initiatives to promote #BoycottTeva, especially in front of pharmacies in Toulouse.

On Saturday March 20, we participated in a rally in tribute to the victims of anti-Semitic crimes at the Ozar Hatorah school while publishing a text, “Our anti-racist fight is indivisible!” “

On Tuesday, March 23, an LREM deputy addressed a parliamentary question to the Minister of the Interior to demand the dissolution of the Collectif Palestine Vaincra following a smear campaign by NGO Monitor, an organization close to the Israeli extreme right whose objective is to silence and suppress solidarity with the Palestinian people. This new threat was widely denounced, particularly by the National Collective for a Just and Lasting Peace between Palestinians and Israelis, which brings together most of the unions, political parties and support organizations for Palestine in France.

  • April 2021

As part of the month of Ramadan, we organized a campaign to boycott Israeli dates with numerous collages and flyer distributions. In addition, we asked many merchants from the districts of Bagatelle, La Faourette, Arnaud Bernard, Les Izards, Reynerie, Bellefontaine and Les Pradettes to display posters, agreeing to show their support for this campaign.

On April 2, we organized a Palestine Stand at the exit of the Bagatelle metro to call for the release of Georges Abdallah, Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine imprisoned for over 37 years in French prisons. This initiative was preceded by an action to symbolically rename the “Place Ytzhak Rabin” to “Place Georges Abdallah”. 

In addition, we organized a Palestine Stand at the exit of the Jean Jaurès metro in Toulouse s part of April 17 actions marking the international day of solidarity with Palestinian prisoners.


At the end of April, we organized another Palestine Stand at the exit of the Capitole metro to promote the #BoycottTeva campaign, and then we participated in a rally against Islamophobia. On Friday April 30, we organized a new initiative at the exit of the Bagatelle metro to confront the intensification of fascist violence and ethnic cleansing in occupied Jerusalem.

  • May 2021

On the occasion of May 1, International Workers’ Day, we organized a solidarity action for the release of Georges Abdallah during the Toulouse demonstration and we supported the initiative of the CGT Haute-Garonne trade unionists who called for a boycott of the Histadrut, the Israeli trade union federation.

On Friday, May 7, we organized a Palestine Stand at the exit of the Bagatelle metro in order to promote the boycott of Israel. On this occasion, we collected 245.55 € as part of a fundraiser to support the repair of a popular ambulance in a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon. 

As Israeli repression intensified in occupied Jerusalem and the Israeli military attacked the Gaza Strip, the Unity Intifada grew among the Palestinian people throughout Palestine , in the refugee camps and the diaspora. At the call of many organizations, we participated in a protest rally at the exit of the Jean Jaurès metro on Tuesday May 11 which brought together several hundred people. A few days later, we organized a rally on Saturday May 15 at the exit of the Capitole metro in order to affirm clear support for the Palestinian resistance confronting Israeli crimes. Bringing together more than 800 people, this initiative was supported by various Toulouse organizations.

Photo credit: Corine Janeau

On the occasion of the general strike in Palestine on May 18, we supported the internationalist positions of UL CGT Mirail and CGT AHG.

On Saturday May 22, more than 1000 people demonstrated in the streets of Toulouse at the call of many organizations in the aftermath of a ceasefire between the Israeli occupation and the Palestinian resistance. The day before in Bagatelle, we organized a Palestine Stand where many people showed their support for the ongoing struggle throughout Palestine.

During all these initiatives, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra collected €6,000 in order to support the youth of Gaza through the association “The children of the martyr Ghassan Kanafani” which organized several holiday camps in July 2021 thanks to the money collected.

  • June 2021

At the beginning of June, our actions multiplied in Toulouse in support of Palestine, particularly with a new activity at the exit of the Bagatelle metro.

On Thursday, June 10 in Naples, Italy , we took part in the screening of “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight,” organized as part of a festival.

On Saturday June 19, we organized a Palestine Stand at the exit of the Capitole metro as part of the International Week of Action for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah. At the same time, we coordinated an action of solidarity with Georges Abdallah in the Gaza Strip.


On Friday June 25, we organized an initiative to promote the #BoycottTeva campaign in the popular district of Bagatelle. A few days later, we co-hosted a webinar on the plight of Palestinian prisoner Israa Jaabis, with the presence of her sister and son. Israa Jaabis is facing severe medical neglect by the Israeli occupation prison regime.

  • July 2021

At the beginning of July, we organized a Palestine Stand at the exit of the Capitol metro to celebrate the Palestinian resistance after its victory against the Zionist aggression.

Photo credit: Corine Janeau

On Wednesday July 14 in Boussan, during the 17th stage of the Tour de France, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, along with the  BDS Toulouse Campaign and the  Friends of Le Monde Diplomatique, mobilized to denounce the presence of the Israel Start-Up Nation teamambassadors of the Israeli apartheid.

During the month of July, the Samidoun network organized a European delegation to Lebanon in order to strengthen its links with various partner organizations. The Collectif Palestine Vaincra Collective participated in this initiative and distributed a daily travel diary in French.

Facing occupied Palestine.

In addition, at the end of the month, we organized a new Palestine Stand at the exit of the Bagatelle metro as part of the #BoycottPuma campaign. 

  • August 2021

On Saturday August 7, we organized an initiative to support Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in downtown Toulouse.

On Friday August 27 in Bagatelle, we organized a Palestine Stand to demand the end of the blockade of Gaza which is causing a catastrophic humanitarian situation for Gaza’s 2 million inhabitants.

  • September 2021

On Saturday September 18, we participated in a new international day of mobilization as part of the #BoycottPuma campaign.

At the end of the month, we organized a Palestine Picnic in order to offer a friendly occasion and social get-together for the start of the school year.

  • October 2021

Throughout the month, we participated widely in the campaign for the liberation of Georges Abdallah by distributing more than 15,000 flyers, putting up hundreds of posters and organizing Palestine Stands in all areas and corners of the city. At the same time, thirty organizations in the Toulouse region united their voices for the release of the longest-held political prisoner in Europe.

On Sunday October 17, we participated in the unitary rally in tribute to the victims of the state colonial massacre of October 17, 1961.

On Thursday, October 21 at the American Cosmograph cinema, more than 170 people participated in the screening of “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” organized by the Collectif Palestine Vaincra with the presence of the Collectif Vacarme (s) Films and Saïd Bouamama, author of “The Georges Ibrahim Abdallah affair” .

On Saturday 23 October 2021, more than 1000 people gathered in Lannemezan to demand the immediate release of Georges Abdallah, Lebanese communist and Palestinian resistance fighter imprisoned in France since 1984. In front of the prison doors where he is imprisoned, this eleventh demonstration of support for the longest-held political prisoner in Europe is experiencing a historic growth and widespread support following the work during a month of mobilization by many support committees with diverse approaches. The day before this event, an open letter signed by 400 personalities calling for the liberation of Georges Abdallah was published in Médiapart.

  • November 2021

At the beginning of November, a delegation from the Palestine Vaincra Collective took part in the founding Masar Badil conference in Madrid: a Palestinian, Arab and international movement for the liberation of Palestine from the sea to the Jordan River.

From November 8 to 14, members of the Palestine Vaincra Collective  toured Lebanon as part of the premiere of “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” in Lebanon in different cities but also in several Palestinian refugee camps. This was an opportunity to strengthen our ties with our various local partners, in particular the Lebanese Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah , the Campaign to Boycott Supporters of “Israel” in Lebanon and the Social Solidarity Center of the Ain al-Hilweh camp. in Saïda.

On November 16, we called for a rally in support of Salah Hamouri and the six Palestinian NGOs designated as “terrorists” by the Israeli occupation, along with BDS Toulouse and various organizations.

On Friday, November 19, we organized a new Palestine Stand in support of Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike at the exit of the Bagatelle metro.


On Saturday 20 November in Copenhagen, Denmark, the Palestine Vaincra Collective participated in the 50th anniversary of the anti-imperialist organization  Internationalt Forum alongside various delegations from the Philippines, the Netherlands, the Spanish State, Sweden, Greenland and from England. On this occasion, we publish our intervention “The sense of our solidarity with Palestine” which returns to the main axes of our orientation and our work.


  • December 2021

On Thursday, December 2, we organized a Palestine Stand at the University of Mirail as part of the #FreePalestinianStudents campaign. 

During the month of December, we organized two Palestine Stands in the heart of the city center around the slogan “For Christmas, I boycott Israel” in order to widely call for the boycott of products that support the Israeli apartheid economy. These initiatives provoked a strong reaction from the Israeli extreme right and the city hall of Toulouse, who are trying to censor our activities. This campaign of attempted repression was a resounding failure.

Photo: Corine Janeau

And more:

The  Collectif Palestine Vaincra publishes daily on social networks on the news of Palestine and the solidarity movement. We are followed by 31,838 people on Facebook, 3,291 on Twitter and 4,359 on Instagram. Our website, www.palestinevaincra.com, is regularly updated, and we create a monthly newsletter, regularly host information tables and Palestine Stands at markets throughout the city and at metro exits, post collages of posters for Palestine throughout the working-class districts of Toulouse, publish and distribute thousands of stickers, as well as leaflets and flyers, prepare informative threads on Twitter, sell T-shirts and tote-bags, support projects (such as the documentary  Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight), create graffiti and murals, translate and disseminate the point of view of the Palestinian left on current events, produce visuals and infographics and also  videos, meet monthly with Georges Abdallah during visiting hours at Lannemezan prison, write to Palestinian prisoners, supported the creation of Samidoun Région Parisienne and actively participate in the international Samidoun network , participate in twitterstorms, engage in interivews in various newspapers and radio stations, conduct forums, carry out various interviews with personalities, and other activities.

Thank you to everyone for your support, encouragement and solidarity! You can  make a donation  or join us to further develop our activities in Toulouse and elsewhere. The year 2022 promises to be decisive for the movement of solidarity with Palestine. More than ever, we must prepare to confront the challenges that lie ahead!

As 2022 dawns, Hisham Abu Hawash on 138th day of hunger strike

Hisham Abu Hawash, Palestinian hunger striker detained by the Israeli occupation, is now on his 138th day of hunger strike. As the world prepares to welcome the new year, 2022, Abu Hawash faces a risk of death or permanent organ damage at any moment. His hunger strike continues as his fellow administrative detainees have confirmed they will collectively boycott the Israeli military courts beginning on 1 January 2022.

Abu Hawash, 40, married and the father of five children (Hadi, Mohammed, Izz al-Din, Waqas and Saba), launched his hunger strike on 17 August 2021 to demand an end to his administrative detention, Israeli imprisonment without charge or trial. Throughout his strike, he was repeatedly transferred back and forth between the Ramle prison clinic — notorious among Palestinian prisoners for medical neglect and negligence — and brief visits to civilian hospitals. The Israeli occupation avoided “suspending” his administrative detention until the last possible moment; now, in a very severe health condition, he is continuing his hunger strike while he is held in the Israeli Assaf Harofeh civilian hospital.

He suffers from blurry vision, inability to speak, severe muscle atrophy and cannot move; his awareness and perception of events around him have decreased significantly. He is visibly emaciated and suffering from extreme pain, continuing to refuse food for freedom. The Israeli occupation is entirely responsible for the life and health of Hisham Abu Hawash, now in great danger after nearly four months on hunger strike.

Because his detention was suspended on 26 December 2021, Abu Hawash can receive visitors, including his children and supporters from occupied Palestine ’48. However, he cannot leave the hospital or be transferred to a Palestinian hospital. Therefore, he remains in fact a prisoner and refuses to stop his hunger strike — because, as soon as his health improves, the Israeli occupation authorities will reimpose his administrative detention.

His family and fellow Palestinian prisoners have urged action to free Abu Hawash. In Berlin, Samidoun Deutschland took to the streets on New Year’s Eve, with fireworks all around, to highlight the case of Abu Hawash and demand his immediate release.

Abu Hawash has been jailed without charge or trial since 27 October 2020, with his detention repeatedly extended. While his legal appeals have been repeatedly dismissed, his detention was once again extended for four months while he was on hunger strike. The Israeli occupation also refused to confirm that it would not be renewed again. In multiple arrests, he has spent 8 years in total in Israeli occupation prisons, 52 months of that time without charge or trial under administrative detention.

Abu Hawash’s case exemplifies exactly why over 500 Palestinians jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention have announced that they will launch a collective boycott of the Israeli military courts and appeals courts beginning on 1 January 2022, as the court system only gives a veneer of legitimacy to an illegitimate regime.

Currently, approximately 500 out of the 4,550 Palestinian political prisoners are jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention. Administrative detention orders were first introduced to Palestine by the British colonial mandate and were later adopted by the Zionist project to target Palestinians. These orders are issued for up to six months at a time and are indefinitely renewable; consequently, Palestinians are jailed for years at a time without charge, trial or even knowing when or if they will be released.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all supporters of Palestine to take action to save the life of Hisham Abu Hawash and support all Palestinian prisoners struggling for freedom, for their own lives and for the Palestinian people. He is confronting the system of Israeli oppression on the front lines, his life and health at risk at every moment, to bring the system of administrative detention to an end. Organize actions to support Abu Hawash and his fellow political prisoners, including during the Week of Action to Free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian Prisoners from 15-22 January 2022. 

Administrative detention — like the entire Israeli prison system — is a colonial weapon intended to target Palestinian resistance and isolate the leaders of the Palestinian people’s struggle. End administrative detention; free all Palestinian prisoners! 

Statement of Administrative Detainees on the Boycott of Israeli Occupation Courts:

Continuing the determined national efforts to put an end to the unjust practice of administrative detention against the Palestinian people by the occupation forces, and within the framework of intensive consultations conducted by the prisoners’ movement across its full spectrum to organize a large movement, through a program of national struggle in which administrative detainees have participated in all areas, prisons and detention centers,

Continuing the previous steps taken by the administrative detainees to confront this arbitrary policy and unjust detention, and whereas the Israeli military courts are an important part of the occupation’s systemic efforts to suppress all the active forces of our people, to besiege, loot and confiscate every Palestinian right, including the Palestinian right to freedom, these courts are a barbaric racist tool that consumed hundreds of years of the lives of their children. Our people are under the hammer of administrative detention, through farcical sham courts, the results of which have been pre-established by the military commander of the region. This policy is being carried out against children, women, elders, sick and ill people, and the general population.

The cadres and activists of the Palestinian people are imprisoned under flimsy justifications with the goal of breaking the will and consciousness of our people.

Accordingly, we, the Administrative Detainees’ Committee, representing all administrative detainees in the occupation prisons, and in coordination with all of the organizational bodies of the national and Islamic factions, announce the following:

First: Launching our project for a comprehensive boycott of the occupation military courts for administrative detention, starting from the date of 1 January 2022 at all levels (initial, appeal, high court) under the slogan: “We have decided on freedom — no to administrative detention.”

This campaign will launch with coordination with the Prisoners’ Affairs Commission, the Prisoners’ Society and other relevant institutions, a binding and general step, and we call on all legal institutions and lawyers to support us in our step through boycotting these courts in relation to administrative detention, with reference to the legal front of this framework.

Second: We call upon our free and proud Palestinian people in all areas of their presence, their forces and national and Islamic factions, student, labor and professional unions, and various movements to fully prepare to support our project as a national project that aims to repel the attack of the occupier and lift its oppressive hand of administrative arrest, which now targets any popular movement, expression or position opposing the occupation.

Third: What our people can do through their united struggle, formulating a comprehensive program of support, is what can guarantee victory for any battle, including what can be done through the media and social media, and pursuing all legal and media routes, in addition to highlighting this project in all national and popular movements with your effective support.

Fourth: Our message to all free peoples and democratic forces of the world, to all nations of the world and international and human rights institutions: Support our just cause, stop the guillotine of administrative detention on our necks, and besiege the occupier and its officers and judges of death in its unjust military courts.

Fifth: The project of our comprehensive boycott of the courts begins in a strategic form, in which we will build upon all efforts that have been made over the years and over the coming months, preparing towards a collective open hunger strike in the event that the occupier does not respond to our just demands in accordance with the norms of international law.

Our decision is freedom — no to administrative detention!

Administrative Detainees’ Committee

20 December 2021

Samidoun Spain’s 2021 year in review: a year of lively, intense political activity

Read the original Spanish report.

Help us build a stronger and more combative 2022 in the fight for Palestine in the Spanish State!

The year to which we bid farewell has been full of inspiring events in the struggle for the liberation of Palestine. Both inside and outside colonized Palestine, Palestinian and Arab strugglers and international activists have once again set an example of serious, creative and rigorous political imagination and organization. Undoubtedly, the development of these forces would not have been such without the explosion of the Unity Intifada in May 2021. Its shock waves ran through the open-air prison that is Gaza, the Palestinian territories colonized in 1948 and the ghettoes of the West Bank, demonstrating to the Israeli occupier and his allies that ALL of Palestine will be reclaimed, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

There have been many demonstrations, campaigns, events and activities organized by the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network throughout the world in 2021. The hundreds of activists of the Network are prepared to undertake a 2022 that consolidates the achievements obtained in 2021 and reaches new goals.

In the context of the Spanish State, 2021 has been a truly special year because it witnessed the birth of Samidoun Spain. Despite our relatively small number, we have managed to make ourselves known, establish alliances with other social, local and international movements, launch campaigns, mobilize demonstrations, organize events, have a presence in different political spaces throughout the State and succeed in building power and consolidating our strength. All this, while remaining consistent with our political line and maintaining ourselves as a grassroots organization without funding from foundations or full-time staff. The work, solidarity and committed effort of our activists is essential to maintain the organization.

As an internationalist, Arab and Palestinian movement we are with the boycott of Israel, against all the complicit companies that benefit from colonization; with the Palestinian prisoners and with the entire resistance and liberation movement of the Palestinian people and with all those who in every corner of the world face imperialism, capitalism, Zionism and reactionary repression. In Samidoun Spain, we consider economic independence fundamental to continue being autonomous and free in the development of our activism, as well as a study and analysis of the left to give a correct direction to our political praxis.

Next, we will make a summary of the activities that Samidoun Spain has carried out in the Spanish State in this first year of its birth:

Neither the pandemic, nor the prohibitions on meetings in indoor spaces, nor the cancellation of events in the Spanish state could prevent the activists of Samidoun Spain from expanding their work for Palestine. So in February 2021, together with Alkarama Palestinian women’s movement, they organized an online conversation with former prisoner Rula Abu Dohou and former prisoner Saad Omar, who gave their testimony about the torture received in Zionist prisons and explained how the prison system operates. These former prisoners discussed Israeli torture inside prisons, as well as the objectives the Israeli regime seeks to achieve with the systematization of the techniques of physical and psychological violence against Palestinian bodies.

In 2022 we will continue to speak out and mobilize against the Zionist executioner that seeks to take the lives of prisoners and suppress the prioners’ movement. The Zionist project will learn that the Palestinian strugglers are stronger than all the violence exerted against them.


March 2021 was a very busy month. We organized a discussion over Zoom on “The Palestinian feminist struggle between the first Intifada and the Oslo Accords”, together with Linda Graisa and Juani Rishmawi; We went to demonstrate against the Foreigners Internment Center (CIE, Aluche), another illegal prison violating the rights of migrants. On March 8, a rally was called in Murcia in support of Palestinian political prisoners and on March 30, one for Land Day; we hung a banner in the heart of Ciudad Universitaria in support of Palestinian students imprisoned for their student activism and, one of the most important, we made it clear to the fascist organizations that sought to appropriate the Palestinian struggle that “Solidarity with Palestine is anti-racist, feminist and anti-fascist.”

Of course, in 2022 Samidoun will continue to be present in all these spaces and will join new campaigns to expand our networks and alliances with other movements!

In April, on the international day of political prisoners, we convened a rally in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Madrid. In alliance with Mapuche activists, we showed our commitment and solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners and against the repression and imprisonment of Mapuche fighters. We filled the square in front of the entrance with banners, posters, flags and images of some of the 4,500 political prisoners in Israeli jails. Of course, there we demanded that the Spanish Foreign Ministry immediately cut off relations with the Israeli colonial state if it does not want to end up sitting, sooner or later, in the dock and being tried for complicity in crimes against humanity.

The alliances with our Mapuche, Filipino, Zapatista, and fellow internationa comrades will continue to grow in 2022 and find common spaces where we can meet, organize and fight in an increasingly solid united front!

The great 1st of May is the day of our beloved working class, to which the activists of Samidoun Spain belong and to which they are committed. Following an essential principle of the workers’ conscience: considering the working class struggle to be an international class struggle, the activists of Samidoun Spain marched, raising Palestinian flags, in the mass demonstration that took place in Madrid together with dozens of unions, neighborhood organizations, groups of community and social movements.

During the Samidoun speech in front of hundreds of comrades and protesters, we called for the right of return; the right to dignity; to the land; justice and reparations for the Palestinian people. Likewise, we pointed out the fundamental working-class character of the Palestinian liberation movement, denouncing that many Palestinians are compelled to work as colonized indigenous people in Israeli companies and leave their militarized ghettos every day to work in the Zionist colonies. 60% of these Palestinians work between 12 and 14 hours, receiving the bare minimum salary to even survive.

On May 15, and amid a wave of international demonstrations confronting the Zionist aggression against the Gaza ghetto that killed more than 250 Palestinians by aerial bombardment, of which more than 65 were minors, as well as against the incursions of the occupying army into the Al Aqsa mosque and the displacement of Palestinian families from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, the activists of Samidoun Spain called for a demonstration in Madrid that gathered thousands of people in one of the most massive marches of the last years in solidarity with Palestine.

The demonstration wound its way to the core of Madrid, in the central Plaza del Sol, where thousands of protesters ended their march to call for the urgent fall of Israeli colonialism.

May 2021 was a historic moment whose events in Palestine were recorded in the annals of history thanks to the Unity Intifada, in which Palestinians from the ghettos of the West Bank, Gaza and the occupied Palestine 1948 demonstrated that their unified national sentiment throughout Palestine from the river to the sea can never be annihilated.

Our duty as activists is to ensure that in 2022 the mobilization responding to specific events and calls is increasingly transformed into daily, continuous organizing!

Samidoun Spain prepared itself for an intense summer of work and struggle, entering June with two online conversations, in which issues related to the conditions of Palestinian prisoners and political prisoners held in Zionist prisons were discussed. In one of them the speaker was the activist Ghassan Najjar , who had just been released after spending more than a year in prison. The conversation revolved around specific issues regarding the food, health, education and financial conditions of Palestinian prisoners in jail. Likewise, Ghassan emphasized the importance of the prisoners’ continued development of their political thought and organization behind bars as essential to avoid succumbing to the strategy of weakening the resistance.

Secondly, we spoke with Muna Jaabis and Mutasem, sister and son of Israa Jaabis , the Palestinian prisoner who, after suffering serious burns to her body, has been imprisoned by the Israeli occupation forces until today, being subjected by the prison authorities to repeated medical negligence amounting to torture.

Continuing with our internationalist political line, we attended the Marx Madera Internationalist Solidarity Festival together with the comrades of the Communist Party from the Usera neighborhood (Madrid) . There we had the opportunity to set up an information booth where we talked with our fellow attendees about the current situation in Palestine and the main campaigns of struggle and activities underway.

To end the month, we had the great opportunity to share space with the comrades of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation in the EKO of Carabanchel (Madrid). Sharing a table with the Zapatista comrades, we discussed the current situation of our causes and defined the red thread that unites them in order to project a horizon of common struggle.

Some think that the heat of summer brings calm … but the internationalist struggle does not understand holidays!

The month of July was inaugurated with a talk in the Madrid-area town of Batres, thanks to the commitment of the young people of the Popular Collective “Sur against hate” , who provided us with a space in the town hall to hold a discussion with the residents of Batres. Samidoun’s comrades emphasized the alliance of anti-colonial movements and struggles and the elements that make the situation in Palestine an unparalleled example of colonialism in the 21st century.

That same month the Palestinian activist Nizar Banat was assassinated at the hands of the Palestinian Authority, mercenaries subcontracted by the Israeli regime who do not hesitate to target Palestinians confronting the “security coordination” between the security forces of the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli occupation regime. This is the very framework on which the Oslo Accords are based. In response to his murder and so many years of betrayal of the Palestinian Authority’s own people, activists from different backgrounds gathered in front of the Palestinian Embassy to point out that the Palestinian Authority fulfills the role of protecting the existence of the occupation and controlling the Palestinian people in the West Bank. Acting as agents of the occupation, the PA practices all forms of oppression, including political arrests, violent raids and assassinations, against the Palestinian people to serve the Zionist colonial project and protect the privileges of the small sector of beneficiaries of the Palestinian Authority: the Oslo class affiliated with the Zionist regime.

At the end of July 2021, one of the activities that would most strengthen the political line and the alliances in which Samidoun had been working would take place. This is the Ghassan Kanafani Brigade, an international delegation from Samidoun made up of representatives from the Netherlands; Spain; France; Sweden; Lebanon; Palestine, etc. The brigade traveled to Lebanon to meet with different popular organizations from the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, Lebanese political parties, Palestinian solidarity movements and many others. Thanks to the brigade, the Samidoun activists and the different organizations that hosted us were able to discuss our political positions, debate and design projects to work together in the medium and long term. This is part of our awareness of the importance of building a broad common front that is stronger than the enemy’s alliances.

In 2022 we will continue to organize delegations that extend the network and our internationalist framework in different areas in order to build an increasingly broad and powerful alliance!

At the end of the summer, in September 2021, Samidoun organized information booths on Sundays in Madrid. In the Plaza de Tirso de Molina, together with the rest of the comrades on the left who historically inhabit the square to distribute different materials referring to the history of the Spanish resistance against fascism, the republican and communist tradition; Samidoun activists found a place to inform and invite passersby to organize in the international movement for Palestine and join the different boycott campaigns targeting the Israeli occupation and complicit corporations.

We concluded September by celebrating the feat that the 6 prisoners of Gilboa prison undertook, liberating themselves from one of the highest security prisons of the Israeli regime. We do not consider their recapture a defeat. Their escape was a major blow to the prison system and the Israeli regime as a whole, which promotes itself as invincible and untouchable. The Gilboa 6 took their freedom and gave the whole world a breath of fresh air — and from Spain, we took great strength and energy from their courage that propelled us forward throughout 2021.

Many activists and relevant political figures, especially from Izquierda Unida, showed their solidarity with the Gilboa 6 at the Izquierda Unida Summer School held in Malaga at the end of September 2021.

In addition, we demonstrated in front of the Zionist embassy after the capture of the prisoners. With this we directly highlighted the Zionist regime as a system whose main tool to consolidate its power is torture and the systematic extermination of the Palestinian people. The Gilboa 6 were subjected to harsh torture after their capture.

On 24, 25, 26 September Samidoun was invited to the Centennial Fiesta of the Communist Party of Spain. During three full days, Samidoun members had the opportunity to speak with hundreds of people who came to our stand to ask questions, discuss politics and Palestine, buy merchandise and learn how we organize ourselves and how they can join.

Many personalities from the world of culture, journalism and politics came to show their support and solidarity for Palestine. Some examples included Daniel Jadue, the presidential candidate for the Communist Party in Chile, the journalist Miquel Ramos and the rapper Toni Mejías.

On October 12 (for the fascists the day of Hispanidad, but for us the day of colonization and the Spanish extermination in Latin America), the activists of Samidoun joined together with all the Indigenous peoples in the mass demonstration held in Madrid. This demonstration was a march including all the groups that represent the colonized indigenous peoples. Of course, the presence of Palestine could not be absent. Coming from all over the globe, together we shouted: “Nothing to celebrate!”

November came and Samidoun experienced one of the most important weeks of the year. We had the honor of hosting international activists from around the world in Madrid. Delegations from France, Canada, the US, Europe, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran and many others landed in Madrid to attend the Conference of the Alternative Palestinian Path (Masar Badil) , as well as to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Samidoun at the EKO in Carabanchel. It was the first time that the Samidoun Spain activists met face to face with their international colleagues, with whom they had been working and coordinating online for months.

In addition, the month of November included the Madrid premiere of the documentary “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” at the Teatro de Barrio in Madrid. We ended up selling out the tickets and filling the room to max capacity! Samidoun Spain activists are very proud to have in the subsequent discussion with Matthieu Jeuland from Collectif Vacarme (s) Films, responsible for the production of the documentary; Liliana Cordova, from the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network and Jaldia Abubakra, from the Alkarama Palestinian Women’s movement.

You can’t imagine the surprises we have in store for 2022… “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight” still has several premieres pending… !!

At the end of November, Samidoun did not miss our appointment with the Saharawi people and joined their activists in the demonstration called on November 13 in rejection of the Tripartite Agreements of Madrid. The Moroccan occupation situation in Western Sahara deserves all our solidarity and our commitment. We do not forget or forgive that the Moroccan monarchy, just as it has subjected the Saharawi population by denying them their freedom and the right to self-determination, is also one of the reactionary Arab regimes that normalizes through treaties, political and economic agreements with the Israeli colonial entity.

Freedom and self-determination for the Sahrawi people !!

We are approaching the end of the year, and we will conclude by noting that a few weeks ago some of our activists traveled to León, where they were invited to a solidarity event on December 11 and 12. There they were given a space for Palestine, which they used to share information about the work and activities of Masar Badil and Samidoun.

Next year we will continue to move throughout the Spanish State, weaving ever wider networks!

It is essential for us that our organizations and especially our left-wing political parties abandon the damaging narrative of a “two state solution” for Palestine . For us it is essential that they understand that there will be no justice and, much less peace, until the Israeli colonial regime, with all its institutions and structures, is dismantled and a single, liberated, democratic, progressive Palestine is established in which all citizens may have equal rights and duties.

For this reason, and so that all militants of local Spanish politics understand the importance of local and national work that always sets its sights clearly on the internationalist horizon, we organized the projection at the headquarters of the Podemos circle of Carabanchel of: “Fedayin: Georges Abdallah’s Fight”. Subsequently, we had a discussion with the Podemos militants about the reality of Palestine, the importance of the anti-colonial struggles and liberation movements, and our duty, as committed anti-capitalist militants in our countries, to always bear in mind that our emancipation from the yoke of neoliberalism will never come without the freedom of the struggling colonized peoples.

Work in our local context has just begun. We are more than prepared to continue dialoguing and debating with our closest political representatives about the most reasonable, fair and strategic position and discourse regarding Palestine. This is: “One Palestine, free from the river to the sea!”

Finally, we say goodbye leaving you this magnificent image in which we combine sport, anti-racism and… the boycott of Israel! In the Carabanchel anti-racist world cup.

If we have done all this with just one year of life… imagine what we will do in 2022… we will be even stronger in defense of Palestine !

Not only did we launch Samidoun Spain in 2021, but also Samidoun in the Paris Region, Samidoun Iran, Samidoun Malmo, and Samidoun Toronto. New organizations also joined the Network – the Center for the Study and Preservation of Palestine in Portland, the Anti-Imperialist Alliance in Ottawa, ACTA in Paris, and Free Palestine Murcia.

Samidoun is organized with an anti-imperialist and anti-colonial vision of justice and liberation, confronting imperialism, Zionism and reactionary forces. This means that we cannot just fight for justice for Palestine, but it is essential to support the Black liberation movement, indigenous sovereignty and self-determination movements and anti-imperialist movements around the world. We organize to free political prisoners in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France and elsewhere, and we work in solidarity with the struggles of prisoners from Morocco to Turkey to the Philippines.

It is evident, after presenting a compilation of our activity in 2021, that our ideological definition does not remain only in the arena political theory, but is materialized in a concrete political praxis.

In 2022, we are building even more chapters, welcoming more affiliated organizations and building the movement to free all Palestinian prisoners, stand with the Palestinian resistance and realize a free Palestine from river to sea. We invite you to join us.

Click here to support Samidoun’s work as we organize for 2022 and beyond – towards return and liberation.

Khatib: The PA is attacking the Palestinian prisoners’ movement; the Abbas-Gantz meeting aims to target the resistance

Mohammed Khatib, Europe coordinator of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and a member of the Follow-Up Committee of the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement (Masar Badil), said that the correct approach for the Palestinian national liberation movement in dealing with Mahmoud Abbas and his cohort can only be to hold them accountable and isolate this defeated group, on the path to overthrowing the project of the “self-rule” Palestinian Authority.

He pointed out that PA President Mahmoud Abbas acts as an agent selected by Zionist colonialism, and his recent meeting with the Zionist war minister Benny Gantz, which took place in Tel Aviv, is a new confirmation of the role of the puppet authority. We consider this a force hostile to the Palestinian people, a tool of liquidation of the Palestinian cause, and an integral part of the Israeli security and economic system.

Khatib said that the Abbas-Gantz meeting comes within the framework of the Zionist enemy and the United States to rescue the Oslo Authority, which has begun to crumble and crack due to the Palestinian popular rejection of the approach of exclusion, oppression and corruption on the one hand, and the escalation of the popular uprising and valiant resistance in the occupied West Bank of Palestine on the other hand, especially after the assassination of the struggler Nizar Banat.

He called upon the leadership of the Palestinian armed resistance forces to establish a unified national front rather than relying on so-called “reconciliation” with the Palestinian Authority, which we consider a waste of blood and time.

Khatib added that the escalating level of repression practiced by the occupation forces and their subordinates from the puppet PA against the strugglers in the West Bank, especially against the freed prisoners, has included the banning of mass gatherings celebrating prisoners’ liberation, the confiscation of resistance banners, a policy of political arrests, targeting of the student movement and other practices that prioritize the concerns and interests of the Zionist project, whose army recently deployed three battalions in the north and center of the occupied West Bank as it summoned Abbas to Tel Aviv.

Khatib emphasized that strengthening this cooperation between the “two parties” means that Gantz wants to facilitate the role of the security forces that play the role of a guard dog protecting the Zionist settlements, working day and night to target the forces and cadres of the resistance. In this context, the Zionist enemy also wants to perpetuate this useful relationship with the Oslo sector and give it some privileges and small bribes so that it can fulfill its role as an agent fully dependent on the decisions of the occupation.

He noted that the escalation of various forms of resistance inside and outside Palestine is a guarantee of achieving national unity in the field of action and popular struggle. This was achieved as a reality in the valiant popular uprising last May, when revolutionary and popular action was integrated throughout occupied Palestine and the diaspora.

Khatib called upon all forces and organizations participating in the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement to redouble their role in the coming year. The mission and role of the Palestinian diaspora in isolating and boycotting the Oslo “Palestinian Authority” and confronting the approach of normalization and corruption cannot be separated from the growing struggle inside occupied Palestine, as our national responsibility requires confronting the Zionist movement and its agents inside and outside Palestine.

He called for wide participation in the Week of Action to free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners, which will begin on 15 January 2022. In its statement, Samidoun emphasizes the need to confront the path of “security coordination,” which has played a devastating role in the case of Sa’adat and his comrades and for hundreds of Palestinian strugglers.

Samidoun Deutschland event discusses Palestinians in exile in the liberation struggle

Samidoun Deutschland organized a political symposium in Berlin on Tuesday, 28 December, addressing the situation of Palestinians in exile and diaspora and their central role in the struggle to liberate Palestine and confront attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause. Specifically, they discussed the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path (Masar Badil) and its focus on rehabilitating the centrality of return and liberation to organizing the Palestinian national movement.

The speakers at the event focused on the failure of all attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause despite Zionist, imperialist and reactionary forces attempting to impose surrender upon the Palestinian people and confiscate the role of Palestinians in exile and diaspora. They also addressed the need to build an alternative revolutionary path to stimulate the organizing of the Palestinian student movement, women’s movement and labor movement and strengthen their ranks to overcome the dispersion and submission that has been imposed upon these movements through the Oslo Accords and their aftermath, especially through the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah and the reactionary forces supporting it and sustaining its “security coordination” with the Israeli occupation.

The event presented the general principles on which the Masar Badil movement was founded in Madrid, Sao Paulo and Beirut in November 2021, the documents of the founding conferences, and the goals and decisions reached by them. The speakers also emphasized the need to overturn and isolate the Palestinian Authority project and the so-called “two state solution,” and instead to struggle for the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea.

The speakers also highlighted the priorities identified by the movement for the next stage of the Palestinian struggle, especially with regard to the right of return, supporting the Palestinian prisoners’ movement and the core principles behind which the Palestinian people unite inside and outside Palestine in order to develop the liberation movement in its Palestinian, Arab and international dimensions.

Watch the event video (in Arabic):