Palestine Prisoners’ Day Protest
Friday, April 17
3:30 pm
HSBC, Argyle/Buchanan Streets, City Centre
Glasgow, Scotland
Facebook Event:
17 April marks Palestinian prisoners day. Once again we ask you to stand with us in demanding the freedom of all Palestinian political prisoners and condemning the British Government and companies complicit in the arming and funding of Israel.
As of 1 February 2015, there were 6,200 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli prisons and detention centres, including 454 administrative detainees (held without charge or trial), 22 women and 163 children (all figures from addameer). Some are imprisoned for resisting the occupation and destruction of their land and people and others just for being Palestinian.
International protests continue for the release of the 5 Hares Boys who are each facing 20 years in prison for an event that never happened. These are joined by the calls for the immediate release of Palestinian parliamentarian Khalida Jarrar who was arrested on 2 April for continuing to speak out against the occupation. She joins the 17 other elected members of the Palestinian Legislative Council currently in Israeli jails, including PFLP General Secretary Amad Sa’adat, serving a 30 year sentence. British security multinational G4S provides the guards for these Israeli prisons.
Working with the imperialist backed Palestinian Authority (PA) Israel wishes to end and silence resistance. However even in prison they are faced with resistance as the Palestinian prisoners in Ramon prison showed on 2 and 3 April as they fought to defend and improve the conditions of the jail.
Closer to home activists from Glasgow Palestine Action and the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign are facing arrest and charges for opposing British companies and banks trading with and investing in Israel. These include Thales UK, Dead Sea Product stalls and Barclays bank. In Manchester an activist from the Revolutionary Communist Group/Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! was fined £850 in February for leading rolling pickets against Kedem and Marks and Spencer. These cases serve to show the willingness of the police and courts in this country to do Israel’s dirty work by criminalising those who organise and act against them. We can and must resist this.
Free all Palestinian political prisoners!
Boycott Israel!
Defend the right to defend Palestine!
Bring flags, banners, placards, whistles, stalls and megaphones. Open megaphone for all to use.
For more info visit on Palestinian prisoners visit
For more information on cases underway in Glasgow visit
Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
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