Video: Palestine Solidarity and the Boycott Movement: An Inter-Generational Dialogue

Watch the full video (above) of  “Palestine Solidarity and the Boycott Movement: An Inter-Generational Dialogue,” organized by the Canada Palestine Association and BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish Territories on Tuesday, 3 August 2021. The online event was also supported by the Canadian BDS Coalition, Just Peace Advocates and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network.

The full event video is also available on Facebook:

The event aimed to provide a moderated, dynamic and inter-generational discussion of the history, current challenges and prospects for the Palestine solidarity movement in Canada.

Speakers: Hanna Kawas (Canada Palestine Association); Charlotte Kates (Samidoun); Bruce Katz (Palestinian and Jewish Unity); Moe Alqasem (Palestinian Youth Movement); Aiyanas Ormond (BDS Vancouver – Moderator)

To learn more about the organizations that sponsored or participated in the event, please visit our websites:

Canada Palestine Association:

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Palestinian and Jewish Unity

Palestinian Youth Movement

Canadian BDS Coalition

Just Peace Advocates

Here are a number of links recommended during the event:

The organizers encourage all interested activists to get involved with the organizations involved in organizing this event and others in your community! Samidoun in Canada has chapters in Toronto and Vancouver and an affiliate organization in Ottawa – we are also members of the Canadian BDS Coalition and welcome new individual and organizational members. Please reach out to if you would like to get involved.