31 May, Copenhagen: Protest against German repression against the BDS movement

Friday, 31 May
11:00 am
Copenhagen – German Embassy
Copenhagen, Denmark
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/336217810605411/

Demonstration in protest against the German Bundestag’s condemnation of the BDS movement, the campaign to boycott Israel.

We will meet at Nordhavn station at 10:30 am and then go to the embassy

Stop the false allegations of anti-Semitism against BDS by the Bundestag!

Stop attacks on the freedom to boycott Israel! Free Palestine! Boycotting Israel is not anti-Semitism!

On 17 May, the German Bundestag adopted a resolution accusing BDS – to which the Boykot Israel campaign is affiliated – of anti-Semitism. BDS is not based on religion or ethnicity and does not target Jews. BDS is aimed at the apartheid state of Israel and its crimes against the Palestinians.

Follow this video to see the debate in the German Bundestag and BDS comments. It is shocking the monstrous allegations these parties make against BDS:


Organizer: Boykot Israel Campaign

Demonstration i protest mod den tyske Forbundsdags Kriminalisering af Boykot Israel-bevægelsen BDS

(vi mødes ved Nordhavn station kl. 10.30 og går samlet til ambassaden)

Stop Forbundsdagens falske beskyldninger mod BDS for antisemitisme!

Stop angreb på Boykot Israel-aktivisters ytringsfrihed!

Frit Palæstina!

Boykot af Israel er ikke antisemitisme!

Den tyske Forbundsdag har den 17/5 vedtaget en resolution hvor BDS – som Boykot Israel Kampagnen er tilsluttet – anklages for antisemitisme. Men BDS er ikke baseret på religion eller etnicitet og er ikke rettet mod jøder. BDS er rettet mod apartheidstaten Israel og dens forbrydelser mod palæstinenserne.

Følg i denne video (se linket) debatten i den tyske Forbundsdag og BDS’s kommentarer. Det er chokerende hvilke uhyrlige anklager de forskellige partier retter mod BDS.

Arrangør: Boykot Israel Kampagnen

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