Saturday, 16 November
4:00 pm
Berlin, Germany
Palästina Spricht Koalition, other Palestinian solidarity groups and activists invite you for a demo for Gaza which will take place in Hermannplaz, Saturday at 4pm.
تحالف فلسطين بتحكي والمجموعات المتضامنه مع الشعب الفلسطيني والنشطاء الأحرار في برلين يدعوكم الي مسيرة الحرية والعداله والكرامه, مسيرة غزة الصامدة في وجه الطغيان والاستعمار الاسرائيلي.
Please bring your Kufiya, Signs and Palestinian flags.
الرجاء احضار الأعلام الفلسطينيه والشعارات والكوفيات من أجل فلسطين.
Two-day Israeli onslaught leaves 34 Palestinians dead, including eight members of the same family who died in their home and wounded 111, including 46 children and 20 women. According to the Ministry of Health.
We will be protesting for our beloved people of Gaza who are living inside an open-air prison for decades and has no access to dignified life because of the severe Israeli restrictions on movement, goods, medicine, and others, in addition to the seasonal massacres and war crimes committed. We will not be silent and we will continue to march for the freedom, dignity, equality and justice of the Palestinian people from the river to the sea and beyond. We will continue to remember every massacre which was committed by the Israeli terror machine until justice is prevail.
We are marching for Gaza because we care and love Gaza, because we know what Israel is doing in Gaza and in the Great Return March, because the freedom of us or anyone is incomplete without the freedom of those imprisoned in Gaza.
We demand the German government to stop its complicity with the Israeli government, stop military trade and aid to the Israeli occupation army, and we demand them to completely end the Gaza Blockade and the Israeli Apartheid.
Liebe Freunde,
Ein weiteres Mal wird der Gazastreifen angegriffen, um vom politischen Versagen der Faschisten in der israelischen Regierung abzulenken.
Ein weiteres Mal werden Menschenrechte mit Füßen getreten und die Zivilbevölkerung des Gazastreifens bezahlt dafür mit ihrem Blut und ihrem Leben.
Ganze Familien existieren bereits nicht mehr durch die barbarische Bombardierung der Zivilbevölkerung.
Wir möchten unsere Stimme gegen diese unfassbare Ungerechtigkeit erheben.
Seid bitte dabei, am Samstag dem 16/11/2019 um 16 Uhr am Hermannplatz.
Organisiert durch einen Zusammenschluss Palästina-solidarischer Gruppen und Aktivist*innen.
Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
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