Week of Palestinian Struggle: Webinar Library of Events for #Nakba72 and more

During the Week of Palestinian Struggle, 15-22 May 2020, many different organizations held events, actions and webinars to highlight the Palestinian struggle, 72 years of Nakba and 72 years of resistance. Below, we are presenting an archive of webinars and online events presented during the week.

Please note, the vast majority of these webinars and events were organized independently by a wide range of groups. The groups that organized each event are noted, and these videos are hosted at the organizers’ YouTube, Facebook and other pages. We encourage you to visit these organizations’ pages for more information about their activities!

Videos are in English unless otherwise noted. This page is not complete! To add your event to this page, email samidoun@samidoun.net.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network webinars (English):

Liberate Palestine – From the River to the Sea with Khaled Barakat
Saturday, 16 May

Watch the video:

Palestinian Prisoners’ Families: Collective Punishment, Steadfastness and Resistance with Basil Farraj
Thursday, 21 May

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Samidoun Network webinars (Arabic):

“They can demolish our homes, but never break our will,” with Dr Widad Barghouthi (Arabic)
Thursday, 14 May

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Palestinian Organizing in Diaspora and the Revolutionary Alternative (Arabic)
Sunday, 17 May

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Art, Culture and Resistance in Palestinian Struggle (Arabic)
Saturday, 23 May

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Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition (English):

72 Years of Nakba, Marching Toward Return: Online Rally for Palestine (with participation by Mohammed Khatib, Samidoun)
Sunday, 17 May

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International League of Peoples’ Struggle Canada (English)

LENINFEST: National Oppression and National Liberation with Chandu Claver and Khaled Barakat
Tuesday, 19 May

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Palestinian Youth Movement

Nakba To Return: The Ongoing Struggle for Palestinian Liberation
Saturday, 16 May

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And more….

Wednesday, 13 May

Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Israel’s Annexation Plan, with Diana Buttu

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Thursday, 14 May

US Palestinian Community Network

Rasmea Odeh and George Khoury on the Nakba and Return: Discussion with Suzanne Adely

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Spanish Revolution

Jewish Voices for Palestine: Against racism, apartheid and Zionism (Spanish)

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Friday, 15 May

Coalition for Civil Freedoms

The Holy Land Five & COVID-19: A Conversation with their Sons and Daughters

Watch the Video:

EuroPal Forum

Webinar on #Nakba72 with Hatem Bazian, Ilan Pappe, Yousef Jabareen, Salman Abu Sitta

Watch the Video:

Palestine Solidarity Campaign, BDS Movement, Jewish Voice for Peace, South Africa BDS Coalition

Nakba Rally 2020 #SpreadSolidarity

Watch the Video:

The Red Nation, AROC, Center for Political Education

Palestine and the Blockade of Gaza

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American Muslims for Palestine

Never Forgotten: 72 Years of Resilience

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Palestinian Action Committee in Austria

Commemoration of 72 Years of Nakba (Arabic and German)

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Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista


Watch the video:

Saturday, 16 May

Australia Palestine Advocacy Network

Palestinian Nakba 2020: Virtual Commemoration

Watch the Video:

Friends of Sabeel North America

Commemorate by Resisting: The Nakba and Indigenous Struggles.

Watch the Video:

Palestinian Canadian Community Center

#Nakba72 Rally: Lift the Siege of Gaza

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Mobilization for Justice

The Palestine Question with Ramzy Baroud, Ghada Ageel and Seyed Marandi

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Alkarama – Palestinian Women’s Movement

El Deporte Como Resistencia (Spanish)

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Sunday, 17 May

Al-Quds Toronto

Al-Quds Day Virtual Rally

Watch the Video:

Monday, 18 May

Toronto Palestine Film Festival

Q&A with 1948: Creation and Catastrophe Directors Ahlam Muhtaseb and Andy Trimlett

Watch the Video:


Nakba Palestina: colonialismo, resistencia y derecho al retorno (Spanish)

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Tuesday, 19 May

AMED Studies at SFSU

Honoring Malcolm X & Elombe Brath:Black Solidarity with Palestine

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Unite the Union and Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Unite in Solidarity with Palestine

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Wednesday, 20 May

American Muslims for Palestine – NJ and Palestinian American Community Center

HR 2407: Human Rights for Palestinian Children

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Thursday, 21 May

European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine

Stop Settlements, on the Road to Justice

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Friday, 22 May

Coalition for Civil Freedoms

Israel’s Interference in the U.S. Criminal Justice System, with Miko Peled and Sami al-Arian

Watch the Video:

Islamic Human Rights Commission

Al-Quds Day 2020 #FlyTheFlag

Watch the Video:

Voice of Oppressed

Al-Quds Day Calgary

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