Thursday, 21 March
6:30 pm
University of Toronto
University College – Room 52
Toronto, ON

We are currently living in an unprecedented stage of capitalist imperialism. This is despite, or in fact, because of the decline of the unipolar world power (the US) and the rise of a multipolar one. The monstrosity of this imperialist stage has crossed all human, ethical and international legal conventions. In addition to targeting Venezuela, Palestine is at the core of imperialist intervention in the Middle East, as Dr. Nahla Abdo’s keynote address will explore.
Dr. Nahla Abdo is an Arab Canadian feminist, political activist and Professor of Sociology at Carleton University. She has extensive publications on anti-colonial, anti-imperialist feminism, racism, nationalism and the Settler Colonial State, with specialization in the Middle East. Among her recent publications: An Oral History of the Palestinians during the Nakba. (2018- with Nur Masalha); Captive Revolution: Palestinian Women’s Anti-Colonial Struggle (2014) –this book received the Times Higher Education Book of 2014; Women in Israel: Race, Gender, and Citizenship (2011); Violence in the Name of Honour: Theoretical and Political Challenges, (2004 – with Shahrzad Mojab) and, Women and the Politics of Military Confrontation: Palestinian and Israeli Gendered Narratives of Dislocation,(with Ronit Lentin 2002).
Israeli Apartheid Week 2019: Stop Arming Colonialism
University of Toronto, March 19th – March 27th
#IsraeliApartheidWeek #StopArmingColonialism
Tues 19 Mar @ 6:30pm – Dr. Ruba Salih: De-colonial and intersectional alliances in the Palestinian struggle for justice with No One Is Illegal @ University College Rm 144
Tues 26 Mar @ 7pm – Film Screening: A Stone’s Throw from Prison @ Lash Miller Rm 158
Wed 27 Mar @ 6:30pm – Wala3at Indigenous Interactive Musical Dance Performance opened by Sto: Loh Elder Lee Maracle @ Multi-Faith Centre, Main Activity Hall
[email protected] / [email protected] / / UofT Divest FB / SAIA FB
First launched in Toronto in 2005, Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) has grown to become one of the most important global events in the Palestine solidarity calendar. This year, IAW will take place in more than 150 cities across the globe. This year’s IAW is an international series of events that aims to raise awareness of Israel’s apartheid regime over the Palestinian people and build support for the growing global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement. IAW 2019 at UofT is a collaborative effort of the UofT Graduate Student Union BDS Committee, the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3902 BDS Committee, No One Is Illegal, UofT’s Ontario Public Interest Research Group, UofT’s Students Against Israeli Apartheid, UofT’s Independent Jewish Voices, Faculty for Palestine and the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid. JOIN US on March 19 to 27th, as we continue to build momentum on campus for the main BDS campaign at UofT that calls on the University of Toronto administration to divest from companies which are directly complicit in the violation of Palestinian human rights, and that profit from the illegal occupation of Palestinian land and the construction of the Apartheid Wall. These companies include Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin and Hewlett Packard — all of which help maintain the Israeli apartheid military infrastructure.
This year’s theme, Stop Arming Colonialism, highlights that ending the arms trade, military aid and cooperation with Israel will undercut financial and military support for its regime of apartheid. It is also an important platform for building the campaign for a military embargo on Israel. The demand for a military embargo on Israel has been reinforced by Israel’s recent violent repression of the Great March of Return in Gaza. Israel is able to maintain its illegal occupation and apartheid regime over Palestinians partly due to its arms sales and the military support it receives from governments across the world. The United States alone is the single largest supplier of arms and military aid to Israel, followed by several European states. These directly sustain Israel’s oppression and human rights violations. In the Global South, Israel has been known to supply weapons to genocidal regimes in Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and elsewhere.
We thank our generous sponsors and endorsers. IAW 2019 would not be possible without the support of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 1281 and the Association of Part-time Students Association (APUS), CUPE 3903 (UofT), We Are UofT 89.5 FM, Salaam Canada, No More Silence, The Socialist Project, OPIRG UofT, Upping the Anti, Jamhoor, Canadian Friends of Sabeel and Actions4Palestine (A4P).
Please check our Facebook for an updated list of our endorsers.
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