The appeal below was issued by the Unitary Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah.
Because Georges Abdallah is an Arab resistance fighter, a Lebanese communist who fought against the invasion of his country, Lebanon, by the troops of the Zionist occupier, and because resistance is a right!
Because Georges Abdallah is a fighter for the just cause of national liberation of the Palestinian people, he has never denied his fight for a free Palestine from the river to the sea, and because Palestine will live, Palestine will win!
Because Georges Abdallah is a political prisoner, held hostage to the imperialist-Zionist policy of imprisonment or liquidation of the strugglers of the Palestinian cause and more generally of the revolutionaries, and because the revolutionary political prisoners are the torches of the resistance.
Because Georges Abdallah is our comrade and we recognize ourselves fully in his unfailing revolutionary internationalist commitment to the end of colonialism throughout the world, for the end of capitalism and exploitation, and in support of the peoples’ struggle against all forms of oppression.
Because Georges Abdallah – a whole life of struggle for justice – combines in himself all the struggles of the anti-Zionist, anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, anti-fascist resistance and against the reactionary Arab States, and that today, strong in this political line with clear contours and without any concession on his principles, we refuse the trappings of their imperialist wars and their strategy of chaos: their wars, our dead!
We refuse the frantic race of their moribund capitalist system and all its barbarism: capital is waging war on us! War on capital! We refuse all forms of their fascism, which has entered the country head-on and distilled intravenously into the media: fascism – “is not the opposite of democracy but its evolution in times of crisis (Brecht) – it’s gangrene: you amputate it or you die of it! We urge war on their class war, by the people, for the people, for the peoples.
Because Georges Abdallah is no longer just a symbol for revolutionaries around the world but a universally recognized symbol of resistance whose release everyone demands in the name of the just and legitimate right to revolt and resist.
Because Georges Abdallah – one of the longest-held political prisoners in Europe, detained in France since 1984 – does not surrender, faces his 38 years of detention and remains standing in the face of the prison hell that is the “little eternity of life imprisonment”; because he has been eligible for release for 23 years and must be released!
Because since the end of 2012, when French justice gave, for the second time, a favorable opinion on the release of Georges Abdallah, no Minister of the Interior, since then, has agreed to sign the decree of expulsion allowing his release when Lebanon is now ready to welcome him; because he must sign!
Because on February 10, the Paris administrative court rejected the request filed by Georges Abdallah’s lawyer to enjoin the current French Interior Minister, Gérard Darmanin, to sign this decree and because Darmanin will not do so!
Because the refusal by the French State to release Georges Abdallah is indeed a political decision, and the fight for his release must, therefore, mainly be fought on the ground of the political balance of power so that his incarceration begins to outweigh the political threats inherent in his release.
Because on the ground of the struggle, everywhere in France and internationally, the mobilization to highlight the situation and the fight of Georges Abdallah and to demand his release, continues to grow but it is imperative to develop this movement, and because it is together and only together, in the diversity of our expressions, that we will win!
Because, Georges Abdallah, your comrades are here!
We call on all the forces involved in the release of Georges Abdallah to make April 2, 2022 – the birthday of our comrade – the international day for the release of Georges Abdallah. That a thousand initiatives, that day, flourish everywhere in France and internationally to make visible, by this new high point of coordinated struggles, the demand for the liberation of our comrade. From Albertville to Aubagne, from Bordeaux to Grenay, from Grenoble to Lille, from Lyon to Marseille, from Montpellier to Nanterre, from Nîmes to Paris, from Pau to Saint-Denis, from Saint-Etienne to Tarbes, from Toulouse to Ajaccio, from Finistère to Gers, from Lot-et-Garonne to Pas-de-Calais, from Poitou-Charentes to Puy-de-Dôme, from Algeria to Germany, from Ireland to Argentina, from Belgium in Brazil, from Canada to Spain, from Greece to India, from Italy to Lebanon, from Morocco to occupied Palestine, from Peru to Turkey via Tunisia, everywhere in France and in the world, on this 2 April 2022,
General mobilization! Such is the cry, at a time when all antagonisms enter into direct confrontation, thrown into all the barracks, on all the TV sets, in all the hemispheres, and taken up in chorus by all the dupes of 8 p.m. on all the places of Europe – their cry of general mobilization for their dirty war of their repartition of the world. General mobilization! This is the cry that we must make heard with one voice: Our determination to resist which inevitably involves the release of our comrade.
“Solidarity, inscribed in the dynamics of ongoing struggles, is a weapon that breaks the chains of isolation behind the abominable walls and allows incarcerated comrades to transcend their conditions of detention to effectively join the movement as revolutionary protagonists operating under their special conditions”. (Georges Abdallah)
Because Georges Abdallah is Georges Abdallah, general mobilization for his release, for victory or victory!
Solidarity is our weapon! Freedom for Georges Abdallah!
For a new great leap forward! Let’s amplify, coordinate and intensify the mobilization for the release of Georges Abdallah!
One, two, three, a thousand initiatives, on April 2, 2022, for the international day for the release of Georges Abdallah!
Paris, 11 March 2022
United Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Abdallah
Discover more from Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
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