13 November, Berlin: Prof. Richard Falk on Confronting Israeli Apartheid

Tuesday, 13 November
7:30 pm
Franz-Mehring-Platz 1
Berlin, Germany
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/584706928633533/

*Note: The location was not announced previously in order to protect the event.

Photo: Iran Review

The #Humboldt3 host Prof. Richard Falk – world-renowned legal scholar, Princeton University professor, and co-author of the UN report on Israeli #apartheid – for a discussion on Israeli crimes against humanity and the legal-moral imperative to oppose it.

Prof. Falk endorses the Humboldt3 who will be facing trial in Berlin in March 2019 for peacefully protesting Israeli parliament member Aliza Lavie’s talk at Humboldt University. The three human rights activists – two Israeli-Jewish citizens and a Palestinian from the open-air prison of Gaza – confronted Lavie for her role as a representative of a criminal apartheid regime and her personal responsibility for the 2014 war on Gaza.

Following the protest, a media frenzy ensued which involved slander and false accusations against the activists. The Berlin Intelligence Agency reproduced the fictitious narrative and now they are facing trial for two counts of criminal offense. While the German prosecution is interested in criminalizing their dissenting voices, the three will be taking on the State of Israel in front of the German courts.

Please join us on Tuesday and take part in the discussion. The event will be carried out in ENGLISH but if you require translation into any other language please contact us and we’ll do our best to accommodate.
Not all views are legitimate but all are welcome to participate!

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