29 April, Turin: Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners

Saturday, 29 April
4:00 pm
Presidio in Piazza Castello
Torino, Italy

On Monday, 17 April, 1600 Palestinian prisoners launched a hunger strike. This initiative has taken on a major significance in the struggle for justice for the prisoners. The struggle, named the “Strike of Freedom and dignity,” has prompted a rebid reaction in Israel, which has transferred, isolated and attacked the strikers, confiscating their personal belongings and throwing leaders into solitary confinement while barring legal and family visits.

Join the protest in solidarity. Organized by BDS Torino, Centro Studi Sereno Regis, Donne in Nero, Ebrei Contro l’Occupazione, Invicta Palestina, Assopace Rivoli, Progetto Palestina, Tempi di Fraternita, Pax Christi Campagna Ponti Non Muri, Comitato di Solidarita col Popolo Palestinese

Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

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