14 April, Sheffield: Solidarity Rally for Palestinians in Gaza

Saturday, 14 April
12:00 pm
Sheffield Town Hall
Sheffield, UK
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1933925190251425/permalink/1937034399940504/?ref=1&action_history=null

Since the launch of #GreatReturnMarch, 29 defenceless protesters were shot dead by Israeli snipers in Gaza. The march will continue until May 15, the 70th anniversary of Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe), which marks the destruction of historic Palestine and the ethnic cleansing of its people. Israel celebrate the same event as its ‘war of independence’ while Palestinians experience an ongoing process of ethnic cleansing and other forms of colonial oppression ever since.

Despite the Israeli brutal repression of the Great March of Return, Gaza’s refugee population, who make the majority, have decided to continue protesting to highlight their dehumanisation under Gaza siege and re-position their inalienable right of return at the forefront of their struggle. The past two Fridays were very bloody despite the condemnations that came from all corners of the world. With Israel’s continuing international impunity, this coming Friday might be even bloodier. Therefore, we will continue protesting.

Join Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign this Saturday April 14th, at 12 noon in front of Sheffield Town Hall to stand in solidarity with the families of 29 protestors killed in cold blood. Let’s together call for an end to the bloodshed, an end to the siege on Gaza, an end to the occupation and an arms embargo now between the UK and Israel. #StopArmingIsrael

If you haven’t signed the petition calling for an arms embargo on Israel, please do and share widely: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/216561

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