On the occasion of the 40th commemoration of Land Day, Fronte Palestina in Italy will be hosting a series of events, focusing on the Intifada developing since October 2015, the Palestinian struggle for freedom against Zionist colonialism, and the struggle for the liberation of Palestinian prisoners.
The events will feature Ayman Hajj Yahya, from occupied Palestine ’48, vice-secretary of the Kefah movement and a former prisoner in Israeli jails.
The events are scheduled as follows:
Turin, Italy
Sunday, 3 April
10:30 am
Corso Vigevano 33
Milan, Italy
Monday, 4 April
9:00 pm
Calusca City Light
Via Concheta 18, Milan
Padua, Italy
Tuesday, 5 April
6:00 pm
Mensa Marzolo Occupata
Via Marzolo 4, Padua
Parma, Italy
Wednesday, 6 April
9:00 pm
Infopoint Barricate
Palazzo Stimmatini P.le San Giacomo 7
Florence, Italy
Thursday, 7 April
10:00 pm
Cantiere Sociale Camilo Cienfuegos
Via Chiella 4, Campi Bisenzio
Rome, Italy
Friday, 8 April
7:00 pm
Villaggio Globale – Lungotevere Testaccio, Roma
Parma, Italy – Event and Location TBA.
Flyers below: