Palestinian, Arab and international forces expressed their support for imprisoned Palestinian leader Khalida Jarrar, demanding her freedom.

In Ottawa, the capital of Canada, a protest will be held on April 14 – the day of Jarrar’s rescheduled administrative detention confirmation hearing – calling for her release and that of all Palestinian prisoners.

Amnesty International, the large global human rights organization, also issued an urgent appeal for action on Jarrar’s case. (full Amnesty appeal).

In Belgium, Intal: Globalize Solidarity has called for action around Khalida Jarrar’s case:

“There is a global call from Palestinian parties to build international pressure for her release and that of many other Palestinian prisoners. You can take individual action by signing a petition and / or writing a letter to Benjamin Netanyahu. The most powerful form of action is to work collectively, which you can do by working together with Intal to pressure local politicians to increase general awareness about this matter, and to strengthen the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions campaign.”

In France, Ensemble!, a movement that is part of the Fronte de Gauche (Left Front), issued a statement in support of Jarrar:

“Ensemble! movement, member of the Left Front, called for everything to be done to ensure her immediate release and that of other Palestinian legislators currently imprisoned.”

The Union of Young Communists of France also called for Jarrar’s freedom, citing the case of Salah Hamouri:

“The Israeli government, through its Army, leads a major psychological war on Palestinians – what are the impacts on a child’s life when he has to go through a checkpoint to go to school? on the lives of families who are prohibited from free movement? and many other absurd and harmful daily realities. Our friend and comrade Salah Hamouri, after spending 7 years in prison, today faces a military order in East Jerusalem forbidding him from going to his university, for example. The objective is therefore to suppress the Palestinian resistance through these attacks on people in their daily lives, along with the attacks on the leaders who fight for peace and freedom in Palestine.”

Agence Media Palestine, also in France, has issued a French-language call to action for Khalida Jarrar as well. (Click here for the action callThe BDS Campaign in the Spanish state has also issued a Spanish-language call to action for Khalida Jarrar. (Click here for the Spanish call.)

In Sweden, Proletären newspaper, who previously interviewed Jarrar, published a call for action:.

“An important aspect of solidarity with Khalida Jarrar, other prisoners and with the Palestinian people as a whole is to work for a total boycott of Israel. This was also something that Khalida Jarrar highlighted when she was interviewed by Proletären last December: ‘The boycott movement is very important. It is a popular way to put pressure on the occupying power, to make it aware that people around the world know that it is an apartheid system.’

In solidarity with Khalida Jarrar and the Palestinian people’s struggle, we call to:

• Free Khalida Jarrar!
• Boycott Israel!”

In New Zealand, Redline published an action call for Khalida Jarrar and all Palestinian prisoners:

“In New Zealand, we need to expose the repression on the West Bank and demand the release of Khalida Jarrar, Ahmad Sa’adat and all the other Palestinian political prisoners.  We need to expose the use of ‘administrative detention’ – ie internment without trial – that is a common practice of the Israeli state.  And we need to organise solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation.”

In Argentina, the Marxist-Leninist Revolutionary Party issued a statement of support for Jarrar:

“The PRML (Revolutionary Marxist Leninist Party) condemns the abduction and subsequent arrest of Khalida Jarrar Palestinian leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, parliamentary and human rights activist, produced by a command repressive Israeli forces stormed his house West Bank at dawn on April 2. Has issued an administrative detention of six months imprisonment without charge or trial; This resource is outside the slightest guarantee as standard is maintained and executed since the days of empire English. It adds to the systematic policy of social and political repression in the Palestinian street protest against any exercise and deepens with kidnappings, deportations, targeted killings, torture, murder and permanent imprisonment.

Hundreds of organizations, personalities and parties in Palestine itself and around the world are demanding the immediate release of Khalida .Jarrar. She is now one of the nine members of the Palestinian Legislative Council held without charge or trial under administrative detention orders.

Administrative detention is imprisonment of Palestinians without charge or trial, and on the basis of secret evidence for periods of up to six months, renewable indefinitely by Israeli military courts.

The PRML, adds to this order and opens the events of 10 and 11 April next in the city of Buenos Aires on the occasion of our 50th anniversary to be a forum for reporting, support and call in defense of political prisoners Palestinians .

Immediate Freedom to Khalida Jarrar !!
Freedom to Ahmad Sada’at and all Palestinian prisoners !! End of security cooperation between the “Palestinian Authority” and the repressive forces of the Israeli terrorist state !!
Viva la resistance! For a Free Palestine, Popular and Democratic !!
PRML 05.05.15 Marxist Leninist Revolutionary Party Argentina”

In Portugal, the MPPM (Movimiento pelos direitos do povo palestino e pelo paz de medio oriente), issued a statement demanding the immediate liberation of Jarrar.

Egypt’s General Federation of Egyptian Women called for the immediate freedom of Jarrar, saying:

“The brutal behavior of the occupation forces is a continuation of the siege on Palestinian women, especially leaders like the struggler Khalida, who has been leading popular and women’s movements against the occupation since the 1980s, and who has been active among Palestinian, Arab and international women’s movements.”

In Nablus, the Solidarity Movement for a Free Palestine joined with the General Union of Palestinian Women to protest for Khalida’s freedom:

“SFP joins the call for international support for the release of Khalida and all Palestinian prisoners, particularly administrative detainees interned by Apartheid Israel. Please sign and share the petition and take action in your State, to call for the release of Khalida and the other prisoners.”



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