28 August, Online Event: Academic Freedom in Palestine: A Conversation with Imad Barghouthi

Saturday, August 28
9 am Pacific, 12 pm Eastern, 7 pm Palestine time
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsdeGgqT8iGtTXTYZuJtkzslCT6uCYnQL3/success?user_id=yY-fvGcSR2yih1ENdAPYIg&timezone_id=Asia%2FJerusalem
Facebook Event: https://fb.me/e/NZxjjkl0

Event organized by Scientists for Palestine

Join Scientists for Palestine, as we speak directly to Imad Barghouthi, renowned Palestinian astrophysicist, father of five and Professor of Plasma Physics at Al Quds university (West Bank) !

Prof. Imad Barghouthi was recently released after nearly a year of administrative detention. After his arrest on July 22nd 2020, he was held in jail for several weeks without charges.

After already spending many weeks in administrative detention, he was eventually charged on the basis of his Facebook posts. Prof. Barghouthi then spent the next several months in administrative detention, away from his students and family, awaiting trial.

Prof. Barghouthi’s arrest came at great cost to him personally, and academically. Happening mere weeks before the semester started, many students were left without a teacher and/or mentor.

Scientists for Palestine’s international campaign demanding Prof. Barghouthi’s release was joined by thousands of scholars worldwide, including Nobel laureates and Fields medalists.

Scientists for Palestine now has the privilege of hosting Prof. Barghouthi’s first interview after his finally being freed. Join us to hear first hand about what it is like to be a professor in Palestine, the infringements of the Israeli occupation on academic freedom and the enduring determination of Palestinian academics to overcome them.

Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

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