20 January, London: Picket for Palestine – Free Palestinian Prisoners!

Thursday, 20 January
6:30 pm
458 Oxford Street, London
Info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CY6rnsZoSaa/

In response to the @samidounnetwork call for a week of action to free Ahmad Sa’adat and all Palestinian prisoners we will be picketing outside Marks & Spencers on Oxford Street.

Settler colonial state Israel continues to brutally occupy Palestine and incarcerate all those resisting the apartheid violence. Just yesterday a Palestinian family of 15 has been forcefully evicted and had to witness their house razed to the ground by the racist Israeli police in Sheikh Jarrah, the neighbourhood, which was the centre of resistance last year against Zionist occupation, that triggered solidarity actions internationally.

Join us at the protest tomorrow in central London outside Marks & Spencer Oxford Street in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Bring placards, flags, banners, whistles and pots & pans.

Free Ahmad Sa’adat
Free all Palestinian political prisoners
Zionism is racism!
End the occupation of Palestine!
Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!
Victory to the Intifada!